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Check it out on →The package PC10 (HR accounting: USA) is a standard package in SAP ERP. It belongs to the parent package HRCUS.
Package | PC10 |
Short Text | HR accounting: USA |
Parent Package | HRCUS |
SAP Package PC10 contains 36 function groups.
3110 | Output module for USA |
0P0Y | erweiterte Tabellenpflege (generiert) |
0PU1 | Enhanced table maintenance (generated) |
0PU2 | Enhanced table maintenance (generated) |
0PUA | erweiterte Tabellenpflege (generiert) |
0PUCP | Extended Table Maintenance (Generated) |
0PUE | erweiterte Tabellenpflege (generiert) |
0PUF | Outsourcing Tables |
0PUG | Table Maintenance for Garn. US Part 1 |
0PUH | Table Maintenance for Garn. US Part 2 |
0PUM | erweiterte Tabellenpflege (generiert) |
0PUP | erweiterte Tabellenpflege (generiert) |
0PUQ | erweiterte Tabellenpflege (generiert) |
31US | Payroll log for US |
EH1030 | mySAP Dev |
EHU2 | Entreprise HR ESS - US Taxes scenario |
HRPAY00US_GARN_AF | Additional fields for garnishments |
HRPAYUS_ETA_VIEW | HR Payroll ETA Views Function Group |
HRPAYUS_GARN_REMIT | HR-US: Garnishment remittance |
HRPAYUS_TAX_UTILS | Utility functions for US tax (payroll) |
HRPAYUS91 | HR-US: Copying US employees |
HRSP_US | payroll splits US |
HRTU | US tax |
HRU0 | Function Module for HRNA |
HRUS_BSI_TOOLS | BSI TaxFactory Tools |
PAW4_US | Business Object W4W5InfoUS |
PBS1_US | US Payroll in Distibuted Systems |
PBSI | HR: BSI Interface (US/Canadian) |
PBSU | BSI TF 6.0 function group |
PBWFUS | Workflow check funtion for US |
RPCUS | Out-of-sequence checks |
RPFU | Print Routines for USA |
RPHU | HRUS - Reporting for USA Payroll |
RPUT | US Tax Reporter execution check |
SAP Package PC10 contains 80 transactions.
OGS6 | Load zip codes |
OGS7 | Generate schema |
OGS8 | Delete tax table entries |
OGS9 | Generate ADP number ranges |
OTR3 | Number range for log numbers |
P000_M10_DTTE | Delete/insert tax table entries |
P000_M10_EER | Exemption expiration report |
P000_M10_GANS | Garnishment: Display answer letters |
P000_M10_GCUST | Garnishment: Customizing review |
P000_M10_GNOT | Garnishment: Display notice letters |
P000_M10_GPAL | Garnishment: Print answer letter |
P000_M10_GPNL | Garnishment: Print notice letter |
P000_M10_GSTA | Garnishment statistics |
P000_M10_TAUTH | Display tax authorities |
P000_M10_TAUTN | Tax authorities incl. tax area |
P000_M10_TMODEL | Taxability models/tax types by auth. |
P000_M10_TSUM | Tax infotype summary |
P000_M10_W4 | W-4 withholding allowance report |
P0G1 | Copy entries for garnishments |
PA07 | Number Range Maintenance: RP_GARNEM |
PC00_M10 | Bereichsmenü - Abrechnung für USA |
PC00_M10_CALC | Payroll Driver USA |
PC00_M10_CALC_SIMU | Simulation payroll accounting 10 |
PC00_M10_CDTB | Per Payroll Period - Advance 10 |
PC00_M10_CDTC | Payroll Transfer Prelim. Prog DTA-10 |
PC00_M10_CDTE | Payroll Transfer - Test Transfer 10 |
PC00_M10_CEDT | Payroll Remuneration Statement - 10 |
PC00_M10_CLAIMS | Claims processing |
PC00_M10_CLJN | Payroll Journal |
PC00_M10_CLSTR | Tools - Payroll Results - 10 |
PC00_M10_CPL3U0 | Garnishment Stats 10 |
PC00_M10_CPL5U0 | Garnish. Letter - Tax Authorities 10 |
PC00_M10_CPL7U0 | Garnish.Letter-Tax Type/Tax Auth. 10 |
PC00_M10_CPRS | Payroll Reconciliation (Scheduler) |
PC00_M10_FFOC | Payroll Transfer - Check Printing 10 |
