Das Standardwerk zum Änderungs- und Transportmanagement in der 4. Auflage! In diesem Buch finden Sie alle Informationen, die Sie zum Planen, Implementieren und Warten von Systemlandschaften benötigen. Sie lernen die Grundlagen und die Bedienung aller relevanten Werkzeuge und erhalten detaillierte Anleitungen zur Änderungs- und Transportverwaltung. Diese Neuauflage berücksichtigt Neuerungen in den Bereichen SAP NetWeaver AS Java und Development Infrastructure, CTS+, SAP Solution Manager und Enhancement Packages. Bringen Sie ihr Wissen auf den neuesten Stand!
Bei amazon.de ansehen →The package BUPA (SAP Business Partner) is a standard package in SAP ERP. It belongs to the parent package ABA.
Package | BUPA |
Short Text | SAP Business Partner |
Parent Package | ABA |
SAP Package BUPA contains 132 function groups.
BDT_ADDITIONS | BDT: Other BDT Function Modules |
BDT_CHECK | BDT: Consistency Checks |
BDT_CHECK_MESSAGES | Elements of Message Handler: Cons. Check |
BDT_CHECK_SINGLE | BDT: Consistency Checks |
BDT_MEM_ADMIN | BDT Memory Administration/Tools |
BDT_MEM_APPLICATION | BDT Memory Management (Application) |
BDT_MEM_CONTROL | BDT Memory Management (Control) |
BDT_MEM_OBJECT_PARTS | BDT Memory Management (Object Parts) |
BDT_MEM_SCREENSEQUENCE_1 | BDT Memory Management (Scrn Sequ.Part 1) |
BDT_MEM_SCREENSEQUENCE_2 | BDT Memory Management (Scrn Sequ.Part 2) |
BDT_SELECT | BDT: Select Control Tables (RFC) |
BUA_BCS | SAPBP: BCS Service Functions Connection |
BUA_CHECK | BP Addresses: Elementary Checks |
BUA0 | BP Addresses: Online |
BUA1 | BP Addresses: Read accesses |
BUAB | CHDO BUPA_ADR => Gen. by RSSCD000 |
BUAD | BP Addresses: Offline Maintenance |
BUAG | BP Addresses: Geo-Location |
BUAV | CBP: Update Addresses |
BUBA | Obsolete: BAPIs for BOR Object BUS1006 |
BUBA_1 | Obsolete: Service FM BAPI/ALE Environ. |
BUBA_2 | Determine Local Addresses |
BUBA_3 | SAP BP: External BAPI Function Modules |
BUBA_4 | SAP BP: APIs without Buffer |
BUBA_ALE | SAP BP: ALE FM - Internal Usage Only |
BUBA_SERV | Diverse Services in BAPI Environment |
BUC_IMPORT | SAP BP: Customizing: Data Import |
BUC0 | SAP BP: Customizing Maintenance Views |
BUC2 | SAP BP: Customizing BP Roles |
BUC3 | BDT: Customizing, TBZ0, TBZ1 |
BUCO | Extended Table Maintenance (Generated) |
BUCR | CBP Customizing: Maintenance Views |
BUCW | SAP BP, Customizing: AFTER-IMP-Methods |
BUD_CHECK | BP: Elementary Checks at Field Level |
BUD_GEN | BDT DC: Generation Template for BP Tab. |
BUD_GEN_CI | EEW: CI Generation Template |
BUD_GEN_TC | BDT-DC: Generation Template for TCntrl. |
BUD_MEM | Overall Memory Business Partner |
BUD_MEM_TMP | Temporary Function Group (Internal Only) |
BUD_STATUS | Business Partner: Status |
BUD0 | BP Data: Online |
BUD0_ARCH | CBP: Archiving and Deletion |
BUD0_CP | BP Data: Employee |
BUD0_DISPLAY | CBP: Data Overview |
BUD0_MISC | Dialog Extension |
BUD0_SEARCH | CBP: Business Partner Search |
BUD0_USED | BP: Funct. Module f. BP Where-Used List |
BUD1 | BP Data: Read Accesses |
BUD2 | CBP Data: Administration Table (AT) |
BUD3 | CBP Data: Attribute Table (AT) (Refer.) |
BUD3_INTERCOMPANY_RELSHP | BPR Data: Participating Interest |
BUD4 | BP Data: Partner Relationships |
BUD5 | BP Data: Read Access |
BUDA | BP Data: Customizing table accesses |
BUDC | CHDO BUPA_BUP => Gen. by RSSCD000 |
BUDD | BP Data: Offline Maintenance |
BUDN | CBP Data: Block Number Assignment |
BUDV | CBP: Update Data |
BUH1 | Search Help |
BUHC | Search Help - Configuration |
BUPA_BADI_CALL | Call Business Partner BADI |
BUPA_EXITS | Various Service Modules for Exits |
BUPA_FOREIGN | BP Roles: External Interface |
BUPA_INIT_SELECT | BP: Initialize Buffer for Read Access |
BUPA_MASSDATA | Extended Table Maintenance (Generated) |
BUPA_MASSDATA_SELECT | Mass Selection of BP Data |
BUPA_PASSWORD_BAPI | SAP Business Partner: Password, BAPIs |
BUPA_READ | SAP BP: Buffering Read Accesses |
BUPA_SELECT | BP Internal: Direct Read Access to DB |
BUPA_TD_SWITCH | Conversion of Planned Change Documents |
BUPC_STATUS | Extended Table Maintenance (Generated) |
BUPR_SELECT | BP: Buffered API's for Relationships |
BUQ0 | BDT: Evaln: Table Maintenance Dialogs |
BUQ1 | BP Evaluation: Generation |
BUQ2 | BP Evaluation: Customizing Tab Access |
BUR_CHECK | BP Relationships: Elementary Checks |
BUR_DFTYP_SERVICE | Converts Data Elem.Value to Diff Type Va |
BUR_DISP_DATA | BP Relationships: Graphic Displ./Maint. |
BUR_GEN | BDT DC: Generation Template Rel. Table |
BUR_GEN_TC | BDT-DC: Generation Template for TCntrl. |
BUR_MEM | Memory Business Hours Contact Persn Des. |
BURA | BPR Data: Customizing Tables Access |
BURB | CHDO BUPA_BUB => Gen. by RSSCD000 |
BURR | CHDO BUPA_BUR => Gen. by RSSCD000 |
BURS | BPR Control: Dialog and Direct Input |
BUS0 | BP Control: Maintenance Views |
BUS1 | BP Control: Maintenance Views |
BUS10 | BP Control: Maintenance Views |
BUS11 | Extended Table Maintenance (Generated) |
BUS2 | BDT: Maintenance Views |
BUS3 | BP Control: Maintenance Views |
BUS4 | BP Control: Maintenance Views |
BUS5 | BP Control: Field Grouping |
BUS6 | Extended Table Maintenance (Generated) |
BUS7 | Extended Table Maintenance (Generated) |
BUS8 | Maintenance Views for BDT Search |
BUS9 | Extended Table Maintenance (Generated) |
BUSA | BDT: Additional Functions (Change Docs) |
BUSC | BDT: User Interface |
BUSM | BDT: Message Handler |
BUSO | BDT: Include Notes in BDT |
BUSQ | BDT: Read Cntrl Tbl: Relatnshp Categ.s |
BUSR | BPR Control: Maintenance Views |
BUSS | BP Control: Dialog |
BUSS_ARCH | BDT: Read Archive Control |
BUSS_AUTH | BDT: Checks for Authorization Fields |
BUSS_DYN | Memory Function Group for Screens |
BUSS_SCGEN | BDT: Generate Subscreen Containers |
BUSS_USED | BDT: Where-Used List Control |
BUSS_VCT | BDT: Visual Configuration Tool |
BUST | BDT: Read Control Table |
BUST_ACTVT | BDT, Read Control Table: Activities |
BUST_DFTYP | BDT, Read Control Table: Differentiation |
BUST_FLDMD | BDT, Read Control Table: Field Grouping |
BUST_FNCTN | BDT, Read Control Table: GUI Functions |
BUST_OBJCT | BDT, Read Contro Tables: Applic. Objects |
BUST_OTHER | BDT, Read Control Table: Miscellaneous |
BUST_ROLES | BDT, Read Control Table: Divisibility |
BUST_SCREE | BDT, Read Control Table: Screen Layout |
BUST_SEQUE | BDT, Read Control Table: Screen Sequence |
BUSU | BP: Access Link Tables |
BUSV | BDT: Validity/Time Dependency |
BUSW | BDT: Additional Functions |
ESME | Extended Table Maintenance (Generated) |
ESME_SERVICES | Service Modules Units of Measur./Systems |
SAP Package BUPA contains 190 transactions.
BDT_COMPARE | Compare Control Table Entries |
BUA1 | Create contact person |
BUA2 | Change contact person |
BUA3 | Display contact person |
BUB1 | BuPR: Create BP relationship |
BUB2 | BuPR: Change BP relationship |
BUB3 | BuPR: Display BP relationship |
BUB4 | BuPR: Create BP role definition |
BUB5 | BuPR: Change BP role definition |
BUB6 | BuPR: Display BP role definition |
BUB9 | BPR: No. Range Maintenance: BP Rel. |
BUBA | BuPR: Relationship Cat. |
BUBB | BuPR: Role definition category |
BUBD | BuPR: Applications |
BUBE | BuPR: Views |
BUBF | BuPR: Sections |
BUBG | BuPR: Screens |
BUBH | BuPR: Screen Seq. Variants |
BUBI | BuPR: Events |
BUBJ | BuPR: GUI Standard Functions |
BUBK | BuPR: GUI Addl Functions |
BUBL | BuPR:Assgn Scr.Field->Database Field |
BUBL_DI | BP: Allocate DI Field -> DB Field |
BUBM | BuPR: Tables |
BUBN | BuPR: Field Groups |
BUBO | BuPR: Field Grouping (Criteria) |
BUBP | BuPR: Field Grping Using Rel. Cat. |
BUBQ | BuPR: Field Grp. Using Role Def.Cat. |
BUBR | BP: Field Grpg Via Activity (Cust) |
BUBS_FRG | BP: Field Grpg for Ext.Applications |
BUBT | BP: Role Definition Types |
BUBU | BP: Relationship Types |
BUBV | BP: Maintenance Without Dialog |
BUBW | BP: Generate Test File (DI) |
BUBX | BP: Activities |
BUBY | BP: Field Grpg via Activity (Ctrl) |
BUBZ | BP: External Applications |
BUC_IDCATEGORY | BP Cust: ID Categories |
BUC_IDTYPE | BP Cust: ID Types |
BUC0 | BP Cust: Forms of Address |
BUC1 | BP Cust: Addr Type |
BUC2 | BP Cust: Groupings |
BUC3 | BP Cust: Data Origin |
BUC4 | BP Cust: BP Role->Address Type |
BUC5 | BP Cust: Academic Titles |
BUC6 | BP Cust: Arist Title |
BUC7 | BP Cust: Name Affixes |
BUC8 | BP Cust: Legal Form of Organization |
BUC9 | BP Cust: Legal Entity of Org. |
BUCA | BP Cust: Industry |
BUCC | BP Cust: Group Types |
BUCD | BP Cust: Bus. Partner Type |
BUCF | BP Cust: Number Ranges |
BUCG | BP Cust: BP Role Field Grouping |
BUCH | BP Cust: Field Grouping Activity |
BUCI | BP-Cust.: Field Grpng.: Partner Type |
BUCJ | BP Cust: Authorization Types |
BUCK | BP Cust: Marital Status |
BUCL | BP Cust: Occupation/Group |
BUCM | BP Cust: Legitimation Type |
BUCN | BP Cust: Field Grps f. Authorization |
BUCO | BP-Cust: Screen Configuration |
BUCP | BP-Cust: Fld.modif.exter.application |
BUCQ | BP-Cust: Evaluation Tables |
BUCS | BP-Cust: Notes on Roles |
BUCT | BP-Cust: Define Note Views |
BUCU | BP Cust: Where-Used List |
BUCV | BP Cust. Field Grouping Appl.Object |
BUCW | BP Cust: Trans. f. Address Determin. |
BUCX | BP Cust: Assign Trans.->Address Type |
BUG1 | Create Business Partner, General |
BUG2 | Change Business Partner, General |
BUG3 | Display Business Partner, General |
BUG4 | Bus. partner general deletion flag |
BUI1 | Create Inter. Party |
BUI2 | Change Prospect |
BUI3 | Display Prospect |
BUM1 | Create Employee (BP) |
BUM2 | Change Employee (BP) |
BUM3 | Display Employee (BP) |
BUMR | BP Relationships: Config. Menu |
BUNA | Number Range Maintenance: BP_PADRNR |
BUP0 | BDT, Multiple Call (Funct. Grp BUSS) |
BUP1 | Create Business Partner |
BUP2 | Change Business Partner |
