
SAP Message Class FMFG

U.S. Federal Government Message Class

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The Message Class FMFG (U.S. Federal Government Message Class) is a standard Message Class in SAP ERP and is part of the package FMFG_E.

Technical Information

Message Class FMFG
Short Text U.S. Federal Government Message Class
Package FMFG_E


ID Language Text
000 D &1 &2 &3 &4
001 D Hochladen in interne Tabelle &1 ist fehlgeschlagen
002 D Das Hochladen wurde erfolgreich durchgeführt
003 D Quelldatei &1 existiert nicht
004 D Wählen Sie eine korrekte Option
005 D
006 D Download auf Datei &1 erfolgreich
008 D Aktualisierte Tabelle &1
009 D Aktualisiert Tabelle &1
010 D
016 D Wählen Sie eine gültige Zeile
017 D Sichern Sie die Einträge zuerst
106 D IS/PS US ist nicht aktiv
120 D Verkaufsbeleg ist noch nicht gesichert
121 D Für Kundenauftrag &1 existiert kein HHM-Beleg
140 D Die Customizingtabellen sind nicht gepflegt
160 D BANF ist vorerfasst, Anlegen eines Dokuments nicht möglich
161 D Bestellanforderung &1 ist vorerfasst
171 D Kein Regional Financial Center gefunden für &1 / &2 / &3 / &4
000 E &1 &2 &3 &4
001 E Upload to internal table &1 has failed
002 E &1 lines uploaded successfully from &2
003 E Source file &1 does not exist
004 E Choose a correct option
005 E Load program not found
006 E &1 records downloaded to file &2 successfully
007 E Set date format to MM/DD/YYYY. Decimal sign to .
008 E Updated table &1
009 E Updating table &1
010 E Download to file &1 unsuccessful
011 E At least one customer without ALC was skipped
012 E For selection of CO documents, no company code is considered but CO area
013 E No data to download
014 E No entries found in table & for selection
015 E Transferred table & is empty
016 E Select a valid line
017 E You must save entries first
018 E No entries can be added, deleted, or updated on the Bulk Extract File
019 E MAF table FMFGF2MAF was filled with &1 entries
020 E No FI documents posted
021 E No open items found
022 E Fund is blank for &1 &2 &3.
023 E Status of fund &1 is invalid for &2/&3/&4
024 E Invalid closing rule for fund status &1 and &2/&3/&4
025 E Possible entries cannot be displayed here
026 E No file will be generated
027 E Could not open WINDOWS file selection window
028 E Select at least one FACTS II edit to apply to bulk extract
029 E &1 duplicate lines updated on the FACTS II Extract File
030 E &1 lines dropped from &2
031 E Could not find data for the posted FI documents
032 E Footnote &1 succesfully to FACTS bulk extract record
033 E If you select Test Run, select List Open Items as well
034 E FACTS II Customizing Table &1 &2 &3 not maintained. See long text.
035 E &3 Account symbol does not have &2 RT7 code needed to post to account &1
036 E &3- Account &1 not valid for &2 fund
037 E &2- &1 not a permanent fund. SGL accnt 4391 is only valid for permanent
038 E &2- SGL accnt is invalid for fund &1
039 E &3- Ending debit balance &1 does not equal ending credit balance &2
040 E &3- Line 7-Resources &1 does not equal line 11- Status of Resources &2
041 E &3- Beginning debit balance &1 does not equal beginning credit balance &2
042 E &2- &1 account should not have a beginning balance
043 E &2- Anticipated account &1 should be adjusted to zero at year-end
044 E &3- Fund resources &1 do not equal fund equities &2.
045 E &2- Begin bal.should equal ending bal.until close year for account &1
046 E &4- Agy FBWT &1 not equal Try's FBWT for Agy &2 record for RT7 code &3
047 E &3- Investments in &1 Securities must have a balance in SGL account &2
048 E &1 table is currently being edited by another user
049 E &1 &2 No records in the FACTS II extract table
050 E &3- Footnote is required for account group &1 account &2
051 E &3- Agy Net Outlays &1 does not equal Try's record of Agy Net Outlays &2
052 E &3- Agency FBWT &1 does not equal Treasury's record of FBWT for Agency &2
053 E &3- Account group &1 total is &2. It should be zero.
054 E Select only one extract record
055 E Selected extract record contains no footnotes. Select a valid line.
056 E &1 footnote(s) deleted from the FACTS II footnote table
057 E Treasury Account Symbol Passed &1
058 E &1 lines were dropped from uploaded file &2
059 E Application of funds &1 does not exist
060 E &1 &2 records were &3 the FACTS II extract table
