This bundle contains Amazon Fire TV Stick Lite and Mission USB Power Cable. The USB power cable eliminates the need to find an AC outlet near your TV by powering Amazon Fire TV directly from your TV's USB port. Includes special power management circuitry that enhances the peak power capability of the USB port by storing excess energy and then releasing it as needed.
Check it out on →The package GJV2 (Joint Venture Development) is a standard package in SAP ERP. It belongs to the parent package JVA_JV.
Package | GJV2 |
Short Text | Joint Venture Development |
Parent Package | JVA_JV |
SAP Package GJV2 contains 53 function groups.
0GJ2 | erweiterte Tabellenpflege (generiert) |
0GJ4 | erweiterte Tabellenpflege (generiert) |
0GJ5 | JV/CO configuration |
0GJ6 | Joint venture event table maintenance |
0GJA | JV Job Analyzer |
0GJB | erweiterte Tabellenpflege (generiert) |
0GJC | erweiterte Tabellenpflege (generiert) |
0GJE | EDI Inbound |
0GJF | erweiterte Tabellenpflege (generiert) |
0GJI | erweiterte Tabellenpflege (generiert) |
0GJL | erweiterte Tabellenpflege (generiert) |
0GJO | erweiterte Tabellenpflege (generiert) |
0GJPE | Extended Table Maintenance (Generated) |
0GJPT | Extended Table Maintenance (Generated) |
0GJS | erweiterte Tabellenpflege (generiert) |
0GJT8JZ | Extended Table Maintenance (Generated) |
GJAL | List modules AM/MM |
GJAM | Joint Venture AM/MM Transfers |
GJAT | Joint Venture AM/MM table accesses |
GJAV | JV: AM/MM Update Modules |
GJAY | Joint Venture Archiving |
GJBR | Validation / Substitution in JVA |
GJCBEX | Joint Venture Cutback Process |
GJDI | JV Direct Input |
GJED | JV: EDI Inbound |
GJEI | JV EDI Inbound: IDOC & FB01 Doc.# |
GJEO | JV: EDI Outbound |
GJF4 | JV user exits for search helps |
GJGR | JV posting to gross ledger |
GJLB | JV Lockbox functions |
GJMD | JV Master Data |
GJPM | JV functions for PM |
GJPO | JV Postings with direct input |
GJRP | Report Writer utilities |
GJSH | Functions for search help user exits |
GJT1 | Checks which can't be done in CORE |
GJTAXREP | JV functions for tax reporting |
GJTL | Tools for JVA |
GJTS | Tax only postings |
GJTX | Advanced Tax Report |
GJU1 | JV Utilities |
GJV_BE | JV billing extract functions |
GJV_BTH | JV billining threshold |
GJV_MASTER | Open Interface for other components |
GJV_SCHEDMAN | JV specific handling for Schedman |
GJVH | Joint Venture |
GJVO | JV data maintenance in external objects |
GJVPSC | JVA specific PSC functions |
GJVS | Cash Call function group |
GJVX | JV/CO core interface for actuals |
JVEI | xxxxxx |
L0GJMODIF | Extended Table Maintenance (Generated) |
OGJE | erweiterte Tabellenpflege (generiert) |
SAP Package GJV2 contains 277 transactions.
GJ_GD13 | Display JVA and JV-Billing totals |
GJ_GD20 | JVA and JV-Billing items |
GJ2A | Display JV partners |
GJ2B | Maintain JV partners |
GJ3A | Display JV project in suspense |
GJ3B | Cutback rules / intercompany assets |
GJ3C | Cutback rule: Networks |
GJ3D | Cutback - Intercompany networks |
GJ4A | Periodic updates for company code |
GJ60 | EDI Outbound Base Configuration |
GJ74 | Stepped rate rules |
GJ86 | Customize report selection |
GJB1 | BI for supplemental detail |
GJB2 | Account for supplemental detail |
GJB3 | Project type for supplemental detail |
GJB4 | Cost center type for suppl. detail |
GJB5 | Order type for supplemental detail |
GJB6 | SDS protocol |
GJBA | Balance sheet accounts for splitting |
GJBR | Billing reconciliation |
GJBS | Assign substitution to JV company |
GJBT | Billing threshold check |
GJBV | Assign Validation to JV Company |
GJCC | Copy configuration from company code |
GJCG | Carried interest groups |
GJCM | Change message control for JVA |
GJCS | JV settlement manipulation rules |
GJCU | Cutback Ledger Update |
GJDA | Delete JOA |
GJDC | Dunning |
GJE0 | EDI invoice service codes |
GJE2 | JV Customize EDI Suppl Seg Drivers |
GJE3 | JV Customize EDI Segment Components |
GJE4 | EDI JIBE condition codes |
GJE5 | JV EDI Communications Code |
GJE6 | JV EDI Bill Ind to Svc Code mapping |
GJE7 | JV EDI Outbound: Company Config. |
GJE8 | JV EDI Terms of Payment |
GJE9 | JV EDI Contact Function Codes |
GJEA | EDI inbound: company configuration |
GJEB | JV EDI Outbound: Control Processed |
GJED | JV EDI Inbound: Sender's JIBE No |
GJEE | JV EDI Inbound: Property Table |
GJEF | EDI inbound: withhold code |
GJEG | EDI inbound: mapping qualifier |
GJEH | JV EDI Inbound: Cost Object Mapping |
GJEI | JV EDI Inbound: 819 CO Ref |
GJEJ | JV EDI Inbound: 819 CO Ref+Class |
GJEK | JV EDI Inbound: 819 CO Ref+Class+Sub |
GJEL | JV EDI Inbound: 819 CO Class |
GJEM | JV EDI Inbound: 819 CO Class+Sub |
GJEN | JV EDI Inbound: Memo AFE |
GJEO | EDI inbound: 819 account mapping |
GJEP | EDI inbound: 819 acc class mapping |
GJEQ | EDI inbound: 819 acc class+sub |
GJER | JV EDI Inbound: 810 CO Mapping |
GJES | JV EDI Inbound: 810 CO Service Code |