BUP3 | Display Business Partner |
BUPA_DEL | Deletion without Archiving |
BUPA_PRE_DA | Flag Business Partner for Deletion |
BUPT | Business Partner Configuration Menu |
BUR0 | BuPR: Contact Person Departments |
BUR1 | BuPR: Contact Person Functions |
BUR2 | BuBR: Contact Person Authority |
BUR3 | BuPR: Contact Person VIP Indicator |
BUR4 | BP: Marital property regime |
BUS_CALL | BDT: Call BDT, Complete LUW |
BUS_HDRID | BP Tax: Header IDs |
BUS0 | BDT: Application Objects |
BUS1 | BDT: Applications |
BUS10 | BDT: Search Help |
BUS11 | BDT: Assgn BAPI Field to Field Group |
BUS2 | BDT: Field Groups |
BUS23 | BP Tax: Data Sets |
BUS3 | BDT: Views |
BUS4 | BDT: Sections |
BUS5 | BDT: Screens |
BUS6 | BDT: Screen Sequences |
BUS7 | BDT: Events |
BUS8 | BDT: GUI Standard Functions |
BUS9 | BDT: GUI Additional Functions |
BUSB | BDT: Assign Screen Field->DB Field |
BUSB_DI | BDT: Assign DI Field->DB Field |
BUSC | BDT: Field Grouping Criteria |
BUSD | BDT: BP Views |
BUSE | BDT: BP Role Groupings |
BUSF | BDT: Application Transactions |
BUSG | BDT: Tables |
BUSH | BDT: External applications |
BUSI | BDT: Activities |
BUSJ | BP Control: FuncMod. Activity (Ctrl) |
BUSM | BDT: Differentiation Types |
BUSN | BDT: Activity Categories |
BUSO | BP Cust: BP Cat. Field Grouping |
BUSP | Generate Screen Containers |
BUSRO | BP-CUST: Entry Via Search Screen |
BUSSA | Transaction Entry Via Search Screen |
BUSWU01 | BP Control: Where-Used List,Struct. |
BUSWU02 | BP Control: Where-Used List, Views |
BUSWU03 | BP Control: Where-UL, Trans->View |
BUSWU04 | BP Control: Where-UL, Trans->View |
BUSWU11 | BP Addresses: Where-UsedL, Structure |
BUSWU21 | BP Bank Details: Where-UL,Structure |
BUSWU31 | BP PaytCard: Where-UsedL, Structure |
BUSWU41 | BP Rel.Addr.:Where-UsedL, Structure |
BUSWU61 | BP Roles: Where-Used List, Structure |
BUSWU62 | BP Roles: Where-Used List, Views |
BUSWU63 | BP Roles:Where-Used Lst S.Org ->View |
BUSWU64 | BP Roles:Where-Used Lst S.Org ->View |
BUTI | Update Without Dialog |
BUTJ | Generate Test File (DI) |
KCLJ015 | External Data Transfer Type 15 (BP) |
KCLJ090 | External Data Transfer Type 90 (BPR) |
S_ABA_72000002 | IMG activity: _CABP_TB019 |
S_ABA_72000003 | IMG activity: _CABP_TB032 |
S_ABA_72000004 | IMG activity: _CABP_TB025 |
S_ABA_72000005 | IMG activity: _CABP_KCLL |
S_ABA_72000006 | IMG activity: _CABP_KC7R |
S_ABA_72000007 | IMG activity: _CABP_KCLJ |
S_ABA_72000008 | IMG activity: _CABP_KCLP |
S_ABA_72000009 | IMG activity: _CABP_TB023 |
S_ABA_72000010 | IMG activity: _CABP_TB035 |
S_ABA_72000011 | IMG activity: _CABP_TSAD2 |
S_ABA_72000012 | IMG activity: _CABP_TSAD5 |
S_ABA_72000013 | IMG activity: _CABP_TSAD4 |
S_ABA_72000014 | IMG activity: _CABP_NAMEFORMAT |
S_ABA_72000015 | IMG activity: _CABP_TB027 |
S_ABA_72000016 | IMG activity: _CABP_TB028 |
S_ABA_72000017 | IMG activity: _CABP_GPB_TB914 |
S_ABA_72000018 | IMG activity: _CABP_GPB_TB916 |
S_ABA_72000019 | IMG activity: _CABP_GPB_TB930 |
S_ABA_72000020 | IMG activity: _CABP_GPB_KCLL |
S_ABA_72000021 | IMG activity: _CABP_GPB_KC7R |
S_ABA_72000022 | IMG activity: _CABP_GPB_KCLJ |
S_ABA_72000023 | IMG activity: _CABP_GPB_KCLP |
S_ABA_72000024 | IMG activity: _CABP_GPB_TB912 |
S_ABA_72000025 | IMG activity: _CABP_GPB_BUB9 |
S_ABA_72000026 | IMG Activity: _CABP_GPB_V_TB905 |
S_ABA_72000027 | IMG Activity: _CABP_GPB_V_TB905_RF |
S_ABA_72000028 | IMG Activity: _CABP_GPB_BUBP |
S_ABA_72000029 | IMG Activity: _CABP_GPB_BUBQ |
S_ABA_72000030 | IMG Activity: _CABP_GPB_V_TB105 |
S_ABA_72000031 | IMG Activity: _CABP_GPB_TB910 |
S_ABA_72000032 | IMG Activity: _CABP_BUCN |
S_ABA_72000033 | IMG Activity: _CABP_SU03 |
S_ABA_72000035 | IMG Activity: _CABP_TB009 |
S_ABA_72000037 | IMG Activity: _CABP_V_TSAD3 |
S_ABA_72000038 | IMG Activity: _CABP_V_TB030 |
S_ABA_72000039 | IMG Activity: _CABP_BUCF |
S_ABA_72000040 | IMG Activity: _CABP_V_TB001 |
S_ABA_72000041 | IMG Activity: _CABP_V_TB004 |
S_ABA_72000042 | IMG Activity: _CABP_BUCG |
S_ABA_72000043 | IMG Activity: _CABP_BUCH |
S_ABA_72000044 | IMG Activity: _CABP_V_TB004_01 |
S_ABA_72000045 | IMG Activity: _CABP_TB029 |
S_ABA_72000046 | IMG Activity: _CABP_TB034 |
S_ABA_72000047 | IMG Activity: CABP_V_TB005 |
S_ABA_72000048 | IMG Activity: _CABP_TCC1 |
S_ABA_72000049 | IMG Activity: _CABP_TB033 |
S_AEC_66000279 | BDT: Transport of Control Tables |
SAP Package BUPA contains 254 database tables.
BUP_ADDR3_CD | BP Relationship: Index Table for Change Document Access |
BUPA_DEBUG | SAP BP: Activate Debugging for Function Module |
BUT_DNC | BP: Telephone Numbers of the 'Do Not Call' List |
BUT_DNC_OLD | BP: Telephone Numbers of the 'Do Not Call' List |
BUT000 | BP: General data I |
BUT000_BCS | Persistence of a BAS Address |
BUT001 | BP: General data II |
BUT010 | GP: old, do not use ==> BUT020 |
BUT020 | BP: Addresses |
BUT021 | BP: Address usages |
BUT030 | BP Where-Used List: Usages |
BUT030G | BP Where-Used List: Generic Nodes |
BUT030GT | BP Where-Used List: Generic Nodes, Text |
BUT030T | BP Object Usage: Application Table, Texts |
BUT050 | BP relationships/role definitions: General data |
BUT050_CD | BP Rel./Role Determination:Index Table for Change Doc.Access |
BUT051 | BP Relationship: Contact Person Relationship |
BUT052 | BP Relationship: Addresses |
BUT053 | BP Relationship: Company Interest |
BUT054 | BP Relationship (not used yet) |
BUT0BK | BP: Bank details |
BUT0BK_SHD | Shadow table for BUT0BK (IBAN only) |
BUT0CC | BP: Payment Cards |
BUT0ID | BP: ID Numbers |
BUT0IS | BP: Industries |
BUT0VP | BP: Business Partner Assignment and Links |
BUT100 | BP: Roles |
BUT150 | BP relationship: Attribute table (test different.type TBUKR) |
BUTADRSEARCH | Mass Search Help: Business Partner |
BUXPRA | Business Partner: XPRA Management Table |
T006E | System for Units of Measurement (Components, Mapping) |
T006EE | Systems for Units of Measurement (Entities) |
T006ET | Systems for Units of Measurement (Entities -> Texts) |
TB001 | BP groupings |
TB002 | BP grouping: Texts |
TB003 | BP Roles |
TB003A | BP role categories |
TB003B | BP role categories: Texts |
TB003C | BP Role Exclusion Groups |
TB003D | BP Role Exclusion Groups: Texts |
TB003E | BP Role Exclusion Groups -> BP Roles |
TB003F | BP Role Exclusion Groups: Permitted Transitions |
TB003G | BP Role Groupings |
TB003H | BP Role Groupings: Texts |
TB003I | BP Role Groupings -> BP Roles |
TB003J | BP Role Grouping Categories |
TB003K | BP Role Grouping Categories: Texts |
TB003T | BP Roles: Texts |
TB003V | BP Role Category -> Business Transaction |
TB004 | BP types |
TB004_2 | BP Types Part 2 |
TB004T | BP Types: Texts |
TB005 | BP data sources |
TB006 | BP data sources: Text |
TB008 | Assign BP Role -> BP Address Type |
TB008S | BP Address Determination Transactions |
TB008T | BP Address Determination Transactions: Texts |
TB008U | BP Address Determination Trans.->BP Address Type Assignment |
TB009 | BP address types |
TB010 | BP address types: Texts |
TB018 | BDT Object Usage: Variants |
TB018T | BDT Object Usage: Variants, Texts |
TB018V | BDT Object Usage: Variant Table |
TB019 | BP legal forms |
TB019A | BDT Object Usage: Assign Context-View Variant |
TB019AT | BDT Object Usage: Assign Context-View Variant |
TB020 | BP legal forms: Texts |
TB023 | BP industries (Obsolete ==> TB038A) |
TB024 | BP industries: Texts (Obsolete ==> TB038A) |
TB025 | BP group types |
TB026 | BP group types: Texts |
TB027 | BP marital status |
TB027T | BP marital status: Texts |
TB028 | Occupations |
TB028T | BP occupations/groups: Texts |
TB029 | BP legitimation types |
TB029T | BP legitimation types: Texts |
TB030 | BP authorization types |
TB030T | BP Authorization Types: Texts |
TB031 | BP Field Groups for Authorization |
TB032 | BP Legal Entity |
TB032T | BP Legal Entity: Texts |
TB036 | Authorization Group Objects |
TB036T | Authorization Group Objects: Texts |
TB037 | Authorization Groups |
TB037T | Authorization Groups: Texts |
TB038 | BP Industry Key Systems |
TB038A | BP Industry Key |
TB038B | BP Industry Key: Texts |
TB038T | BP Industry Key Systems: Texts |
TB039 | BP ID Categories |
TB039A | BP ID Types |
TB039B | BP ID Types: Texts |
TB039T | BP ID Categories: Texts |
TB040 | BDT: Database Tables of Evaluation |
TB040B | BDT: Link Tables for Indirect Join Relationships |
TB040F | BDT: Selection and Display Fields of Evaluation |
TB041 | BP: Entry Variants for Evaluation Generator |
TB041T | BP: Texts for Variants of Evaluation Generator |
TB044 | (Obsolete!) Business Partner Roles: Properties |
TB044T | (Obsolete!) Business Partner Roles: Properties, Texts |
TB045 | Business Partner: Filter Values for Variants Deletion Selecn |
TB045T | Business Partner: Texts for Variants Deletion Selection |
TB050 | Screen Config. (Obsolete from Second Edition VCT) |
TB050_S | Screen Configuration (Shadow Table) (Obsolete) |
TB052 | Obsolete |
TB053 | BP Mass Update Classes |
TB060 | BDT: Transaction Entry |
TB060R | BDT: Transaction Entry Via Search Screen for Object Parts |
TB102 | SAP BP Field Grouping, Client-Specific |
TB102_2 | SAP BP Field Grouping, Client-Dep. Field Group 1751 - 3500 |
TB103 | BDT: Field Grouping for each Object Part |
TB103_2 | BDT: Field Grouping per Object Part Part2 |
TB104 | BDT-Field grouping per external application |
TB104_2 | BDT Field Grouping per External Application Part 2 |
TB105 | BDT Field Grouping for each Activity Category |
TB105_2 | BDT Field Grouping per Activity Category Part 2 |
TB108 | Field Grouping BP Role |
TB109 | BDT Application Transactions for Appl. Object BUPA |
TB200 | BP Addresses: Seq. Numbers for Planned Commun. Data |
TB201 | BP: Scheduled Changes for each Role (Time-Dependency) |
