This bundle contains Amazon Fire TV Stick Lite and Mission USB Power Cable. The USB power cable eliminates the need to find an AC outlet near your TV by powering Amazon Fire TV directly from your TV's USB port. Includes special power management circuitry that enhances the peak power capability of the USB port by storing excess energy and then releasing it as needed.
Check it out on →The package RSR_MDX (OLE DB for OLAP & OLAP BAPI) is a standard package in SAP ERP. It belongs to the parent package RS_BW_STRUPAK.
Package | RSR_MDX |
Short Text | OLE DB for OLAP & OLAP BAPI |
Parent Package | RS_BW_STRUPAK |
SAP Package RSR_MDX contains 7 function groups.
RRT1 | Tensor Interface: Catalogs |
RRT2N | Services for CL_RSR_MDX_COMAND |
RRT2N2 | Extended Table Maintenance (Generated) |
RRT3 | Tensor Math Library: NumValFncts |
RRT4 | InfoSet as Tabular Data Provider |
RRTB | Command object buffer |
SAP Package RSR_MDX contains 2 transactions.
MDXTEST | MDX Test Panel |
SAP Package RSR_MDX contains 5 database tables.
RRT_MDX_CMD_INFO | Directory of MDX Commands |
RRT_MDX_FUNCTION | MDX functions rowset |
RRT_MDX_FUNCTIOT | Functions in MDX (Texts) |
RRT_MDX_SCHEMA | Fixed Schemata for XML for Analysis |
RRT_MDX_TEST | MDX Commands for Testing |
SAP Package RSR_MDX contains 1 views.
RRT_MDX_FCT | MDX Functions |
SAP Package RSR_MDX contains 89 structures.
BAPI6110DSI | DataSource Info |
BAPI6110FCT | Functions |
BAPI6110MAX | Key Figures with Exception Aggregation |
BAPI6110NST | Names Sets |
BAPI6110OBJ | OLAP-BAPI Object Details |
BAPI6110RES | Restrict to a Characteristic |
BAPI6111AXL | Hierarchy Levels Selected on an Axis |
BAPI6111CI4 | Exceptions: (Definition of Alert Level) |
BAPI6111CMD | ODBO Provider MDX Bytecode |
BAPI6111CP | MDX Kommando Parameter |
BAPI6111DPR | Properties that are selected for LEVEL |
BAPI6111FCI | Column Information for Flattened Dataset |
BAPI6111FSD | Data for Flattening Support |
BAPI6111OP2 | Values for a prpty_key |
BAPI6111PRN | Properties |
BAPI6111SI1 | Description of the Flat Data Stream |
BAPI6111SI2 | Description of the Subgroups in the Flat Data Stream |
BAPI6111TR | MDX Parser Trace Debug Information |
BAPI6115COL | Columns Rowset |
BAPI6115DAT | SAP Query (L): Data Rows |
BAPI6115DTN | InfoSet Data (Normalized) |
BAPI6115TAB | Tables Rowset |
RRT_ATTRIBS | Structure of the attribute table |
RRT_AXIS | Parser output with axis_spec information |
RRT_AXIS_DIMENSIONS | Structure for array with dimension names |
RRT_AXIS_LEVELS | Levels projected on an axis of a dataset |
RRT_AXISDATA_MNDTRY_PRPTYS | Mandatory properties of an axis rowset |
RRT_CATALOGS | Catalogs of the BW server (InfoCubes) |
RRT_CELL | Data available for a single MD Dataset cell |
RRT_CELL_INT | Internal representation of a dataset cell |
RRT_CELL_PROPERTIES | Cell properties |
RRT_CMD | Tensor processor command with parameters |
RRT_CMD_TXT | Structure for transport of mdx statements in tables |
RRT_CMDPARAMS | Structure for including mdx Identifier components |
RRT_COORD_TUPLE | Tuple of coordinates |
RRT_CUBES | Information about available Cubes |
RRT_DETAILS | ODBO Object details |
RRT_DIM_PRPTYS | Dimension prptys of lvls projected on an axis |
RRT_DIMENSIONS | Information about dimensions in a given Cube |