PC00_M10_FFOT | Create Payroll Transfer DTA 10 |
PC00_M10_IPIT0 | Garnishment: Active -> inactive |
PC00_M10_IPIT1 | Garnishment: Pending -> active |
PC00_M10_IPIT2 | Garnishment: Delimit |
PC00_M10_JAHRLICHE | Bereichsmenü - Jährliche |
PC00_M10_PAP | Bereichsmenü - Pro Abrechn.Periode |
PC00_M10_PCALC | Payroll Driver (USA) |
PC00_M10_PDUNABHAGIG | Bereichsmenü - Periodenunabhägig |
PC00_M10_PRJ | Payroll journal |
PC00_M10_REC | Payroll reconciliation report |
PC00_M10_REMU | Remuneration statements |
PC00_M10_RFFOAVIS | Print zero net advices |
PC00_M10_SONSPERIOD | Folgeaktivitäten - Sonstige Perioden |
PC00_M10_UAUTU1 | Utilities - Tax Authority Util. 10 |
PC00_M10_UAUTU2 | Utilities - Auths. not in Area 10 |
PC00_M10_UTAX | Tax Reporter Util. Delete Entries 10 |
PC00_M10_UTMDU0 | Utilities - Expand Tax Models 10 |
PC00_M10_XPM | Export /transfer to process model |
PC10 | Bereichsmenü - Abrechnung für USA |
PUU1 | BSI Test Tool |
PUU2 | transaction of sapmpuu2 |
PZ10 | Tax Deductions Form (W-4) |
S_AHR_61016157 | RPSBENU1 |
S_AHR_61018751 | Payroll Driver (USA) |
S_AHR_61018754 | Display Cluster RU (USA Payroll Resu |
S_AHR_61018755 | Subsequent processed of off-cycle ac |
S_AHR_61018756 | Off-Cycle Batch Processes - Start Pr |
S_AHR_61018757 | Update Remittance Tables from TemSe |
S_AHR_61018758 | Create Third-Party Remittance Postin |
S_AHR_61018759 | Reconciliation of Transfers |
S_AHR_61018774 | Check Processing Classes |
S_AHR_61018775 | Acknowledgement Report for Third-Par |
S_AHR_61018776 | Undo Third-Party Remittance Steps |
S_AHR_61018777 | Taxability Models/Tax types by Tax A |
S_AHR_61018778 | Display tax authorities |
S_AHR_61018779 | Tax Authorites not included in a res |
S_AHR_61018780 | Client Transport Program for BTX* Ta |
S_AHR_61018781 | Delete/Insert tax table entries |
S_AHR_61018782 | Listing of tax amounts in tax interf |
S_AHR_61018872 | List HR Objects in the TemSe |
S_L6D_84000072 | Application log: Standard log displa |
S_PH9_46000172 | Wage Type Reporter |
S_PH9_46000232 | Tip income and allocated tips report |
S_PH9_46000233 | Pensionable Earnings and Hours Repor |
WS01000090 | W-2 Reprint |
SAP Package PC10 contains 103 database tables.
PA0096 | HR Master Record: Infotype 0096 (Tax - USA) |
PA0103 | HR Master Record: Infotype 0103 (Bond Purchases NA) |
PA0104 | HR Master Record: Infotype 0104 (Bond Denominations NA) |
PA0161 | HR Master Record: Infotype 0161 (Limits IRS) |
PA0194 | HR Master Record Infotype 0194 (Garnishment Document) |
PA0195 | HR Master Record Infotype 0195 (Garnishment Order) |
PA0207 | HR Master Record: Infotype 0207 (Residence Tax Area) |
PA0208 | HR Master Record: Infotype 0208 (Work Tax Area - USA) |
PA0209 | HR Master Record: Infotype 0209 (Unemployment Insurance USA) |
PA0210 | HR Master Record: Infotype 0210 (W4 USA) |
PA0216 | Garnishment Adjustment |
PA0234 | HR Master Record Infotype 0234 (Add. Withh. Inform. - USA) |
PA0235 | HR Master Record: Infotype 0235 (Other Taxes - USA) |
PA0269 | HR Master Record: Infotype 0269 (ADP Information USA) |
PA0449 | HR Master Record: Infotype 0449 |
PA0450 | HR Master Record: Infotype 0450 |
PA0451 | HR Master Record: Infotype 0451 |
PA0452 | HR Master Record: Infotype 0452 |
PA0453 | HR Master Record: Infotype 0453 |
PA0454 | HR Master Record: Infotype 0454 |
PA0455 | HR Master Record: Infotype 0455 |