TB210 | Business Partner: Assigned Objects (Entities) |
TB210A | Business Partner: Assigned Objects |
TB210T | Business Partner: Names of Assigned Objects |
TB300 | BP: Control for Reading Addresses via butadrsearch |
TB900 | Field grouping using BP relationship category |
TB901 | Business Partner Relationship Categories: Properties |
TB901T | Business Partner Roles: Properties, Texts |
TB905 | BP Relationship Types |
TB905T | BP Relationship Types: Texts |
TB910 | Contact person in standard departments |
TB911 | Contact person in standard departments: Texts |
TB912 | Positions of contact persons |
TB913 | Positions of contact person: Texts |
TB914 | Contact person authority |
TB915 | Contact person authority: Texts |
TB916 | Contact person VIP indicator |
TB917 | Contact person VIP indicator: Texts |
TB920 | BP Relationship Categories: Assign BP Role Cat. -> BP Roles |
TB930 | Business Partner: Marital Property Regime |
TB930T | Business Partner: Marital Property Regime: Texts |
TB990 | Differentiation Type Element Like Company Code |
TB990T | Differentiation Type Element Like Company Code: Texts |
TB991 | Differentiation Type Element Like Sales Organization |
TB991T | Differentiation Type Element Like Sales Organization: Texts |
TB992 | Diff. Type Element Like Distribution Channel |
TB992T | Diff. Type Element Like Distribution Channel: Texts |
TB993 | Differentiation Type Element Like Division |
TB993T | Diff. Type Element Like Division: Texts |
TB994 | Differentiation Type Like Sales Area |
TBCALLBY | Value table for Call By |
TBZ0 | BDT Object Parts |
TBZ0A | BDT Applications |
TBZ0B | BDT Applications: Texts |
TBZ0C | Assign BDT Object Part -> BDT Applications |
TBZ0D | BDT Differentiation Types |
TBZ0E | BDT Differentiation Types: Texts |
TBZ0F | Assign BDT Object Part -> BDT Views |
TBZ0G | BDT Object Part Grouping |
TBZ0H | BDT Object Part Grouping: Texts |
TBZ0I | Assign BDT Object Part Grouping-> BDT Object Parts |
TBZ0J | Assign BDT Object Part Grouping -> BDT Screen Sequences |
TBZ0K | BDT Activity Categories |
TBZ0L | BDT Activity Categories: Texts |
TBZ0M | BDT Activities |
TBZ0N | BDT Activities: Texts |
TBZ0O | BDT Field Grouping for Each Activity (Control) |
TBZ0O_2 | BDT Field Grouping per Activity (Control) Part 2 |
TBZ0Q | BDT Data Sets |
TBZ0R | BDT Data Sets: Texts |
TBZ0S | BDT Object Part -> BDT Data Sets Assignment |
TBZ0T | BDT Object Parts: Texts |
TBZ0U | Assign BDT Object Part -> BDT Screen Sequences |
TBZ1 | BDT Application Objects |
TBZ1A | BDT Events |
TBZ1B | BDT Events: Texts |
TBZ1C | Assign BDT Screen Fields -> BDT Database Fields |
TBZ1D | BDT Setting Transactions |
TBZ1E | BDT Application Transactions |
TBZ1F | Assign BDT Events -> Function Modules |
TBZ1G | Assign BDT Application Object-> BDT Differentiation Type |
TBZ1H | BDT Tables |
TBZ1I | BDT-External applications |
TBZ1J | BDT-External applications: Texts |
TBZ1K | Assign BDT Direct Input Fields -> BDT Database Fields |
TBZ1T | BDT Application Objects: Texts |
TBZ3 | BDT Screen Sequences |
TBZ3A | BDT Screens |
TBZ3A_GEN | BDT Screens to be Regenerated |
TBZ3A_TD | BDT Screens Subscreen Containers |
TBZ3B | BDT Screens: Texts |
TBZ3C | BDT Sections |
TBZ3D | BDT Sections: Texts |
TBZ3E | BDT Views |
TBZ3F | BDT Views: Texts |
TBZ3G | BDT-Views: Further checks |
TBZ3H | Assign BDT Section -> BDT View |
TBZ3I | Assign BDT Screen -> BDT Sections |
TBZ3J | BDT: Field Groups Additional FMOD2 Modules |
TBZ3K | Assign BDT Screen Sequence -> BDT Screen |
TBZ3L | BDT-Screen Sequence Categories |
TBZ3M | BDT-Screen Sequence Categories: Texts |
TBZ3N | BDT-Screen Sequence Category -> BDT-Screen Seq. Assignment |
TBZ3O | BDT Field Grouping Criteria: Texts |
TBZ3P | BP field grouping: BP cat. |
TBZ3P_2 | BP Field Grouping: BP Category Part 2 |
TBZ3Q | BDT Field Grouping Criteria |
TBZ3R | Assign BDT Field Group -> BDT Field |
TBZ3R_BD | Assign BDT Field Group -> BAPI Fields |
TBZ3R_C | Assign BDT Field Group -> BDT Field |
TBZ3S | Assign BDT View -> BDT Field Groups |
TBZ3T | BDT Screen Sequence Variants: Texts |
TBZ3U | BDT Screen Containers |
TBZ3V | BDT Screen Containers: Texts |
TBZ3W | BDT Field Groups |
TBZ3X | BDT Field Groups: Texts |
TBZ3Y | BDT Field Grouping: Link Rules for Same Objects |
TBZ3Y_01 | BDT Field Grouping: Link rules for Different Objects |
TBZ3Z | BDT Field Grouping: Link Rules with Activity |
TBZ4 | BDT GUI Functions |
TBZ4A | BDT GUI Functions: Active for Each View |
TBZ4B | BDT GUI Functions: Active per View/Screen Seq.Variant (Obs) |
TBZ4C | BDT-GUI Functions: Active per View/Screen Sequence Cat. |
TBZ4T | BDT GUI Functions: Texts |
TBZ5 | BDT: Where-Used List - Structure Table |
TBZ5A | BDT Object Usage: Assign Context-View Variant |
TBZ5AT | BDT Object Usage: Assign Context-View Variant |
TBZ5B | BDT Where-Used List: Application Objects |
TBZ5BT | BDT Where-Used List: Application Object Texts |
TBZ5D | BDT Setting Transactions |
TBZ5E | BDT Object Usage: Variants |
TBZ5ET | BDT Object Usage: Variants, Texts |
TBZ5F | BDT Object Usage: Variant Table |
TBZ5S | BDT: Where-Used List - Transport Shadow Table |
TBZ5T | BDT: Where-Used List - Structure Texts |
TBZ6 | BDT: VCT Usages |
TBZ6S | BDT: VCT Usages (Shadow Table) |
TBZ9 | BP relationship categories |
TBZ9_CD | BPR: Control for Reading Change Documents for Relationships |
TBZ9A | BP Relationship Categories: Texts |
TBZ9B | BP relationship cat. -> resp. BP application allocation |
TBZ9C | BDT Differentiation Type Elements |
TBZ9D | BDT Differentiation Type Elements: Texts |
TBZ9E | Assign BDT Differentiation Type -> BDT Diff.Type Element |
TBZ9F | BPR: Generic diff.type element per relationship category |
TBZ9G | BP Relationship Category->Dyn. Text f. Relationship Overview |
TBZ9H | BP Relationships: Assign Rel. Category to Database Tables |
TBZ9I | BP relationship cat -> calling application allocation |
TBZ9J | BP relationship cat. -> BP view allocation |
TBZS1 | BDT Search Help: Tables with Alias Names |
TBZS2 | BDT Search Help: Join Conditions |
TBZS3 | BDT Search Help: Views |
TBZS4 | BDT Search Help: Search Fields |
TBZS5 | BDT Search Help: Tree of Tables Containing Search Fields |
SAP Package BUPA contains 184 views.
BDT_VARNR_VARTP | BDT: Screen Sequences for a Screen Sequence Category |
BDT_VARTP_XRLTP | BDT: Screen Sequence Categories Supporting Divisibility |
BUPA_IDTYPE_GRP | SAP BP: ID Types for Groups |
BUPA_IDTYPE_ORG | SAP BP: ID Types for Organizations |
BUPA_IDTYPE_PRS | SAP BP: ID Types for Persons |
H_BUPA_ROLE | View for Searching for Business Partners via Role |
H_BUPAI | Help View for Search Help BUPA-I(BP According to ID Numbers) |
H_TB001 | Help View for Tabelle TB0001 (Groupings) |
H_TB003 | Help View for Search Help BUPAR (Partner by BP Role) |
H_TB003E | Help View for Tabel TB003E (BP Role Exclusion Gr.->BP Roles) |
H_TB005 | Data Origin |
H_TB019 | Help View for Table TB019 (BP Legal Forms) |
H_TB023 | Help View for Table TB023 (BP Industries) |
H_TB025 | Help View for Table TB025 (BP Group Types) |
H_TB030 | Authorization Types |
H_TB031 | Authorization-Relevant Field Groups |
H_TJ21_BUS | Help View 'Status for Object Type' |
M_BUPA_EXIT | Read BP Number in Search BAPI with Authorization Group |
M_BUPAA | Generated view for matchcode ID BUPA -A |
M_BUPAA_DUMMY | Generated View for Matchcode ID BUPA -A |
M_BUPAA_VERS | Generated View for Matchcode ID BUPA -A |
M_BUPAA_VERSC | Generated View for Address Search, Organizations -A |
M_BUPAA_VERSP | Generated View for Matchcode ID BUPA -A |
M_BUPAB | Generated view for matchcode ID BUPA -B |
M_BUPAG | Dummy Selection Method for Search Help BUPAG |
M_BUPAI | View for Search Help BUPA-I (BP by Identification Number) |
M_BUPAP | Generated View for Matchcode ID BUPA -P |
M_BUPAR | Generated View for Matchcode ID BUPA -R |
TBZ3R_S_E | BDT Search Help: Search Fields |
V_ADRC_WRITE | Projection View for Writing Address Transfer to Addr.Cat.2 |
V_ADRC_WRITE_PER | Proj.View for Writing Address Transfer to Addr.Cat.2 Person |
V_BUPA_ROLE | SAP BP: Search Help View for Roles |
V_BUPAEXST | View of but000 for PD-Org-Link |
V_BUT000_GUID | BP: View for Reading PARTNER_GUID |
V_BUT000_READ | Projection View for Reading Address Transfer to Addr.Cat.2 |
V_BUT000_WRITE | Projection View for Writing Address Transfer to Addr.Cat.2 |
V_T006E | System for Units of Measurement |
V_T006EE | Systems for Units of Measurement (Entities) |
V_TB001 | BP groupings |
V_TB003 | BP Roles |
V_TB003A | BP Role Categories |
V_TB003C | BP Role Exclusion Groups |
V_TB003E | BP Role Exclusion Groups -> BP Roles |
V_TB003F | BP Role Exclusion Groups: Permitted Transitions |
V_TB003G | BP Role Groupings |
V_TB003I | BP Role Groupings -> BP Roles |
V_TB003J | BP Role Grouping Categories |
V_TB003V | BP Role Category -> Business Transaction |
V_TB004 | Business Partner Types |
V_TB004_01 | Field Grpng: Partner Type |
V_TB004_2 | Field Grpng: Partner Type |
V_TB005 | Business Partner Data Origin |
V_TB008 | Assign BP Role -> Address Type |
V_TB008S | Transactions for BP Address Determination |
V_TB008U | Transn for BP Address Determin -> BP Address Type Assignment |
V_TB018 | BDT Where-Used List: View of Variants |
V_TB019A | Customizing Where-Used List: Assign Transaction -> View |
V_TB030 | Authorization Types |
V_TB031 | Field Groups for Authoriztn |
V_TB036 | Authorization Group Objects |
V_TB037 | Authorization Groups |
V_TB038 | Industry System |
V_TB038A | Industry |
V_TB039 | Identification Categories |
V_TB039A | Identification Types |
V_TB040 | BP: Evaluation Tables |
V_TB040F | BP: Evaluation Fields |
V_TB044 | (Obsolete!) Properties of Business Partner Roles |
V_TB053 | Class Maintenance for BP Mass Changes |
