

SDOK: Assessable attributes dependent on document class

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The table SDOKCLPROP (SDOK: Assessable attributes dependent on document class) is a standard table in SAP ERP. It belongs to the package SDOK.

Technical Information

Short Text SDOK: Assessable attributes dependent on document class
Package SDOK
Table Type Transparent Table

Fields for Table SDOKCLPROP

Field Name Key Description Data Element Type Length Check Table
PROP_NAME Attribute of a document or a relationship SDOK_PROPN CHAR 25 SDOKPROP
X_OBLIGAT Attribute must be evaluated SDOK_PROBL CHAR 1
X_UNIQUE Attribute must be evaluated as a unique attribute SDOK_PRUNQ CHAR 1
X_MAINTAIN Attribute can be displayed to end users for maintenance SDOK_PRMNT CHAR 1
X_HIDDEN Attribute should not be displayed to end users SDOK_PRHID CHAR 1
X_FOREIGN Attribute belongs to another object SDOK_PRFOR CHAR 1
X_CLIENT Attribute transferred to PC (at checkout) SDOK_PRCLT CHAR 1
ATTRFLDPOS Position number of header attribute field SDOK_ATPOS NUMC 2
SEL_OPTION Relational operator for context-specific document selection SDOK_SLOPT CHAR 2
X_CONTEXT Attribute is context relevant SDOK_PRCTX CHAR 1
GROUPING Grouping attributes SDOK_GROUP CHAR 3
SORTING Attributes sort quality SDOK_SORTQ CHAR 4
PROP01 Attribute feature (short version) SDOK_PRV_S CHAR 15
X_INDEX Attribute is index relevant SDOK_PRIDX CHAR 1
X_DYNAMIC Attribute is dynamic SDOK_PRDYN CHAR 1
X_CLASSIFY Attribute is Classification-Relevant SDOK_PRCLS CHAR 1