SAP Table T077K

Vendor account groups

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The table T077K (Vendor account groups) is a standard table in SAP ERP. It belongs to the package FBZ.

Technical Information

Table T077K
Short Text Vendor account groups
Package FBZ
Table Type Transparent Table

Fields for Table T077K

Field Name Key Description Data Element Type Length Check Table
KTOKK Vendor account group KTOKK CHAR 4
FAUSA Vendor Master Record Field Status Def.for General Data FAUSA_077K CHAR 40
FAUSF Vendor master record field status def.for company code data FAUSF_077K CHAR 40
FAUSM Vendor Master Record Field Status Def.for Purchasing Fields FAUSM_077K CHAR 40
NUMKR Number range NUMKR CHAR 2
XCPDS Indicator: Account group for one-time accounts? XCPDS CHAR 1
FAUS1 Vendor Master Record Field Status Def.for General Data FAUSA_077K CHAR 40
FAUSW Field status bar, vendor master record, for IS-R data FAUSW_077K CHAR 40
FAUST Field status bar, vendor master record, for IS-R data FAUST_077K CHAR 40
LTSNA Indicator: vendor sub-range relevant LTSNA CHAR 1
WERKR Indicator: plant level relevant WERKR CHAR 1
PARGE Partner schema: purchasing organization level PARGR_E CHAR 4 TVPG
PARGT Partner schema, sub-range PARGR_T CHAR 4 TVPG
PARGW Partner schema: plant level PARGR_W CHAR 4 TVPG
DURAS Copy Default Values for Material from Vendor Master DURAS CHAR 1
KTOKD Default value for customer account group KTOKD_MM CHAR 4 T077D
FAUSG Vendor master record field status def.for company code data FAUSF_077K CHAR 40
FAUSN Vendor Master Record Field Status Def.for Purchasing Fields FAUSM_077K CHAR 40
FAUSX Field status bar, vendor master record, for IS-R data FAUSW_077K CHAR 40
FAUSU Field status bar, vendor master record, for IS-R data FAUST_077K CHAR 40
FAUS2 Vendor Master Record Field Status Def.for General Data FAUSA_077K CHAR 40