V_TB060R | Note View for Role Category |
V_TB102 | Field Grouping Client-Wide |
V_TB102_2 | Field Grouping Client-Wide |
V_TB103 | Field Grouping Object Part |
V_TB103_2 | Field Grouping Object Part |
V_TB104 | Field grouping external application |
V_TB104_2 | Field grouping external application |
V_TB105 | Field Grouping Activity |
V_TB105_2 | Field Grouping Activity |
V_TB105_BUPR | Field Grouping for BP Relationships via Activity |
V_TB108 | Field Grouping BP Role |
V_TB109 | SAP BP: Application Transactions |
V_TB210 | Business Partner: Assigned Objects |
V_TB900 | Field grouping: BP relationship cat. |
V_TB900_RF | Field grouping: BP role definition category |
V_TB901 | Properties of Business Partner Relationship Categories |
V_TB901_1 | Creation of Change Documents for BP Relationship Cat.s(ARCH) |
V_TB901_RF | Properties of Business Partner Role Determination Categories |
V_TB905 | BP Relationship Types |
V_TB905_RF | BP Role Definition Types |
V_TBZ0 | Object parts |
V_TBZ0_01 | Screen Layout |
V_TBZ0A | Applications |
V_TBZ0C | Assign Object Part -> Calling Application |
V_TBZ0D | Differentiation Types |
V_TBZ0F | Assign Object Part -> Views |
V_TBZ0G | Object Part Grouping |
V_TBZ0I | Assign Object Part -> Object Part Grouping |
V_TBZ0J | Assign Object Part Grouping --> Screen Sequences |
V_TBZ0M | Activities |
V_TBZ0O | Field Grouping Activities |
V_TBZ0O_2 | Field Grouping Activities |
V_TBZ0Q | Data Sets |
V_TBZ0S | Assign Object Part -> Data Sets |
V_TBZ0U | Assign Object Part --> Screen Sequences |
V_TBZ1 | Application Obj. |
V_TBZ1_SEARCH | BDT Search Help: Configuration |
V_TBZ1A | Events |
V_TBZ1A_RO | Events (read only) |
V_TBZ1C | Assign Screen Fields -> Database Fields |
V_TBZ1D | Assign Application Object -> Setting Transactions |
V_TBZ1E | Application transactions |
V_TBZ1F | Assign Event -> Function Module |
V_TBZ1G | Assign Appl.Object to Diff. Types |
V_TBZ1H | Tables |
V_TBZ1I | External applications |
V_TBZ1K | Assign Direct Input Fields -> Database Fields |
V_TBZ3 | Screen sequences |
V_TBZ3A | Screens |
V_TBZ3A_01 | Assign Screen->Screen Container |
V_TBZ3A_GEN | Screens to be Regenerated |
V_TBZ3A_TD1 | Assign Screens to Subscreen Containers |
V_TBZ3C | Sections |
V_TBZ3E | Views |
V_TBZ3G | Views: Further checks |
V_TBZ3H | Assign Section -> Views |
V_TBZ3I | Assign Screen -> Sections |
V_TBZ3J | BDT: Additional Function Modules for Field Modification |
V_TBZ3K | Assign Screen Sequence -> Screen |
V_TBZ3L | Screen Sequence Categories |
V_TBZ3N | Assign Screen Sequence Category -> Screen Sequences |
V_TBZ3P | Field grouping using BP cat. |
V_TBZ3P_2 | Field grouping using BP cat. |
V_TBZ3Q | Field Grouping Criteria |
V_TBZ3R | Assign Fields -> Field Groups |
V_TBZ3R_BD | SAP BP: Assign BAPI Fields --> Field Groups |
V_TBZ3R_C | BDT Search Help: Search Fields |
V_TBZ3R_SEARCH | BDT Search Help: Search Fields |
V_TBZ3R_SEARCH_C | BDT Search Help: Search Fields-Maint.Selectivity and TrLPos |
V_TBZ3S | Assign View -> Field Groups |
V_TBZ3W | Field Groups |
V_TBZ4 | GUI Standard Functions |
V_TBZ4_01 | GUI Additional Functions |
V_TBZ4A | GUI Standard Functions: Active per View |
V_TBZ4A_01 | GUI Additional Functions: Active per View |
V_TBZ4B | GUI Standard Functions: Active per View/Scr.Seq.Var. (Obs.) |
V_TBZ4B_01 | GUI Add. Functions: Active per View/ScrnSeqVar. (Obsolete) |
V_TBZ4C | GUI Standard Functions: Active per View/Scrn Seq Cat |
V_TBZ4C_01 | GUI Additional Functions: Active per View/Scrn Seq Cat |
V_TBZ5 | BDT Object Usage: View of Structure Table |
V_TBZ5A | Where-Used List: Assign Transaction --> View |
V_TBZ5B | BDT Where-Used List: Application Objects |
V_TBZ5D | Assgnmnt Appl.Obj. Where-Used List -> Setting Transactions |
V_TBZ5E | Where-Used List: Views |
V_TBZ5S | BDT: Shadow Table for Transport Link Where-Used List |
V_TBZ6S | VCT: Where-Used List (Shadow Table) |
V_TBZ9 | Relationship Categories |
V_TBZ9_RF | Role definition categories |
V_TBZ9B | Allocate relationship cat. -> responsible application |
V_TBZ9B_RF | Allocate role definition category -> responsible application |
V_TBZ9E | Assign Differentiation Type -> Diff.Type Element |
V_TBZ9F | Generic diff.type element per relationship cat. |
V_TBZ9F_RF | Generic diff.type element per role definition category |
V_TBZ9G | Assign Relationship Category -> Text Function Module |
V_TBZ9G_RF | Assign Role Definition Category -> Text Function Module |
V_TBZ9H_API | Relationships: Assignment of Rel. Category, Tables and APIs |
V_TBZ9I | Allocate relationship cat. -> calling application |
V_TBZ9I_RF | Allocate role definition category -> calling application |
V_TBZ9J | Allocate relationship cat. -> views |
V_TBZ9J_RF | Allocate role definition category -> Views |
V_TBZ9K | BP Relationship Categories: Assign BP Role Cat. -> BP Roles |
V_TBZS1 | BDT Search Help: Table Alias Names (Internal Usage) |
V_TBZS2 | BDT Search Help: Join Connections |
V_TBZS3 | BDT Search Help: View Alias Names (Internal Usage) |
V_TBZS5 | BDT Search Help: Tree of Tables Containing Search Fields |
VTB044_BP | Properties of Business Partner Roles |
VV_TB030_BP | Authorization Types |
VV_TB031_BP | Field Groups for Authorization |
VV_TB031_BZ | Field Groups for Authorization |
VV_TB037_BUPA | Authorization Groups |
VV_TB044_BP | Properties of Business Partner Roles |
VV_TB060R_BP | Note View for Role Category |
VV_TB103_2_BP | Field Grouping Object Part |
VV_TB105_2_BP | Field Grouping Activity |
VV_TBZ5E_BP | Where-Used List: Views |
SAP Package BUPA contains 561 structures.
BAPI_BNK_ATRBT | BP: BAPI Transfer Structure BP Bank Details |
BAPI_BNK_ATRBT_DI | CBP: BAPI Transfer Structure BP Bank Details |
BAPI_BNK_ATRBT_DI_X | CBP: BAPI Transfer Structure BP Bank Details Update Bar |
BAPI_BP_ADDR | BP: BAPI Transfer Structure BP Addresses |
BAPI_BP_ADDR_DATA | BAPI Structure ADRC Attributes Without Name Fields |
BAPI_BP_ADDR_DI | BAPI Structure Address Data for Business Partner/Obsolete |
BAPI_BP_ADDR_DI_X | BAPI Structure Address Data for Business Partner Update Bar |
BAPI_BP_ADDR_USE | BP: BAPI Transfer Structure BP Address Usage |
BAPI_BP_ADDR_USE_DI | CBP: BAPI Structure Address Usage |
BAPI_BP_ADDR_USE_DI_X | CBP: BAPI Structure Address Usage Update Bar |
BAPI_BP_ATRBUT_1 | BP: BAPI Transfer Structure BP Attribute Part 1 |
BAPI_BP_ATRBUT_1_X | BP: BAPI Transfer Structure BP Attribute Part 1 Update Bar |
BAPI_BP_ATRBUT_2 | BP: BAPI Transfer Structure BP Attribute Part 2 |
BAPI_BP_ATRBUT_2_X | BP: BAPI Transfer Structure BP Attribute Part 2 Update Bar |
BAPI_BP_ROLE | BP: BAPI Transfer Structure BP Roles |
BAPI_BP_SYST_REFERENCE | BAPI Transfer Structure System Reference |
BAPI_BUPA_EMPLOYEES | HR Employee Number |
BAPI_CCA_ATRBT | BP: BAPI Transfer Structure BP Payment Cards |
BAPI_CCA_ATRBT_DI | BP: BAPI Transfer Structure BP Payment Cards |
BAPI_CCA_ATRBT_DI_X | BP: BAPI Transfer Structure BP Payment Cards Update Bar |
BAPIBUS1006_AD_REM | BP: Address Data - Remarks |
BAPIBUS1006_AD1VD | BP: Address Data, National Version - Organization/Group |
BAPIBUS1006_AD2VD | BP: Address Data National Version for Persons |
BAPIBUS1006_ADDR_KEY | BAPI Structure with Address Number and GUID |
BAPIBUS1006_ADDR_SEARCH | BAPI Structure for Searching for Address Attributes |
BAPIBUS1006_ADDR_USAGE_W_KEY | BP: Address Use |
BAPIBUS1006_ADDRESS | SAP BP: BAPI Structure for Address Data |
BAPIBUS1006_ADDRESS_DUPLICATES | SAP BP: Return Structure for Address Duplicates in the BAPI |
BAPIBUS1006_ADDRESS_VALIDITY | Address Validity Intervals |
BAPIBUS1006_ADDRESS_VALIDITY_X | Address Validity Intervals Update Bar |
BAPIBUS1006_ADDRESS_W_KEY | SAP BP: BAPI Structure for Address Data |
BAPIBUS1006_ADDRESS_W_KEY_X | SAP BP: BAPI Structure for Address Data |
BAPIBUS1006_ADDRESS_X | SAP BP: BAPI Structure for Address Data, Update Bar |
BAPIBUS1006_ADDRESSES | SAP BP: BAPI Structure for Addresses |
BAPIBUS1006_ADDRESSES_INT | SAP BP: Internal BAPI Structure for Addresses |
BAPIBUS1006_ADDRESSUSAGE | SAP BP: BAPI Structure for Address Usages |
BAPIBUS1006_ADDRESSUSAGE_X | SAP BP: BAPI Structure for Address Usages, Update Bar |
BAPIBUS1006_ADFAX | BP: Address Data - Fax |
BAPIBUS1006_ADFAXX | Change BAPI Reference Business Partner: Address Data - Fax |
BAPIBUS1006_ADPAG | BP: Address Data - Pager |
BAPIBUS1006_ADPRT | Business Partner: Adress Data PRT |
BAPIBUS1006_ADPRTX | Change BAPI Reference Business Partner: Address Data PRT |
BAPIBUS1006_ADRFC | Business Partner: Address Data RFC |
BAPIBUS1006_ADRFCX | Change BAPI Reference Business Partner: Address Data RFC |
BAPIBUS1006_ADRML | Business Partner: Address Data RML |
BAPIBUS1006_ADRMLX | Change BAPI Reference Business Partner: Address Data RML |
BAPIBUS1006_ADSMTP | BP: Address Data - E-Mail |
BAPIBUS1006_ADSMTX | Change BAPI Reference Business Partner: Address Data - Email |
BAPIBUS1006_ADSSF | Business Partner: Address Data SSF |
BAPIBUS1006_ADSSFX | Change BAPI Reference Business Partner: Address Data SSF |
BAPIBUS1006_ADTEL | BP: Address Data - Telephone |
BAPIBUS1006_ADTELX | Change BAPI Reference Bus. Partner: Address Data - Telephone |
BAPIBUS1006_ADTLX | BP: Address Data - Telex |
BAPIBUS1006_ADTLXX | Change BAPI Reference Business Partner: Address Data - Telex |
BAPIBUS1006_ADTTX | BP: Address Data - Teletex |
BAPIBUS1006_ADTTXX | Change BAPI Reference Bus. Partner: Address Data - Teletex |
BAPIBUS1006_ADURI | Business Partner: Address Data URI |
BAPIBUS1006_ADURIX | Change BAPI Reference Business Partner: Address Data URI |
BAPIBUS1006_ADUSECOM | Business Partner: Address Use for Communication Data |
BAPIBUS1006_ADX400 | Business Partner: Address Data X.400 |
BAPIBUS1006_ADX40X | Change BAPI Reference Business Partner: Address Data X.400 |