PA0456 | HR Master Record: Infotype 0456 |
PA0457 | HR Master Record: Infotype 0457 |
PA0506 | Tip Indicators |
PRUEXTUSERS | Link users/employees to external user names |
T51G2 | Off-Cycle Batch Table |
T5U8A | Transfer ext.payroll result: Tax cumulation data (USA) |
T5UCP_COMPM | Common Paymaster Relationship |
T5UCP_STATE | Common Paymaster Acknowledgement for States |
T5UF0 | HR-US: ADP Interface |
T5UF1 | HR-US: ADP Interface, ADP Fields |
T5UF2 | HR-US: ADP Interface, used fields per Interface |
T5UF3 | HR-US: ADP Interface, field sort |
T5UF4 | HR-US: ADP Interface, Record type |
T5UF5 | HR-US: ADP Interface, fields per record type |
T5UF6 | HR-US: ADP Interface, Mapping Information |
T5UFA | ADP Interface: Mapping Table between SAP and ADP Wage Types |
T5UFB | SAP to ADP tax authority mapping table |
T5UFC | ADP Company Codes |
T5UFD | Variables for ADP company set up |
T5UFE | ADP system variables |
T5UFF | Personnel area to ADP company code mapping (US ADP only) |
T5UG0 | HR: Garnishment Order Types |
T5UG1 | HR: Garnishment Document Category |
T5UG2 | Adjustment to the Disposable Net |
T5UG3 | Model for Calculation of the Non-Exempt Amount |
T5UG4 | Rules for Calculation of the Non-Exempt Amount |
T5UG5 | Model of the Disposable Net |
T5UG6 | Government Service Charge |
T5UG7 | Government Remittance Rule |
T5UG8 | Company Remittance Rule |
T5UG9 | Garnishment Default Values |
T5UGA | Special Rule for Calculation of the Non-Exempt Amount |
T5UGB | Calculation Scheme for Special Rule |
T5UGC | Service Charge |
T5UGD | Filing Status |
T5UGE | Determining Amount Exempt from Levy |
T5UGF | Determining Additional Exempt Amount |
T5UGG | Company Service Charge |
T5UGH | Levy Statement |
T5UGI | Garnishment Letters |
T5UGJ | Print Request of Notification Letters |
T5UGK | Print Request of Answer Letters |
T5UGL | Function Exit for Garnishment Letters |
T5UGM | HR: Garnishment Originator |
T5UP1 | Minimum and cash wages for tip credit |
T5UP2 | Establishment/stores for tip processing |
T5UP3 | Establishment text |
T5UP4 | Establishment level adjusted gross receipts |
T5UP5 | Distribution Payments Mapping |
T5UP6 | Distribution Codes |
T5UP6T | Distribution Codes Text |
T5US0 | Priority for tax wagetypes |
T5US1 | SAP Taxability Matrix Table |
T5UT0 | SAP Taxability Matrix Table |
T5UTA | Resident Tax Areas |
T5UTB | Work Tax Areas |
T5UTD | Default Tax Type (US) |
T5UTE | Tax Authority / Tax Calculation Model |
T5UTF | ZIP Codes for Residence Tax Areas |
T5UTI | Tax identification number and successor enterprise |
T5UTLA | Timedependent Attributes of Taxcompany on Taxauthority Level |
T5UTM | Tax Model |
T5UTO | Assignment of technical wage types to tax types |
T5UTQ | Tax Authority Combination for Local Reciprocity |
T5UTR | Tax Authorities per Resident Tax Area |
T5UTRC | Payroll USA: Tax Reciprocity Attributes |
T5UTS | States without withholding tax |
T5UTT | Tax Types (US) |
T5UTU | Wage Base Continuity for Tax Authorities |
T5UTW | Tax Authorities per Work Tax Area |
T5UTX | Tax Ceilings and rates |
T5UTY | Tax Type Combinations |
T5UTZ | Tax Authorities |
T5UU0 | SAP Taxability Customized Table |
T7US_ETA_OVMTH | US Tax Override Method |
T7US_ETA_OVMTH_T | US Tax Override Method Text |
T7US_ETA_TXOVM | Tax Override Method Per Tax Type |
SAP Package PC10 contains 67 views.
