

Verwaltungssätze für BV-DEÜV-Meldungen

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The table P01BM_STAT (Verwaltungssätze für BV-DEÜV-Meldungen) is a standard table in SAP ERP. It belongs to the package P01S.

Technical Information

Table P01BM_STAT
Short Text Verwaltungssätze für BV-DEÜV-Meldungen
Package P01S
Table Type Transparent Table

Fields for Table P01BM_STAT

Field Name Key Description Data Element Type Length Check Table
GUID Unique Key for Identification of Notification P01_SVGUID CHAR 32
PERNR DEUEV: Personnel Number D3PERNR NUMC 8
JAHR DEUEV Notification Year D3JAHR NUMC 4
MNR DEUEV Notification Number D3MNR NUMC 4
MDTYP Category of a DEUEV Notification (Professionals Insurance) P01_SV_BM_MLDTYP NUMC 1
STATUS Status Indicator of PPO DEUEV Notifications P01_BMSTATUS CHAR 2
MZBEG DEUEV Start of Notification Period D3MZRBEG DATS 8
MZEND DEUEV End of Notification Period D3MZREND DATS 8
GRUND Submission Reason for DEUEV Notification D3GD NUMC 2
GUID_STORN GUID of Reversed Notification P01_GUIDSTORN CHAR 32
GUID_CNECT GUID of Linked Notification P01_GUIDCNECT CHAR 32
DATUM Creation/Change Date of Notification P01_SVDATUM DATS 8
UZEIT Creation/Change Time of a Notification P01_SVUZEIT TIMS 6
REPORT Program Name P01_SVREPID CHAR 40 *
WERKS Sender or Recipient of Notification (Personnel Area) P01_SVWERKS CHAR 4 *
BTRTL Sender or Recipient of Notification (Personnel Subarea) P01_SVBTRTL CHAR 4 *
KKART Type of Organizational Unit of Health Insurance Fund P01_KKART NUMC 2
BTRNR Company Number BNR_KEY CHAR 8
PABRP Payroll period for determining time period PNPPABRP NUMC 2
PABRJ Payroll year for determining time period PNPPABRJ NUMC 4
ADATUM Date of Evaluation P01_SVADATUM DATS 8
STORNMNR HR-DDU: Number of Reversed Notification D3STORNMNR NUMC 4
GDINT HR-DDU: Internal Reason for Deduction D3GDINT CHAR 2
D3TYP HR-DDU: Processing Type D3D3TYP NUMC 1
KZDMD HR-DEUEV: Indicator for Duplicate Notifications D3KENNZDMD CHAR 1