GJET | EDI inbound: 810 account mapping |
GJEV | Process history |
GJEW | EDI inbound: Receiver's JIBE/PASC no |
GJEX | JV mapping: Material - Service code |
GJEY | JIB/JIBE Tubular Sub-Accounts |
GJEZ | JIB/JIBE Non-Tubular Sub-Accounts |
GJFA | Print Allocation Information |
GJGO | Driver transaction for customizing |
GJGR | Graphical Navigation JVA |
GJIS | Install JV standard reports |
GJJ1 | Generate JADE audit file |
GJJ2 | Billing extracts |
GJJ3 | JADE file description |
GJJA | JV Load Balancing |
GJJE | Joint venture event maintenance |
GJL7 | Plan Data Transfer by Documents |
GJL8 | Company code (global data) |
GJLB | Load Balancing Distribution |
GJLI | Summary ledger line items |
GJLI2 | Billing ledger line items |
GJLV | Line item report list variants |
GJPA | Partner regional addresses |
GJPC | Penalty categories |
GJPTS | Payment term schema |
GJR3 | JV EDI Inbound: IDOC Status Report |
GJR4 | EDI: Invoice and Operating Statement |
GJR5 | JV EDI Inbound: Unusual Expenditure |
GJR6 | JV EDI Inbound: Memo AFE Projects |
GJR7 | JV EDI Inbnd: Expenditure Comparison |
GJR8 | 810/819 Mapping Report |
GJR9 | 810/819 Property Error |
GJRG_5J1A | Gross bill./all by venture/account |
GJRG_5J1B | Gross billable / all by cost object |
GJRG_5J1C | Gross bill/partner net by cost obj. |
GJRG_5J1D | Gross bill./all by cost obj. F.Curr |
GJRG_5J1E | Gross billable/partner net for JIB |
GJRG_5J1F | Remaining cutback by cost object |
GJRG_5J1G | Posted suspense overview |
GJRG_5J1H | Gross non-operated by cost object |
GJRG_5J2A | Venture/EG/Billing indicator |
GJRG_5J2B | Partner/Billing indicator |
GJRG_5JCA | Cost centers: overview actuals |
GJRG_5JCB | Internal orders: overview actuals |
GJRG_5JCC | WBS elements: overview actuals |
GJRG_5JCD | Cost centers: actual/plan gross/net |
GJRG_5JCE | Int. orders: actual/plan gross/net |
GJRG_5JCF | WBS elements: actual/plan gross/net |
GJRS | Configure report selection |
GJRT | Overhead burden rate type |
GJRX | Bericht auswählen |
GJS1 | Create account set |
GJS2 | Change account set |
GJS3 | Display account set |
GJSX | Call set maintenance |
GJT0 | Reverse AM/MM Transfer document |
GJTA | Depreciation area update by RI |
GJTB | Transaction Type Subst. for Cutback |
GJTD | Transaction types per line |
GJTF | Fields to be copied to new assets |
GJTR | C FI Month End Advance Tax Return |
GJU1 | Customizing groups |
GJU2 | Customizing group definition |
GJU3 | Processes for authorization |
GJVA | Advance Tax Report |
GJVB | JV Billing formats |
GJVC | IS-OIL: Joint Venture Accounting con |
GJVD | Joint Venture Deletion |
GJVE | List Venture / Equity Groups |
GJVF | Bank Acct Switch - Maintain Data |
GJVG | Bank Acct Switch - Create Data |
GJVL | JV layout sets |
GJVP | IS-OIL: Joint Venture Accounting pro |
GJVS | JV Supplemental detail |
GJW1 | Create JV-Pricing archive |
GJW2 | Delete archived JV-Pricing Data |
GJW3 | JV-Pricing Archive-Administration |
GJX3 | Maintain Access (Sales Price) |
GJX4 | V-T681F: Index Field Catalog |
GJY1 | Create JV-Cutback archive |
GJY2 | Delete archived JV-Cutback Data |
GJY3 | Reload JV-Cutback Archives |
GJY4 | JV-Cutback Archive-Administration |
GJZ1 | Create JV-Billing archive |
GJZ2 | Delete archived JV-Billing Data |
GJZ3 | Reload JV-Billing Archives |
GJZ4 | JV-Billing Archive-Administration |
GJZA | Company code (global data) |
GJZC | Company code (corporate information) |
GJZD | Company code (detailed data) |
S_KK4_66000001 | IMG activity: SIMG_PRO_0021 |
S_KK4_66000002 | IMG activity: SIMG_PRO_0020 |
S_KK4_66000003 | IMG activity: SIMG_PRO_0019 |
S_KK4_66000004 | IMG activity: SIMG_PRO_0018 |
S_KK4_66000005 | IMG activity: SIMG_PRO_0017 |
S_KK4_66000006 | IMG activity: SIMG_PRO_0016 |
S_KK4_66000007 | IMG activity: SIMG_PRO_0015 |
S_KK4_66000008 | IMG activity: SIMG_PRO_0014 |
S_KK4_66000009 | IMG activity: SIMG_PRO_0013 |
S_KK4_66000010 | IMG activity: SIMG_PRO_0022 |
S_KK4_66000011 | IMG activity: SIMG_BIL_0002 |
S_KK4_66000012 | IMG activity: SIMG_BIL_0001 |
S_KK4_66000013 | IMG activity: SIMG_PRO_0029 |
S_KK4_66000014 | IMG activity: SIMG_PRO_0028 |
S_KK4_66000015 | IMG activity: SIMG_PRO_0027 |
S_KK4_66000016 | IMG activity: SIMG_PRO_0026 |
S_KK4_66000017 | IMG activity: SIMG_PRO_0025 |
S_KK4_66000018 | IMG activity: SIMG_PRO_0024 |
S_KK4_66000019 | IMG activity: SIMG_PRO_0023 |
S_KK4_66000020 | IMG activity: SIMG_PRO_0011E |
S_KK4_66000021 | IMG activity: SIMG_PRO_0011F |
S_KK4_66000022 | IMG activity: SIMG_PRO_0011G |
S_KK4_66000023 | IMG activity: SIMG_PRO_0010 |
S_KK4_66000024 | IMG activity: SIMG_PRO_009A |
S_KK4_66000025 | IMG activity: SIMG_PRO_0009 |
S_KK4_66000026 | IMG activity: SIMG_PRO_0008 |
S_KK4_66000027 | IMG activity: SIMG_PRO_0030 |
S_KK4_66000028 | IMG activity: SIMG_PRO_0007 |
S_KK4_66000029 | IMG activity: SIMG_PRO_0011B |
S_KK4_66000030 | IMG activity: SIMG_PRO_0012 |
