
SAP Message Class 38

Allgemeine Basis: ABAP/4 Laufzeitumgebung

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The Message Class 38 (Allgemeine Basis: ABAP/4 Laufzeitumgebung) is a standard Message Class in SAP ERP and is part of the package SBAC.

Technical Information

Message Class 38
Short Text Allgemeine Basis: ABAP/4 Laufzeitumgebung
Package SBAC


ID Language Text
000 D & & & &
001 D & & & &
002 D Dies ist eine Verifikations-Testmeldung mit 0 Parametern
003 D Dies ist eine Verifikations-Testmeldung mit 4 Parametern & x & x & x &.
004 D Dies ist eine Verifikations-Testmeldung mit 4 Parametern im Langtext.
005 D Dies ist eine Verifikations-Testmeldung mit 1 bis 4 Parametern & & & & <<
006 D Testmeldung mit 2 Parametern: xx & a &1 bb &2 c & c &1
007 D Testmeldung mit 3 Parametern: xx & a &1 bb &2 c & c & c &1
501 D Die Lagernummer muss vorgegeben werden
502 D Der Lagertyp muss vorgegeben werden
503 D Das Datum der letzten Bewegung muss vorgegeben werden
504 D Keine Berechtigung zum Ausführen des Programms!
505 D Die Lagernummer muss vorgegeben werden
506 D Die Quantnummer muss vorgegeben werden
507 D Die aktuelle Bestandsqualifikation stimmt nicht mit der Vorgabe überein
597 D Das Programm darf nur im Hintergrund ausgeführt werden
898 D Es wurden & Sätze umgesetzt
899 D Umsetzung erfolgreich
900 D Abbruch waehrend Fehlerbehandlung $ $ $ $.
901 D Fehler: $
902 D
903 D Generierung des Reports $ abgebrochen.
904 D Tabelle $, $ (Update unterdrueckt)
905 D Fehler bei Put $
906 D Dataset $ konnte nicht fuer Input eroeffnet werden
907 D Dataset $ konnte nicht fuer Output eroeffnet werden
908 D Lokale Daten duerfen nur lokalen Feldsymbolen zugewiesen werden
909 D Tabelle $ nicht vorhanden.
910 D Selektierte Datenmenge uebersteigt Online-Sortkapazitaet.
911 D Dataset $ wird fuer Input eroeffnet
912 D Dataset $ wird fuer Output eroeffnet
913 D Dataset $ wird geschlossen
914 D Die Gesamtlaenge aller Sortfelder ist groesser als 255.
915 D Beginn der Neu-Generierung Report $ aus Mandant $.
916 D Dynpro Debugging aktiviert.
917 D Zugriff auf Dataset $ im Dialog nicht unterst.
918 D Fehler bei OPEN $ fuer Output.
919 D Datenbank $ fuer Output eroeffnet.
920 D Datenbank $ wird eroeffnet.
921 D Fehler bei OPEN $.
922 D Datenbank $ wird geschlossen.
923 D Fehler bei CLOSE $.
924 D Serielles Dataset $ eroeffnet.
925 D Serielles Dataset $ geschlossen.
926 D Beginn der Datenselektion $ aus Datenbank $
927 D Ende der Datenselektion $ aus Datenbank $
928 D AP==> $
929 D POSZZ => $
930 D ==> $
931 D Trace: Level-2-Statement: $.
932 D Trace: Copy: $.
933 D Trace: Neue Zeile: $.
934 D ... $ $ $ $
935 D Fehler bei Open auf $.
936 D Tabelle fuer Report-Submit zu klein.
937 D Report $ angefordert durch Benutzer $
938 D Beginn der Verarbeitung $ / $
939 D Ende der Verarbeitung $ / $
940 D Benutzer $ nicht zugelassen
941 D Anzahl Seiten: $
942 D Anzahl Zeilen: $
943 D Kein endendes Hochkomma in $
944 D Datenbank $ wird fuer OUTPUT eroeffnet.
945 D Beginn der Neu-Generierung Report $.
946 D ADYP-Nummer: $.
947 D Segmente: $.
948 D Selektion: $ $ $
949 D B U E N D E L U N G U E B E R D A T E N B A N K $ fuer :
950 D Dataset aus Datenbank $ erstellt.
951 D Datenbank $ (System R$) nicht in Tabelle LDB.
952 D Datenbank $ in Tabelle LDB unvollstaendig (S-Zeile fehlt).
953 D Datenbank $ in Tabelle LDB unvollstaendig (P-Zeile fehlt).
954 D Datenbank $ in Tabelle LDB unvollstaendig (w-Zeile fehlt).
955 D Text fuer Datenbank $ fehlt in Tabelle LDBT.
956 D Klasse $ Sprache $ geandert
957 D Listprocessing nicht initialisiert.
958 D Generierungsdatum Tabelle $ ist $ (Zukunft).
959 D Neugenerierung $ da Update Tabelle $ ($ $)
960 D Berechtigung fuer Transaktion TM05 erforderlich.
961 D Datenbank $ - Suffix ungleich AP/MC/AC/LC
962 D Import nicht moeglich, da ungueltiges Satzformat.
964 D Datenbank $ kann nicht fuer OUTPUT eroeffnet werden.
965 D Syntax-Check Report $.
966 D O.K.
967 D Achtung: Text fuer Selektion $ fehlt.
968 D Achtung: Titel fehlt.
970 D Zeilenzahl je Seite = $, SCAN nicht moeglich (max. 23).
971 D Bitte Cursor positionieren fuer Suche nach $.
972 D String $ nicht gefunden.
973 D Report $ im Batch via $ gestartet mit $
974 D Die eingegebene Adresse ist nicht erlaubt.
975 D Fehlende PF-Tastendefinition: SAPPG00/0010 Status $.
976 D Bitte Cursor positionieren fuer Suche nach $
977 D Anzahl zulaessiger Programme ueberschritten (externer Perform)
978 D Die Workarea zu Feldsymbol $ ist zu kurz.
979 D SY-LSIND und List Stack-Index passen nicht zusammen
980 D Flow Trace: PERFORM $($)
981 D Flow Trace: ENDFORM $
982 D Break-Point '$' in Report $ erreicht.
983 D Flow Trace: Segment $ eingelesen.
984 D Reportende erreicht. (PF24)
985 D rprechd0: kilst-dcb: $ +28(2)-dcb: $ in sdata190
986 D Maximale Anzahl Liststufen (9) erreicht
987 D *** Abbruch SORT/MERGE mit Returncode $ (dezimal) ***
988 D Aufruf SORT/MERGE-Programm ueber SAPSORT
989 D Ende SORT/MERGE-Programm
990 D Breakpoint erreicht. Aktuelles Macro: $
991 D Systemtabelle $ nicht gefunden - interner Fehler
992 D Sortierung:
993 D ($) <<$>>
994 D ($) $
995 D Fehler bei Listaufbau (Zeile nicht allokiert) - interner Fehler
996 D Fehler in Formatzeile - Formatbyte fehlt - interner Fehler
997 D Bildschirmarbeitsbereich nicht initialisiert - interner Fehler
998 D
999 D
000 E & & & &
001 E & & & &
002 E This is a verification test message with 0 parameters