H_T5UG0 | Garnishment Order |
H_T5UG1 | Garnishment Document Category |
H_T5UG3 | Model for the Calculation of the Non-exempt Amount |
H_T5UG4 | Rules for Calculation of the Nonexempt Amount |
H_T5UG5 | Disposable Net Model |
H_T5UGA | Special Rule |
H_T5UGC | Service Charge Rule |
H_T5UGD | Filing Status |
H_T5UGE | Figuring Amount Exempt from Levy |
H_T5UGF | Figuring Additional Exempt Amount |
H_T5UGH | Levy Statement |
H_T5UGL | Function Exit for Garnishment Letters |
H_T5UGM | Originator |
H_T5UTA | Helpview for Resident Tax Area (USA) |
H_T5UTB | Helpview for Work Tax Area (USA) |
H_T5UTL | Tax compny |
H_T5UTT | Tax types |
H_T5UTZ | Helpview for Tax Authorities (USA) |
V_5UG1_B | Service Charge |
V_5URA_A | Wage Types for ZIP Code for HR Creditor Grouping |
V_5URB_A | Wage Types for Org HR Creditor Grouping |
V_5URC_A | Tax Wage Types for HR Creditor Grouping |
V_T5U8A | Transfer ext. payroll result: Tax and arrears data (USA) |
V_T5U8C | Transfer external payroll results (USA) |
V_T5UCP_COMPM | Common Paymaster Relationship |
V_T5UCP_STATE | Common Paymaster Acknowledgement for States |
V_T5UF2 | HR-US: ADP Interface, possible fields per Interface |
V_T5UF3 | HR-US: ADP Interface, field sort |
V_T5UF5 | HR-US: ADP Interface, |
V_T5UF6 | HR-US: ADP Interface, Mapping information |
V_T5UFA | ADP Interface: Mapping between ADP and SAP Wage types |
V_T5UFB | Mapping table for SAP to ADP tax authorities |
V_T5UFD | Values for ADP System variables |
V_T5UFE | ADP system variables |
V_T5UFF | Personnel area to ADP company code mapping (US ADP only) |
V_T5UG0 | Garnishment Order Types |
V_T5UG1 | Garnishment Document Category |
V_T5UG2 | Adjustment to the Disposable Net |
V_T5UG3 | Model for the Calculation of the Non-exempt Amount |
V_T5UG4 | Rules for Calculation of the Non-Exempt Amount |
V_T5UG6 | Service Charge Government |
V_T5UG7 | Government Remittance Rule |
V_T5UG8 | Company Remittance Rule |
V_T5UGB | Calculation Scheme for Special Rule |
V_T5UGC | Service Charge |
V_T5UGD | Filing Status |
V_T5UGE | Figuring Amount Exempt from Levy |
V_T5UGF | Figuring Additional Exempt Amount |
V_T5UGG | Service Charge Rule Company |
V_T5UGI | Garnishment Letters |
V_T5UP1 | Minimum and cash wages for tip credit |
V_T5UP2 | Establishment/stores for tip processing |
V_T5UP4 | Establishment level adjusted gross receipts |
V_T5UP5 | Distribution Code Mapping |
V_T5UP6 | Distribution codes |
V_T5URB | View: Remittance Creditor Mapping - Type 6 |
V_T5URC | Derivation of HR Creditor Taxes |
V_T5US0 | Priority for tax wagetypes |
V_T5UTD | Assignment of Tax Authorities to Tax Type |
V_T5UTLA | Attributes of Tax Company on Tax Authority Level |
V_T5UTQ | Tax Authority Combination for Local Reciprocity |
V_T5UTRC | Tax Reciprocity Attributes |
V_T5UTT | Tax Types |
V_T5UTX | Tax ceilings and rates |
V_T7US_ETA_OVMTH | View for US Employee Tax Arrangement Override Method |
V_T7US_ETA_TXOVM | Override Method per Tax Authority & Tax Type |
VV_T5F99K2_US_BSITF | Version of BSI TaxFactory for Customizing |
SAP Package PC10 contains 172 structures.
