
SAP Table S052

Means of transportation

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The table S052 (Means of transportation) is a standard table in SAP ERP. It belongs to the package MCS.

Technical Information

Table S052
Short Text Means of transportation
Package MCS
Table Type Transparent Table

Fields for Table S052

Field Name Key Description Data Element Type Length Check Table
SSOUR Statistic(s) origin SSOUR CHAR 4
VRSIO Version number in the information structure VRSIO CHAR 3 *
SPMON Period to analyze - month SPMON NUMC 6
SPTAG Period to analyze - current date SPTAG DATS 8
SPWOC Period to analyze - week SPWOC NUMC 6
SPBUP Period to analyze - posting period SPBUP NUMC 6
TPLST Transportation planning point TPLST CHAR 4 TTDS
VHILM_VE LIS: Highest shipping element in transport VHILM_VET CHAR 18 MARA
ROUTE Shipment route ROUTR CHAR 6 TVRO
PERIV Fiscal Year Variant PERIV CHAR 2 *
VWDAT Pointer to administrative data VWDAT NUMC 10
STAGEW Weight unit for statistics update STAGEW UNIT 3 T006
STAVOL Volume unit for statistics update STAVOL UNIT 3 T006
STADIS Distance unit for statistics update STADIS UNIT 3 T006
ANZHV TIS: Number of main shipping units in the shipment MC_ANZHV DEC 9
ANZTP TIS: No. of shipments MC_ANZTP DEC 9
ANZTPLF TIS: Number of deliveries in the shipment MC_ANZTPLF DEC 9
BRGEW_VE LIS: Gross weight of all main shipping units in shipment BRGEW_VET QUAN 15
NTGEW_VE LIS: Net weight of all main shipping units in shipment NTGEW_VET QUAN 15
TARAG_VE LIS: Tare weight of all main shipping units in shipment TARAG_VET QUAN 15
MAGEW_VE LIS: Max. freight weight of all main shipping units in shpmt MAGEW_VET QUAN 15
BRVOL_VE LIS: Gross volume of all main shipping units in shipment BRVOL_VET QUAN 15
NTVOL_VE LIS: Net volume of all main shipping units in shipment NTVOL_VET QUAN 15
TAVOL_VE LIS: Tare volume of all main shipping units in shipment TAVOL_VET QUAN 15
MAVOL_VE LIS: Max. freight volume of all main shipping units in shpmt MAVOL_VET QUAN 15
PRGEW_TOT Total weight utilization as a percentage PRGEW_TOT DEC 10
PRVOL_TOT Utilization percentage: volume PRVOL_TOT DEC 10
BRGEWK TIS: Sum of the delivery gross weights in shipment MC_TPBRGEW QUAN 15
VOLUMK TIS: sum of the delivery volumes in a shipment MC_TPVOLUM QUAN 15
NTGEWK TIS: sum of the delivery net weights in the shipment MC_TPNTGEW QUAN 15
DISTZK TIS: Sum of distances in the shipment MC_TPDISTZ QUAN 15
DURLP TIS: planned shipment loading time MC_TPDURLDP DEC 11
DURLA TIS: actual shipment loading time MC_TPDURLDA DEC 11
LATEL TIS: Amount of time the planned loading time was exceeded MC_TPDURLDU DEC 11
DURTP TIS: planned shipment duration MC_TPDURTPP DEC 11
DURTA TIS: actual shipment duration MC_TPDURTPA DEC 11
LATET TIS: Amount of time the planned shipment time was exceeded MC_TPDURTPU DEC 11
TPAVGLDA Average actual loading time for a shipment MC_TPAVGLDA DEC 11
TPAVGLDP Average planned loading time for a shipment MC_TPAVGLDP DEC 11
TPAVGLDU Average time the planned shipment loading time was exceeded MC_TPAVGLDU DEC 11
TPAVGTPA Average actual shipment duration MC_TPAVGTPA DEC 11
TPAVGTPP Average planned shipment duration MC_TPAVGTPP DEC 11
TPAVGTPU Average time the planned shipment time was exceeded MC_TPAVGTPU DEC 11
AUSLG_VE Utilization percentage: Weight PRGEW_CAPD DEC 3
AUSLV_VE Utilization percentage: volume PRVOL_CAPD DEC 3