003 E This is a verification test message with 4 parameters & x & x & x &
004 E This is a verification test message with 4 parameters (long text)
005 E This is a verification test message with 1 - 4 parameters & & & & <<
006 E Test message with 2 parameters: xx & a &1 bb &2 c & c &1
007 E Test message with 3 parameters: xx & a &1 bb &2 c & c & c &1
008 E Caution: Table T$ cannot be loaded 100%
009 E FROM and NEXT fields must belong to the same storage segment.
010 E Record length > 4000 when creating the SORT file.
011 E Incorrect range format
012 E Statement $ unknown.
014 E Invalid company code: $
015 E Line selection S$ Print: PF23 Return: PF24
016 E $ $ $ $
017 E This function is in preparation
018 E $ already exists. Please choose another name.
019 E Line selection S$ $
020 E Report $ included in report $.
021 E Program $ included in library
022 E Caution: $ already exists.
023 E Report $ only exists in client $.
024 E Press Enter to continue update.
025 E Lower limit > Upper limit, please correct.
026 E Error when creating SORT files ABATIS (RSFIL PUT).
028 E Program $ can only be changed in client $.
029 E System error when loading SAP PERS/PLAN/ZEIT-L
030 E System error when loading SAP PERS/PLAN/ZEIT-I
031 E Exception occurred in function module.
032 E Paging error - internal error.
033 E EATAB displacement: SAPEA38/SAPPG38 do not match.
034 E Insufficient space for DATA fields.
035 E Information class in Table $ of P,Z,T is different
036 E Report $ not found.
037 E Documentation changed.
038 E Report $ started in batch
039 E No documentation exists. Create: --> OK -EDIT
040 E Internal error (OKDO)
041 E Input length exceeded
042 E Assignment to subaccount not allowed
043 E Account assignment unknown
044 E Error when reading SSB for Table 492K
045 E Error when reserving HSP for Table 492K
046 E SET/GET error in Table 492K
047 E Error when loading STIX nametab
048 E STIX field from 492K not in STIX namtab
049 E Internal error: Unauthorized data type from DDIC
050 E Field $ does not exist in program $ (update)
051 E Routine $ does not exist in $.
052 E No list output.
053 E Selection $ not defined in data base $ (SHOW DY).
054 E Program SAP$ does not exist in this DOKU
055 E Only update for status 'T' possible (--> attributes).
056 E Internal error in LOOP via EXTRACT dataset.
057 E Error when writing to the DLIB file.
058 E ASSIGN outside of the permissible data area.
059 E Field catalog for Table $ is not available.
060 E Program $ already exists. Author: $
061 E Internal error: Incorrect data control block.
062 E You are changing report $ by author $
063 E Report name is now $. In case of update, enter U.
064 E %SThe program $ is already being processed by $.
065 E Program $ is already being processed.
066 E Warning: The report will be started in debugging mode
067 E Caution: Debugging mode for Transaction $ activated.
068 E Program $ locked by the same user.
069 E System lock table is full.
070 E INCLUDE $: Too many nesting levels.
071 E INCLUDE report $ not found.
072 E %NPF: 3-Back 6-Print... ENTER-Start report
073 E System lock table is full.
074 E Lock entry is too long.
075 E Line selection is incorrect -> Enter
076 E File $ not found in Table ABIN
077 E Specify document type or file
078 E ENTRY $ for client $ in SYSV not found
079 E Specified profile does not exist
080 E Default record layout $ cannot be loaded
081 E Document type $ not in Table 003
082 E Entry $ for client $ in SYSV not found
083 E SYSV no. range: $ the client $ in SYSV not found
084 E SYSV no. range: $ - external number assignment
085 E Error in set Table ABIN
086 E *HF-KBUKR (-DBUKR, -SBUKR) not set (FOR ALL *HF)
087 E READ SEGMENT *$ and FOR ALL *$ incompatible
088 E Field $ not filled for $/?N
089 E READ SEGMENT *$: Field *$-$ not filled (?N)
090 E FOR ALL *$: field *$-$ must be filled
091 E Error when closing DLIB file.
092 E More than 1000 PRINT-CONTROL statements on a page.
093 E D field conversion not supported in T field and vice versa
094 E Calendar initialisation error, RC-$.
095 E ABAP/4 program $ is being loaded.
096 E Generating date (YYMMDD): $. Time (HHMMSS): $. (from $)
097 E Parameter INSERTED.
098 E DELETE carried out.
099 E UPDATE carried out.
100 E Please select function.
101 E Sentence or text literal too long. Missing inverted comma ? -
102 E Page $/($)
103 E Too many or too long DEFINE statements.
104 E %SNote: Processing cancelled at $ pages
105 E Page $/$ (S$)
106 E Capacity limit reached: Text table too small.
107 E Capacity limit reached: Label pool too small
108 E Capacity limit reached: Segment table too small
109 E More than 32K literals is not possible. Use DATA.
110 E ABAP/4 program $ not found.
111 E Please specify a data base for program $ in 'Attributes'.
112 E ABAP/4 program $ is not correct. Please perform syntax check.
113 E Field $ not found (update).
114 E LOGGING $ : Different field length in dialog/update.
115 E Do not load screen source, debugging is not possible
116 E Screen generation is not current, debugging is not possible
117 E Module is not available, ABAP/4 debugging is not possible
118 E Program $ already exists.
119 E SAP price list component $ is not installed. --> ?N
120 E Please specify a program name.
121 E Program $ not in library.
122 E Data base screen not found in ADYP.
123 E Application class $ does not exist for system $