S_KK4_66000031 | IMG activity: SIMG_PRO_0011L |
S_KK4_66000032 | IMG-Aktivität: SIMG_PRO_0011K |
S_KK4_66000033 | IMG-Aktivität: SIMG_PRO_0011J |
S_KK4_66000034 | IMG-Aktivität: SIMG_PRO_0011I |
S_KK4_66000035 | IMG-Aktivität: SIMG_PRO_0011H |
S_KK4_66000036 | IMG-Aktivität: SIMG_PRO_0011D |
S_KK4_66000037 | IMG-Aktivität: SIMG_PRO_0011C |
S_KK4_66000038 | IMG-Aktivität: SIMG_PRO_0011A |
S_KK4_66000039 | IMG-Aktivität: SIMG_NOP_0006 |
S_KK4_66000040 | IMG-Aktivität: SIMG_NOP_0005 |
S_KK4_66000041 | IMG-Aktivität: SIMG_NOP_0004 |
S_KK4_66000042 | IMG-Aktivität: SIMG_NOP_0003 |
S_KK4_66000043 | IMG-Aktivität: SIMG_NOP_0002 |
S_KK4_66000044 | IMG-Aktivität: SIMG_NOP_0001 |
S_KK4_66000045 | IMG-Aktivität: SIMG_BIL_0024 |
S_KK4_66000046 | IMG-Aktivität: SIMG_BIL_0011 |
S_KK4_66000047 | IMG-Aktivität: SIMG_BIL_0010 |
S_KK4_66000048 | IMG-Aktivität: SIMG_NOP_0007 |
S_KK4_66000049 | IMG-Aktivität: SIMG_TLS_0015 |
S_KK4_66000050 | IMG-Aktivität: SIMG_TLS_0013 |
S_KK4_66000051 | IMG-Aktivität: SIMG_TLS_0012 |
S_KK4_66000052 | IMG-Aktivität: SIMG_TLS_0014 |
S_KK4_66000053 | IMG-Aktivität: SIMG_TLS_0011 |
S_KK4_66000054 | IMG-Aktivität: SIMG_TLS_0010 |
S_KK4_66000055 | IMG-Aktivität: SIMG_TLS_0009 |
S_KK4_66000056 | IMG-Aktivität: SIMG_TLS_0002 |
S_KK4_66000057 | IMG-Aktivität: SIMG_TLS_0001 |
S_KK4_66000058 | IMG-Aktivität: SIMG_BIL_0014 |
S_KK4_66000059 | IMG-Aktivität: SIMG_BIL_0016 |
S_KK4_66000060 | IMG-Aktivität: SIMG_BIL_0015 |
S_KK4_66000061 | IMG-Aktivität: SIMG_BIL_0013 |
S_KK4_66000062 | IMG-Aktivität: SIMG_BIL_0012 |
S_KK4_66000063 | IMG-Aktivität: SIMG_BIL_0006 |
S_KK4_66000064 | IMG-Aktivität: SIMG_BIL_0005 |
S_KK4_66000065 | IMG-Aktivität: SIMG_BIL_0004 |
S_KK4_66000066 | IMG-Aktivität: SIMG_BIL_0003 |
S_KK4_66000067 | IMG-Aktivität: SIMG_BIL_0017 |
S_KK4_66000068 | IMG-Aktivität: SIMG_BIL_0009 |
S_KK4_66000069 | IMG-Aktivität: SIMG_BIL_0008 |
S_KK4_66000070 | IMG-Aktivität: SIMG_BIL_0007 |
S_KK4_66000071 | IMG-Aktivität: SIMG_BIL_0023 |
S_KK4_66000072 | IMG-Aktivität: SIMG_BIL_0022 |
S_KK4_66000073 | IMG-Aktivität: SIMG_BIL_0021 |
S_KK4_66000074 | IMG-Aktivität: SIMG_BIL_0020 |
S_KK4_66000075 | IMG-Aktivität: SIMG_BIL_0019 |
S_KK4_66000076 | IMG-Aktivität: SIMG_BIL_0018 |
S_KK4_66000077 | IMG-Aktivität: SIMG_MAS_0008 |
S_KK4_66000078 | IMG-Aktivität: SIMG_MAS_0007 |
S_KK4_66000079 | IMG-Aktivität: SIMG_MAS_0006 |
S_KK4_66000080 | IMG-Aktivität: SIMG_MAS_0029 |
S_KK4_66000081 | IMG-Aktivität: SIMG_MAS_0005 |
S_KK4_66000082 | IMG-Aktivität: SIMG_MAS_0004 |
S_KK4_66000083 | IMG-Aktivität: SIMG_MAS_0003 |
S_KK4_66000084 | IMG-Aktivität: SIMG_MAS_0002 |
S_KK4_66000085 | IMG-Aktivität: SIMG_MAS_0001 |
S_KK4_66000086 | IMG-Aktivität: SIMG_MAS_0017 |
S_KK4_66000087 | IMG-Aktivität: SIMG_MAS_0016 |
S_KK4_66000088 | IMG-Aktivität: SIMG_MAS_0015 |
S_KK4_66000089 | IMG-Aktivität: SIMG_MAS_0014 |
S_KK4_66000090 | IMG-Aktivität: SIMG_MAS_0013 |
S_KK4_66000091 | IMG-Aktivität: SIMG_MAS_0012 |
S_KK4_66000092 | IMG-Aktivität: SIMG_MAS_0011 |
S_KK4_66000093 | IMG-Aktivität: SIMG_MAS_0010 |
S_KK4_66000094 | IMG-Aktivität: SIMG_MAS_0009 |
S_KK4_66000095 | IMG-Aktivität: SIMG_ENV_0009 |
S_KK4_66000096 | IMG-Aktivität: SIMG_ENV_0008 |
S_KK4_66000097 | IMG-Aktivität: SIMG_ENV_0007 |
S_KK4_66000098 | IMG-Aktivität: SIMG_ENV_0006 |
S_KK4_66000099 | IMG-Aktivität: SIMG_ENV_0005 |
S_KK4_66000100 | IMG-Aktivität: SIMG_ENV_0004 |
S_KK4_66000101 | IMG-Aktivität: SIMG_ENV_0003 |
S_KK4_66000102 | IMG-Aktivität: SIMG_ENV_0002 |
S_KK4_66000103 | IMG-Aktivität: SIMG_ENV_0001 |
S_KK4_66000104 | IMG-Aktivität: SIMG_ENV_0015B |
S_KK4_66000105 | IMG-Aktivität: SIMG_ENV_0015A |
S_KK4_66000106 | IMG-Aktivität: SIMG_ENV_0007C |
S_KK4_66000107 | IMG-Aktivität: SIMG_ENV_0007B |
S_KK4_66000108 | IMG-Aktivität: SIMG_ENV_0014 |
S_KK4_66000109 | IMG-Aktivität: SIMG_ENV_0012 |
S_KK4_66000110 | IMG-Aktivität: SIMG_ENV_0013 |
S_KK4_66000111 | IMG-Aktivität: SIMG_ENV_0007A |
S_KK4_66000112 | IMG-Aktivität: SIMG_ENV_0010 |
S_KK4_66000113 | IMG-Aktivität: SIMG_PRO_0003 |
S_KK4_66000114 | IMG-Aktivität: SIMG_MAS_0025 |
S_KK4_66000115 | IMG-Aktivität: SIMG_MAS_0021 |
S_KK4_66000116 | IMG-Aktivität: SIMG_PRO_0004 |
S_KK4_66000117 | IMG-Aktivität: SIMG_MAS_0024 |
S_KK4_66000118 | IMG-Aktivität: SIMG_MAS_0022 |
S_KK4_66000119 | IMG-Aktivität: SIMG_MAS_0027 |
S_KK4_66000120 | IMG-Aktivität: SIMG_MAS_0023 |
S_KK4_66000121 | IMG-Aktivität: SIMG_MAS_0026 |
S_KK4_66000122 | IMG-Aktivität: SIMG_MAS_0018 |
S_KK4_66000123 | IMG-Aktivität: SIMG_MAS_0019 |
S_KK4_66000124 | IMG-Aktivität: SIMG_PRO_0002 |
S_KK4_66000125 | IMG-Aktivität: SIMG_PRO_0001 |
S_KK4_66000126 | IMG-Aktivität: SIMG_MAS_0028 |
S_KK4_66000127 | IMG-Aktivität: SIMG_PRO_0005 |
S_KK4_66000128 | IMG-Aktivität: SIMG_PRO_0006 |
S_KK4_66000129 | IMG-Aktivität: SIMG_MAS_0020 |
S_KK4_96000372 | S_KK4_96000372 |
S_SK4_49000001 | Transact. for SAPLS_CUS_IMG_ACTIVITY |
SAP Package GJV2 contains 168 database tables.