BAPIP0210 | Personnel Record Infotype 0210 (W4/W5 Withholding) US |
E1HR58E | HR: Outsourcing: Payroll Results T558e |
EHCHANGE_STATUS | Changing job status via webMethods |
EHGET_JOBS | Structure for Receiving Jobs from the B2B WebMethods Server |
EHJOBS_DESCRIPTION | For posting jobs to external Systems |
EHPOST_JOBS | Structure for posting jobs to webMethods server |
EHPOST_REQUISITION | Post Job Requisitions to WebMethods |
FRMFLD | Structure for frmfld |
HR1030RETURN | Return Structure for WebMethods Calls |
HRPAYUS_S_BTYPE | Payroll period type |
HRPAYUS_S_RPCLMSU0_ALV | ALV Display structure for report RPCLMSU0_ALV |
HRPAYUS_S_RPCPL1U0_ALV1 | ALV Display structure for report RPCPL1U0 |
HRPAYUS_S_RPCPL1U0_ALV2 | ALV Display structure for report RPCPL1U0 - Second level |
HRPAYUS_S_RPCPL3U0_ALV1 | ALV Display structure for report RPCPL3U0_ALV |
HRPAYUS_S_RPCPL3U0_ALV2 | ALV Display structure for report RPCPL3U0_ALV |
HRPAYUS_S_RPCPL3U0_ALV3 | ALV Display structure for report RPCPL3U0_ALV |
HRPAYUS_S_RPCPRRU0_ALV | For output of report RPCPRRU0_ALV |
HRPAYUS_S_RPCPRRU0_LGA1 | RPCPRRU0 - Valid wage types for selection |
HRPAYUS_S_TXBLWT | US taxable table |
HRPAYUS_TAX_ADD_KEY | additional key for tables in US tax |
HRPAYUS_TS_OVERRIDE_HOURS | HR US Structure: Work Tax Area Override hours |
HRPAYUS_TS_PAY0004 | HCM BAdI: Work Tax Area Override Determination |
HRPAYUS_TS_WTA | HCM Structure: Work tax area |
HRPOST_REQUISITION | Structure for posting jobs to webmethods |
HRPY_PAYUS_RESULT | Structure of payroll result table: US specific |
P0103 | HR Master Record: Infotype 0103 (Bond Purchases NA) |
P0104 | HR Master Record: Infotype 0104 (Bond Denominations NA) |
P0161 | HR Master Record: Infotype 0161 (IRS Limits US) |
P0194 | HR Master Record Infotype 0194 (Garnishment Document) |
P0195 | HR Master Record Infotype 0195 (Garnishment Order) |
P0195_AF | Additional Fields for Query |
P0207 | HR Master Record: Infotype 0207 (Resident Tax Area - USA) |
P0208 | HR Master Record: Infotype 0208 (Work Tax Area - USA) |
P0209 | HR Master Record: Infotype 0209 (Unemployment State - USA) |
P0210 | HR Master Record: Infotype 0210 (W4/W5-USA) |
P0216 | Garnishment Adjustment |
P0234 | HR Master Record: Infotype 0234 (Add. Withh. Inf. - USA) |
P0235 | HR Master Record: Infotype 0235 (Other Taxes - USA) |
P0269 | HR Master Record: Infotype 0269 (ADP Information) |
P0448_AF | Additional Query Fields |
P0449 | HR Master Record for Infotype 0449 |
P0449_AF | Additional Query Fields |
P0450 | HR Master Record for Infotype 0450 |
P0450_AF | Additional Query Fields |
P0451 | HR Master Record for Infotype 0451 |
P0451_AF | Additional Query Fields |
P0452 | HR Master Record for Infotype 0452 |
P0452_AF | Additional Query Fields |
P0453 | HR Master Record for Infotype 0453 |
P0453_AF | Additional Query Fields |
P0454 | HR Master Record for Infotype 0454 |
P0454_AF | Additional Query Fields |
P0455 | HR Master Record for Infotype 0455 |
P0455_AF | Additional Query Fields |
P0456 | HR Master Record for Infotype 0456 |
P0456_AF | Additional Query Fields |
P0457 | HR Master Record for Infotype 0457 |
P0457_AF | Additional Query Fields |
P0506 | Tip Indicators |
P10_RECON_DATA | Payroll Reconciliation Report Output Table |
P10_RECON_TOTAL | Payroll Reconciliation Report Totals Table |
P10_SHR_F_8027 | Structure for 8027 allocated tips report |
P10ST | Structure for Feature 10STT |
PAYUS_CUMUL_PERSON_RESULT | Unfiltered person cumulation tables US |
PAYUS_NATIONAL | HR-PAY-US: National part of payroll result |