124 E Program $ already changed by $, please compare, --> ?N
125 E Attributes taken over.
126 E Data base $ exists only in application $.
127 E Program type $ not known.
128 E Authorization $ cannot be assigned
129 E The program $ is cross-referenced in this client.
130 E Report $ regenerated.
131 E ABA authorization $ is necessary.
132 E End of report generation $.
133 E Error in block information management (JSTCK)
134 E Application $ is not installed.
135 E Application $ is unknown.
136 E Specify log. data base only for program types '1', 'M' and 'V'.
137 E Only user $ can remove the locking indicator.
138 E Editor locking indicator of user $ entered.
139 E The report texts are possibly old: generate $ again
140 E Dialog module '$V1' does not exist.
141 E Insufficient space for data transfer ( CALL ).
142 E Line not found in global paging.
143 E Field $ not found.
144 E $ / $ do not match.
145 E Insurance number for personnel number $ is incorrect
146 E Check digit for personnel number. $ is incorrect (correct: $)
147 E Table SYST: DDIC/SAPPG38 do not match.
148 E Formula is syntactically incorrect between column $ and $ $.
149 E Name of request report must not include blank characters
150 E Matchcode $ for file $ not found
151 E WA of segment $ is larger than the underlying WA (according to LDB).
152 E Error in document import of data base $.
153 E Symbol table concatenation destroyed
154 E Segment $ instead of expected $ in SORT file
155 E No ranges allowed for selection '$'
156 E Parameter $N0 transferred in incorrect format (type/length).
157 E Incorrect stack ID for formal parameter §N0.
158 E No default and no current parameter for parameter §N0
159 E %N Processing interrupted - page $/($) -
160 E Content of field $N0 not in packed format.
161 E Incorrect data control block (internal error).
162 E Processing terminated. Error code: $.
163 E Field in internal table not in packed format.
164 E Incorrect table header (internal error).
165 E Incorrect table header (RPARA MODE-HEAD, internal error).
166 E Incorrect stack ID $ instead of $ (internal error).
167 E Sort field not in the field group 'HEADER'.
168 E FIELD-SYMBOL without field assignment ('ASSIGN').
169 E Pretty print for program $ carried out.
170 E Multiple table entry in COLLECT SORTED BY.
171 E Screen $N1: Acc. to field length RMAC in screen description < 6
172 E No standard page heading defined in $
173 E No ranges allowed for selection '$'
174 E Overflow in selection criterion/parameter $
175 E Entry too long: $ -> ?N
176 E Entry contains non-numerical character: $ -> ?N
177 E End of simulation, no data base change.
178 E Please specify upper and lower limit.
179 E Floating point number >- 10**31.
180 E There is no index $ for Table $.
181 E No valid floating point format: $ .
182 E Exponent in conversion of 'C' to 'F' is too large.
183 E Only single values are allowed during masking.
184 E CALL SCREEN, LEAVE SCREEN not allowed in external routines.
185 E Packed field value is too large for binary conversion.
186 E Packed field value is too large for conversion to T.
187 E ABAP/4 program $ of type I, generation not possible
188 E Error when reading ABAP/4 program $
189 E Screen $N1: Not numeric according to RMAC field length
190 E Data for report $ of dataset $.
191 E Data base selections for report bundles:
192 E L O G F O R R E P O R T $
193 E Data for report bundles from data base $ to dataset $.
194 E Data for report $ from data base $.
195 E Report $ writes selected segments to dataset $.
196 E Date not specified with length 6.
197 E Date not specified with length 8.
198 E NEW-PAGE ... DAYS: Only CHAR values between '0' and '9' are possible
199 E %N$
200 E Abnormal termination: input error
201 E Abnormal termination: input error
202 E Abnormal termination: 'GETSTACK' command error
203 E Abnormal termination: 'GETSTACK' command error
204 E Abnormal termination: EOF in macro definition
205 E Abnormal termination: Module $ not found
206 E Abnormal termination: Macro $ not found
207 E Abnormal termination: Enter label name
208 E Abnormal termination: Label $ too long
209 E Abnormal termination: Invalid trace option $
210 E Abnormal termination: Label $ not found
211 E Abnormal termination: Incorrect numeric paragraph for RESTN.
212 E Abnormal termination: DELEMO operation is not positioned
213 E Abnormal termination: Condition $ invalid with AGO.
214 E Abnormal termination: Incorrect content $ with RESTN.
215 E Abnormal termination: Invalid address $ with PUT.
216 E Abnormal termination: Label $ not found
217 E Abnormal termination: Invalid address $ with SUB1.
218 E Abnormal termination: Invalid address $ with null.
219 E Abnormal termination: Invalid address $ with EDIT.
220 E Abnormal termination: Error in parameter transfer $
221 E Abnormal termination: Error in output routine, long text as operation
222 E Abnormal termination: Error in output routine, no input
223 E Abnormal termination
224 E Abnormal termination: Apostrophe invalid
225 E Abnormal termination: Invalid return code in MEXIT
226 E Abnormal termination: Invalid return code in RC
227 E Abnormal termination: NEXMEMO operation not positioned.
228 E Load module $ or L not found.
229 E Syntax error $. (entry in Table RMSG missing).
230 E Initialization $$INIT$$ does not exist
231 E Condition $ invalid
232 E Table $: No authorization to change tables