ARC_IDB_IT | Archive-Indextable for JV_BILLING |
ARC_IDJ_IT | Archive-Indextable for JV_OBJECT |
ARC_IDX_PR | Archiving index for JV_PRICING archives |
CRP_MIGO_BADI_TB | BADI in MIGO: Example Table |
RGJVXAFVC | Control table for transfer JV data from AFVC to AFVU |
SMJV | Specific CO-OM Data in Monitor (See Schedman_specific_coom) |
T8J_MODIF | Description of all Modifications |
T8J_POST_ERROR | Documents with errors in JV posting |
T8J_POST_ERROR_C | Documents with errors in JV posting (Open Items) |
T8J01 | Supplemental detail sets |
T8J02 | JV SDS text |
T8J03 | JV Billing levels (non-supplemental) |
T8J04 | JV Billing level (non-supplemental) text |
T8J09 | JV Billing SDS Elements Description |
T8J0I2 | Billing indicator mapping (viewing table) |
T8J0L | JV Billing levels |
T8J0M | JV Billing layout sets |
T8J0N | JV Billing level - SapScript text elements |
T8J0O | Billing form routines |
T8J0OT | Text table for billing form routines |
T8J0Q | JV Billing format master text |
T8J0R | JV Billing format |
T8J0S | SDS protocoll |
T8J0SA | JV Function (SAP delivered) |
T8J0T | JV Billing level description |
T8J0V | JV Billing types |
T8J0W | JV Billing types text |
T8J156S | JV Appendix for T1156S |
T8J156W | JV additions to T156W |
T8J156X | JV Appendix for T156X |
T8J1J | Asset intercompany cutback rule |
T8J1K | Network cutback rules |
T8J1L | Network intercompany cutback rules |
T8J1N | Profit Center Intercompany Cutback Rule |
T8J4E | Non-op bill user currency (Deprecated -> replaced by T8J4J) |
T8J4F | Non op Bill table assets (Deprecated -> replaced by T8J4I) |
T8J4G | Non-Op saved bills - Header Info (for holding bills) |
T8J4H | Non-Op saved bills - Detail Info (for holding bills) |
T8J4I | Non operated Billing Asset Tables (for holding bills) |
T8J4J | Non-Operated Billing User Currency Table (for holding bills) |
T8J5C | JV Recovery indicator for supplemental detail |
T8J5D | JV project type for supplemental detail |
T8J5E | JV cost center type for supplemental detail |
T8J5F | Supplemental detail for billing indicator |
T8J5G | JV order type for supplemental detail |
T8J60 | JV EDI Invoice Service Codes |
T8J61 | JV EDI Invoice Service Code Descriptions |
T8J62 | JV EDI Supplemental Segment Drivers |
T8J63 | JV EDI Segment Components |
T8J63D | JV EDI Segment Component Descriptions |
T8J63F | JV EDI Segment Component Fields |
T8J64 | JV EDI JIBE Condition Codes |
T8J65 | JV EDI JIBE Condition Code Descriptions |
T8J66 | JV EDI BI to Invoice Service Codes |
T8J67 | JV EDI Outbound: Company configuration |
T8J68 | JV EDI Terms of payment |
T8J6L | JV EDI Contact Function Codes |
T8J6LD | JV EDI Contact Function Code Descriptions |
T8J6M | JV EDI Communication Codes |
T8J6MD | JV EDI Communication Code Descriptions |
T8J6N | JV EDI Processed Partners/Ventures |
T8J6O | Tubular sub-account codes |
T8J6OD | Tubular sub-account code descriptions |
T8J6P | Non-Tubular sub-account codes |
T8J6PD | Non-Tubular sub-account code descriptions |
T8J6Q | JV mapping: Material - Service code |
T8JBI_TH | JVA billing thresholds |
T8JBI_THD | JVA billing threshold details |
T8JBS | Split specifically additionally balance |
T8JCCT | JVA: Customizing tables with company code |
T8JCG | Customizing groups for authorization |
T8JCGD | Definition of customizing groups |
T8JCGT | Description for customizing groups for authorization |
T8JDA | JV EDI Inbound: Company Configuration Table |
T8JDB | JV EDI Inbound: Receiver's JIBE/PASC Number Table |
T8JDC | JV EDI Inbound: Sender's JIBE/PASC Number Table |
T8JDD | JV EDI Inbound: Property Table |
T8JDE | JV EDI Inbound: Property Description Table |
T8JDF | JV EDI Inbound: Withhold Code Table |
T8JDG | JV EDI Inbound: Withhold Code Description Table |
T8JDH | JV EDI Inbound: Mapping Qualifier Tables |
T8JDI | JV EDI Inbound: Mapping Qualifier Description Tables |
T8JDJ | JV EDI Inbound: 819 Cost Object Mapping Table |
T8JDK | JV EDI Inbound: 819 Cost Object (Ref) Mapping Table |
T8JDL | JV EDI Inbound: 819 Cost Object (Ref + Class) Mapping |
T8JDM | JV EDI Inbound: 819 Cost Object (Ref, Class, Subclass A) |
T8JDN | JV EDI Inbound: 819 Cost Object (Class) Mapping Table |
T8JDO | JV EDI Inbound: 819 Cost Object (Class + Subclass A) Mapping |
T8JDP | JV EDI Inbound: Memo AFE Table |
T8JDQ | JV EDI Inbound: Account Transaction Mapping Table |
T8JDR | JV EDI Inbound: 819 Account Transaction Mapping (Class) |
T8JDS | JV EDI Inbound: 819 Account Transaction Mapping (Class+Subc) |
T8JDT | JV EDI Inbound: 810 Mapping Table |
T8JDU | JV EDI Inbound: 810 Mapping (Service code) Table |
T8JDV | JV EDI Inbound: 810 Account Transaction Mapping (Serv.Code) |
T8JDW | JV EDI Inbound: Processed Details per operations month |
T8JDX | JV EDI Inbound: IDOC to FB01 document numbers |
T8JER | Joint venture error table |
T8JEV | Joint venture event table |
T8JEVP | Joint venture event parameters |
T8JEVS | Joint venture event select options |
T8JHF | Fields to transport from sending to new receiving asset |
T8JHL | Configuration for JV AM/MM Transfers |
T8JHM | Transaction type per line type |
T8JHR | Depreciation areas not to update by recovery indicator |
T8JHT | Transaction Type Subsititution JV-AM |
T8JHV | Asset Operator Ownership Transaction Table |
T8JHX | Field Group definitions JV - AM/MM transfers |
T8JHY | Field selection CRP calculation |
T8JINT | Joint Venture Interest Types |
T8JINTT | Joint Venture Interest Type Text |
T8JIX | JV index table |
T8JJA | JV Load Balancing |
T8JL2 | Joint Venture:Recovery Ind.Determination via Manipultn Rules |
T8JL3 | Joint Venture: Manipulation Rules for Recovery Indicator |
T8JLP2 | Penalty Category Recovery Percentages* |
T8JLT | Penalty Category Table |
T8JMD | Customizing Dunning for JVA |
T8JMDET | Field movement for JADE - Details |
T8JMHDR | Field movement for JADE - Header |
T8JMUSE | Field movement for JADE - Usage |
T8JOA | Company addresses |
T8JOAT | Company addresses (text) |
T8JOH_ACSET_LIST | List of account sets for each base amount condition |
T8JOH_BASE_CONDT | Conditions used to capture base amount to calculate overhead |
T8JOH_C_KEYLIST | Overhead keyword list for each cost centers |
T8JOH_COMPLEX_F | Table of Complex Formulas in Overhead Organizer |
T8JOH_CONDT_TEXT | Base amount condition text for overhead organizer |
T8JOH_COSET_LIST | List of cost object sets for each base amount condition |
T8JOH_COST_OBJS | Table of cost centers, projects and orders for each overhead |
T8JOH_FMULA_TEXT | Text table for Overhead Organizer formulas |
T8JOH_FORMULA_TX | Formula text for Overhead Organizer |
