

Where-used list addresses: Object types, DDIC information

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The table TSADRV (Where-used list addresses: Object types, DDIC information) is a standard table in SAP ERP. It belongs to the package SZAD.

Technical Information

Short Text Where-used list addresses: Object types, DDIC information
Package SZAD
Table Type Transparent Table

Fields for Table TSADRV

Field Name Key Description Data Element Type Length Check Table
TABLENAME Application table logical name (address management) AD_APPLTAB CHAR 10
FIELDNAME Application table address where-used list logical field name AD_APPLFLD CHAR 10
DDIC_TABLE Data Dictionary application table name AD_DDTABLE CHAR 30 DD02L
DDIC_FIELD Data Dictionary application table field name AD_DDFIELD CHAR 30 DD03L
ADDR_GROUP Address or Person Group (Business Address Services) AD_GROUP_X CHAR 4
FLAG_CP Flag: Write change pointer AD_FLG_CP CHAR 1
FUNC_AD1 Function module to get address type 1 key AD_FUNCAD1 CHAR 30 TFDIR
FUNC_AD2 Function module to get address type 2 key AD_FUNCAD2 CHAR 30 TFDIR
FUNC_AD3 Function module to get address type 3 key AD_FUNCAD3 CHAR 30 TFDIR
OFFSET Object ID offset in field APPL_KEY AD_OFFSET INT4 10
LENGTH APPL_KEY field object ID length AD_LENGTH INT4 10
FUNCNAME Function module for finding object type and ID AD_FUNCNAM CHAR 30 TFDIR
QU_ENQUEUE Quarterly adjustment lock function module AD_F_QUENQ CHAR 30 TFDIR
QU_UPDATE Quarterly adjustment update function module AD_F_QUUPD CHAR 30 TFDIR