233 E You must have a TM38 authorization to maintain headers
234 E Internal error: Table '$$SELC$$' not found.
235 E $ not found in ABAP-SELC - internal error.
236 E The following PERFORM calls are active:
237 E Call in report Line Name of routine
238 E Cursor is not positioned on a field
239 E An external perform to a functional group is not allowed.
240 E JENDF: PERFORM stack or report header destroyed.
241 E DDIC: Field $ has length 0.
242 E SAP SQL internal errors: incorrect CCB.
243 E SYMBT: Symbol table is empty.
244 E EXTRI: Incorrect index in cont CB.
245 E SAP SQL: Incorrect processing option in internal table.
246 E SAP SQL: Internal table is empty.
247 E Format of selection is not correct
249 E Account no. not maintained (TM11) for user $
250 E ABAP/4 prefix not maintained (TM10) for user $
251 E Error during spool output: RSFIL TYPE-LIST
252 E Error during spool output: RSFIL TYPE-LIST (file full?)
253 E Record length in TRANSFER (spool) greater than 1991.
254 E No ABA authorization $P1.
255 E Error when writing to ATAB Table $
256 E Error when deleting entry in ATAB Table $
257 E ATAB Table $ not found.
258 E Change to internal Table $N1 is not possible.
259 E Invalid index value when changing internal Table $N1.
260 E Error in TRANSFER: Dataset $ unknown.
265 E HIDE area is too small.
267 E Too many sort fields during SORT via external dataset
268 E DD statement or control block missing in Dict. for $
269 E No authorization for list group $ - LST authorization-$
270 E Error in spool output: RSFIL TYPE-CONTROL(SET SEGMENT)
271 E Error in spool output: RSFIL TYPE-CONTROL(SET LINECT)
272 E Error in spool output: RSFIL TYPE-CONTROL(SET SCP)
273 E Error in spool output: RSFIL TYPE-CONTROL(SET PASSWORT)
274 E Error in spool output: RSFIL TYPE-CONTROL(SET SYNC)
275 E Error in spool output: RSFIL TYPE-CONTROL(SET DSTBG)
276 E Error in spool output: RSFIL TYPE-CONTROL(SET EXPI)
277 E Error in spool output: RSFIL TYPE-CONTROL(SET CHECKPOINT)
278 E No SPL authorization for $.
279 E A screen page (# columns * # lines ) > 16300 bytes
280 E ********** Segment from data base **********
281 E ********** Extract record from intermediate dataset ********
282 E ********** Extract record to intermediate dataset **********
283 E ********** Transfer record to external dataset **********
284 E ********** Segment name from flat file **********
285 E ********** Segment (compressed) from flat file **********
286 E ********** Segment (expanded) from flat file **********
287 E ********** Segment name to flat file **********
288 E ********** Segment (not compressed) **********
289 E ********** Segment (compressed) to flat file **********
290 E * Termination in ABAP/4 program $, line $
291 E * Current time: $ Current routine: $
292 E * Line $
293 E * Termination cause: $
294 E * $
295 E No information found via Table $
296 E LIKE is only possible for CHAR fields.
297 E Operation $ not allowed ( selection table ).
299 E *------------------------------------------------------------------------
300 E Error in SQL statement.
301 E Record ignored: Key word $ not known.
302 E Record ignored: No information found for $
303 E No library entry for function $
304 E The current parameter to $N0 is missing in CALL FUNCTION.
305 E CALL FUNCTION: Data stack is too small (LOOP ?)
306 E Function module $ is not in the specified program.
307 E Parameter error when calling function $.
308 E Error during TRACE output. Spool full? -> System log
309 E Time exceeded in program $, offset $.
310 E Report name must be unique for INCLUDE breakdown.
311 E $N0 parameter is missing in PERFORM.
312 E Second parameter $N2 is missing in PERFORM.
313 E Third parameter $N3 is missing in PERFORM.
314 E Fourth parameter $N4 is missing in PERFORM.
315 E Too many current parameters in PERFORM.
316 E Only one WINDOW per list level is possible.
317 E Incorrect WINDOW and/or CALL SCREEN coordinates.
318 E List overflow in WINDOW ...
319 E WINDOW is only possible ONLINE.
320 E Error in sequential document processing with $ - type $
321 E Sequential document processing only possible in batch (SAPREPU)
323 E Error in RSFIL TYPE-OPEN,DSN-$
324 E Select document residence and/or document archive
325 E Select either protocol file or log tape
326 E Log strip processing only allowed with SAPREPU
327 E Sequential control block SAPP01 not defined
328 E Error when generating control block TLOG0LC
329 E No more storage ( $ - ROLL) available - module-$
330 E Paging area for internal table $ is full. (LOOP ?)
331 E Internal area for text elements is too small.
332 E No storage available for internal table $
333 E Storage request of $ bytes cannot be met.
334 E Internal area is too small (DATA-CB's).
335 E Internal area is too small (CONT-CB's).
336 E Report table too small (OCCURS...). ($)
337 E Too many selection specifications - no more space available.
338 E ADYP insert is not possible.
339 E No more storage available.
340 E Module $ not found. Internal error.
341 E More than 2000 field specifications. Report is too large.
342 E PERFORMs nested too deeply: $
343 E Internal error in PERFORM (routine $)
344 E PERFORM ...($): Report $ not found.
345 E Routine $ not found in $.
346 E Please pre-generate report $.
347 E Internal label table is too small (&Labels).
348 E $: 'Replace': Type or length are different.
349 E Common area $ incompatible between $ and $.