T8JOH_FORMULAS | Formulas used by each overhead in Overhead Organizer |
T8JOH_JOAS | List of JOA level parameters in Overhead Organizer |
T8JOH_KEYLISTS | List of overhead characters for each overhead key |
T8JOH_KEYTEXT | Text table for overhead keys |
T8JOH_KEYWORDS | List of keywords used to capture the cost objects for users |
T8JOH_O_KEYLIST | Overhead keyword list for each internal orders |
T8JOH_OH_DETAILS | Overhead general detail |
T8JOH_OHLISTS | List of overheads defined in Overhead Organizer |
T8JOH_OHTEXT | Text for each overhead key in different languages |
T8JOH_OVERHEADS | List of all overheads in each company |
T8JOH_P_KEYLIST | Overhead keyword list for each projects |
T8JOH_PERCENT_F | Table of Percentage Formulas in Overhead Organizer |
T8JOH_RUNS | List of run information for each <company, joa> |
T8JOH_STEPRATE_F | Table of Step Rate Formulas in Overhead Organizer |
T8JOH_STTRATIO_F | Table of Statistical Ratio Formulas in Overhead Organizer |
T8JOH_VENTURES | List of Venture Level parameters in Overhead Organizer |
T8JOVR | Overhead burden rate |
T8JOVRP | Overhead burden rate percentages |
T8JOVRT | Overhead burden rate text |
T8JPA | Processes for authorization |
T8JPAT | Descriptions for processes for authorization |
T8JPT1 | Cutback Payment Terms per Recovery Indicator |
T8JPT2 | Cutback Payment Terms per RI and Original Payment Terms |
T8JPTS | Payment Term Schema |
T8JPTST | Payment Term Schema Description |
T8JSC | Joint Venture Substitute Cost Object |
T8JVBA | Documents included in Bank Account Switching |
T8JVLVH | Line item report variants |
T8JVLVHT | Line item report variants |
T8JVLVL | Line item report variants definition |
T8JVORP | Overhead burden rate percentages (venture level) |
T8JVPSC | Venture Assignment to PSC |
T8JXC | Cross company account determination |
T8JXCP | Cross company account determination |
T8JZSUB | Validation of accounting documents |
T8JZVAL | Validation of JVA Documents |
SAP Package GJV2 contains 92 views.
H_T8JO | Helpview for T8JO (JV partners) |
H_T8JPA | Help view for T8JPA (processes for authorization) |
V_JVSO1_EURO | Euro fields to update in JVSO1 |
V_JVSO2_EURO | JVSO2 fields to update in EURO-conversion |
V_MBEW_JV | Pre-Paid Inventory maintenance |
V_T093_JV | Maintenance Negative Depreciation Areas |
V_T100C_JV | Control Of Messages By The User for JVA |
V_T894_4A | Plan Versions for JVA |
V_T8J_PE | Mainatin error documents |
V_T8J_PEC | Mainain and display clearing record with error |
V_T8J01 | SDS for JV billing |
V_T8J0I2 | Billing indicator mapping |
V_T8J0L | JV Billing levels |
V_T8J0M | JV Layout sets |
V_T8J0N | JV Billing events |
V_T8J0P | Form routines used for billing |
V_T8J0R | Billing formats |
V_T8J0S | SDS protocol |
V_T8J1J | Asset intercompany cutback rule |
V_T8J1K | Cutback rules: Networks |
V_T8J1L | Cutback: Intercompany network mapping |
V_T8J5C | Recovery indicator for supplemental billing |
V_T8J5D | Project types for supplemental detail |
V_T8J5E | JV cost center type for supplemental detail |
V_T8J5F | Billing indicator with supplemental detail |
V_T8J5G | Order type for supplemental detail |
V_T8J60 | JV EDI Invoice Service Codes and Descriptions |
V_T8J62 | JV EDI Supplemental Segment Drivers |
V_T8J63 | JV EDI Segment Components |
V_T8J63F | JV EDI Segment Component Fields |
V_T8J64 | JV EDI JIBE Condition Codes and Descriptions |
V_T8J66 | JV EDI BI to Invoice Service Codes |
V_T8J67 | JV EDI Outbound: Company configuration |
V_T8J68 | JV EDI Terms of payment |
V_T8J6L | JV EDI Contact Function Codes |
V_T8J6M | JV EDI Communication Codes |
V_T8J6N | JV EDI Processed Partners/Ventures |
V_T8J6O | Tubular sub-account codes |
V_T8J6P | Non-Tubular sub-account codes |
V_T8J6Q | JV mapping: Material - Service code |
V_T8JBS | Balance sheet accounts for splitting |
V_T8JDA | JV EDI Inbound: Company Configuration Table |
V_T8JDB | JV EDI Inbound: Receiver's JIBE/PASC Number Table |
V_T8JDC | JV EDI Inbound: Sender's JIBE/PASC Number Table |
V_T8JDD | JV EDI Inbound: Property Table |
V_T8JDF | JV EDI Inbound: Withhold Code Table |
V_T8JDH | JV EDI Inbound: Mapping Qualifier Tables |
V_T8JDJ | JV EDI Inbound: 819 Cost Object Mapping Table |
V_T8JDK | JV EDI Inbound: 819 Cost Object (Ref) Mapping Table |
V_T8JDL | JV EDI Inbound: 819 Cost Object (Ref + Class) Mapping |
V_T8JDM | JV EDI Inbound: 819 Cost Object (Ref, Class, Subclass A) |
V_T8JDN | JV EDI Inbound: 819 Cost Object (Class) Mapping Table |
V_T8JDO | JV EDI Inbound: 819 Cost Object (Class + Subclass A) Mapping |
V_T8JDP | JV EDI Inbound: Memo AFE Table |
V_T8JDQ | JV EDI Inbound: Account Transaction Mapping Table |
V_T8JDR | JV EDI Inbound: 819 Account Transaction Mapping (Class) |
V_T8JDS | JV EDI Inbound: 819 Account Transaction Mapping (Class+Subc) |
V_T8JDT | JV EDI Inbound: 810 Mapping Table |
V_T8JDU | JV EDI Inbound: 810 Mapping (Service code) Table |
V_T8JDV | JV EDI Inbound: 810 Account Transaction Mapping (Serv.Code) |
V_T8JEV | Joint venture event table |
V_T8JEVP | Joint venture event parameters |
V_T8JEVS | Joint venture event select options |
V_T8JHR | Maintenance View for t8JHR |
V_T8JHV | View of Asset Operator Ownership Transaction Types |
V_T8JL | View for Penalty Category and text |
V_T8JL1 | Joint Venture: Manipulation rules for recovery indicator |
V_T8JL2 | Manipulation Rule Detail |
V_T8JMD | View for Dunning Customizing |
V_T8JMDET | Field movement for JADE - Details |
V_T8JMUSE | Field movement for JADE - Usage |
V_T8JOA | Partner addresses |
V_T8JOH_C_KEYWDS | A list of overhead keywords for each cost center |
V_T8JOH_O_KEYWDS | A list of overhead keywords for each internal order |
V_T8JOH_P_KEYWDS | A list of overhead keywords for each project |
V_T8JOVR | View for Overhead rate type and text |
V_T8JPT1 | Cutback Payment Terms per Recovery Indicator |
V_T8JPT2 | Cutback Payment Terms per RI and Original Payment Terms |
V_T8JPTS | Payment Term Schema |
V_T8JS_SD | Billing structures in supplemental detail |
V_T8JVBA | Table Entries for VBA Switching |
V_T8JVLVH | Line report list variants |
V_T8JVLVL | Line item report variant definition |
V_T8JXC | CO/JV cross company reconciliation |
V_T8JXCP | JV/CO/FI reconciliation |
V_T8JZ_NEW | JVA company code |
V_T8JZA | Company code global parameters |
V_T8JZC | JV company code parameter (corporate data) |
V_T8JZD | Company code (detailed data) |
V_T8JZSUB | Substitution |
V_T8JZVAL | Validation for JVA documents |
V_TABWG_JV | Asset Transaction Type Groups: JV Manual Overwrite Ind. |
SAP Package GJV2 contains 280 structures.
