SAP Table T160S

Selection Parameters for Purchasing Lists

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The table T160S (Selection Parameters for Purchasing Lists) is a standard table in SAP ERP. It belongs to the package ME.

Technical Information

Table T160S
Short Text Selection Parameters for Purchasing Lists
Package ME
Table Type Pooled Table

Fields for Table T160S

Field Name Key Description Data Element Type Length Check Table
SELPA Selection parameter for purchasing lists SELPA CHAR 10
WE000 Comparison Operand for Quantity Delivered WE000 CHAR 2
WE00E Take "Inward Delivery Completed" Indicator Into Account SELIK CHAR 1
WE00S Indicator: Take GR Blocked Stock Into Account SSPER CHAR 1
WEBE0 Comparison Operand for Quantity Delivered WE000 CHAR 2
WEBEE Take "Inward Delivery Completed" Indicator Into Account SELIK CHAR 1
WEBES Indicator: Take GR Blocked Stock Into Account SSPER CHAR 1
WEBET Indicator: Take Underdelivery Tolerance Into Account SUNTO CHAR 1
WERE0 Comparison Operand for Quantity Delivered WE000 CHAR 2
WEREE Take "Inward Delivery Completed" Indicator Into Account SELIK CHAR 1
WERES Indicator: Take GR Blocked Stock Into Account SSPER CHAR 1
WERET Indicator: Take Underdelivery Tolerance Into Account SUNTO CHAR 1
WEREP Invoice Variance Tolerance REPRZ DEC 3
RE000 Comparison Operand to Invoice Receipt Quantity RE000 CHAR 2
REBE0 Comparison Operand to Invoice Receipt Quantity RE000 CHAR 2
REBEP Invoice Variance Tolerance REPRZ DEC 3
AN000 Comparison Operand to Down Payment Amount AN000 CHAR 2
WS000 Comparison Operand to GR Blocked Stock WS000 CHAR 2
SWEPO Provision for Goods Receipt SWEPO CHAR 1
SREPO Provision for Invoice Receipt SREPO CHAR 1
SLOEK Selection by deletion indicator SLOEK CHAR 1
ZWBW0 Comparison Operand for Target Value DZWBW0 CHAR 2
ZWBWT Tolerance for Comparison with Target Value DZWBWT DEC 3
ZMBM0 Comparison Operand for Target Quantity DZMBM0 CHAR 2
ZMBMT Tolerance for Comparison with Target Quantity DZMBMT DEC 3
LFZAB Validity period expired LFZAB CHAR 1
BM000 Comparison operand for released/scheduled quantity BM000 CHAR 2
ANGEB Selection quotation exists ANGEB CHAR 1
WA000 Comparison Operand Between Quantity Issued and 0 WA000 CHAR 2
WAWE0 Comparison Operand Between Quantity Issued and Qty Delivered WAWE0 CHAR 2
WABE0 Comparison Operand Between Quantity Issued and Qty Ordered WABE0 CHAR 2
AV000 Comparison Operand Between Notified Quantity and 0 AV000 CHAR 2
AVWE0 Comparison operand between notified and delivered quantity AVWE0 CHAR 2
AVBE0 Comparison operand between notified and ordered quantity AVBE0 CHAR 2
VARANZ Display variants VARANZDB CHAR 1
GW000 Comparison Operand Between Rough GR Quantity and Quantity 0 GW000 CHAR 2
GWWE0 Comparison Operand Between Rough GR Qty and Qty Delivered GWWE0 CHAR 2
GWBE0 Comparison Operator Between Rough GR Qty and Qty Ordered GWBE0 CHAR 2
RETOU Selection by Returns RETOU CHAR 1
RE00E Take Final Invoice Indicator Into Account SEREK CHAR 1
REBEE Take Final Invoice Indicator Into Account SEREK CHAR 1
SMEMO Indicator for Displaying Held Purchase Orders SMEMO CHAR 1