350 E Report is not correct. Please perform syntax check.
351 E According to DD, field '$' does not exist (RC-$).
352 E No authorization for segment '$'.
353 E No authorization for report '$'.
354 E ABAP authorization class $ necessary.
355 E You need $ authorization for file $
356 E $ unknown.
357 E $ is not an internal table.
358 E $ is not a table field.
359 E Line number '$' not found.
360 E Segment $ cannot be read directly
361 E Update is not allowed in this system.
362 E Program '$' is of type '$' instead of '1'.
363 E Addressee in 'TELEX TO' is missing
364 E Access module $ not found in $.
365 E Segment $ skipped: No authorization.
366 E Line '$', '$', '$' not found.
367 E Only fields with length < 40 are allowed
368 E No syncpoint allowed between SELECT and UPDATE.
369 E You have no SQL authorization, no UPDATE allowed.
370 E Profile $ added.
371 E Profile $ already exists.
372 E Please specify profile.
373 E Standard profile must not be deleted.
374 E Profile $ deleted.
375 E Profile name 'SAPSYGU' not allowed.
376 E Error when decompressing (RSECE)
377 E Number of tapes must be larger than 0
378 E EA data base can be started only in batch with SAPREPU
379 E Error when opening tape SAPS01
380 E PERFORM: Data stack is too small (LOOP ?)
381 E VARYING outside report data area.
383 E Incorrect screen format in Table RMAC.
385 E Screens in transaction >32k.
386 E Error when transmitting ODC message (transient/PUTQ).
387 E Incorrect data in ABAP/4 run time stack. Internal error.
388 E Space for rolled-out internal tables exhausted.
389 E Field name '$' is not known. (name written in lower case ?)
390 E Load module $ is incorrect: Program name there is $.
391 E Regenerate load module $: $
392 E Load module $ was not generated or cannot be loaded.
393 E Table description $ cannot be loaded from Data Dictionary
394 E Table DTBE updates are not possible.
395 E Table $ not in Data Dictionary.
396 E Table $ is not SQL-compatible
397 E Key must be fully qualified for 'SELECT SINGLE'
398 E SAP SQL subset is not allowed.
399 E Error in program $ on offset $.
400 E Program $ deleted from library.
401 E Table $ not maintained or changed in the Data Dictionary.
402 E Error in management of the main storage blocks: BSVUP No. $
403 E Authorization required for Transaction $.
404 E Internal table $ cannot be expanded further
405 E Invalid index in PERFORM in OF ...
406 E Press Enter to reload program $
407 E Program $ reloaded.
408 E Matchcode call contains too many table specifications
409 E Program error: Table $ is too small
410 E New record $ added
411 E Record $ changed
412 E Negative argument for SQRT not allowed
413 E Argument for EXP is too large
414 E Negative argument for LOG not allowed
415 E Argument for SIN or COS too large
416 E Unauthorized data type $V2 in ASSIGN ... TO $N1 ... TYPE ...
417 E System error when loading SAP PERS/PLAN/ZEIT-L
418 E System error when loading SAP PERS/PLAN/ZEIT-I
419 E Line in Table $ is too long
420 E Offset entry only possible together with field entry.
421 E For packed fields, no display is possible with offset.
422 E The specified offset is greater than or equal to the field length .
423 E Internal error: Length of field name < length of table name.
424 E Table defined only in program '$'
425 E Edit template contains only blanks.
428 E PC upload/download: File number/name $V1 is invalid.
429 E Incorrect date format
430 E System error: Field $ not found in NAME-TAB (SAPPERSL module).
431 E Please wait, catalog is being processed
432 E Value set $ transferred
433 E Variant $ not yet created.
434 E Value set $ already exists.
435 E Default values are currently locked.
436 E Value set $ saved
437 E Values of variant $ transferred.
438 E Value sets are not possible for this parameter.
439 E Variant $ for report $ not created
440 E Specify a name for the value set
441 E The name of the variant must not begin with '$'.
442 E Conversion of info type not allowed (TAB 583, INFOTYP $)
444 E %SABAP/4 run-time error --> dump created --> system log
445 E Select matchcode, index or value set
446 E Field $ still has no value sets
449 E Error: Child tax-exempt amount must be multiple of 0,5
450 E Argument '$' not in Table $
451 E Religion key '$' is not unique (too short)
452 E Invalid combination control table/tax bracket '$/$' (-> table 514)
453 E Child no. $ does not fit tax bracket $ (-> table 514)
454 E Tax-exempt amount $ does not fit tax bracket $ (-> table 514)
455 E Religion of husband/wife does not fit tax bracket $ (-> table 514)
456 E Marital status '$' not allowed for taxes (-> table 502)
457 E Marital status key '$' is not unique (too short)
458 E Marital status $ does not fit tax bracket $ (-> table 514)
459 E For taxes, only marital status 'VH' or 'NV' allowed
460 E LKZ $ is incorrect: valid entry 'L' or ' '.
461 E Entry $ incorrect, valid entries: $
462 E Modules $: Storage areas of $ bytes requested.
463 E Release storage of $ bytes (occupied by module $).
464 E Line item specification $V0 is not permitted (only 1 ... 255).
465 E Error when formatting TLOG file
466 E Termination: Tape is not a log tape
467 E Termination: Error when reading log tape
468 E Termination: File TLOG is not empty and must be recreated
469 E Termination: TLOG must be reset with ADAVUS/WAN/LD1/LD2
470 E Termination: File TLOG is not empty and must be formatted
471 E $ records loaded into TLOG file