061 E Treasury Offset Status of &1 ( &2 ) set. See long text.
062 E &1 number of records downloaded into Treasury Offset File
063 E &1 number of &3 records downloaded into Treasury Offset File
064 E &2 total amount downloaded into Treasury Offset File
065 E &2 total number of records marked &1
066 E Accounting doc(s) containing multiple line items marked display only
067 E No Treasury Offset Records have been updated. There is nothing to save.
068 E New version. Obsolete entries from &1 deleted
069 E Accounting document &1 is currently being edited by user &2
070 E Bad date added in customer implementation of BAdI RFFMFG_TREA_OFFSET
071 E No Treasury Offset Records can be updated for entered selection criteria
072 E &1 additional records remain on the FACTS II extract table
073 E FACTS &1 Transaction Register Program has been updated. See long text
074 E No records marked as eligible to be sent to Treasury
075 E Exclude flag(s) saved successfully
076 E SGL account &1 has invalid value &2 for attribute &3
077 E No improper invoices found for given selection criteria.
078 E &3 -SF133 Outlays Amt #1 of &1 does not equal Outlays Amt #2 of &2
080 E This is an expert tool. Use program with caution - see long text
082 E The Program Reporting Category must be in the range from &1 to &2
083 E Program reporting category &1 must have a blank application of funds
090 E Pre-Edits A, B, C, and Edits 6, 6A, 7, 10, 12 cannot be run
100 E Schedule number &1 does not exist in this client
101 E Confirmation canceled
102 E No schedule data
103 E Multiple schedule run requires filename with dollar sign variable
104 E Variant is required if Bank Statement Reconciliation is to be run
105 E Agency Location Code &1 does not match schedule no.&2
106 E IS-PS US is not active
110 E Check count is not equal to confirm schedule
111 E Check count is equal to confirm schedule
112 E Entry for &1 is required to execute report
120 E Sales document not saved yet
121 E There is no Funds Management document for sales order &1
140 E Customizing tables not maintained. See long text.
150 E No valid default ALC/Pmt Office found. Required for &1 / &2
151 E No payment method supplement. Required for DIT or FBT accounts
152 E No PMS maintained on the open items, PMS will be defaulted into cash line
153 E Only open items with same PMS can be cleared with this transaction
154 E Payment doc PMS overridden with PMS from invoices that are being cleared
158 E Purchase requisition date in item &1 is in the future
159 E Purchase order date is in the future
160 E REQ is held, not possible to create document
161 E Purchase requisition &1 is parked
162 E PO date is earlier than the referenced PR date in line item &1
163 E Purchase requisition date in item &1 is in the future
164 E Purchase order date is in the future
165 E Purchase requisition &1 can be updated
166 E Purchase requisition &1 is updated
167 E Purchase order &1 can be updated
168 E Purchase order &1 is updated
169 E No payment method supplement found for agency loc.code/pmt office &1/&2
170 E No agency location code/pmt office found for payment method supplement &1
171 E No regional financial center found for &1 / &2 / &3 / &4
172 E No pymt file format/type/application found for payment method &1
173 E No schedule number found for payment run: &1 / &2 with pmt method &3
174 E Cannot generate schedule # for pymt run: &1 / &2 with pmt method &3
175 E Cannot update schedule # for pymt run: &1 / &2 with pmt method &3
176 E Max invoices per payment exceeded 14 for payment doc &1
177 E Max acct symbols exceeded 10 for the current file
178 E Max invoices per payment exceeded 1 for payment doc &1
179 E Limit of 100 schedules for &1 terminal has been reached
180 E Do not update too many documents. See long text for information.
181 E Account Symbol is missing.
200 E Insertion of US2 version into table CVERS failed. Rerun XPRA.
247 E Cannot proceed. Can only reverse Pmt Runs with Treasury Schedules
248 E Cannot proceed. Schedule &1 has status &2
249 E Error loading payment data for &1 &2
250 E Cannot reset clearing &1 / &2 / &3
251 E Clearing &1 / &2 / &3 reset
252 E Cannot reverse document &1 / &2 / &3
253 E Document &1 / &2 / &3 reversed with &4
254 E Cannot void check &1
255 E Check &1 voided
