
SAP Package RSOD

KW Document Link

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The package RSOD (KW Document Link) is a standard package in SAP ERP. It belongs to the parent package RS_BW_STRUPAK.

Technical Information

Package RSOD
Short Text KW Document Link
Parent Package RS_BW_STRUPAK

Function Groups

SAP Package RSOD contains 6 function groups.

RSO_MORM Repository Manager Meta Objects JCO RFCs
RSO_XML_DOC_API APIs for the XML Export for Document'n
RSOD Functions for BW Document Link
RSOD_API API for Documents in the BW
RSOD_BIRM Repository Manager BI Documents JCO RFCs
RSOD_SKFW_RM RFC Holder for SKWF Repository Manager


SAP Package RSOD contains 1 transactions.

RSODADMIN Administration BW Document Managemt.

Database Tables

SAP Package RSOD contains 74 database tables.

BDSIDXSTA10 SDOK: Status Table for Indexing Documents
BDSIDXSTA8 BW:: Status Table for Indexing Documents
BDSLOREPR10 10: Attributes of Outgoing Relationships of LOIOs
BDSLOREPR8 8: Attributes of Outgoing Relationships of LOIOs
BDSLORIPR10 10: Attributes of Incoming Relationships of LOIOs
BDSLORIPR8 8: Attributes of Incoming Relationsips of LOIOs
BWCONTHIER Table for Document Content BW Hierarchies
BWCONTMAST Table for Document Content BW Master Data
BWCONTTMPL Table for Document Content BW Web Templates
RSODADMIN Document Administration
RSODCHKFHI BW Hierarchies: File Name of Last Checkout
RSODCHKFMA BW Master Data: File Name of Last Checkout
RSODCHKFTM rsod: File Name of Last Checkout
RSODCHKOHI BW Hierarchies: Checkout Data for Physical Information
RSODCHKOMA BW Master Data: Checkout Data for Physical Information
RSODCHKOTM rsod: Check-Out Data for Physical Information Object
RSODCONTENT BW: Table for Document Contents (Import/Export)
RSODDOCGENLIST List of TLOGO Objcts whose Documentation Must be Regenerated
RSODDOCGENQUEUE Cache of Changed TLOGO Objects (for Generated Documentation)
RSODIDXSTAHI BW Hierarchies: Status Table for Indexing Documents
RSODIDXSTAMA BW Master Data: Status Table for Indexing Documents
RSODIDXSTATM rsod: Status Table for Indexing Documents
RSODLOIOFO BW Folder: Instances of Logical Information Objects
RSODLOIOHI BW Hierarchies: Instances of Logical Information Objects
RSODLOIOMA BW Master Data: Instances of Logical Information Objects
RSODLOIOTFO BW Folder: Descriptions of Logical Information Objects
RSODLOIOTHI BW Hierarchies: Descriptions of Logical Information Objects
RSODLOIOTM RSOD: Instances of Logical Information Objects
RSODLOIOTMA BW Master Data: Descriptions of Logical Information Objects
RSODLOIOTTM RSOD: Descriptions of Logical Information Objects
RSODLOPRFO BW Folder: Attribute Values of Logical Information Objects
RSODLOPRHI BW Hierarchies: Attribute Values of Logical Information Objs
RSODLOPRMA BW Master Data: Attribute Values of Logical Information Objs
RSODLOPRTM RSOD: Attribute Values of Logical Information Objects
RSODLOREFO BW Folder: Outgoing Relationships of Logical Inform. Objects
RSODLOREHI BW Hierarchies: Outgoing Relationships of Log. Inform. Objs.
RSODLOREMA BW Master Data: Outgoing Relationships of Log. Info. Objects
RSODLOREPRFO SDOK: Attributes of Outgoing Relationships for LOIOs
RSODLOREPRHI SDOK: Attributes of Outgoing Relationships for LOIOs
RSODLOREPRMA SDOK: Attributes of Outgoing Relationships for LOIOs
RSODLOREPRTM TM: Attributes of Outgoing Relationships of LOIOs
RSODLORETM RSOD: Outgoing Relationships of Logical Information Objects
RSODLORIFO BW Folder: Incoming Relationships of Log. Information Objs
RSODLORIHI BW Hierarchies: Incoming Relationships of Log. Info. Objects
RSODLORIMA BW Master Data: Incoming Relationships of Log. Infor. Objs.
RSODLORIPRFO SDOK: Attributes of Incoming Relationships for LOIOs
RSODLORIPRHI SDOK: Attributes of Incoming Relationships for LOIOs
RSODLORIPRMA SDOK: Attributes of Incoming Relationships for LOIOs
RSODLORIPRTM TM: Attributes of Incoming Relationships of LOIOs
RSODLORITM RSOD: Incoming Relationships of Logical Information Objects
RSODMETACTOID Document IDs still to be Transported
RSODMETADOCSTATE Status of Generated Documentation
RSODPHFHI BW Hierarchies: Files of Physical Information Objects
RSODPHFMA BW Master Data: Files of Physical Information Objects
RSODPHFTM rsod: Files of Physical Information Objects
RSODPHHRHI BW Hierarchies: Outgoing Hyperlinks from Physical Objects
RSODPHHRMA BW Master Data: Outgoing Hyperlinks from Physical Objects
RSODPHHRTM rsod: Outgoing Hyperlinks from Physical Objects
RSODPHIOHI BW Hierarchies: Instances of Physical Information Objects
RSODPHIOMA BW Master Data: Instances of Physical Information Objects
RSODPHIOTM rsod: Instances of Physical Information Objects
RSODPHNMHI BW Hierarchies: Use of Target Anchors in Physical Objects
RSODPHNMMA BW Master Data: Use of Target Anchors in Physical Objects
RSODPHNMTM rsod: Use of Target Anchors in Physical Objects
RSODPHPRHI BW Hierarchies: Attributes of PHIOs
RSODPHPRMA BW Master Data: Attributes of PHIOs
RSODPHPRTM rsod: Attributes of PHIOs
RSODPHREHI BW Hierarchies: Outgoing Relationships of Phys. Info.Objects
RSODPHREMA BW Master Data: Outgoing Relationsh. of Phys. Info. Objects
RSODPHRETM RSOD: Outgoing Relationships of Physical Informatio Objects
RSODPHRIHI BW Hierarchies: Incoming Relationships of Physical Info. Obj
RSODPHRIMA BW Master Data: Incoming Relationships of Phys. Info. Objs
RSODPHRITM RSOD: Incoming Relationships of Phys. Information Objects
RSODUSERSETTINGS BW Documents: User Settings