ALC_JV_LI | JV-Allocation: Communication Structure Line-Item-Check |
E1JVBIG | JV Beginning Segment for Invoice |
E1JVGE | JV Functional Group Trailer |
E1JVGS | JV Functional Group Header |
E1JVIEA | JV Interchange Control Trailer |
E1JVISA | JV Interchange Control Header |
E1JVN01 | JV Name Information |
E1JVN1 | JV Name Information |
E1JVN2 | JV Additional Name Information |
E1JVN3 | JV Address Information |
E1JVN4 | JV Geographic Location |
E1JVPE2 | JV Administrative Communications Contact |
E1JVRE2 | JV Reference Numbers |
E1JVRE3 | JV Reference Numbers |
E1JVREF | JV Reference Numbers |
E2JVBIG001 | JV Beginning Segment for Invoice |
E2JVGE | JV Functional Group Trailer |
E2JVGS | JV Functional Group Header |
E2JVIEA | JV Interchange Control Trailer |
E2JVISA | JV Interchange Control Header |
E2JVJIL | JV Line Item Detail for the Operating Exp Stmt Detail |
E2JVN01 | JV Name Information |
E2JVN1 | JV Name Information |
E2JVN2 | JV Additional Name Information |
E2JVN3 | JV Address Information |
E2JVN4 | JV Geographic Location |
E2JVN4_001 | JV Geographic Location |
E2JVN4001 | JV Geographic Location |
E2JVPE2 | JV Administrative Communications Contact |
E2JVPID | JV Product/Item Description |
E2JVRE2 | JV Reference Numbers |
E2JVRE3 | JV Reference Numbers |
E2JVREF | JV Reference Numbers |
E3JVGE | JV Functional Group Trailer |
E3JVGS | JV Functional Group Header |
E3JVIEA | JV Interchange Control Trailer |
E3JVISA | JV Interchange Control Header |
E3JVJIL | JV Line Item Detail for the Operating Exp Stmt Detail |
E3JVN01 | JV Name Information |
E3JVN1 | JV Name Information |
E3JVN2 | JV Additional Name Information |
E3JVN3 | JV Address Information |
E3JVN4 | JV Geographic Location |
E3JVPE2 | JV Administrative Communications Contact |
E3JVRE2 | JV Reference Numbers |
E3JVRE3 | JV Reference Numbers |
E3JVREF | JV Reference Numbers |
GJRK23B | Sender/Receiver Recovery indicators |
GJV_ALLOC | JV/CO-Allocation communication structure for line-item check |
GJV_EK08G | Joint Venture Fields |
GJV_OBJAPI | General assignments of application objects |
GJV_SCREEN | JV screen fields |
GJVFS | JV Field selection |
JVA_EBKN | Joint venture data |
JVA_EK05N | Joint venture data |
JVA_EKKN | Joint venture data |
JVA_EP_EGROUP | JVA Equity Group Data for E&P |
JVA_EP_INTERCOCD_CC | Cost Centre Intercompany Cutback Rule for E&P |
JVA_EP_JVCC | JVA comany code data for E&P |
JVA_EP_PARTNER | JVA PArtner Data for E&P |
JVA_EP_VENTURE | JVA Venture Data for E&P |
JVA_EXKN | Joint venture data |
JVA_SCR_FLD | Screen fields for JVA |
JVA_TAB_EP | Tax reporting structure |
JVACCTIT | Extension for Joint Venture Accounting |
JVACPR_OBJECT | JV Pricing archiveobject id structure |
JVAKOMP | Additional Fields JV |
JVAMBEFU | CA-JVA fields |
JVANLAV | JV fields appended to ANLAV for reporting purposes |
JVAP_APPEND_JV | JV Append for JVAP - additional items |
JVASSTHDR | Subnumber selection header data |
JVASSTLINE | Line for Asset subnumber selection |
JVBKPF | Joint Venture fields |
JVBSAD | Joint Venture Fields |
JVBSAK | Joint Venture Fields |
JVBSID | Joint Venture Fields |
JVBSIK | Joint Venture Fields |
JVDLINE | New Structure for JV Asset Posting line |
JVDM07M | Joint Venture Accounting Felder |
JVEMBEW | Joint Venture Accounting Fields |
JVFIELDS | JV: Fields to be transferred to new asset when created |
JVKOMG | JV Appendix |
JVMHND | Additional sort fields for Dunning |
JVMKPF | JV Fields for MKPF |
JVMSEG | Joint Venture Fields |
JVMSEGK | Addtional fields MSEGK |
JVRAM01 | I/O fields for AM/MM Transfers |
JVRAM02 | Display Interest in an Object |
JVRAM03 | Venture Data Header Display |
JVRAM04 | Input fields JV AM/MM reversal |
JVRFOPS | Joint Venture Fields |
JVRFPOS | Joint Venture Fields |
JVRFUMS_ALV | JV user fields for tax report in ALV |
JVSACCIT | Venture Information |
JVSO1_JV | Additional Fields Required by Joint Venture Accounting |
JVT8J6A | JV appandage for T8J6A |
JVT8JA | JV appendage for T8JA |
JVT8JF | JVA Development R3 3.0 |
JVT8JG | JVA Development in R3 3.0 |
JVT8JJ | JVA Development in R3 3.0 |
JVT8JW | JVA Extension for 3.0 development |
JVVYEAR | Vintage Year table for subnumber creation |
RGJVIX_FIDOC | JVA IM user exit structure: Company code flags |
RGJVIX_GLOBAL | global fields used as FC Import parameter |
SCHEDMAN_SPECIFIC_JV | Permitted JV Specific Fields for SchedMan |
T8J_AUTH | Joint Venture Accounting: fields for authority checks |
T8J_AUTHA | IS-OIL: authorization fields for JVA |
T8J_F | JV fields for data declarationsy |
T8J_TREE_ITEM | Joint Venture Item Sructure (for column tree and list tree) |
T8JAMFLDS | Preset fields for asset master records |
T8JBI_TH_S | Structure for billing threshold list |
T8JCB | JV cutback offset segment (batch input structure) |
T8JGROSS | gross ledger postings |
T8JGROSS_DOC | gross postings document list |
T8JLAVIP | Structure for lockbox structure LAVIP |
T8JOH_ACCOUNT_RANGE | Range structure for accounts |
T8JOH_ACSET_LIST_LINE | Processing structure that correspond to T8JOH_ACSET_LIST tab |
T8JOH_BASE_AMOUNT_CONDITION | Condition used to capture base amount to calculate overhead |
T8JOH_BASE_CONDT_LINE | Processing structure that correspond to T8JOH_BASE_CONDT tab |
T8JOH_COMPLEX_F_LINE | Processing structure that correspond to T8JOH_COMPLEX_F tab |
T8JOH_COMPLEX_ITEM | Complex Formula structure for expense / adjustment |
T8JOH_CONDT_TEXT_LINE | Processing structure that correspond to T8JOH_CONDT_TEXT tab |
T8JOH_COSET_LIST_LINE | Processing structure that correspond to T8JOH_COSET_LIST tab |
T8JOH_COST_CENTER_RANGE | Range Structure for cost centers |
T8JOH_COST_OBJS_LINE | Processing structure that corresponds to T8JOH_COST_OBJS tab |
T8JOH_DB_FLAG | Flags that indicate how the row in internal table is changed |
T8JOH_DETAIL_REPORT_LINE | Single line of detail information in overhead report |
T8JOH_EQUITY_GROUP_INFO | Structure for list of equity groups in a venture |
T8JOH_FORMULAS_LINE | Processing structure that correspond to T8JOH_FORMULAS tab |
T8JOH_JOA_STRUCT | A structure only contains JOA , and its related information |
