SAP Function Group RHWY

Interface for Simulation Planning

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The Function Group RHWY (Interface for Simulation Planning) is a standard Function Group in SAP ERP and is part of the package SP00. It contains the following embedded function modules and dictionary objects.

Technical Information

Function Group RHWY
Short Text Interface for Simulation Planning
Package SP00

Function Modules

Function Group RHWY contains 10 function modules.

RH_GET_ALL_JOBS_IN_PLVAR Alle Stellen in einer Planvariante
RH_GET_ALL_TASKS_IN_PLVAR Alle Aufgaben T/TS in Planvariante
RH_GET_APPLICATION_COMPONENTS Proflow: Lese alle Anwendungskomponenten
RH_GET_NON_ACTIVE_PLVAR Lesen aller nicht aktiven Planvarianten
RH_GET_ORG_DATA_FOR_SIMULATION Find Org. Assignment of Organizational Objects for Simulations
RH_GET_SIM_TASKS Auffinden von WF oder WS mittels Suchstring für Simulation
RH_GET_SIM_VERSIONS Find WF or WS Versions for Simulation
RH_GET_SIM_WFD_ID Find WFD_ID for a Specified WF or WS Version
RH_GET_UNITS_FOR_SIMULATION Lesen der Zeiteinheiten-Definitionen aus der Tabelle t006
RH_PLUG_IN_ORG_STRUCTURE Einspielen Organisationsstruktur in nicht aktive Planvariante