

Drilldown Reporting

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The package KCDD_NU (Drilldown Reporting) is a standard package in SAP ERP. It belongs to the parent package APPL_NU.

Technical Information

Package KCDD_NU
Short Text Drilldown Reporting
Parent Package APPL_NU

Function Groups

SAP Package KCDD_NU contains 4 function groups.

KXOB_COMMENT Transp. of Comments from Drilldown Rep.
KY_REPORT_POPUPS Popups for Settings in Report
KYP2_NU Export, Import, Memory (Non-Unicode)
KYPC Control Interface for Drilldown Reportg


SAP Package KCDD_NU contains 6 programs.

RKC_COMMENT_CONVERT_46B Conversion of comments from 30 - 31 from 4.6B and later
RKD_REGENERATE_ALL_REPORTS Regenerate Drilldown Reports
RKD_WHERE_USED Construct Where-Used List for Fields in Reports
RKDBATV3 Maintain Variant Groups
RKE_KFSVIEWER Check key figure scheme
RKEBATSM Background processing for Drilldown reports