T8JOH_JOAS_LINE | Processing structure that corresponds to T8JOH_JOAS table |
T8JOH_KEYLISTS_LINE | Processing structure that correspond to T8JOH_KEYLISTS tab |
T8JOH_KEYTEXT_LINE | Processing structure that correspond to T8JOH_KEYTEXT tab |
T8JOH_KEYWORDS_LINE | Processing structure that correspond to T8JOH_KEYWORDS tab |
T8JOH_NETWORK_RANGE | Range Structure for Networks |
T8JOH_OH_DETAILS_LINE | Processing structure that correspond to T8JOH_OH_DETAILS tab |
T8JOH_OHLISTS_LINE | Processing structure that corresponds to T8JOH_OHLISTS table |
T8JOH_OHTEXT_LINE | Processing structure that corresponds to T8JOH_OHTEXT table |
T8JOH_ORDER_RANGE | Range Structure for Orders |
T8JOH_OVERHEADS_LINE | Processing structure that corresponds to T8JOH_OVERHEADS tab |
T8JOH_PERCENT_F_LINE | Processing structure that correspond to T8JOH_PERCENT_F tab |
T8JOH_POST_INFO | Posting Information for each overhead |
T8JOH_POSTING_DOC | Single posting document |
T8JOH_POSTING_LINE | Single posting line |
T8JOH_PROJECT_RANGE | Range Structure for projects |
T8JOH_RECIND_RANGE | Range Structure for Recovery Indicator |
T8JOH_REPORT_LINE | Single line of Overhead Report |
T8JOH_RUN_RANGE | Range Structure for overheads in run |
T8JOH_RUNS_LINE | Processing structure that correspond to T8JOH_RUNS table |
T8JOH_STEPRATE_F_LINE | Processing structure that correspond to T8JOH_STEPRATE_F tab |
T8JOH_STTRATIO_F_LINE | Processing structure that correspond to T8JOH_STTRATIO_F tab |
T8JOH_SUMMARY_REPORT_LINE | Single line of Overhead Summary Report |
T8JOH_VENTURES_LINE | Processing structure that correspond to T8JOH_VENTURES table |
T8JOH_VTYPE_RANGE | Range Structure for venture type |
T8JOHS_AC_SET | Account set to be included/excluded in Base Amt Condition |
T8JOHS_ADJITEM | Complex Formula screen structure for adjustment line |
T8JOHS_CO_SET | Cost object set to be included/excluded in Base Amt Condtion |
T8JOHS_COMPANY | Company screen structure for Overhead Organizer |
T8JOHS_CONDT | screen fields for base amount conditions |
T8JOHS_EXPITEM | Complex Formula screen structure for the expense line |
T8JOHS_FORMULA | Screen fields for Overhead Organizer formula |
T8JOHS_JOA | JOA Folder in Overhead Organizer |
T8JOHS_KEYLIST | Screen fields for keyword list |
T8JOHS_OVERHEAD | Overhead Description |
T8JOHS_POST | Screen Posting Information for each overhead |
T8JOHS_RATE | Step Rate / Percentage Formula Screen Structure |
T8JOHS_RATIO | Statistical Ratio Formula screen structure |
T8JOHS_RUN | Information about a single run defined in Overhead Organizer |
T8JOHS_VENTURE | Venture Folders in Overhead Organizer |
T8JPMTXT | Text for PM order |
T8JV_CB_RESULT | JV Cutback Result Structure for CB User Exit Template |
T8JV_ITEM | JV Single Item Structure for CB User Exit Template |
T8JVB_H1I | Include structure for billing amounts in FCurr Per. to date |
T8JVB_H1P | Include structure for billing amounts in FCurr Per. to date |
T8JVB_H1Y | Include structure for billing amounts in FCurr Per. to date |
T8JVB_H2I | Include structure for billing amounts in FCurr Per. to date |
T8JVB_H2P | Include structure for billing amounts in FCurr Per. to date |
T8JVB_H2Y | Include structure for billing amounts in FCurr Per. to date |
T8JVB_K1I | Include structure for billing amounts in FCurr Per. to date |
T8JVB_K1P | Include structure for billing amounts in FCurr Per. to date |
T8JVB_K1Y | Include structure for billing amounts in FCurr Per. to date |
T8JVB_K2I | Include struct. for billing amts in GCurr(4C) Inc. to date |
T8JVB_K2P | Include structure for billing amounts in FCurr Per. to date |
T8JVB_K2Y | Include struct. for billing amts in GCurr(4C) Year to date |
T8JVB_SH1I | Include structure statement (Amounts in local curr. 4B) |
T8JVB_SH1P | Include structure statement (Amounts in local curr. 4B) |
T8JVB_SH1Y | Include structure statement (Amounts in local curr. 4B) |
T8JVB_SH2I | Include structure statement (Amounts in local curr. 4D) |
T8JVB_SH2P | Include structure statement (Amounts in local curr. 4B) |
T8JVB_SH2Y | Include structure statement (Amounts in local curr. 4D) |
T8JVB_SK1I | Include structure statement (Amounts in group curr. 4B) |
T8JVB_SK1P | Include structure statement (Amounts in local curr. 4B) |
T8JVB_SK1Y | Include structure statement (Amounts in group curr. 4B) |
T8JVB_SK2I | Include structure statement (Amounts in group curr. 4D) |
T8JVB_SK2P | Include structure statement (Amounts in group curr. 4D) |
T8JVB_SK2Y | Include structure statement (Amounts in group curr. 4D) |
T8JVB_ST1P | Include structure statement (Amounts in FCurr) |
T8JVB_T1I | Include structure for billing amounts in FCurr Per. to date |
T8JVB_T1P | Include structure for billing amounts in FCurr Per. to date |
T8JVB_T1Y | Include structure for billing amounts in FCurr Per. to date |
T8JVB28 | JV SAPscript Billing Inv. (ETYPE) |
T8JVB60 | JV Non-op Billing Screen Structure |
T8JVBCI | CI billing structure |
T8JVBCI_INT | internal structure for ci/npi billing data extract |
T8JVBCM | CI billing structure master |
T8JVBCN | CI/NPI billing structure |
T8JVBEC1 | JV Billing Invoice for E&C |
T8JVBEC1S | JV Billing Invoice Supplement for E&C |
T8JVBEC2 | JV Billing Invoice for E&C |
T8JVBEC5 | Billing interface for EC |
T8JVBMAP | Billing indicator mapping |
T8JVBREP | Reporting structure for billing report |
T8JVC_BEG | CI beginning balance (with penalty) |
T8JVC_BIL | CI billing indicator |
T8JVC_BTX | Billing indicator text |
T8JVC_CUP | CI current balance (with penalty) |
T8JVC_CUR | CI current balance (no penalty) |
T8JVC_END | CI ending balance (with penalty) |
T8JVC_PCT | CI penalty category |
T8JVC_PEN | CI penalty categories |
T8JVC_PTX | CI penalty category long text |
T8JVCURR | JV currency types and currencies |
T8JVEXTR | Billing extract reporting |
T8JVEXTRZ | Additional reporting fields for T8JVEXTR |
T8JVM01 | GR and IR link structure |
T8JVRWCO | IS-OIL: Additional fields for JVA in CO Reporting |
T8JVRXV1 | Special text variables for T8JVEXTR |
T8JVTT | Transfer structure for text retrieval in Report Writer |
T8JVVTYP | Venture types |
SAP Package GJV2 contains 140 programs.