PAYUS_NATIONAL_CE | additional payroll tables for US CE payroll image |
PAYUS_PAYROLL_IMAGE_LINE | Line of table for payroll image USA |
PAYUS_PERSON_RESULT | HR-PAY-US: Definition of payroll result (Person) |
PAYUS_RESULT | HR-PAY-US: Definition of payroll result |
PBSI_COMPANY | TaxFactory Company Information |
PBSI_CUST_OVERRIDE | TaxFactory Custom Override Information |
PBSI_CUSTOM_TAX | TaxFactory Custom Tax Information |
PBSI_CUSTOM_TAXABILITY | TaxFactory Custom Taxability Information |
PBSI_DEFAULT_UNEMPLOYMENT | TaxFactory Default Unemployement Information |
PBSI_EMPLOYEE_GROUP | TaxFactory Employee Group Information |
PBSI_FIL_STAT_INFO | TaxFactory Filling Status Information |
PBSI_MAP_PAY_CODE | TaxFactory Mapped Pay Codes Information |
PBSI_MAP_TAX_CODE | TaxFactory Mapped Tax Code Information |
PBSI_MAP_TAX_TYPE | TaxFactory Mapped Tax Type Information |
PBSI_MARITAL_STATUS | TaxFactory Marital Status Information |
PBSI_RATE | TaxFactory Experience Rate Information |
PBSI_SUPPLEMENTAL | TaxFactory Supplemental Method Information |
PBSI_TAX_API | TaxFactory Tax Information |
PBSI_TAX_TYPE_90 | TaxFactory Tax Type Information |
PBSI_TAXABILITY | TaxFactory Taxability Information |
PBSI_TAXING_AUTHORITY | TaxFactory Taxing Authority Information |
PBSI_TFRELEASE | TaxFactory Release info |
PBSI_TOOLS_COMMON_PARAMETER | TaxFactory Common Structure for RFC Function Call parameters |
PC22T | Payroll Results: Tax (U.S.) |
PC22X | Authorities tax prorates |
PC23C | Payroll result: Tax authorities of resident/unemployment(US) |
PC290 | Payroll Results: Garnishment for US Document |
PC291 | Payroll Results: Garnishment for US Order |
PC292 | Payroll Results: Garnishment for US Record |
PC292B | Payroll Processing: Garnishment for US (GRCHG) |
PC2A0 | Payroll Results: Cumulated tips result |
PC2U0 | Pay Log US: Table UMODIF |
PC2U10 | Pay Log US: Table CUR_RT |
PC2U11 | Pay Log US: Table OVR_TAX_AMOUNT |
PC2U12 | Pay Log US: Table CUR_NRD_NTXCO |
PC2U13 | Pay Log US: Table YTD_NRD_NTXCO |
PC2U14 | Pay Log US: Table SW_EXAMT_TAKEN |
PC2U16 | Pay Log US: Table YTD_NTK_WT |
PC2U17 | Pay Log US: Table SW_EETAX_TAKEN |
PC2U18 | Pay Log US: Table OLD_EETAX |
PC2U19 | Pay Log US: Table LOOP_NTK |
PC2U2 | Pay Log US: Table TXIT |
PC2U20 | Pay Log US: Table DT |
PC2U21 | Pay Log US: Table NTK_RT |
PC2U22 | Pay Log US: Table PRINT_NTK_RT |
PC2U3 | Pay Log US: Table ICRT |
PC2U4 | Pay Log US: Table REL_ICRT |
PC2U5 | Pay Log US: Table TAX_LOOP |
PC2U6 | Pay Log US: Table TXRT |
PC2U7 | Pay Log US: Table TAX_LGART |
PC2U8 | Pay Log US: Table GUP_RESULT |
PC2U9 | Pay Log US: Table NON_WH_ST |
PC2U99A | Payroll Results: Tax Retro Differences -(USA) |
PME47 | Structure for Defining a addressing tax company |
PMEGU | Fields for the feature UEQPY |
PS0096 | HR Master Record: Infotype 0096 (Tax - USA) |
PS0103 | HR Master Record: Infotype 0103 (Bond Purchases NA) |
PS0104 | HR Master Record: Infotype 0104 (Bond Denominations NA) |
PS0161 | HR Master Record: Infotype 0161 (IRS Limits US) |
PS0194 | HR Master Record Infotype 0194 (Garnishment Document) |
PS0195 | HR Master Record Infotype 0195 (Garnishment Order) |
PS0207 | HR Master Record: Infotype 0207 (Resident Tax Area - USA) |
PS0208 | HR Master Record: Infotype 0208 (Work Tax Area - USA) |
PS0209 | HR Master Record: Infotype 0209 (Unemployment State - USA) |
PS0210 | HR Master Record: Infotype 0210 (W4/W5-USA) |
PS0216 | Garnishment Adjustment |
PS0234 | HR Master Record: Infotype 0234 (Add. Withholding - USA) |