472 E File TLOG can only be processed in batch
473 E Log file is being processed
476 E MULTIPLY packed values too large
477 E DIV or 'MOD' divisor too large
479 E Internal error ($): Storage segment not found.
480 E Internal error ($): Invalid storage header.
481 E Internal error ($): Invalid address when releasing storage space.
490 E Decimal place overflow for field $N1.
495 E Report texts for report $ currently locked
496 E Lock report texts $: Global locktab is full
497 E Lock report texts $: Invalid lock key $
498 E Identical title list header deleted
499 E Incorrect language version in line 1 and/or 2
500 E Press Enter to delete program $
501 E Program not found
502 E Only the report author can delete the report.
503 E Text elements for report $ were not changed.
504 E Changed texts for $ were not saved
505 E Text elements for report $ were incorporated into language $.
506 E Program attributes transferred
507 E No text elements for reference report $ found.
508 E Language key $ not found in Table 002 for report $.
509 E Name of reference report is missing in copy text ID.
510 E Report update not possible in Transaction ABAP --> TM38
511 E Report $ not in table RDIR.
512 E Report $ only readable in client $.
513 E Copy report $ not in table RDIR.
514 E Copy report $ only readable in client $.
515 E G/L account $ does not exist.
516 E G/L account $ in company code $ does not exist.
517 E Text elements for report $ can only be maintained in client $.
518 E Missing language version in line 1 and/or 2
519 E Same language version in line 1 and/or 2
520 E PERG record $ does not exist -> ?N
521 E Imported version $ $ not identical to report version $ $
522 E PERG record $ already exists -> ?N
523 E FCode '$' is not allowed. Permitted: $
524 E Period $ is invalid.
525 E Record already exists
526 E Entry '$' is invalid -> Enter B, U or F.
527 E BBZNR cannot be greater than $
528 E APZNR cannot be greater than $
529 E STZNR cannot be greater than $
530 E SVZNR cannot be greater than $
531 E UWZNR cannot be greater than $
532 E K1 cannot be greater than $
533 E K2 cannot be greater than $
534 E There is no SEQ No.$ in Table 702R.
535 E Please check entry.
536 E Intersection with previous entry (end: $)
537 E Previous employer record must end before 31.12.$
538 E Occupation gap of $ days
539 E Date not in year $
540 E BEGIN date must come before END date
541 E Please check tax-exempt amounts
542 E Adjustment period must not be before billing period
547 E Entry '$' prohibited ($) according to Table 540V
548 E Entry '$' necessary ($) according to Table 540V
549 E Wage and salary type $ not in Table 512T
550 E Statement '$' is unknown.
551 E Internal token '$' not generated. Generation error.
554 E Number of data base accesses > Maximum.
555 E Segment $ requested internally, but not in LDB.
556 E Data base error in segment $.
557 E Logical data base $ not in Table LDB (JPUT).
558 E Table name too short (JPUT).
559 E Field for segment number not of the type PL8.
560 E Parent segment $ to segment $ does not exist.
561 E Sample trip does not exist.
562 E Error when decompressing (CONNE) - internal error
563 E Data base for this report cannot be used.
564 E Table $ not found in LDB, $.
568 E Please declare trip: status in first column and second column
569 E Time set: 24:00 hrs, first day - last day.
570 E Language $ not in Table 702f(Default)
571 E No data entry system. Table 702s is empty
572 E Caution: Enter trip with system $.
573 E Country $ is not in Table 005t
574 E System $ is not in Table 702s
575 E Time $ does not exist
576 E Date $ is incorrect or not valid
577 E Entry $ not allowed, see Table 702D
578 E You are entering a trip of several days
579 E You are creating a trip of $ minutes duration!
580 E Country $ is not in Table 005
581 E Vehicle type $ not known, see Table 702D
582 E Can your vehicle take $ passengers?
583 E Short business trip? $ kilometers?
584 E You have travelled $ km in a day
585 E Inalnd km $ must not be larger than total km
586 E Can your car take $ kg of baggage?
587 E Entry $ is not allowed
588 E More than one destination at the same time
589 E Expense abbreviation $ or VAT ID is missing: 702b and/or 007.
590 E Discount $ already exists
591 E Cost type should already be calculated flat-rate
592 E You have more overnight stays than trip days $
593 E Normally it would be $ overnight stays
594 E Data error: internal keys are incorrect
595 E Entries for flat-rate calculation missing in Table 702b
596 E Expense ID missing in Table 702b
597 E Program can only be executed in the background
598 E No authorization for expense ID $.
599 E File name for matchcode not determined - internal error
601 E Buffer too small --> ?N
602 E Probable data error: Unlikely record length, comp. err. approx. USANR
603 E Buffer contents too small --> ?N
604 E GS/GC: No RCE address passed or RCE address is invalid
605 E GS/GC: Segment not expandable.
606 E GJ/GC: No space for the required look-ahead workarea
607 E GJ: No JPL address passed or JPL address is invalid
608 E Info type $ is not in Table 590 --> ?N
609 E Info type $ requested but not defined in Table 583 --> ?N
610 E Personnel no. $ : Record with info type 00 missing --> ?N
611 E Info subtype $ requested but no subtype defined --> ?N
612 E No lower limit and same upper limit gives nothing!
613 E Starting date must not be after end date.
