

National Insurance Data Take-on

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The table T5G_DTONI (National Insurance Data Take-on) is a standard table in SAP ERP. It belongs to the package PC08.

Technical Information

Short Text National Insurance Data Take-on
Package PC08
Table Type Transparent Table

Fields for Table T5G_DTONI

Field Name Key Description Data Element Type Length Check Table
PERNR Personnel Number PERNR_D NUMC 8
NICAT NI category (GB) NICAT CHAR 2 T5G42
CTOUT Contracted Out Flag P08_CTOUT CHAR 1
DIRFB NI director indicator DIRFB CHAR 1
PAYTY Payroll type PAYTY CHAR 1
PAYID Payroll Identifier PAYID CHAR 1
PAYDT Pay date for payroll result PAY_DATE DATS 8
ASSGM Assignment number P08_ASSGM RAW 1
PRRTY NI calculation priority P08_PRRTY NUMC 2
DIRRP Director with regular payments P08_DIRRP CHAR 1
DIRPW Director number of tax weeks for pro-rating P08_DIRPW NUMC 2
LSFLG Late starter /forgotten time sheet flag P08_LSFLG CHAR 1
LTLVR Late leaver flag P08_LTLVR CHAR 1
WK6FL Contracted-out later than six weeks after leaving flag P08_WK6FL CHAR 1
NIPAY Niable pay P08_NI_PAY CURR 15
NIBASE Niable pay base P08_NIBASE CURR 15
AMTTOLEL Niable pay up to LEL P08_TOLEL CURR 15
AMTLELEET Niable pay between LEL and ST P08_TOEET CURR 15
AMTEETERT Niable pay between ST and PT P08_TOERT CURR 15
AMTERTUEL Niable pay between UAP and UEL P08_TOUEL CURR 15
AMTFROMUEL Niable pay above UEL P08_FMUEL CURR 15
EENIC Employee NICs P08_NIC_EE CURR 15
ERNIC Employer NICs P08_NIC_ER CURR 15
EENIR Employee (primary) NI rebate P08_NIREE CURR 15
ERNIR Employer (secondary) NI rebate P08_NIRER CURR 15
DELFLG Delete Flag for Data Take On for National Tables P08_DTODEL CHAR 1
SRCFLG Flag for source of adjustment data(NI) P08_SRCFLG CHAR 1
AMTERTUAP Niable pay between PT and UAP P08_TOUAP CURR 15