SAP Table T880

Global Company Data (for KONS Ledger)

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The table T880 (Global Company Data (for KONS Ledger)) is a standard table in SAP ERP. It belongs to the package GBASCORE.

Technical Information

Table T880
Short Text Global Company Data (for KONS Ledger)
Table Type Transparent Table

Fields for Table T880

Field Name Key Description Data Element Type Length Check Table
NAME1 Company name NAME_1 CHAR 30
CNTRY Country of company LAND CHAR 3 T005
NAME2 Name of company 2 NAME_2 CHAR 30
LANGU Language Key SPRAS LANG 1 T002
STRET Street address of the company STRASSE CHAR 30
POBOX Post office box of the company POSTFACH CHAR 10
PSTLC Global company zip code PLZ CHAR 10
CITY City where company is located ORT CHAR 30
CURR Local currency WAERH CUKY 5 TCURC
MODCP Global company grouping code MODCP CHAR 4
GLSIP Write line items GLSIP CHAR 1
RESTA Legal status of company RECHTSSTS CHAR 1
RFORM Legal form of company RECHTFORM CHAR 30
ZWEIG Industrial sector WI_ZWEIG CHAR 30
MCOMP Master data company code SCOMP CHAR 4 T001
MCLNT Master data client SCLNT NUMC 3
LCCOMP Consolidation company indicator KZ_LCCOMP CHAR 1
STRT2 Street of company 2 STRE2 CHAR 30
INDPO Read purchase order INDPO CHAR 1