This bundle contains Amazon Fire TV Stick Lite and Mission USB Power Cable. The USB power cable eliminates the need to find an AC outlet near your TV by powering Amazon Fire TV directly from your TV's USB port. Includes special power management circuitry that enhances the peak power capability of the USB port by storing excess energy and then releasing it as needed.
Check it out on →The table OIB01 (Conversion Group) is a standard table in SAP ERP. It belongs to the package OIL.
Table | OIB01 |
Short Text | Conversion Group |
Package | OIL |
Table Type | Transparent Table |
Field Name | Key | Description | Data Element | Type | Length | Check Table |
MANDT | ✔ | Client | MANDT | CLNT | 3 | T000 |
UMRSL | ✔ | Conversion Group (Oil, Natural Gas,..) | OIB_UMRSL | CHAR | 4 | |
PDTYP | Oil product type | OIB_PDTYP | CHAR | 1 | ||
BSTMP | Oil/gas standard/base temperature | OIB_BSTMP | FLTP | 16 | ||
BSTEH | Oil/gas standard/base temperature unit | OIB_BSTEH | UNIT | 3 | T006 | |
WQTYL | Lower warning tolerance limit for manual entries (in %) | OIB_WQTYL | FLTP | 16 | ||
WQTYH | Upper warning tolerance limit for manual entries (in %) | OIB_WQTYH | FLTP | 16 | ||
EQTYL | Lower Tolerance Limit for Manual Quantity Entries (in %) | OIB_EQTYL | FLTP | 16 | ||
EQTYH | Upper Tolerance Limit for Manual Quantity Entries (in %) | OIB_EQTYH | FLTP | 16 | ||
DNTYP | Density Type | OIB_DNTYP | CHAR | 1 | ||
VCFLN | Volume correction factor | OIB_VCFLN | CHAR | 1 | ||
MCFI | Meter correction factor indicator | OIB_MCFI | CHAR | 1 | ||
PDCL | Oil/Gas product conversion class | OIB_PDCL | CHAR | 2 | ||
HVTYP | Heating value type | OIB_HVTYP | CHAR | 2 | ||
BPRESH | Natural Gas Base Pressure for Combustion (Heating Value) | OIB_BPRESH | FLTP | 16 | ||
BPRESHEH | Natural gas std/base press.: combustion (heat. value): unit | OIB_BPRESHEH | UNIT | 3 | T006 | |
BSTMPH | Natural Gas Base Temperature of Combustion (Heating Value) | OIB_BSTMPH | FLTP | 16 | ||
BSTMPHEH | Natural gas std/base temp.: combustion (heat. value): unit | OIB_BSTMPHEH | UNIT | 3 | T006 | |
EXT_PROG_VERSION | Supported version of external routines | OIB_EXT_VERSION | CHAR | 1 | ||
BPRESV | Oil/gas standard/base pressure:metering (volume, density) | OIB_BPRESV | FLTP | 16 | ||
BPRESVEH | Oil/gas standard/base pres.:metering (volume, density): unit | OIB_BPRESVEH | UNIT | 3 | T006 | |
BTMPVP | Oil/gas standard/base temperature (vapor pressure) | OIB_BTMPVP | FLTP | 16 | ||
BTMPVPEH | Oil/gas standard/base temperature unit (vapor pressure) | OIB_BTMPVPEH | UNIT | 3 | T006 | |
CHGS | Conversion handling for gases | OIB_CHGS | CHAR | 1 | ||
CHLQ | Conversion handling for liquid products | OIB_CHLQ | CHAR | 1 | ||
EXTDNUNIT | Unit for densities of petroleum products and natural gas | OIB_DNEH | UNIT | 3 | T006 | |
EXTHVUNIT | Heating value unit | OIB_HVEH | UNIT | 3 | T006 | |
EXTIND | External functions ind. (API c-codes, etc.) | OIB_EXTIND | CHAR | 1 | ||
VCFLN_LPG | Volume correction factor LPG | OIB_VCFLN_LPG | CHAR | 1 | ||
BSDNEH | Base density unit (at standard reference conditions) | OIB_BSDNEH | UNIT | 3 | T006 | |
BSHVEH | Base heating value unit (at standard reference conditions) | OIB_BSHVEH | UNIT | 3 | T006 | |
TDTHV | Test density/test heating value - parameter handling | OIB_TDTHV | CHAR | 1 | ||
BDBHV | Base density / base heating value parameter handling | OIB_BDBHV | CHAR | 1 | ||
AROMATICS | Industrial aromatic hydrocarbons: Type | OIB_AROMATICS | CHAR | 2 | ||
BHVCLS | Heating value class (calorific value class) | OIB_HVCLS | CHAR | 2 | ||
IDGAS | Indicator for SAP natural gas routine (ideal/real gas) | OIB_IDGAS | CHAR | 1 | ||
RFC_RELEASE | Release indicator for external (RFC) calls to QCI | OIB_RELEASE | CHAR | 1 |