PS0235 | HR Master Record: Infotype 0235 (Other Taxes - USA) |
PS0269 | HR Master Record: Infotype 0269 (ADP Information) |
PS0446 | Payroll Infotype: US Fed Taxes |
PS0449 | Payroll infotype: US Fed taxes YTD |
PS0450 | Payroll infotype: US State taxes |
PS0451 | Payroll infotype: US State taxes MTD |
PS0452 | Payroll infotype: US State taxes QTD |
PS0453 | Payroll infotype: US State taxes YTD |
PS0454 | Payroll infotype: US Locality taxes |
PS0455 | Payroll infotype: US Locality taxes MTD |
PS0456 | Payroll infotype: US Locality taxes QTD |
PS0457 | Payroll infotype: US Locality taxes YTD |
PS0506 | Tip Indicator |
Q0096 | Screen Fields: Infotype 0096 (Tax USA) |
Q0103 | Screen Fields: Infotype 0103 (Bond Purchases - NA) |
Q0104 | Screen Fields: Infotype 0104 (Bond Denominations - NA) |
Q0161 | Dynpro Fields for IRS Limits (USA) |
Q0194 | Screen Fields for Infotype 0194 (Garnishment Document) |
Q0195 | Garnishment Order |
Q0207 | Screen Fields for Resident Tax Area (USA) |
Q0208 | Screen Fields for Work Tax Area (USA) |
Q0210 | Screen Fields for W4 (USA) |
Q0210_ESS | HR ESS US Taxes |
Q0216 | Garnishemnt Adjustment |
Q0234 | Dynpro Fields for 0234 (Additional Withholding Inform. USA) |
Q0235 | Dynpro Fields for Infotype 0235 (Other Taxes - USA) |
Q0894 | Dynpro Fields for Infotype 0235 (Other Taxes - USA) |
QTREEITM | item table for tree structure |
RANGE_PRDS | HRUS Payroll Reporting Period Range Table |
RPCCTXU0 | Parameters for RPCCTXU0 (Tax Statement) |
RPCCTXU1 | Parameters for RPCCTXU0 (Tax Statement) |
RPCDTEU0_ALV | ALV Display structure for report RPCDTEU0 |
RPCPXXUX | Parameter for Reports of Garnishments USA |
RPUTAXU7_ALV1 | Structure for the ALV conversion of RPUTAXU7 |
RPUTAXU7_ALV2 | Structure for the ALV conversion of RPUTAXU7 |
RPUTAXU8_ALV1 | Structure for the ALV conversion of RPUTAXU8_ALV |
RPUTAXU8_ALV2 | Structure fro the ALV conversion of RPUTAXU8 |
T5UF6_F | HR-US: ADP Interface, Mapping Information (Fields) |
T5UF6_K | HR-US: ADP Interface, Mapping Information (Key) |
SAP Package PC10 contains 83 programs.
MP016100 | Module Pool: Infotype 0161 IRS Limits (USA) |
MP019400 | Module Pool Infotype 0194 |
MP020700 | Module Pool: Infotype 0207 Resident Tax Area (USA) |
MP020800 | Infotype 0208, MODULE POOL: Work Tax Area (USA) |
MP020900 | Module Pool: Infotype 0209 Unemployment State (USA) |
MP021000 | Module Pool: Infotype 0210 Withholding Information W4/W5 (USA) |
MP021600 | Module Pool for Infotype 0216: Garnishment Adjustment |
MP023400 | Infotyp 0234, MODULE POOL: Additional Withholding information (USA) |
MP023500 | Infotyp 0235, MODULPOOL: Other taxes (USA) |
MP044600 | Payrollinfotype |
MP044900 | Module Pool for Infotype 0449 |
MP045000 | Module Pool for Infotype 0450 |
MP045100 | Module Pool for Infotype 0451 |
MP045200 | Module Pool for Infotype 0452 |
MP045300 | Module Pool for Infotype 0453 |
MP045400 | Module Pool for Infotype 0454 |
MP045500 | Module Pool for Infotype 0455 |
MP045600 | Module Pool for Infotype 0456 |
MP045700 | Module Pool for Infotype 0457 |
MP050600 | erweiterte Tabellenpflege untere Ebene |
RPCADJU0 | Audit report for adjustments |
RPCALCU0 | Payroll Driver (USA) |
RPCCTXU0 | Tax Type Statement (U.S.) |
RPCCTXU1 | Tax Type Statement (U.S.) |
RPCDTCU0 | Data Medium Exchange Preliminary Program (USA) |
RPCDTEU0 | Prenotification |
RPCEDTU0 | Remuneration Statements |
RPCGRNU0 | Garnishment Details Report |
RPCLJNU0 | Payroll Journal |
RPCLMSU0 | Claims Processing |
RPCLSTRU | Display Cluster RU (USA Payroll Results) |
RPCNBLU0 | File Layout - NBT3 |
