
SAP Function Group SHI2

Hierarchy maint.:DB - read data

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The Function Group SHI2 (Hierarchy maint.:DB - read data) is a standard Function Group in SAP ERP and is part of the package SHI2. It contains the following embedded function modules and dictionary objects.

Technical Information

Function Group SHI2
Short Text Hierarchy maint.:DB - read data
Package SHI2

Function Modules

Function Group SHI2 contains 34 function modules.

STREE_ADJACENT_OBJECTS_GENER Liest alle benachbarten Objekte zu einem Objekt pro Knoten
STREE_CHECK_FOR_CHILDREN_GENER Returns Number of Direct Sub-Nodes for a Node
STREE_CHECK_REFERED_NODE_GENER Checks on Which Nodes a Reference Exists
STREE_NODE_EXIST_GENER Überprüft, ob ein Knoten auf der Datenbank existiert
STREE_NODE_TYPE_EXIST Existence Check for Node Type
STREE_NODE_TYPE_GET Provides a List of Node Types
STREE_NODE_TYPE_GET_ALL List of all Node Types
STREE_NODE_TYPE_GET_WITH_PROP Liefert Liste von Knotentypen, die eine bestimmte Eigenschaft besitzen
STREE_NODE_TYPE_READ Read Data for one or more Node Types
STREE_NODE_TYPE_WH_USED_GENER Liefert Strukturtypen, die angegebene Knotentypen verwenden
STREE_NODE_TYPE_WHERE_USED Provides all Structure Types Using the Specified Node Types
STREE_READ_BUFFERED_DATA_GENER Lesen der gepufferten Informationen zu einer Struktur
STREE_READ_MULTI_LAYER_GENER Lesen mehrerer Ebenen der Struktur aus der allg. Hierarchieablage
STREE_READ_NODE_REF_GENER Liste der Strukturen, die den vorgegebenen Knoten referenzieren
STREE_READ_NODE_W_REF_GENER Reads all Nodes Containing the Specified References
STREE_READ_REFERENCES_GENER List die Referenzliste für die entsprechenden Knoten
STREE_READ_SINGLE_LAYER_GENER Read a Structure Level from the General Hierarchy Buffer
STREE_READ_STRUCT_REF_GENER Liste der Strukturen, die die vorgegebene Struktur referenzieren
STREE_READ_TEXTS_GENER Read the Texts for the General Structure Buffer
STREE_READ_TOP_LINE_GENER Read the Highest Node from the General Structure Buffer
STREE_REFERENCE_TYPE_EXIST Existenzprüfung für Verweistyp
STREE_REFERENCE_TYPE_GET_ALL Liste aller Verweistypen
STREE_REFERENCE_TYPE_WHEREUSED Prüft, ob ein Verweistyp in einem Knotentyp verwendet wird
STREE_REMOVE_INACTIVE_NODES Removes Inactive Nodes from the Internal Structure Table
STREE_RESET_INT_TABLES_GENER Empty internal tables
STREE_SECONDARY_LANGUAGE_GET Returns Lang. for Secondary Access if Text Does Not Exist in SY-LANGU
STREE_STRUCTURE_GET_ID Returns Technical ID for Structure Name
STREE_STRUCTURE_TYPE_EXIST Checks whether a Structure Type Exists
STREE_STRUCTURE_TYPE_GET Read All Possible Structure Types
STREE_STRUCTURE_TYPE_IS_USED Checks Whether Structure Type is Already Being Used
STREE_STRUCTURE_TYPE_R_SINGLE Read Information on a Structure Type
STREE_STRUCTURE_TYPE_READ Read the data for one or more structure types