
SAP Function Group CPDT

Task lists: dialog tables

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The Function Group CPDT (Task lists: dialog tables) is a standard Function Group in SAP ERP and is part of the package CP. It contains the following embedded function modules and dictionary objects.

Technical Information

Function Group CPDT
Short Text Task lists: dialog tables
Package CP

Function Modules

Function Group CPDT contains 51 function modules.

CP_CHK_DIMENSION Check dimension equality of two units
CP_DT_ALT_SINGLE_DET If there is only one alternative in the alternative list, select it
CP_DT_AOB_CHK Networks: Check, whether the relationship exists already
CP_DT_COLLECT_OPERATIONS Planungsrezept: Phasen der Vorgangsübersicht sammeln
CP_DT_COLLECT_PHASES Planungsrezept: Phasen der Vorgangsübersicht sammeln
CP_DT_COPY_EXT_DATA_EXTRACT Create reference: Create the document and dialog table to be copied
CP_DT_DEL_CHK_POPUP Sicherheitsabfrage (POPUP) beim Löschen von markierten Objekten
CP_DT_DIALOGTAB_GET_VAILD_HEAD Bestimmung der Pläne im AOB-Netz
CP_DT_DTAB_CREATE Set up dialog table
CP_DT_DTAB_DEL Delete dialog table
CP_DT_DTAB_READ_BY_OBJ Read all records of an object from the dialog table
CP_DT_DTAB_READ_BY_RC27I Fill work areas via dialog table for selection from index field string
CP_DT_DTAB_REC_DEL_BY_INDEX Delete record with all dependent records from dialog table
CP_DT_DTAB_REC_INS Insert a record into the dialog table
CP_DT_DTAB_REC_READ_BY_INDEX Read record to index from dialog table
CP_DT_DTAB_REC_READ_BY_KEY Read record from dialog table for list number and sort key
CP_DT_DTAB_REC_UPD Update dialog table after record change
CP_DT_FILTER_GET Export current filter
CP_DT_FILTER_SET Set filter for the setup of the dialog table
CP_DT_LST_CTR_INDEX_AUF_UPD Save starting index on current page to a list in Lst-Ctr table
CP_DT_LST_CTR_READ_BY_LSTNR Read loop indexes for list number
CP_DT_LST_CTR_READ_BY_OBJ Determine the respect. entry from Lst_Ctr. table to dialog table object
CP_DT_LST_DEL Delete a list from the dialog table
CP_DT_LST_GET_ALL_MARKED Alle markierten Sätze listenübergreifend lesen
CP_DT_LST_MARK_ALL_DEL Remove all selections of a list
CP_DT_LST_MARK_ALL_SET Select all records of a list in the dialog table
CP_DT_LST_MARK_GET_FIRST Search for first selected record for object type in current list
CP_DT_LST_MARK_GET_LAST Search for last sel. rec. for obj. type in current list in dialog table
CP_DT_LST_MARK_GET_NEXT Search for next selected record for object type in current list
CP_DT_LST_MARK_GET_PREV Search for previous selected record for object type in current list
CP_DT_LST_MARK_SET_BY_INDEX Select record to index in dialog table
CP_DT_LST_MARKED_DEL Delete all selected objects logically
CP_DT_LST_OBJ_CHK Checks whether a record of an object type is contained in spec. list
CP_DT_MARK_SINGLE_CHK Check whether exactly one object of an object type is sel. in a list
CP_DT_OBJ_SUBOBJ_DET Pläne: zu einer Liste eine Tabelle der Objekte und Unterobjekte betsimmen
CP_DT_OPR_DET_MAX_VORNR Determine highest operation number to a seq. from current dialog table
CP_DT_OPR_READ_BY_VORNR Read operation of a sequence via dialog table
CP_DT_OPR_REF_DEQUEUE Unlock reference operation sets from current list
CP_DT_OPR_REF_INS Append operations of referenced alternative routing into dialog table
CP_DT_OPR_VGWRT_CUMULATE Summarize default values of all selected operations from suboperations.
CP_DT_OPR_VORNR_CHK Check whether operation/activity no. was already assigned in sequence
CP_DT_OPR_VORNR_MAX_UPD Increase maximum operation/activitty number for the current sequence
CP_DT_OPR_VRW_UPD Change of the referr. operat. for already deleted ref. operat. sets
CP_DT_PHS_SORTN_CHK Check whether load module number is exists already
CP_DT_SELECTION_FILL_DETAIL Select sel. record from list for detail screen according to object type
CP_DT_SELECTION_FILL_LIST Select sel. rec. from list for new list struct. according to obj. type
CP_DT_SOP_UVORN_CHK Check whether suboperation number was already assigned to a sequence
CP_DT_SORT_DET_FTR Determine the sort key of the dialog table for features
CP_DT_SORT_DET_FVL Determine the sort key of the dialog table for feature values
CP_DT_START_POINT_DET_BY_KEY Determine starting point using sort key fields
CP_DT_START_POINT_DET_BY_RC27I Search for record in dialog table by means of RC27I