RPCNBLUA | Include For NBT Data transfers |
RPCNBTU0 | Export |
RPCPL1U0 | Garnishment History |
RPCPL2U0 | Listing of Customizing Tables |
RPCPL3U0 | Garnishment Statistics |
RPCPL4U0 | Display Garnishment Notice Letters |
RPCPL5U0 | Print Garnishment Notice Letters |
RPCPL6U0 | Display Garnishment Answer Letters |
RPCPL7U0 | Print Garnishment Answer Letters |
RPCPRRU0 | Payroll Reconciliation Report |
RPCPRSU0 | Payroll Reconciliation Report (Scheduler) |
RPCPRSU0_MH | Distributed Reporting for Error Handling |
RPCTRTU0_ALV | Magnetic media Files Display/Copy Utility ALV display |
RPHRPYU0_TEMPLATE | HRUS Report Template |
RPIPITU0 | Changing Garnishment Status from Active to Inactive |
RPIPITU1 | Changing Garnishment Status from Pending to Active |
RPIPITU2 | Delimiting Garnishments |
RPLTAXU0 | Tax Infotype Summary |
RPLTIPU0 | Tip Income and Allocated Tips Report |
RPTTINDX | Cycle generation program |
RPU161U0 | Conversion of IRS Limits records to include subtype |
RPU46AU0 | Data Conversion Program for T5UTM, T5UTY |
RPUANRU0 | Customize ADP Number Ranges |
RPUAUTU1 | Display Tax Authorities |
RPUAUTU2 | Tax Authorities not included in a Residence or Work Tax Area |
RPUBTXU7 | Copy Tax Companies |
RPUBTXUC | Convert BSI table entries which contain client |
RPUCDCU0 | Convert Payroll Results for Conversion to > 2 Decimal Places |
RPUCRT0P | Recreation of cumulation tables - international version |
RPUCRUU0 | Convert Cluster RU (PCL2), USA Version XPRA |
RPUCT200 | Modifying proc/eval/cumul.class in T512W (T512U/T513U accordingly) |
RPUDEDUC | Convert T512W entries of deduct. wage types from PRCL 66 to 50 |
RPUEVLUB | Evaluate BAL and UNB |
RPUGRNU_CHECK_CUSTOMIZING | Testrun payroll to check garnishment customizing |
RPUMARU0 | Load Marital Statuses for tax authorities |
RPUP0096 | Convert Inf. 0096 into 0207, 0208, 0210, 0234, 0235 |
RPUPSNU0 | Deduction wage type amount signs correction for Infotype 0221 |
RPURACU1 | Conversion of Entries in PREL for New Ethnic Category Keys (T505R/S) |
RPUTAXU0 | Delete/Insert Tax Table Entries |
RPUTAXU1 | Taxability Model Generation Program |
RPUTAXU2 | Taxability model listing report |
RPUTAXU4 | Get w4 Default |
RPUTAXU7 | Exemption Expiration Report |
RPUTAXU8 | W-4 Withholding Allowance Report |
RPUTAXU9 | Loading the data from excel spreadsheet to T5UT0 |
RPUTMDU0 | Taxability Models/Tax Types by Tax Authority |
RPUTTUU0 | Wage Type Update Program |
RPUTXUU0 | Environmentchecker for tax reporter |
RPUWMTU0 | Wage type maintenance - USA |
SAPMWS01000090H | Module pool for task WS01000090 |
SAP Package PC10 contains 19 search helps.
H_T5UF0 | Garnishment Document Category |
H_T5UF1 | HR-US: ADP Interface, ADP fields |
H_T5UF4 | HR-US: ADP Interface, record types |
H_T5UG0 | Garnishment order |
H_T5UG1 | Garnishment document category |
H_T5UG3 | Model for the Calculation of the Non-exempt Amount |
H_T5UG4 | Rules for Calculation of the Non-exempt Amount |
H_T5UG5 | Disposable Net Model |
H_T5UGA | Special rule |
H_T5UGC | Service charge rule |
H_T5UGD | Filing status |
H_T5UGE | Figuring Amount Exempt from Levy |
H_T5UGF | Figuring Additional Exempt Amount |
H_T5UGH | Levy Statement |
H_T5UTA | Helpview for Resident Tax Area (USA) |
H_T5UTB | Helpview for Work Tax Area (USA) |
TAXAR_W | Collect |
TAXAR_WA | Authority Name |
TAXAR_WB | Zip Code |
SAP Package PC10 contains 3 message classes.
C& | Message class for RU conversion programs |
HRPAYUSCALC | Messages for payroll log RPCALCU0 |
U1 | Tax reporter interface |