We sometimes want to control which email address is displayed when we send an email from SAP. Unfortunately, the function module SO_NEW_DOCUMENT_SEND_API1 uses the current user’s email address by default. Here’s a way to change this behaviour and set the SAP sender email address manually.
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Check it out on amazon.com →When we analyze the function module interface of SO_NEW_DOCUMENT_SEND_API1, there is no way to input a sender email address. This is on purpose, as SAP normally is supposed to use the current user’s email address maintained in SU01.
However, the email address is determined very early in the send process. SO_NEW_DOCUMENT_SEND_API1 calls SO_OBJECT_SEND, which does have input parameters for the sender mail address, namely ORIGINATOR and ORIGINATOR_TYPE. To expose these parameters, a few steps are enough:
Step 3 is a bit tricky, but can be done quite easily if you know how. This is how to call the new function module to manually set the sender email address.
CALL FUNCTION 'Z_SO_NEW_DOCUMENT_SEND_API1' EXPORTING document_data = ls_docdata originator = 'senderemail@example.com' originator_type = 'U' "This needs to be 'U' TABLES object_content = lt_content receivers = lt_receiv EXCEPTIONS too_many_receivers = 1 document_not_sent = 2 document_type_not_exist = 3 operation_no_authorization = 4 parameter_error = 5 x_error = 6 enqueue_error = 7 others = 8.
Simply supply the parameters ORIGINATOR and ORIGINATOR_TYPE. ORIGINATOR will contain the email address you want to use as sender. ORIGINATOR_TYPE must be set to “U”.
This is the complete coding of a copy of the function module SO_NEW_DOCUMENT_SEND_API1. It will enable you to manually set the sender email address of mails sent from SAP ERP.
If you take this over, make sure to add the correct interface parameters and also make sure to change some of the perform routines to work as external performs (applicable lines of code are marked in red).
FUNCTION z_so_new_document_send_api1. *"------------------------------------------------- *"*"Local Interface: *" IMPORTING *" VALUE(DOCUMENT_DATA) LIKE SODOCCHGI1 STRUCTURE SODOCCHGI1 *" VALUE(DOCUMENT_TYPE) LIKE SOODK-OBJTP DEFAULT 'RAW' *" VALUE(PUT_IN_OUTBOX) LIKE SONV-FLAG DEFAULT SPACE *" VALUE(ORIGINATOR) LIKE SOOS1-RECEXTNAM DEFAULT SPACE *" VALUE(ORIGINATOR_TYPE) LIKE SOOS1-RECESC DEFAULT 'J' *" EXPORTING *" VALUE(SENT_TO_ALL) LIKE SONV-FLAG *" VALUE(NEW_OBJECT_ID) LIKE SOFOLENTI1-OBJECT_ID *" TABLES *" OBJECT_HEADER STRUCTURE SOLISTI1 OPTIONAL *" OBJECT_CONTENT STRUCTURE SOLISTI1 OPTIONAL *" CONTENTS_HEX STRUCTURE SOLIX OPTIONAL *" OBJECT_PARA STRUCTURE SOPARAI1 OPTIONAL *" OBJECT_PARB STRUCTURE SOPARBI1 OPTIONAL *" RECEIVERS STRUCTURE SOMLRECI1 *" EXCEPTIONS *" TOO_MANY_RECEIVERS *" DOCUMENT_NOT_SENT *" DOCUMENT_TYPE_NOT_EXIST *" OPERATION_NO_AUTHORIZATION *" PARAMETER_ERROR *" X_ERROR *" ENQUEUE_ERROR *"-------------------------------------------------- * This is a copy of SO_NEW_DOCUMENT_SEND_API1 with the parameters * ORIGINATOR and ORIGINATOR_TYPE of FM SO_OBJECT_SEND exposed. * It is thus possible to set the sender address of an email manually. *"--------------------------------------------------- * This include is needed for the constants it contains. INCLUDE rssocons. * --------------------------------------------------- DATA BEGIN OF object_id. INCLUDE STRUCTURE soodk. DATA END OF object_id. DATA BEGIN OF object_hd_change. INCLUDE STRUCTURE sood1. DATA END OF object_hd_change. DATA BEGIN OF object_fl_change. INCLUDE STRUCTURE sofm1. DATA END OF object_fl_change. DATA BEGIN OF rec_table OCCURS 1. INCLUDE STRUCTURE soos1. DATA END OF rec_table. DATA rcode LIKE sonv-rcode. DATA i LIKE sy-tabix. DATA: hex_size LIKE sy-tabix. DESCRIBE TABLE contents_hex LINES hex_size. IF hex_size GT 0. REFRESH object_content. MOVE contents_hex[] TO object_content[]. ENDIF. * set default type IF document_type = space. MOVE raw TO document_type. ENDIF. * check whether this document type is allowed at all CALL FUNCTION 'SO_TSOPE_CHECK' EXPORTING file_ext = document_type query = crea IMPORTING rcode = rcode EXCEPTIONS x_error = 1000. IF sy-subrc = x_error. RAISE x_error. ENDIF. IF rcode NE ok. RAISE document_type_not_exist. ENDIF. * transfer folder data PERFORM transfer_objdat_to_obj(saplsoi1) USING document_data object_hd_change object_fl_change. * check whther document_type is ok. If not it's a PC-bject. IF document_type = 'INT'. MOVE document_type TO object_hd_change-file_ext. MOVE raw TO document_type. ENDIF. PERFORM check_object_type(sapfsso3) USING document_type rcode. IF rcode NE ok. * it's an Pc application object MOVE document_type TO object_hd_change-file_ext. MOVE 'EXT' TO document_type. ENDIF. * transfer receiver data PERFORM transfer_rec_to_tab(saplsoi1) TABLES receivers rec_table. * for old types move size to header PERFORM size_to_header(saplsoi1) TABLES object_header USING document_type document_data-doc_size. CALL FUNCTION 'SO_OBJECT_SEND' EXPORTING object_fl_change = object_fl_change object_hd_change = object_hd_change object_type = document_type outbox_flag = put_in_outbox originator = originator originator_type = originator_type IMPORTING object_id_new = object_id sent_to_all = sent_to_all TABLES objcont = object_content objhead = object_header objpara = object_para objparb = object_parb receivers = rec_table EXCEPTIONS object_not_sent = 15 object_type_not_exist = 17 operation_no_authorization = 21 parameter_error = 23 too_much_receivers = 73 OTHERS = 1000. CASE sy-subrc. WHEN ok. WHEN object_not_sent. PERFORM transfer_tab_to_rec(saplsoi1) TABLES rec_table receivers. RAISE document_not_sent. WHEN too_much_receivers. RAISE too_many_receivers. WHEN object_type_not_exist. RAISE document_type_not_exist. WHEN operation_no_authorization. RAISE operation_no_authorization. WHEN parameter_error. RAISE parameter_error. WHEN OTHERS. RAISE x_error. ENDCASE. MOVE object_id TO new_object_id. PERFORM transfer_tab_to_rec(saplsoi1) TABLES rec_table receivers. ENDFUNCTION.