
SAP Function Group CRMO

Service Order

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The Function Group CRMO (Service Order) is a standard Function Group in SAP ERP and is part of the package CRM. It contains the following embedded function modules and dictionary objects.

Technical Information

Function Group CRMO
Short Text Service Order
Package CRM

Function Modules

Function Group CRMO contains 28 function modules.

CRS_MAP_SM_ORDER_TO_BAPIMTCS Mapping Bapistrukturen in Datencontainer
CRS_SORDER_COL_KEYS_AND_DATA Flag Uebertragung nach erfolgtem Key-Mapping (SFA -> OLTP)
CRS_SORDER_COLLECT_DATA Subscribe Baustein zum Update Event Service Order
CRS_SORDER_COLLECT_KEYS Sammlung SFA-spezifischer Daten aus Rueckmeldung fuer upload
CRS_SORDER_CREATE_UPLOAD_PROXY Upload proxy: Status Serviceauftrag
CRS_SORDER_EXTRACT Extrakt Service Auftrag
CRS_SORDER_GET_R3KEY Lesen R/3 Key aus SFA-GUID für Auftrag
CRS_SORDER_KEY_CONVERT Konvertieren der SAF-Key's für Materialbewegungen zum Auftrag
CRS_SORDER_SEND_TO_SERVER Service Auftrag Datentransfer zum SFA Server
CRS_SORDER_STATUS_UPLOAD_PROXY Upload proxy: Status Serviceauftrag
MAP_ORDER_INTO_BAPI_STRUCTURE Mapping der Auftragstruktuiren in Bapi-Strukturen
MAP2E_AFRUD_TO_BAPI_AFRU afrud -> bapi_afru
MAP2E_AFVGDGET_TO_BAPI_ORDER_O afvgdget -> bapi_order_operation
MAP2E_AUFM_TO_BAPI_AUFM aufm -> bapi_aufm
MAP2E_CAUFVD_TO_BAPI_ORDER_HEA caufvd -> bapi_order_header
MAP2E_KBEDB_TO_BAPI_KBED2 kbedb -> bapi_kbed
MAP2E_RESBDGET_TO_BAPI_RESB resbdget -> bapi_resb
MAP2E_RIWOL_TO_BAPI_OBJK riwol -> bapi_objk
MAP2E_RSERXX_TO_BAPI_SER02 rserxx -> bapi_ser02
MAP2I_BAPI_AFRU_TO_AFRUD bapi_afru -> afrud
MAP2I_BAPI_AUFM_TO_BAPI2017_GM bapi_aufm -> bapi2017_gm_item_create
MAP2I_BAPI_AUFM_TO_BAPI2017_HD bapi_aufm -> bapi2017_gm_head_01
MAP2I_BAPI_IHPA_TO_IHPA bapi_ihpa -> ihpa
MAP2I_BAPI_OPERATION_TO_AFVGD bapi_order_operation -> csapi_afvgd
MAP2I_BAPI_ORDER_HEADER_TO_CAU bapi_order_header -> caufvd
MAP2I_BAPI_ORDER_HEADER_TO_PMS bapi_order_header -> pmsdo
SORDER_COLLECT_DATA BTE: Verbuchung service Order
SORDER_COLLECT_DATA_OBJK BTE: Verbuchung Objektliste