BAPIBUS1006_BANKDETAIL | SAP BP: BAPI Structure for Bank Details Data |
BAPIBUS1006_BANKDETAIL_EXT | Bank Details Data for Partners with Bank Name, and So On |
BAPIBUS1006_BANKDETAIL_X | SAP BP: BAPI Structure for Bank Details Data, Update Bar |
BAPIBUS1006_BANKDETAILS | SAP BP: BAPI Structure for Bank Details |
BAPIBUS1006_BP_ADDR | BAPI Structure with Business Partner/Address Numbers |
BAPIBUS1006_BPR_ADDR | BAPI Structure with Business Partner/Address Numbers |
BAPIBUS1006_BPROLE_VALIDITY | SAP BP: BAPI Structure for Validity of a BP Role Cat. DATS |
BAPIBUS1006_BPROLE_VALIDITY_X | SAP BP: BAPI, Validity of a BP Role Category DATS Update Bar |
BAPIBUS1006_BPROLES | SAP BP: BAPI Structure for BP Roles |
BAPIBUS1006_BUSINESSPARTNER | SAP BP: BAPI Structure with Business Partner Number |
BAPIBUS1006_CENTRAL | General BP Data, Independent of Business Partner Category |
BAPIBUS1006_CENTRAL_GROUP | SAP BP: BAPI Structure for Group Data |
BAPIBUS1006_CENTRAL_GROUP_X | SAP BP: BAPI Structure for Group Data, Update Bar |
BAPIBUS1006_CENTRAL_GRP_X | SAP BP: BAPI Structure for Group Data, Update Bar |
BAPIBUS1006_CENTRAL_INFO | SAP BP: BAPI Structure for Central Data |
BAPIBUS1006_CENTRAL_ORG_X | SAP BP: BAPI Structure for Organization Data, Update Bar |
BAPIBUS1006_CENTRAL_ORGAN | SAP BP: BAPI Structure for Organization Data |
BAPIBUS1006_CENTRAL_ORGAN_X | SAP BP: BAPI Structure for Organization Data, Update Bar |
BAPIBUS1006_CENTRAL_PERS_X | SAP BP: BAPI Structure for Personal Data, Update Bar |
BAPIBUS1006_CENTRAL_PERSON | SAP BP: BAPI Structure for Personal Data |
BAPIBUS1006_CENTRAL_PERSON_X | SAP BP: BAPI Structure for Personal Data, Update Bar |
BAPIBUS1006_CENTRAL_SEARCH | BAPI Structure for Search for Central Data |
BAPIBUS1006_CENTRAL_X | SAP BP: BAPI Structure for Central Data, Update Bar |
BAPIBUS1006_COMM | BAPI Interface Structure for Communication Methods |
BAPIBUS1006_COMPANY_ADDR | Company Address of a Business Partner (Category 1) |
BAPIBUS1006_COMREM | BP: Address Data - Remarks on Communication Types |
BAPIBUS1006_CONTACT | BP: BAPI Structure for GetList BAPI |
BAPIBUS1006_CONTACT_ADDR | Contact Person Address of a Business Partner (Category 3) |
BAPIBUS1006_CONTACTPARTNER | SAP BP: BAPI Structure for Contact Person Relationship Data |
BAPIBUS1006_CRM_JEST_GET | BAPI Transfer Structure: Business Partner Status (Read) |
BAPIBUS1006_CRM_JEST_SET | BAPI Transfer Structure: Business Partner Status (Read) |
BAPIBUS1006_FAX_DATA | BAPI Interface Structure for Fax Numbers |
BAPIBUS1006_HEAD | BP: BAPI transfer structure BP header data |
BAPIBUS1006_ID_DETAILS | SAP BP: BAPI Structure for ID Number Details |
BAPIBUS1006_IDENTIFICATION | SAP BP: BAPI Structure for Identification Numbers |
BAPIBUS1006_IDENTIFICATION_KEY | SAP BP: BAPI Structure for ID Numbers/Keys |
BAPIBUS1006_IDENTIFICATION_X | SAP BP: BAPI Structure for Identification Number: Update Bar |
BAPIBUS1006_INDUSTRYSECTOR | SAP BP: BAPI Structure for Industries |
BAPIBUS1006_INDUSTRYSECTOR_X | SAP BP: BAPI Structure for Industries, Update Bar |
BAPIBUS1006_KEY | BP: BAPI Transfer Structure BP Key Data |
BAPIBUS1006_OTHER_DATA | Other parameters |
BAPIBUS1006_PARTNERGUID | SAP BP: Transfer Structure for Partner GUID |
BAPIBUS1006_PAYMENTCARD | SAP BP: BAPI Structure for Payment Cards Data |
BAPIBUS1006_PAYMENTCARDS | SAP BP: BAPI Structure for Payment Cards |
BAPIBUS1006_PCARD_DATA | SAP BP: BAPI Structure for Payment Card Details |
BAPIBUS1006_PCARD_DATA_X | SAP BP: BAPI Structure for Payment Card Details |
BAPIBUS1006_PCARD_DETAILS | SAP BP: BAPI Structure for Payment Card Details |
BAPIBUS1006_PERSONAL_ADDR | Personal Address of a Business Partner (Category 2) |
BAPIBUS1006_RELATIONS | SAP BP: BAPI Structure for BP Relationships |
BAPIBUS1006_RELATIONSHIP | SAP BP, Gen.Relship: BAPI Structure f.General Relship Data |
BAPIBUS1006_RELHEAD | Business Partner Relationships Header Data (BAPI) |
BAPIBUS1006_ROLES | SAP BP: BAPI Structure for BP Roles |
BAPIBUS1006_VALIDITY | Validity Date for Business Partner Data |
BAPIBUS1006_VALIDITY_X | Fields Time-Dependency of BP Data Update Toolbar |
BAPIBUS1006_X | SAPBP: BAPI Structure for Checkbox |
BAPIBUS1006002_ADDR_DUPLICATES | SAP BP: Return Struc. for Relship Address Duplicates in BAPI |
BAPIBUS1006002_ADDRESS | SAP BP, CP Rel.: BAPI Structure for Address Data |
BAPIBUS1006002_ADDRESS_X | SAP BP, CP Rel.: BAPI Structure for Address Data, Update Bar |
BAPIBUS1006002_ADDRESSES | SAP BP, CP Rel.: BAPI Structure for Addresses |
BAPIBUS1006002_ADDRESSES_I | SAP BP, CP Rel.: BAPI Structure for Addresses |
BAPIBUS1006002_CENTRAL | SAP BP, CP Rel.: BAPI Structure for Central Data |
BAPIBUS1006002_CENTRAL_X | SAP BP, CP Rel.: BAPI Structure for Central Data, Update Bar |
BAPIBUS1006002_HEADER | BP: BAPI Transfer Structure Header Data of BP Relationships |
BAPIBUS1006006_CENTRAL | SAP BP: BAPI Structure for Shareholder Relationship |
BAPIBUS1006006_CENTRAL_X | SAP BP: BAPI Structure for Shareholder Relship, Update Bar |
BBUT020 | Change Document Structure, Generated by RSSCD000 |
BBUT021 | Change Document Structure, Generated by RSSCD000 |
BBUT021_FS | Change Document Structure, Generated by RSSCD000 |
BDT_ADD_FUNCS | BDT: Additional Functions |
BDT_CHECK_MESSAGES | BDT: Message Structure for Check Modules |
BDT_DDSTRUCT | Fields of a Table/Structure |
BDT_EXCLUDE_OBJECT | Structure of Exclusion List with DSAVC |
BDT_FUNCTION_QUEUE | Queue of all FCodes |
BDT_HIGHLIGHTED | Field to be Highlighted (Independent of Message Handler) |
BDT_INSTANCE | Data for BDT Instance |
BDT_OBJAP | Container for Application Objects (BDT Administration) |
BDT_PARAMS | BDT Parameters |
BDT_TBZ3_EXT | TBZ3 Enhanced By Several Fields |
BDT_TBZ3A_EXT | TBZ3A Enhanced By Several Fields |
BDT_TBZ3A_EXT_01 | TBZ3A Enhanced By Several Fields |
BDT_TBZ3K_EXT | TBZ3K Enhanced By Several Fields |
BDT_TEST_BUT000_FIELDS | Collection of Several BUT000 Fields |
BDT_VARI_FUNCS | Variable Function Buttons |
BDT_VCTUSEID | Table BDT Usages Key |
BDT00TSTXT | Texts for Tabs (Template) |
BDT01TSTXT | Texts for Tabs (Instance 1) |
BDT02TSTXT | Texts for Tabs (Instance 2) |
BDT03TSTXT | Texts for Tabs (Instance 3) |
BDT04TSTXT | Texts for Tabs (Template) |
BDT05TSTXT | Texts for Tabs (Template) |
BDTTREEITEM | Structure Item for Tree Control in BDT |
BDTTREEUNODE | Update Structure for |
BUDIFFELEMVALUE | Differentiation Type with its Elements |
BUDTELEM | Row Type for Differentiation Element Value |
BUP_ADDR_KEYNR_ACTION | Structure with Reference Key Fields and Address Type |
BUP_AUGR_RANGE | Range for Authorization Groups |
BUP_BPROLE | SAP BP: BP Role, BP Role Cat., Diff.Type Value and Validity |
BUP_FIELDSMASK | SAP BP: Structure for masking fields. |
BUP_MASK_FIELDS | SAP BP: Structure used for the BAdI BUPA_ MASK_LIST_ITEM |
BUP_PARTNER_RANGE | Range for Partner Number |
BUP_PARTNERROLEGROUPINGS | SAP BP: BP Role Grouping Categories and BP Role Groupings |
BUP_PARTNERROLES | SAP BP: BP Role, BP Role Cat., Diff.Type Value and Validity |
BUP_RELATIONSHIP_SEARCH | SAP BP: Search Help Structure Search for BP by Relationships |
BUP_ROLE_TITL | SAP BP: BP Role and Title |
BUPA_ADDR_SEARCH | Internal Structure for Search for Address Attributes |
BUPA_ADDRNUMGUID | Business Partner |
BUPA_BPEXT | Structure with Category BU_BPEXT |
BUPA_DATA_ALL | Structure with BUT000 Data, ADDR1 + ADDR2 + comm. data |
BUPA_GEOD | Longitude and Latitude for a BP Address |
BUPA_PARTNER | Structure with Category BU_PARTNER |
BUPA_PERSNUMBER | Structure with Category AD_PERSNUM |
BUPA_SEARCH_FIELDS_LONG_ORGAN | Search Fields (Long) for Organizations (Upper/Lowercase) |
BUPA_SEARCH_FIELDS_LONG_PERSON | Search Fields (Long) for Persons (Upper/Lowercase) |
BUPA_STATUS_GET | Business Partner Status (Read) |
BUPR_BUS_LOG_CONTEXT_REL | CBP: Context for Application Log Durinig EURO Conversion |
BUPR_CURRENCY_ALV_SELECT | CBP: Output Structure f. ALV During EURO Convern in Rel.s |
BUPSELALIAS | Transfer structure selection options Changed by (User name) |
BUR_DI | BPR: Transfer Structure (Direct Input) |
BUR_DI_EXT | BPR: Direct Input Transfer Structure (Program-Internal) |
BURHDR_DI | BPR: Header Data (Direct Input) |
BURS_ADDR | BPR: Address for a Relationship |
BURS_BPARTNER_DATA | Business Partner Data for Hierarchy and Net Plan Graphic |
BURS_BUT053_DI | BPR: Company Interest - Direct Input Structure |
BURS_BUT053_FLDS | BPR: Company Interest - Work Fields |
BURS_BUT053_WA | BPR: Company Interest - Work Area with Status Information |
BURS_COMPANY_DAT | Company Interest: Data |
BURS_CONTP_HOURS_DAT | SAP BP: BUT051-Update Structure for Business Hours |
BURS_DEPARTMENT_RANGE | SAP BP: Range Structure for Contact Person Department |
BURS_FUNCTION_RANGE | SAP BP: Range Structure for Contact Person Function |
BURS_PRTNRSHP_DAT | BP Relationship Company/Partnership: Data |
BURS_RELATION_DATA | Business Partner Relationship Data |
BURS_RELATSHP_KEY | Key Structure Relationships for BADI |
BURS_RELTYP_AND_PARTNERS | Relationship Category and Partner of a Relationship |
BURS_VIP_RANGE | SAP BP: Range Structure for VIP Indicator |
BURS_WHEREUSED_ADDRESS | Where-Used List BP Relationship Addresses:Transfer Structure |
BUS_ACTION_RANGE | Action Indicator in Range Format |
BUS_ADDR_ALL | BP: Business Partner Addresses (incl.Relationship Addresses) |
BUS_ADDR_COM | CBP: Work Structure |
BUS_ADDR_FAX | CBP: Work Structure |
BUS_ADDR_SMTP | CBP: Work Structure |
BUS_ADDR_TEL | CBP: Work Structure |
BUS_ADDRCOMM | BP: Transfer Structure f. Addr. No. f. Addr.-Ind. Comm. Data |
BUS_ADDRCP | Address Data for Contact Person |
BUS_ADDRESS | Address Data |
