Definition of number range objects

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The table TNRO (Definition of number range objects) is a standard table in SAP ERP. It belongs to the package SZN.

Technical Information

Table TNRO
Short Text Definition of number range objects
Package SZN
Table Type Transparent Table

Fields for Table TNRO

Field Name Key Description Data Element Type Length Check Table
OBJECT Name of number range object NROBJ CHAR 10
DTELSOBJ Subobject data element NRSOBJNAM CHAR 30
NRTAB Group table name NRTAB CHAR 30 *
NRINTFLD Number range number field name for internal number range NRINTNR CHAR 30 *
NREXTFLD Number range number field name for internal number range NRINTNR CHAR 30 *
NRFLD Name of the number range number field for number ranges NRNRNAME CHAR 30 *
NRSOBJFLD Number range table subobject field name NRNRSUBOBJ CHAR 30 *
NRELEFLD Name of the number range element field NRNRELEM CHAR 30 *
YEARIND Flag, whether number range object is to-year relevant NRYEARIND CHAR 1
DOMLEN Number length domain NRLENDOM CHAR 30 *
PERCENTAGE Percentage for warning message NRPERC DEC 3
CODE CUA interface code NRCODE CHAR 20
TEXTIND Display elements with text flag NRTEXTIND CHAR 1
NRELTXTTAB Element text table name NRELTXTTAB CHAR 30 *
NRELTXTSOB Element text table subobject field name NRELTXTOBJ CHAR 30 *
NRELTXTELE Element text table element field name NRELTXTELE CHAR 30 *
NRELTXTTXT Element text table text field name NRELTXTTXT CHAR 30 *
NRELTXTLNG Element text table language field name NRELTXTLNG CHAR 30 *
NOIVBUFFER No. of numbers that must be held in the buffer NRIVBUFFER NUMC 8
NONRSWAP Flag: No rolling of intervals NRSWAP CHAR 1
RFCDEST Logical Destination (Specified in Function Call) RFCDEST CHAR 32 *
NRCHECKASCII Check External Intervals for Non-ASCII Characters in Numbers NRCHECKASCII CHAR 1