RRT_DISPLAY_INFO | Information for the display of a member on an axis |
RRT_FLTCOLINFO | Column info for flattened dataset |
RRT_FS_DATA | Transport structure for flattened dataset |
RRT_FSDATA | Transport structure for flattened dataset |
RRT_GEN | General fields of the BIW Tensor interface |
RRT_HIERARCHIES | Information about the hierarchies available in a dimension |
RRT_LEVELS | Information about the levels available in a dimension |
RRT_MDAXISINFO | Information about an axis of an MD dataset object |
RRT_MDAXISPROPS | Properties of axis members |
RRT_MDCELLDATA | Data available for a single MD Dataset cell |
RRT_MDCOORDINFO | Information about number of members on an md dataset axis |
RRT_MDHRYINFO | Tensor hierarchy information of a dimension member |
RRT_MDPROP | Properties and their characteristics for data source info |
RRT_MDX_SCHEMA_REQ | Structure for LIKE |
RRT_MDX255 | Table structure for any MDX$ |
RRT_MEASURES | Information about available measures |
RRT_MEM_UNAMS | Member Unique Name |
RRT_MEMBERS | Information about available members for a given dimension |
RRT_MEMEXPRPRMS | Parameters of a member value expression |
RRT_MESSAGES | Messages of the OLAP API |
RRT_MNDTRY_PRPTYS_INT | Internal structure for axis data |
RRT_OBJ_DETAILS | ODBO Object details |
RRT_OBJECTS | Transfer structure for ODBO object names (Member, dimension) |
RRT_OPT_PRPTYS_KEYS | Keys for optional dimension prpertys (internal use) |
RRT_OPTION_PRPTYS | Values for a prpty_key |
RRT_OPTION_PRPTYS_KEYS | Key for a dim_unam, prpty_nam combination |
RRT_OPTION_PRPTYS_VALS | Values for a prpty_key |
RRT_OPTMEM_PRPTYS_KEYS | Key for a dim_unam, prpty_nam combination |
RRT_OPTMEM_PRPTYS_VALS | Values for a prpty_key |
RRT_ORDINALS | Help Structure for Renumbering with NON EMPTY |
RRT_PARAMETERS | Structure of the OLE DB for OLAP Parameter Schema Rowsets |
RRT_PROPERTIES | Available properties for a level of a dimension |
RRT_PROPERTIES_VALUES | Values for a prpty_key |
RRT_RESTRICTIONS | Schema and catalog restrictions on md schema rowsets |
RRT_S_AXIS_DIMS_INT | Dimensions |
RRT_SELCAT | Directory of the selections in an MDX$ |
RRT_SETCAT | Directory of the sets in an MD data set |
RRT_SETEXPRPARAMS | Parameters of a set_value_expression |
RRT_SRX_PARAM | Parameters |
RRT_TRACE | MDX Parser trace/debug information |
RRT_VARIABLES | Struct. of the OLE DB for OLAP SAP_VARIABLES schema rowsets |
RSR_MDX_DIMCARD_KEY | Key to Dimension Cardinality in Shared Buffer |
RSR_MDX_S_COMMAND | Importing Parameter for XMLA#Execute |
RSR_MDX_S_PARAMETER | Parameter and Value |
RSR_S_MDX_RESTRICTION | Restriction of a Rowset |
RSR_SX_MDX_DIM_PRPTY | Characteristics and Attributes |
RSR_SX_MDX_REQUEST_DESCR | Description of an OLAP Request |
RSR_XML_S_PROPERTIES | XML for Analysis, Properties |
RSR_XML_S_RESTRICTION | XML for Analysis: Restrictions |
RSR_XML_SX_RESTRICTION_LIST | XML for Analysis: Restrictions |
SAP Package RSR_MDX contains 5 programs.
RRT_MDX_SCHEMA | Maintenance Tool for XML Schema |
RRT_XMLA_SAMPLE | ABAP Part of SOAP Runtime - Test Program 1 (RfcSystemInfo) |
RSR_MDX_TRACE_EXTRACT | Extract MDX Commands from Trace |
SAP Package RSR_MDX contains 1 message classes.
BRAINOLAPAPI | Nachrichtenklasse des OLAP API |