BUS_ADDRHANDLE_RANGE | BP: Address Handle in Range Format |
BUS_ADDRNUM1 | Address and Communication Data (Output Part 1) |
BUS_ADDRNUM2 | Address and Communication Data (Input Part 2) |
BUS_ADDRNUM3 | Address and Communication Data (Output Part 2) |
BUS_ADDRNUMBER | Business Partner |
BUS_ADDRNUMBER_GUID | Business Partner |
BUS_ADDRNUMBER_RANGE | Address Number in Range Format |
BUS_ADMIN_INFO | BP Management Data for Instances of Sub-Objects |
BUS_ADRML | Remote Mail Data |
BUS_ADRNR | BP: Address no.s |
BUS_ADSMTP | E-Mail Data |
BUS_ADTEL | Telephone Data |
BUS_ADTLX | Telex Data |
BUS_ADTTX | Teletex Data |
BUS_ARCH_PARTNER | CBP: Archiving Indicator |
BUS_AS_ALL_FIELDS | Business Partner: Fields of the Field Catalog (for Search) |
BUS_BAPI | SAP BP: Reference Structure for BAPIs and Internal FMs |
BUS_BUPA_INDUSTRY_SECTORS | Work Structure for Dialog |
BUS_CHANGE_INFO | Management Data for Data Records of a Table |
BUS_CLIENT_RANGE | BDT: Clients (Range) |
BUS_CONTEXT | Transfer Structure for Where-Used List Processes |
BUS_CRM_JEST | Transfer Structure for UI Status |
BUS_DI | BP: Transfer structure (direct input) |
BUS_DI_EXT | CBP: Direct Input Transfer Structure (Intern. Progr.) |
BUS_DIALOG_ISDAT_PARAMETERS | BP Dialog: ISDAT Parameter Structure for BDT Applications |
BUS_DNC_CUST | BP: Structure for Editing the 'Do Not Call' List |
BUS_DNC_KEY | BP: Key Fields for Business Partner Objects |
BUS_DYNID_RANGE | BDT: Screens (Range) |
BUS_FIELD | Structure: View -> Field Group Element |
BUS_GEODATA | Longitude and Latitude for a BP Address |
BUS_GUID | CBP: Partner Number/GUID |
BUS_INDSECTOR_IMPORT | SAP BP: Import Industries for a System, Industry Codes |
BUS_INDSECTOR_TEXT_IMPORT | SAP BP: Import Industries for a System, Industry Texts |
BUS_ISTAT | CBP: Status information (only CBP data) |
BUS_ITEM_DATA | BP Where-Used List: Tree Items for Transfer |
BUS_MASS_BP1012 | FS BP, Mass Update: Ratings |
BUS_MASS_BUT000 | SAP BP, Mass Update: General Data I |
BUS_MASS_BUT0BK | SAP BP, Mass Update: Bank Details |
BUS_MASS_BUT0ID | SAP BP, Mass Update: Identification Numbers |
BUS_MASS_BUT0IS | SAP BP, Mass Update: Industries |
BUS_MASS_BUT100 | SAP BP, Mass Update: BP Roles |
BUS_MASS_CENTRAL | General BP Data |
BUS_MASS_GROUP | Group Data |
BUS_MASS_ORGAN | Organizational Data |
BUS_MASS_PERS | Personal Data |
BUS_MTREEITM_INDUSTRY_SECTOR | Tree Control: Structure TREEV_ITEM + TEXT Field of Length 72 |
BUS_NAME | Structure for name conversion with screen seq. configuration |
BUS_OBJAP_RANGE | BDT: Application Objects (Range) |
BUS_PARTNER | Reference Structure for Categories in Bus. Partner |
BUS_PARTNER_GUID | SAP BP: Partner Number plus Partner GUID |
BUS_PARTNER_GUID_RANGE | BP: Range Structure for Business Partner GUID |
BUS_PARTNER_NUM | Partner and Contact Person Number |
BUS_PARTNER_RANGE | BP: Range Structure for Business Partner Number |
BUS_PARTNR | CBP: Partner numbers |
BUS_PERSON | CBP: Pers. Number |
BUS_RELTYP_DATA | Relationship Categories: All Data |
BUS_RETURN | Business Partner: Complex Return Structure for Messages |
BUS_ROLE | Role Category with Differentiation Type Value |
BUS_SICHT | Structure: Views |
BUS_STAT | BP: Status information for LM (applications) |
BUS_STATUS_UI | Business Partner: Structure for Status Subscreens |
BUS_SUBSC | BDT: View -> Subscreen |
BUS_TABLE | BDT: Transfer Structure for Tables |
BUS_TABLE_API | API for Processing Table Entries for Extensions |
BUS_TB003_T | SAP BP: BP Roles with Texts |
BUS_TBZ0_T | CBP: BP Roles With Texts |
BUS_TBZ3H | Extended structure for TBZ3H |
BUS_TBZ9CD | CBP: Diff. Type Elements With Texts |
BUS_VCT_ABSNR | List of Sections for Joint Configuration |
BUS_VCT_RLTYP | Structure of Data Element BU_RLTYP for VCT |
BUS_WHEREUSED_ADDRESS | Where-Used List BP Addresses: Transfer Structure |
BUS_WHEREUSED_BKDETAIL | Where-Used List BP Addresses: Transfer Structure |
BUS_WHEREUSED_CCARD | Where-Used List BP Addresses: Transfer Structure |
BUS000 | BP: General Data I (Read) |
BUS000___I | CBP: General data plus status information |
BUS000_ADR | BP: Address Data (Read) |
BUS000_DAT | BP: General Data I (Data Fields - External) |
BUS000_DI | BP: General data (direct input) |
BUS000_DIX | CBP: General Data Update Bar |
BUS000_EEW | SAP BP: Transfer Structure for CI Include Extension of BP |
BUS000_EEW_S | SAP BP: Search-Relevant Fields of CI Include in BUT000 |
BUS000_EEW_X | SAP BP: X Flag Bar for BP CI Include of the BUT000 |
BUS000_EXT | CBP: Read general data plus standard address |
BUS000_GLB | BP: All General Data (Read) |
BUS000_GP | BP Structure Business Partner: Range |
BUS000_GP_GUID | BP Structure Business Partner GUID: Range |
BUS000_INT | BP: General Data I (Data Fields - Internal) |
BUS000_NAM | CBP: Name fields combined (lower case) |
BUS000A | CBP: General data (independent of partner cat.) |
BUS000ADAT | CBP: General Data (not dep. on Part. Cat.), Data Screens |
BUS000AINI | CBP: General Data (not dep. on Part. Cat.), Initial Screen |
BUS000AINT | CBP: Internal general data (not dependent on partner cat.) |
BUS000CUAF | CBP: GUI additional functions |
BUS000CUAP | BP: Variable GUI Function Texts |
BUS000CUAS | CBP: GUI standard functions |
BUS000EMPL | Business Partner: Work and Screen Fields Employee |
BUS000FLDS | CBP: Work fields and screen fields |
BUS000G | CBP: General data (group of people) |
BUS000ICOMM | CBP: Address-Independent Communication Types |
BUS000MC | CBP: Structure for transferring from matchcode fields |
BUS000MSG | CBP: Structure for message handler |
BUS000N | CBP: General Data, Person |
BUS000N_CHAR | CBP: General Data, Person (CHAR Fields) |
BUS000N_DI | CBP: General Data, Person (Direct Input) |
BUS000N_NCHR | CBP: General Data, Person (Non CHAR Fields) |
BUS000N_NCHR_DI | CBP: General Data, Person (Non CHAR Fields, DI) |
BUS000NR | CBP: Partner number (hierarchy levels) |
BUS000O | CBP: General data (Organization) |
BUS000O_CHAR | CBP: General Data, Organization (CHAR Fields) |
BUS000O_DI | CBP: General Data, Organization (Direct Input) |
BUS000O_NCHR | CBP: General Data, Organization (Non CHAR Fields) |
BUS000O_NCHR_DI | CBP: General Data, Organization (Non CHAR Fields, DI) |
BUS000REQ | CBP: Structure for required field checks |
BUS000SEARCH | Structure for New Search Help 'Partner Acc. to Address' |
BUS000TBFL | CBP: Table field (table name - field name) |
BUS001 | BP: General Data II (Read) |
BUS001_DAT | BP: General Data II |
BUS001_DAT_CHAR | BP: General Data II (CHAR Fields) |
BUS001_DAT_DI | BP: General Data II |
BUS001_DAT_NCHR | BP: General Data II (Non CHAR Fields) |
BUS001_DAT_NCHR_DI | BP: General Data II (Non CHAR Fields, DI) |
BUS001_DI | BP: General data II (direct input) |
BUS001_DIX | BP: General Data II Update Bar |
BUS001STAT | BP: Status information on BUT001 |
BUS001UPDT | BP: General data II (update) |
BUS010 | BP: old, do not use ==> BUS020_EXT |
BUS010F4BK | CBP: Auxiliary structure for F4-Help (bank data) |
BUS010F4CC | CBP: Help Structure for F4 Help (Payment Cards) |
BUS010F4ID | CBP: Help Structure for F4 Help (ID Numbers) |
BUS010F4IS | CBP: Help Structure for F4 Help (ID Numbers) |
BUS020 | BP: Addresses (Read) |
BUS020___I | BP Addresses: Transport Structure for BUT020 |
BUS020_ADDR_VERS | BP: Transfer Structure Address Versions (Direct Input) |
BUS020_ADDR1_VERS | Structure Address Type 1 Name |
BUS020_ADDR2_VERS | Structure Address Type 2 Name |
BUS020_ADR | SAP BP: Structure Address GUID (RANGE) |
BUS020_ADRCOM | SAP BP: Structure BP Communication Data (Range) |
BUS020_DAT | BP: Addresses (Data Fields Ext.) |
BUS020_DI | BP: Address data transfer structure (direct input) |
BUS020_DIX | BP: Transfer Structure Address Data Update Bar |
BUS020_EXT | BP: Addresses with Addr. Data (Read) |
BUS020_SEARCH_RESULT | Return Structure for Business Partner Search Modules |
BUS021 | BP: Address Usages (Read) |
BUS021___I | BP Addresses: Transport Structure for BUT021 |
BUS021_DAT | BP: Address Usages (Data Fields - External) |
BUS021_DI | BP: Address usage transfer structure (direct input) |
BUS021_DIX | CBP: Transfer Structure Address Usage Update Structure |
BUS021_FS_I | BP Addresses: Transport Structure for BUT021 |
BUS050___I | BPR: BP relationship general data and status information |
BUS050_BT | BPR: Relationship cat. structure |
BUS050_BTR | CBP: Relationship cat. structure (RANGE) |
BUS050_CD___I | BPR: Index Table for BUT050 for Reading Change Documents |
BUS050_DAR | CBP: Date structure (RANGE) |
BUS050_DAT | SAB BP: General Management Data for BP Relationship |
BUS050_DI | BPR: General Data (Direct Input) |
BUS050_DTV | CBP: Structure of diff.type characteristic (range) |
BUS050_EXT | BPR: General data + attribute maintenance indic. (BP rel.) |
BUS050_GP | BPR: Business partner structure (RANGE) |
BUS050_REL | BPR: BP Relationship Structure for Hierarchy Formatting |
BUS050_RNR | BPR: Relationship number structure (RANGE) |
BUS050_RTR | BPR: Structure BP Roles (RANGE) |
BUS050_SEARCH_RESULT | Return Structure for Business Partner Search Modules |
BUS050_TNR | BPR: Allocate temporary number -> relationship number |
BUS050_VTP | BPR: Validity/Time Dependency |
BUS050_XRF | BPR: Role definition indicator (RANGE) |
BUS050DFLD | BPR: BP relationship screen fields |
BUS050FLDS | BPR: BP relationship work fields |
BUS050POPC | BPR: Screen Fields to Confirm IMG Activities |
BUS051___I | BPR: Attribute table (w/o diff.type) with status information |
BUS051_DI | BPR: Attribute Table Without Differentiation (Direct Input) |
BUS051FLDS | BPR: Work Fields for BP Relationship Attributes (w/o DifTyp) |
BUS052___I | BPR: BP Relationship Addresses and Status Info? |
