
SAP Message Class G2

Joint venture customizing

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The Message Class G2 (Joint venture customizing) is a standard Message Class in SAP ERP and is part of the package GJV2.

Technical Information

Message Class G2
Short Text Joint venture customizing
Package GJV2


ID Language Text
000 E Please enter receiver RI - or - Mderive
001 E Please enter either receiver RI or Mderive, but not both
002 E Missing partner or venture on selection screen
003 E Missing billing structure for company code &
004 E Billing structure & does not exist
005 E No form routine assignments exists for billing structure &
006 E Missing & on selection screen for & based billing company code &
007 E Hardcopy billing indicator is not set for partner &
008 E Form type assignment missing for bformat & and form type &
009 E Form (layout set) & does not exist
010 E Form routine assignment missing for billing struct & and form type &
011 E No & configuration exists for billing structure &
012 E layout set: & frm type: & bill struct: & config does not exist
013 E Venture type & is invalid for hardcopy billing
014 E No billing indicator mappings exists for layout set &
015 E No billing events exists for layout set &
016 E No standard billing events exists for layout set &
017 E Missing config for billing struct: & SDS: & form type: &
018 E Missing config for billing struct: & suppl blevel: & form type: &
019 E Missing billing event config for layout set & billing level &
020 E Invoice level not configured on billing structure &
021 E No billing levels are configured for SDS: &
022 E Partner company code must be different from Source company code
023 E This entry will represent all not specifically specified partner companys
024 E Flag XCA - '&' requires the input of debit and credit account
025 E Flag XCA - '&' prohibits the input of debit and credit account
026 E Payment term entry not allowed on this node for this action
027 E Delete all entries in lower node first
650 E Start of the conversion of the Customizing tables
651 E Start of the conversion of table &
652 E End of the conversion of table &
653 E Error in the conversion of table & (Year &)
654 E End of the conversion of the Customizing tables
655 E Error while & with record & & &
700 E ******* JV BAPIs ********************************************************
701 E Equity group & does not exist in JOA & of company &
702 E JOA & does not exist in company &
767 E No Layout Set for Billing Format &, Formtype &, Partner &, Venture &
777 E & & & &