SAP Package RSOD contains 31 structures.

RSO_S_TLOGO_PROPERTIES TLOGO Object and Properties (Basis for XDP/XML Docu)
RSOD_S_CHANM_CHAVL Characteristic/value
RSOD_S_CHANM_CHAVL_X Characteristic / Value with Flag
RSOD_S_CHAVL_TXTLG Characteristic Value and Text
RSOD_S_CONTENT_INFO API Documents: Content Info
RSOD_S_DOC_LIST Entry in the List of Documents
RSOD_S_DOC_R BW Document with Reference and Search Results
RSOD_S_HIER Hierarchy (Representation for Documents)
RSOD_S_HIER_X Hierarchy with Flag (Representation for Documents)
RSOD_S_HTML_1COL Structure with a Field for HTML Coding
RSOD_S_HTML_2COL Structure with 2 Fields for HTML Coding
RSOD_S_IO_SEARCH BW Document with Such Results
RSOD_S_IO_URL SKWF InfoObject with URL and Name
RSOD_S_IOBJ_PROP InfoObject and Generated Document Property
RSOD_S_IOBJ_PROP_CMP InfoObject and Generated Document Property + Compounded
RSOD_S_PROP_DEP Doc. Property with Dep. (that Use This Prop. in Compounding)
RSOD_S_PROP_TEXT Document Property with Text
RSOD_S_PROP_USER_SETTINGS Documents: Structure for the Display of User-Settings
RSOD_S_RANGE Range Structure for Document Attribute Values
RSOD_S_SEARCH Search Results
RSOD_S_TLOGO_TEXT_QUERY TLOGO Object with Degree of Concordance (Text Search)
RSOD_S_USER_SETTINGS User-Settings for the Document Connection
RSOD_S_VALUE Values of a Property as a Structure
RSOD_SX_PROP_RANGE Document Property with Range Table
RSOD_SX_SEARCH_OUT Display Bar for ALV Output of Search
RSOD_SX_SELID_PROP_RANGE Assignment of SELID Document Properties Selection
RSOD_SX_SHUFF_OUT Display-List for the ALV Display of the Shuffler
RSODGENERAL Fields with DDIC Description for the CM Attributes
RSODSCADMIN Screen-Output for the Administration of Documents
RSODSCGENPROP Administration Documents: Generated Properties in TC


SAP Package RSOD contains 12 programs.

RSOD_BUILD_META_DOCU_DELTA BW Documents Indexing (with Docu. Generation)
RSOD_CHECK_FOLDER Advance Delivery of RSRV Checks for Document Directories
RSOD_CTO Writing Documents to Requests
RSOD_DELETE_QUEUE BW Documents Indexing (with Docu. Generation)
RSOD_INDEX_PROGRAM BW Index Job as Report (Only for Tests Due to Logon Language)
RSOD_META_DOC_INDEX Structuring and Checking In Metadata Documentation from Repository
RSOD_RSRV_TEST Call RSRV Test for the Document Directly
RSOD_TLOGO_STORE_WITH_DEP BW Documents Indexing (with Docu. Generation)
RSOD_XPRA_BDS_TO_KW Changeover of documents and InfoObjects at upgrade from 2.0 to 3.0A
RSOD_XPRA_GEN_TRAN_ATTRIBUTES Generation of Document Properties for InfoProvider Documents

Search Helps

SAP Package RSOD contains 5 search helps.

RSOD_CHANM Search-Help for Characteristics (with Master Data)
RSOD_INFOPROV Search-Help for InfoProviders
RSOD_KYFNM Search Help for Key Figures
RSOD_QUERY Search-Help for Characteristics (with Master Data)
RSOD_TLOGO Search Help for Object Types that are Permitted in Documents

Message Classes

SAP Package RSOD contains 1 message classes.

RSOD Nachrichten für Dokumentenanschluß