BUS052_DAT | BPR: Addresses (Ext. Data Fields) |
BUS052_DI | BPR: Addresses (Direct Input) |
BUS052_EXT | BPR: Addresses with Address Data (Read) |
BUS052_KEY | BPR: Table Key for Addresses in BP Relationships |
BUS05X_DAT | BPR: General Data in Relationship/Role Definition Tables |
BUS05X_KEY | BPR: Table Key for BP Relationships/Role Definitions |
BUS05X_SCHED | BPR: Rule IDs for Calling Rules |
BUS0ABFLDR | CBP: Table field for change document evaluation (RANGE) |
BUS0ABSNR | CBP: Sections |
BUS0ADFAX | CBP: Fax data (transfer structure) |
BUS0ADTEL | CBP: Telephone data (transfer structure) |
BUS0ADTLX | CBP: Telex number (transfer structure) |
BUS0ADTTX | CBP: Teletex number (transfer structure) |
BUS0AEND | CBP: Change document object and object value for evaluation |
BUS0APPLI | CBP: Transfer from applications |
BUS0BK | BP: Bank details (Read) |
BUS0BK_CHAR | BP: Bank Details (CHAR Data Fields External) |
BUS0BK_DAT | BP: Bank Details (Data Fields - External) |
BUS0BK_DI | BP: Bank details (direct input) |
BUS0BK_DIX | CBP: BP: Bank Details Update Bar |
BUS0BK_IBAN | BP: Bank Details (IBAN) |
BUS0BK_NCHR | BP: Bank Details (Non-CHAR Data Fields External) |
BUS0BNKA | BP: Bank master data (transfer structure) |
BUS0CC | BP: Read Payment Card Details |
BUS0CC_DAT | BP: Payment Cards (External Data) |
BUS0CC_DI | BP: Payment Cards (Direct Input) |
BUS0CC_DIX | CBP: Payment Cards Update Bar |
BUS0CHDOC | CBP: Work structure for change documents, event: CHDOC |
BUS0D021S | CBP: Screen Fields |
BUS0D022S | CBP: Screen Fields |
BUS0D023S | CBP: Screen Matchcode Subkeys |
BUS0DATER | CBP: Date for change document evaluation (RANGE) |
BUS0DFTYP | CBP: Differentiation Cat. |
BUS0DI1 | BP: Direct input, session record (record type 1) |
BUS0DI2 | BP: Direct input, header record (record type 2) |
BUS0DIDAT1 | BP: Direct input, data for a table for applications |
BUS0DIHDR | SAP BP: BP Role, BP Role Category and Validity |
BUS0DIINIT | BP: Initial data (direct input) |
BUS0DTE | CBP: Differentiation type elements |
BUS0DYNID | CBP: Screens |
BUS0DYNP | CBP: Screen Cont. Work Fields |
BUS0FKTXT | Texts for Tab Strips |
BUS0FLDGR | CBP: Field groups |
BUS0FLDLST | CBP: Field status definition(s) for field grouping |
BUS0FLDLST_2 | CBP: Field status definition(s) for field grouping |
BUS0FLDNWS | CBP: Output structure of field statement (Cust.fld.grouping) |
BUS0FLDVAL | CBP: Table field with field value |
BUS0FNAME | CBP: Function Module Name |
BUS0ID___I | SAP BP: ID Numbers (Update) |
BUS0ID_DI | BP: ID Numbers (Direct Input) |
BUS0INTRVL | CBP: Interval of partners |
BUS0IS___I | SAP BP: Industry Data (Update) |
BUS0IS_DI | BP: Industry Numbers (Direct Input) |
BUS0ISSTAT | SAP BP: Status Information for BUT0IS |
BUS0MSG1 | CBP: Message for each object |
BUS0NAMER | CBP: Name for change document evaluation (RANGE) |
BUS0PARTNERR | CBP: Partner Interval (RANGE) |
BUS0RANGE | CBP: Value range for value transfer of change doc. objects |
BUS0RANGED | CBP: Value range for transferring diff.type values(chng.doc) |
BUS0RLTGR | CBP: BP Role Groupings |
BUS0RLTYP | BP: BP Role Structure |
BUS0SCRSEL | CBP: Screen selection |
BUS0SETID | BDT: Data Sets |
BUS0SICHT | CBP: Views |
BUS0SICHTR | CBP: Views for change document evaluation (RANGE) |
BUS0TABBEZ | CBP: Table name (change doc.evaluation) |
BUS0TABKEYR | Change Documents: Table Key (Range) |
BUS0TEXT | CBP: Text fields for text tables |
BUS0TRDYN | CBP: Screen Conts |
BUS0USER | CBP: Entered by/changed by data |
BUS0VARNR | CBP: Screen sequence variants |
BUS0VP_DI | BP: Assignment and Links Business Partners and Systems |
BUS100 | BP: Roles |
BUS100_DI | BP: Transfer Structure Role Categories (Direct Input) |
BUS100UPDT | BP: Role Categories (Update) |
BUS150___I | BPR: Table BUT150 and status information |
BUS150_BKR | BPR: Company code structure (RANGE) |
BUS150_DI | BPR: Attribute Table with Test Differentiation Type (DI) |
BUSADDR | Internal Address Data |
BUSADDRCHECK | Internal Structure for Address Checks |
BUSADDRVB | CBP: Structure for updating addresses |
BUSADRDATA | CBP: Complete address data |
BUSADVWCHECK | Internal Structure for Address Usage Checks |
BUSADVWVB | CBP: Structure for updating address usage |
BUSBANKCHECK | Internal Structure for Bank Detail Checks |
BUSBCSTREENODE | SAP BP: BCS-Enabled Communication Paths |
BUSCHGDOUT1 | Output Structure Change Documents Sorted by Date |
BUSCHGDOUT2 | Output Structure Change Documents Sorted by Changer |
BUSCONTEXT | Transfer Structure for BP Where-Used List: Context Menu |
BUSDATA | BP: Unformatted data transfer |
BUSDEFAULT | CBP: Default Fields |
BUSDIDINP1 | CBP: Direct Input, Interface to DINP1 (initial data) |
BUSDIINIT | CBP: Auxiliary structure for 'BUS_DI_CHECK_INIT' |
BUSDUPL_ADDCUST_FLDS | Customer specified additional fields for Duplicate Check |
BUSDUPL_ADDR_FLDS | Fields for Duplicate Check: Type1 and Type2 Addresses |
BUSDUPL_CPADDR_FLDS | Fields for Duplicate Check: Type3 Addresses |
BUSF4PREFX | BP: F4 for the name prefix field |
BUSF4TITLE | BP: F4 for form of address field |
BUSF4TTLAC | BP: F4 for academic title field |
BUSF4TTLRY | BP: F4 for academic title field |
BUSFCODE | BDT Object Where-Used List |
BUSFIELD | BP: Table field (table and field separate) |
BUSFRGN1 | Maint w/ext. interface: Header record |
BUSFRGN2 | Maint w/ext. interface: Header data record |
BUSFVALUES | Structure for determining field values per time interval |
BUSHDR_DI | BP: Header data (direct input) |
BUSPARTNER | BP: partner number |
BUSPARTNER_AND_IUSER | CBP: Partner Number Plus Internet User |
BUSPARTNER_AND_PERNO | CBP: Partner Number and Personnel Number |
BUSPARTNER_AND_USER | CBP: Partner Number Plus User |
BUSPARTRLCAT_DI | SAP BP: BP Role Categories and Validity |
BUSPARTRLVAL_DI | SAP BP: ROLE/RLTYP (Validity and Change Indicator) |
BUSPARTROLES_DI | SAP BP: BP Role and Validity |
BUSPERNO | CBP: Personnel Number |
BUSRANGEABFLD | Range Structure for ABFLD |
BUSRDIINIT | BPR: Initial Data (Direct Input) |
BUSRELBP | Assign Partner -> Other Partners |
BUSREQFLD | CBP: Req. fields and funct. mod. for ind. req. field check |
BUSROLECHECK | SAP BP: Internal Structure for BP Role Checks |
BUSROLEVALIDITY | SAP BP: Validity of a BP Role (Category DATS) |
BUSSARCYES | BDT Archiving: Data Already Archived - Free for Deletion |
BUSSDELDF | CBP: Transfer Diff. Type Elements Del. Program |
BUSSDELNO | CBP: Transfer Values Del. Program |
BUSSDELYES | CBP: Transfer Deletion Program Values |
BUSSDI | BP: Direct Input, Record (Record Type 1,2 or 3) |
BUSSDI1 | BP: Direct Input, Session Header Record (Record Type 1) |
BUSSDI2 | BP: Direct Input, Header Record (Record Type 2) |
BUSSDI3 | BP: Direct Input, Header Record (Record Type 3) |
BUSSDI3DAT | BDT: Direct Input, Data Record (Without Record Type) |
BUSSDIALLI | BDT: Long Structure With ORG_INDEX (Direct Input) |
BUSSDIHDR | BDT: General Header Data (Direct Input) |
BUSSDIHDR_TYPE | BDT: Header Data Direct Input, Record Type & Indices |
BUSSDYNPRO | BDT: ID for Import and/or Export Screen |
BUSSEARCH | CBP: Search Fields |
BUSSEARCH_01 | CBP: Work Fields |
BUSSKEY | BDT: Assign Temporary Number -> Final Number |
BUSSKEYVAL | BDT: Key Field Values (Direct Input) |
BUSSPROT_X | BP: DI Interface For Error Processing |
BUSSRCH_FIELDS | BDT Search Help: Table Fields |
BUSSRCH_FLDPAR | Search Field Attributes |
BUSSRCH_JOINS | View Join Relationships |
BUSSRCH_SELOPT | BDT Search Help: Select Options |
BUSSRCH_SELPLAN | BDT Search Help: Selection Plan |
BUSSRCH_SRCHFLDS | BDT Search Help: Search Fields |
BUSSRCH_TABALIAS | BDT Search Help: Table Alias Names |
BUSSRCH_TABFLDS | BDT Search Help: Table Fields |
BUSSRCH_TABLETREE | BDT Search Help: Table Tree |
BUSSRCH_VNAMES | BDT Search Help: Variable Names for Coding to be Generated |
BUSTB004 | Field Grouping BP Types Work Structure |
BUSTB102 | Field Grouping Client-Independent, Work Structure |
BUSTB103 | Field Grouping per Object Part Work Structure |
BUSTB104 | Field Grouping per External Application Work Structure |
BUSTB105 | Field Grouping per Activity Category Work Structure |
BUSTB108 | Field Grouping per BP Role Work Structure |
BUSTBFLD | BP: Table Fields (Table Name and Field Name Separate) |
BUSTBZ0O | Field Grouping per Activity Work Structure |
BUSTBZ3P | Field Grouping: BP Category Work Structure |
BUTSEARCH_ADR | Include Structure for ADRC Part of Table BUTADRSEARCH |
BUTSEARCH_BUT | Include Structure for BUT000 Part of Table BUTADRSEARCH |
CCARD_DAT_CHAR | Payment Cards (External Data, CHAR Fields) |
CCARD_DAT_NCHR | BP: Payment Cards (Direct Input, Non CHAR Fields) |
CCARD_DAT_NCHR_DI | BP: Payment Cards (Direct Input, Non CHAR Fields DI) |
INCL_EEW_BUT000 | EEW Extension of BUT000 (Contains CI) |
INCL_EEW_BUT000_X | Checkbox Structure of EEW Extension of BUT000(Contains CI_X) |
SBUQOUT | BP: Output Options |
SI_BU0BKFI | Business partner: Bank details (FI) |
SI_BUADBUR | BP rel.: contact person: address data |
SI_BUCDBUR | BP Relationship: Shareholding Data |
SI_BUCPBUR | BP Relationship: Contact Person: General Data |
STBUPAEXST | Structure for Business Partner Buffer |
VBUT_DNC | Change Document Structure, Generated by RSSCD000 |
VBUT052 | Change Document Structure, Generated by RSSCD000 |
VBUT0BK | Change Document Structure, Generated by RSSCD000 |
VBUT0CC | Change Document Structure, Generated by RSSCD000 |
VBUT0ID | Change document structure, generated by RSSCD000 |
VBUT0IS | Change document structure, generated by RSSCD000 |
VBUT100 | Change Document Structure, Generated by RSSCD000 |
VBUTADRSEARCH | Update Structure for Table BUTADRSEARCH |
SAP Package BUPA contains 102 programs.