614 E Start PERNR must not be larger than end PERNR.
615 E Subtype specification missing in info type $ --> ?N
616 E Info type $ incorrect, permitted 00 ... 63 --> ?N
617 E Operation $ is not allowed for info class Z --> ?N
618 E Fixed date selection for information class Z not allowed --> ?N
619 E Payroll subunit/accounting period $ not in table 549P --> ?N
620 E Field $ is missing in select statement.
621 E PERS and PL wage account have different record lengths
622 E Segment PL not in report definition. Requested --> ?N
623 E Amount field in the DB record is too long for the wage type $
624 E Number field in the DB record is too long for the wage type $
625 E Format error in the LK record for the wage type $
626 E Insert attempt with double key '$'
627 E Update attempt with non-existent key '$'
628 E Upd/Ins attempt with invalid segment type.
629 E Fixed date selection for contraction does not make sense --> ?N
630 E Writing to external clients only allowed with report RPKLON00.
640 E Performance authorization unfavorable for information class $
641 E No authorization (-> Table 584C)
642 E No $ authorization for $
643 E No authorization for APLZ evaluation
644 E Loading of SAPPERSI and/or SAPZEITI unsuccessful
645 E Error in OPEN DATASET $N1.
646 E Error in GET DATASET $N1.
647 E Error in RTABC-SET on $ Table
648 E Sequential dataset $V1 does not exist.
649 E Session '$' only allowed for users with dump authorization
650 E List number $ not found
651 E List number $ not found in this client
652 E LST authorization necessary.
653 E Password is incorrect.
654 E Payroll subunit $ record type $ not in SYSU (TP03)
655 E Simultaneous processing of more than 2 spool datasets not allowed
656 E Report $ is locked by another user ->?N
657 E Report $ is being generated -> ?N ENTER
658 E Report table is being processed. Please ENTER. ->?N
659 E Please unlock with TM12 'TOPBERICHTE'. free
660 E Report name $ is not allowed ->?N
661 E Please select desired action.
662 E Please enter report name or mark it .....MORE
663 E Please enter or select report name.
664 E Please enter report name. Caution: it will be deleted ...MORE
665 E Please enter report name. Caution: it will be deleted.
666 E MORE
667 E TK75 is not intended for $ in Table 253. ->?N
668 E Report $ does not exist.
669 E Report $ already exists.
670 E Entry $ $ $ $ not in Table 254P
671 E This plan period does not make sense
672 E Accounting period $ is not allowed.
673 E Entry value representation -$- is not allowed.
674 E A negative entry is not allowed.
675 E Upper limit is smaller than lower limit.
676 E The entry must be smaller than or equal to $ ->?N
677 E Only the entries O, B, BE and SP are allowed. ->?N
678 E Only the entries O, B and BE are allowed. ->?N
679 E Entry not numerical.
680 E Financial statement is not active for company code $
681 E Company code $ is not maintained in Table 254.
682 E Fiscal year $ appears incorrect
683 E Plan deadline $ is later than date of day. ->?N
684 E Plan deadline $ appears incorrect
685 E Currency $ not in Table CUR.
686 E Error when reading INDX ID $. ->?N
687 E Sort number not unique ->?N
688 E Please enter limits.
689 E Entry $ is not in Table $
690 E Report $ deleted. ENTER.
691 E Please enter at least one attribute
692 E $ is not possible for company code $ ->?N
693 E Report $ is not possible for actual data.
694 E Please enter record number.
695 E Field TXTB in Table 254 is not maintained ->?N
696 E Field WKNR in Table 254 is not correct ->?N
697 E Caution: You have changed the company code.
698 E Caution: You have changed the fiscal year.
699 E Address of program to be called is not expanded
701 E Internal error, neither DB-VK nor DB-VS
702 E Error when reading Table -$- with argument -$-
703 E Record type -$- not in Table -$- ?N
704 E Internal BMI flag table is incorrect: ($), change program
705 E Coding area in EATAB of SAPDBRV is too small
706 E Please enter customer number a n d type
707 E Please enter customer number/type
709 E Report cannot be processed (2 ACBs seq., 1 ACB is direct)
710 E No authorization for company code -$-
711 E No authorization for customer
712 E No authorization for material
713 E No authorization for business area -$-
714 E No authorization for plant -$-
715 E No authorization for warehouse number -$-
716 E Header WA does not contain correct record layout
717 E Matchcode not programmed
718 E No authorization for Transaction -$-
719 E READ SEGMENT *TX is not allowed, please use MOVE-TEXT
720 E For 'M', please enter article and company code
721 E For 'L', please enter warehouse number and storage type
722 E Report RMHJTS11 can only be started in batch
724 E No authorization for PSEUDO company code $ (Table PRL)
725 E Selection initiates sequential reading
726 E Break for batch not coded
727 E Error when starting tape (SAPB01I)
728 E Error in RSQDA TYPE-GEN
729 E Data base -$- can only be run in batch (batch request)
730 E Only INCL/EXCL intended.
732 E Entry $ not allowed in field $
734 E -PRI - Send report list also to -> spool
735 E PRINT - Print report coding from editor
736 E PF13 - Redirect report list output to -> spool
737 E PF03: PRINT was not carried out
767 E Entry $ not in Table $
777 E '$' not supported in update programs.
792 E More than 9 levels defined by grouping (&). ->?N
793 E In Table 254K, there are no groups $ $