256 E Error setting status for schedule &1
257 E Error getting Fiscal Year for &1 &2
258 E Schedule &1 canceled
260 E Selection of sequential number of account assignment requires PO item
300 E Accountable Property set & does not exist
301 E Entry & not valid for customized dimension
302 E Movement Type can only be Goods Accepted or Goods Rejected, not both
303 E High Value must be greater than Low Value
304 E No Accountable Property transaction type has been configured
305 E No Accountable Property Movement Types correctly configured
306 E No Accountable Property settings have been configured
307 E No Accountable Property configuration for run date
308 E Run dates must not span a configuration entry date
309 E Leased items must also be flagged accountable property items
310 E No account assignment category and item category configured
311 E Multiple acct asst must be processed manually for PO &1 &2
312 E No account assignment found for purchase order &1 &2
313 E Could not determine goods accepted quantity for PO &1 &2
314 E Settings may not vary within customized dimension
315 E Transaction type not defined for company code &1
316 E Transation type and negative transaction type cannot be the same
317 E Asset &1 and corresp. sub assets require deletion in comp. code &2
318 E Asset class could not be determined for material group of PO &1 &2
319 E Error creating asset master record for PO &1 &2
320 E No invoice receipt documents found for selected date range
321 E AP table entry could not be updated for Comp. Code &1 Asset &2 &3 &4
322 E Comp. code &1 required asset &2 &3 no longer exists for PO &4
323 E Selection of PO item requires purchase order number
324 E Cannot retrieve field group from asset class &1
325 E Cannot retrieve screen layout rules for field group &1
326 E Required field group &1 not populated for screen layout &2
327 E Quantity &3 from PO &1 item &2 must be a whole number
328 E A tolerance key must be configured to set this check on
329 E No test screen provided for BL area &1
400 E ****** Federal Government Reporting (400-450) E FMFG 401 Field &1 not in Ledger defined E FMFG 4
550 E Document &1 has a Debit Balance. Clear the balance before to run &2
551 E Document &1 has a Credit Balance. Clear the balance before to run &2
552 E No entries to be processed. See application log.
553 E See application log
554 E More than one entry was found in Table t030. Transaction Key &1
555 E Table t030 has not been maintained. Transaction Key &1
556 E The derivation strategy has not been maintained. Fund &1
557 E Fund cannot be changed. Source Fund &1 <> Target Fund &2
558 E Invoice: &1
559 E All entries of the document have to be selected
560 E Document &1 has no expense account
561 E Fund &1 does not cancel on &2
562 E &1 will just run when MM goods receipt is on. Transaction 'OFUP'
563 E Chart of Account has not been assigned yet
564 E New Fund &1 is cCanceled.
565 E Fund &1 is canceled. &2 has to be run the day &3 cancels
601 E No data found. Verify the selections.
700 E <<<<<<<<<< Reporting >>>>>>>>>
701 E & messages occurred during processing -> Check the message log
702 E & messages occurred during processing -> Check the application log
703 E Document reference: &1 &2 &3 &4
704 E No message recorded
800 E Cannot retrieve FI document for reference document number &1
801 E Cannot determine Treasury Subclass Code for document type &1
802 E Cannot retrieve a name for the Treasury Subclass Code &1
803 E Values from &1 cannot be retrieved for &2 &3
804 E No data meeting selection criteria for &1
805 E Cannot determine calendar period for posting period &1
806 E Specify a full path
807 E Specify a last date of posting period or a fiscal period and year
808 E The electronic files were successfully downloaded to the server
809 E This is a calculated amount. Drilldown is not possible.
810 E No summary items to report on
811 E No line items to report on
812 E &1 entries updated. Transport entries.
813 E Cannot display original document &1
814 E PR &1 cannot be deleted or changed as it affects the commitments
815 E Enter upper and lower limit of account range
816 E No PMS is assigned by ALC & and Payment Office &
820 E File names are identical
821 E Cannot derive a Treasury Subclass Code/Symbol Suffix for line item &