BDT_CHECK | BDT: Consistency Check of the Control Table Entries |
BDT_COMPARE | BDT: Comparison and Transport of Control Tables |
BDT_CORR_001 | Table TBZ3N: Several Standard Assignments for a Screen Seq.Category |
BDT_CORR_002 | Table TBZ3: Several Screen Sequences with Set Standard Indicator |
BDT_CORR_003 | Table TB001: Several BP Groupings With Set Standard Indicator |
BDT_DELETE_DYNPROS | BDT: Delete subscreen containers |
BDT_NAMES | BDT: Observance of Naming Convention for Control Tables |
BDT_TEST_001 | Program BDT_TEST_001 |
BDT_TEST_002 | Program BDT_TEST_001 |
BDT_TEST_003 | Program BDT_TEST_001 |
BDT_VCT_CORR_002 | Program BDT_VCT_CORR_002 |
BDT_VCT_CORR_003 | Include BDT_VCT_CORR_003 |
BP_TD_SWITCH | Conversion report for time-dependent data for business partners |
BPADRSEARCH_CLIENTSPEC_CONVERT | SAP BP: Conversion Report for Mass Search Help, Client-Dependent |
BPADRSEARCH_DEL | Report for deleting matchcode table BUTADRSEARCH |
BPADRSEARCH_FILL | Report for filling matchcode table BUTADRSEARCH |
BUBFILED | BPR: Generate Test File for Direct Input |
BUBXPR01 | BPR Control: XPRA before conversion of date fields in BUT050/051/150 |
BUBXPR02 | BPR Control: XPRA after conversion of date fields in BUT050/051/150 |
BUBXPR03 | BPR Control: XPRA: Delete relationship/role definition category BUR999 |
BUP_BUSSRCHGF_REPAIR | Reorg. for Generated Selection Modules of BDT BP Search |
BUP_ROLE_CUSTOMER_CONVERT | Conversion of BP Role CRM000 (Customer) |
BUP_STATUSPROFILE_CONVERT | SAP BP: Convert user status into BP role exclusion group |
BUPA_ADDRESS_CHECK_640 | Check address validity for addresses created/changed before SP06 |
BUPA_CORR_MATCH_CODES | Correction Program for Matchcodes |
BUPA_PREPARE_DA | Business Partner: Set Deletion/Archiving Flag |
BUPA_TEST_DELETE | Delete Business Partners |
BUPA_VIEWS_TBZ1A | BDT: Start Setting Activities |
BUPADRDL | Initialize New Address Table |
BUPADRPR | Comparison ADRP/BUT000: Fill ADRP Data from BP Table BUT000 |
BUPADRT2 | Convert pers. addr. to addr. cat. 2, Entries in payt adv name fields |
BUPFILE1 | CBP Direct Input: Generate Test File with Different BPs |
BUPFILED | CBP: generate test file for direct input |
BUPGEOENADDR | Business Partner: Search for Addresses That Were Not Geocoded |
BUPR_CURRENCY_CONVERSION | EURO Conversion of Capital Investment in Relationships |
BUPRADRVPCHANGE | Report for changing APPL_KEY in ADRV |
BUPRELCR | BP relationships: Create |
BUPRELDI | BP Relationships/BP Role Definitions: Maintenance Without Dialog |
BUPRELSU | BP Relationships: Display/Change |
BUPRELVW | BP Relationships: Call Separate Config. Activities (View/View cluster) |
BUPSELG0 | Generation Program for SELECT OPTIONS for Differentiation Types |
BUPSELG5 | Generation Program for SELECT OPTIONS for Change Document Object |
BUPSHELPSERVICE | Service Program for BP Search Help |
BUPTDARK | BP: Test for 'Background Maintenance' |
BUPTDTRANSGEN | Generation of time-dependent BP data that is relevant for distribution |
BUPTDTRANSMIT | Distribution of time-dependent business partner data |
BUPVIEWS | BP: Start Maintenance Views |
BUPXPR01 | Change from address cat.1 to address cat.2 (release change to 4.5A) |
BUPXPR01A | Change from address cat.1 to address cat.2 (release change to 4.5A) |
BUPXPRA11 | BP: Fill Table TB037 with Entries for Authorization Groups |
BUPXPRA12 | BP: Convert Industries Old (BUT000) to New (BUT0IS) |
BUPXPRA13 | BP: Covert Old ID Numbers (BUT001) to New (BUT0ID) |
BUPXPRA14 | Conversion Report for Generic Field Names from '*' to '+' |
BUPXPRA15 | BP: Conversion of Address Language for Persons to Correspondence Lang. |
BUPXPRA16 | BP: Adapt field modification for splitting field groups |
BUPXPRA17 | SAP BP: Conversion of Role and Role Grouping in BP Roles/Categories |
BUPXPRA18 | SAP BP: Conversion of Field Grouping by BP Role for Appl. Obj. BUPA |
BUPXPRA19 | SAP BP: Conversion of Field Grouping by BP Role for Appl. Obj. BUPA |
BUPXPRA4 | CBP: Field Modification: Move Field Status Definition to CHAR250 |
BUPXPRA5 | BP: Field Changes to the Screens (TBZ3A) |
BUPXPRA7 | BP: Role of Contact Person, Change ID from CTNP to BUT001 |
BUPXPRA8 | GP: Contact Person Role, CNTP --> BUP001 |
BUPXPRA9 | Convert address data: BUT010 --> BUT020, BUT021 |
BUQAUSWERT_GEN | Program BP Evaluation Generator |
BUR_ADDR3_CD_FILL_VS1 | Fill Table bup_addr3_cd |
BURBUT050_CD_FILL | Fill Table of BUT050_CD |
BURBUT050_CD_FILL_VS1 | Fill Table of BUT050_CD |
BUSCHDOC | Change Document Display |
BUSCRCNT | BDT: Generate Subscreen Containers for Screens |
BUSDELE0 | Delete Program |
BUSGPXPR | various tests |
BUSOBARCH | BDT: Archiving - Archiving Program |
BUSOBARCH_DELETE | BDT: Archiving - Deletion Program |
BUSOBARCH_RELOAD | BDT: Archiving - Archiving Program |
BUSPCDACT | Activation of Scheduled Change Documents for an Application Object |
BUSSTART | Call SAP Business Partner |
BUSVIEWS | BDT: Start Setting Activities |
BUSVIEWSWHU | BDT: Start Setting Activities |
BUSXPR01 | BDT: XPRA for Preassignment of Fields for BP Role->BP Category |
BUSXPR02 | BDT: Automatically fill main screen seq.cat. and its screen sequences |
BUSXPR03 | BDT: Fill Business Activities Automatically |
BUSXPR04 | BDT: Fill Business Activities Automatically |
BUT052_ADR2_REPAIR | Remove Double ADR2 Entries |
BUT052_ADR3_REPAIR | Remove Double ADR2 Entries |
BUT052_ADR6_REPAIR | Remove Double ADR2 Entries |
KCVSSCLE | Generated Program |
KCZPARTB | External data transfer: Central business partners |
KCZPARTN | External data transfer: Central business partners |
RHBUPA00 | Program RHBUPA00 - Interface PD-Org - Business Partner |
RHBUPAXR | Program RHBUPAXR: Access: External Links for CBP |
SAP Package BUPA contains 44 search helps.
BDT_VARNR_VARTP | BDT: Screen Sequences for a Screen Sequence Category |
BDT_VARTP_XRLTP | BDT: Screen Sequence Categories Supporting Divisibility |
BU_ADR | Partner by Address (Mass Search) |
BU_NSO | Search Help for Unsaved Objects |
BU_RELKIND | BP Relationship Type/BP Role Definition Type |
BU_RELTYP | BP Relationship Category/Role Definition Category |
BU_VAR | BP: Search for Variants of Evaluation Generator |
BUPA | Business Partner |
BUPA_IDTYPE_GRP | SAP BP: ID Types for Groups |
BUPA_IDTYPE_ORG | SAP BP: ID Types for Organizations |
BUPA_IDTYPE_PRS | SAP BP: ID Types for Persons |
BUPA_INDUSTRY_SECTOR_B | BP: Search Help Industries (Tree) |
BUPA_RELTYP | Search Help for Relationship Category |
BUPA_ROLE | SAP BP: Search Help for Data Element BU_PARTNERROLE |
BUPAA | Partners by address |
BUPAA_VERS | Partners by Address Versions |
BUPAB | Partners by bank details |
BUPAG | Business Partner |
BUPAI | Partners by Identification Number |
BUPAP | Partners, General Details |
BUPAR | Partners by BP Role |
BUPARELATION | Elementary Search Help for BP Determination via Relationshps |
BUPARLTYP | Partners by Relationship |
BUPAT | Partners according to Tax Details |
BUPAU | Partner According to User |
BUPAV | Partner According to Internet User |
BUPAY | Partners by Address (Rough Search) |
H_TB001 | Help View for Tabelle TB0001 (Groupings) |
H_TB003 | Help View for Table TB003 (BP Roles) |
H_TB003_TXT | Help View for Table TB003 (BP Roles), Description |
H_TB003A | Help View for Table TB003A (BP Role Categories) |
H_TB003E | Help View for Table TB003E (BP Role Excl. Group -> BP-Roles) |
H_TB003F | Help View f.Table TB003F(BP Role Excl.Grp->Permitted Transns |
H_TB003G | Help View for Table TB003G (BP Role Groupings) |
H_TB003J | Help View for Table TB003J (BP Role Grouping Categories) |
H_TB005 | Data Origin |
H_TB019 | Help View for Table TB019 (BP Legal Forms) |
H_TB023 | Help View for Table TB023 (BP Industries) |
H_TB025 | Help View for Table TB025 (BP Group Types) |
H_TB109 | Help View for Table TB109 (SAP BP Application Transactions) |
H_TBZ1E | Help View for Table TBZ1E (BDT Application Transactions) |
H_TJ21_BUS | Help View for Status Profile for Object Cat. 'Bus. Partner' |
RELATIONDIR | Search Help Using Relationship Category Descriptions |
SAP Package BUPA contains 8 message classes.
BDT_SUBSCREEN | Nachrichten, die dem BDT im Subscreen entstammen |
BUPA_MASS | Massenlesebausteine für Kommunikationsdaten |
BUPA_STATUS | Geschäftspartner: Statuspflege |
BUR | Geschäftspartnerbeziehungen |
R1 | Business Partner 3.0 |
R11 | Business Partner und BDT |
R111 | Business Partner Meldungen (Paket: BUPA) |
SAP Package BUPA contains 6 authorization objects.
B_BUPA_ATT | Business Partner: Authorization Types |
B_BUPA_FDG | Business Partner: Field Groups |
B_BUPA_GRP | Business Partner: Authorization Groups |
B_BUPA_RLT | Business Partner: BP Roles |
B_BUPR_BZT | Business Partner Relationships: Relationship Categories |
B_BUPR_FDG | Business Partner Relationships: Field Groups |