
SAP Package RE_IS_RM

RE: Records Management

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The package RE_IS_RM (RE: Records Management) is a standard package in SAP ERP. It belongs to the parent package RE_IS.

Technical Information

Package RE_IS_RM
Short Text RE: Records Management
Parent Package RE_IS

Function Groups

SAP Package RE_IS_RM contains 4 function groups.

0REIS_TIVISRMOT Extended Table Maintenance (Generated)
0REIS_TIVISRMOTB Extended Table Maintenance (Generated)
REIS_GUI_RM_F4 Input Help for COCP ID and Other Fields
REIS_GUI_RM_RECORD_APPL Manage Records for a Business Object

Database Tables

SAP Package RE_IS_RM contains 18 database tables.

REISCNCHKF01 Contract: File Name of Last Checkout
REISCNCHKO01 Contract: Checkout Data for a Physical Information Object
REISCNCONT01 Contract: Table for Document Contents (Import/Export)
REISCNIDXST01 Contract: Status Table for Indexing Documents
REISCNLOIOT01 Contract: Descriptions of Logical Information Objects
REISCNLOPR01 Contract: Attribute Values of Logical Information Objects
REISCNLORE01 Contract: Outgoing Relationships of Logical Info Object
REISCNLORI01 Contract: Incoming Relationships of Logical Info Object
REISCNPHF01 Contract: Files of Physical Information Objects
REISCNPHHR01 Contract: Outgoing Hyperlinks from Physical Objects
REISCNPHNM01 Contract: Use of Target Anchors in Physical Object
REISCNPHPR01 Contract: Attributes of Physical Information Objects
REISCNPHRE01 Contract: Outgoing Relationships of Physical Info Object
REISCNPHRI01 Contract: Incoming Relationships of Physical Info Object
REISCNRECL01 Contract: Instances of Logical Information Objects
REISCNRECP01 Contract: Instances of Physical Information Objects
TIVISRMOT Supported Object Types
TIVISRMOTBS Basic Settings for Each Object Type


SAP Package RE_IS_RM contains 3 views.

H_TIVISRMOT Supported Object Types
V_TIVISRMOT Supported Object Types
V_TIVISRMOTBS Basic Settings for Each Object Type


SAP Package RE_IS_RM contains 2 structures.

REISC_RM_OBJECT_TYPE_BS Basic Settings for Each Object Type (TIVISRMOTBS)
REISC_RM_OBJECT_TYPE_BS_X Basic Settings for Each Object Type and Add. Flds (TIVISRMOT


SAP Package RE_IS_RM contains 1 programs.

RFREIS_RM_BALANCE_CN Create Record for Each Contract

Search Helps

SAP Package RE_IS_RM contains 1 search helps.

REISRMOBJTYPE Supported Object Types

Message Classes

SAP Package RE_IS_RM contains 1 message classes.

REISRM Records Management