Availability Check Control

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The table TMVF (Availability Check Control) is a standard table in SAP ERP. It belongs to the package VS0C.

Technical Information

Table TMVF
Short Text Availability Check Control
Package VS0C
Table Type Transparent Table

Fields for Table TMVF

Field Name Key Description Data Element Type Length Check Table
MTVFP Checking Group for Availability Check MTVFP CHAR 2
SUMAU Total sales order requirements SUMAU CHAR 1
SUMLF Total delivery requirements SUMLF CHAR 1
SWBZT Replenishment lead time SWBZT DEC 3
ACENQ Material block in availability check with transfer of qties ACENQ CHAR 1
VERPN No availability check VERPN CHAR 1
ONVBA Availability check with cumulative, confirmed quantities ONVBA NUMC 1
RELRE Availability with cum. quantities: Response to shortfall RELRE NUMC 1
KZRVP Indicator for relevance during check against planning KZRVP CHAR 1