

Smart Styles: Character Formats

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The table STXSCHAR (Smart Styles: Character Formats) is a standard table in SAP ERP. It belongs to the package SMART.

Technical Information

Short Text Smart Styles: Character Formats
Package SMART
Table Type Transparent Table

Fields for Table STXSCHAR

Field Name Key Description Data Element Type Length Check Table
ACTIVE SApscript: Activation flag TDACTIVATE CHAR 1
STYLENAME SAP Smart Styles: Style name TDSSNAME CHAR 30 *
VARI Smart Forms: Variant TDVARIANT CHAR 8
TDSTRING Character string marker in forms and styles TDSTRING CHAR 2
TDMARK Character string attribute: marker TDMARK CHAR 1
TDSUPER Character string attribute: superscript TDSUPER CHAR 1
TDSUB Character string attribute: subscript TDSUB CHAR 1
TDSUDIST TDIC: space between base line and upper/lower value TDSUDIST DEC 5
TDSUDISTU TDIC: space base line to upper/lower value, unit of measur. TDSUDISTU CHAR 2
TDHIDDEN Character string attribute hidden TDHIDDEN CHAR 1
TDPROTLINE String attribute: line protection TDPROTLINE CHAR 1
TDBARCODE Name of an SAP bar code TDBARCODE CHAR 8 *
TDFAMILY Font attribute: Name of font family TDFAMILY CHAR 8 *
TDHEIGHT Font attribute: font size in 1/10 point TDFONTSIZE NUMC 3
TDBOLD Font attribute bold type TDBOLD CHAR 1
TDITALIC Font attribute italic TDITALIC CHAR 1
TDUNDERLIN Font attribute: underlined TDUNDERLIN CHAR 1
TDULPOS Spacing between base line and underline TDULPOS DEC 5
TDULPOSU Unit of measurement for underline spacing TDULPOSU CHAR 2
TDULTHICK Thickness of Underline TDULTHICK DEC 5
TDULTHICKU Unit of measurement for underline thickness TDULTHICKU CHAR 2
TDULGREY Intensity of underline in percent TDULGREY NUMC 3
RED Smart Forms: Color value TDSFCOLOR NUMC 3
GREEN Smart Forms: Color value TDSFCOLOR NUMC 3
BLUE Smart Forms: Color value TDSFCOLOR NUMC 3
TRANS Smart Forms: Color value TDSFCOLOR NUMC 3
USED SAP Smart Forms: General Indicator TDSFFLAG CHAR 1