794 E Please enter group name from Table 254K
795 E Group names can have no more than $ characters
796 E Entry can have no more than $ characters
797 E Invalid input combination ->?N
798 E Event type $ $ for TK63 not allowed ->?N
799 E This report cannot be started online
800 E Invalid date
801 E Invalid date for today
802 E Entry missing in Table 009A
803 E No entry in Table 001C is available
804 E Table full. Module DBRMDEFI Parameter SEKITAB enlarged by multiple of 12
805 E Direct read of document header missing in report -> ?N
806 E Please enter company code
807 E Arg. $ not found in Table 022C
808 E Arg. $$ not found in Table 022D
810 E $ converted after valid factory calendar into $
811 E Rel. year specification in T009B is not numeric
812 E Ratio behind rel. year specification not + or -
813 E Last RBA cannot be saved
820 E Error when reading Table 001W
825 E Table for expanding the workplace hierarchy is too small -> N
830 E Please select a list variant
835 E Error: SORT entry. LP $ $
840 E Please select historical requests individually
850 E Error when initializing a RMIO control block
860 E Please select a variant
870 E Please select one variant only
872 E $ records skipped (no authorization)
875 E Deletion not possible, since TK75 is active.
876 E Report $ has been locked by another user.
877 E Decimal places: -$- is not allowed.
878 E Report $ is not possible for plan data.
879 E Please select at least one value component.
880 E ABAP/4 run-time stack is too small (RLOCD, TYPE-PUSH)
881 E Error in run-time stack (RLOCD POP: $ NE $)
888 E The variable $N0 must not be changed.
890 E Document $ $ posted
898 E & records converted
899 E Conversion successful
900 E Termination during error processing $ $ $ $
901 E Error: $
902 E
903 E Generation of report $ canceled
904 E Table $, $ (update suppressed)
905 E Error in upgrade $
906 E Unable to open dataset $ for input
907 E Unable to open dataset $ for output
908 E Local data can only be assigned to local field symbols
909 E Table $ does not exist
910 E Selected dataset exceeds online sorting capacity
911 E Opening dataset $ for input
912 E Opening dataset $ for output
913 E Closing dataset $
914 E Overall length of all sorting fields is greater than 255
915 E Starting re-generation of report $ from client $
916 E Screen debugging activated
917 E Online access to dataset $ not supported
918 E Error in OPEN $ for output
919 E Database $ opened for output
920 E Opening database $
921 E Error in OPEN $
922 E Closing database $
923 E Error in CLOSE $
924 E Serial dataset $ opened
925 E Serial dataset $ closed
926 E Beginning data selection $ from database $
927 E End of data selection $ from database $
928 E AP--> $
929 E POSZZ -> $
930 E --> $
931 E Trace: Level 2 statement: $
932 E Trace: Copy: $
933 E Trace: New line: $
934 E ... $ $ $ $
935 E Error in OPEN on $
936 E Table for report submit is too small
937 E Report $ requested by user $
938 E Beginning of processing $ / $
939 E End of processing $ / $
940 E Access denied to user $
941 E Number of pages: $
942 E Number of lines: $
943 E No closing apostrophe in $
944 E Opening database $ for OUTPUT
945 E Beginning regeneration of report $
946 E ADYP number: $
947 E Segments: $
948 E Selection: $ $ $
949 E B U N D L I N G V I A D A T A B A S E $ for :
950 E Dataset created from database $
951 E Database $ (R$ system) not in table LDB
952 E Database $ in table LDB is incomplete (S line is missing)
953 E Database $ in table LDB is incomplete (P line is missing)
954 E Database $ in table LDB is incomplete (W line is missing)
955 E Text for database $ is missing in table LDBT
956 E Category $ language $ changed
957 E List processing not initialized
958 E Generation date for table $ is $ (in the future)
959 E Re-generation $ of update table $ ($ $)
960 E Authorization for transaction TM05 necessary
961 E Database $ - suffix is not AP/MC/AC/LC
962 E Import not possible - record format is invalid
964 E Unable to open database $ for output
965 E Syntax check report $
966 E OK
967 E Caution: Text for selection $ is missing
968 E Caution: Title is missing
970 E Number of lines per page - $, SCAN is not possible (max. 23)
971 E Position the cursor to find $
972 E String $ not found
973 E Report $ started in background via $ with $
974 E Specified address not allowed
975 E Missing PF key definition: SAPPG00/0010 status $
976 E Position cursor to find $
977 E Number of permissible programs exceeded (external Perform)
978 E The work area for field symbol $ is too small
979 E SY-LSIND and list stack index do not match
980 E Flow trace: PERFORM $($)
981 E Flow trace: ENDFORM $
982 E Breakpoint '$' in report $ reached
983 E Flow trace: Segment $ read
984 E Report end reached (PF24)
985 E Rprechd0: kilst-dcb: $ +28(2)-dcb: $ in sdata190
986 E Maximum number of list levels (9) reached
987 E *** Termination SORT/MERGE with return code $ (decimal) ***
988 E Call SORT/MERGE program via SAPSORT
989 E End SORT/MERGE program
990 E Breakpoint reached. Current macro: $
991 E System Table $ not found - internal error
992 E Sort:
993 E ($) <<$>>
994 E ($) $
995 E Error when creating list (line not allocated) - internal error
996 E Error in format line - format byte is missing - internal error
997 E Screen work area not initialized - internal error
998 E Data base '$' unknown.
999 E Please enter report name. Caution: it will be deleted.