GJV2_ACT_IN_CLIENT | activate Joint Venture in Client |
GJVUMD | JV Exit Routines for SAPLGUMD |
RGJAIN00 | Joint Operating Agreement master data catalog |
RGJARC01 | JV-Data Archiving (JV_OBJECT) |
RGJARC02 | JV-Billing Archiving (JV_Billing) |
RGJARC03 | JV-Bank Account Switching documents archiving (JV_BANK_SW) |
RGJARC04 | JVA process event archiving (JV_EVENT) |
RGJDEL01 | Deletion Program for Deleting Archived JV-Data (JV_OBJECT) |
RGJDEL02 | Deletion Program for Deleting Archived JV-Billing Data (JV-Billing) |
RGJDEL03 | Deletion Program for deleting archived JVA banking data (JV_BANK_SW) |
RGJDEL04 | Deletion Program for Deleting Archived JV-Event Data (JV_EVENT) |
RGJGLXC1 | Activate company in JV |
RGJGLXC2 | Deactivate company in JV |
RGJGRA01 | Hierarchy Graphics for JOA Master Data Objects |
RGJJVD00 | Joint Venture Detailed Information |
RGJJVPO1 | Plan Line Items for Table JVTO1 |
RGJJVSO1 | Actual Line Items for Table JVTO1 |
RGJJVSO2 | Actual Line Items for Table JVTO2 |
RGJJVTO1 | Summary Records from Table JVTO1 |
RGJJVTO2 | Summary Records from Table JVTO2 |
RGJOADEL | Delete Joint Operating Agreement Master Data |
RGJOBJBI | JVA-Objectnumbertest with respect to code combinations JVTO2 - JVOO2 |
RGJOBJJV | JVA-Objectnumbertest with respect to code combinations of JVTO1-JVOO1 |
RGJOVR01 | Joint Venture Overhead Calculations |
RGJRDA01 | Example for reading archived actual line items (AO JV_OBJECT) |
RGJRDA02 | Example for reading archived actual line items (AO JV_BILLING) |
RGJRDP01 | Example for reading archived planning line items (AO JV_OBJECT) |
RGJRDT01 | Example for reading archived totals (Archiveobject JV_OBJECT) |
RGJRDT02 | Example for reading archived totals (Archiveobject JV_BILLING) |
RGJREL01 | JV-Data reloading (JV_OBJECT) |
RGJREL02 | JV-Billing data reloading (JV_BILLING) |
RGJREL03 | JVA Bank account switching archived data reloading (JV_BANK_SW) |
RGJREL04 | JVA process event archived data reloading (JV_EVENT) |
RGJRXT00 | Billing extracts |
RGJTKA04 | Create new business activity for controlling area |
RGJTSWDC | Display Switch document for selected JV doc in VBA |
RGJV_BILLING_SUPPLEMENT | Supplent for billing report |
RGJV2230 | Correction of JVSO1 (differences between 22D and 30x) |
RGJV2CO1 | Mrule handling in settlment rule maintenance |
RGJVACDL | JV CRP pricing data - Deleting of archived data |
RGJVACIC | JV CRP pricing data - Creating of archive index |
RGJVACID | Program for deleting indices of JV_PRICING archives |
RGJVACWR | JV CRP pricing data - create archive |
RGJVBILL | Form routines called by Billing SAPscript |
RGJVBILL_EC | Form routines called by Billing SAPscript |
RGJVBILL_EC2 | Form routines called by Billing SAPscript |
RGJVBJ02 | Jade File Generation for Auditing |
RGJVBR10 | Billing output: Hard copy billing |
RGJVBR15 | Billing output: Hard copy billing |
RGJVBR20 | Hardcopy billing configuration analysis report |
RGJVBR22 | JV Billing Extract Reconciliation Report |
RGJVBRTH | Billing threshold check |
RGJVBUP1 | Update Billing Extracts for New and Changed Fields |
RGJVBUPD | Change report for jvbx |
RGJVC001 | Program to delete duplicate entries in JVOO1 and JVTO1 |
RGJVCB10 | Cutback |
RGJVCC00 | JVA: Copy/delete configuration for company code |
RGJVCF02 | JVA GL-X Carry Forward Program - RGJVCF02 (all GL-X ledger possible) |
RGJVCNET | Convenience Netting |
RGJVCORB | Correction program for false JV documents created by CO |
RGJVCUPA | Customizing Partner Address |
RGJVCYP1 | Print of all Cycle Information for Joint Venture Accounting |
RGJVEA10 | Prior period equity adjustment |
RGJVEDI1 | Translator for test purpose only (Inbound EDI) Text Document |
RGJVEDI2 | EDI Inbound Reports (Cost Objects/Account Mappings) |
RGJVEDIA | JV EDI Inbound: IDOC Status Report |
RGJVEDIB | JV EDI Inbound: Invoice and Operating Statement |
RGJVEDIC | JV EDI Inbound: Unusual Expenditure Report (819) |
RGJVEDID | JV EDI Inbound: Memo AFE Projects |
RGJVEDIE | JV EDI Inbound: Expenditure Comparison Report |
RGJVEDIG | 810 to 819 Property IDoc Comparison Report |
RGJVEDII | JV EDI Inbound Process code configuration |
RGJVEDIR | Reset EDI inbound partner for processing |
RGJVEDIX | EDI Outbound Basic Configuration for new Client/Company/Billing-Struc. |
RGJVEUR_BALANCE_REBUILD | Euro reconciliation program JV ledgers to FI documents |
RGJVEUR_CORRECT_CO_DOCS | Euro reconciliation program JV ledgers to FI documents |
RGJVEUR_SINGLE | Euro reconciliation program JV ledgers to FI documents |
RGJVEUR3 | Euro reconciliation program JV ledgers to FI documents |
RGJVEUR4 | Euro reconciliation program JV ledgers to FI documents |
RGJVEUR5 | Euro reconciliation program JV ledgers to FI documents |
RGJVEUR6 | Euro reconciliation program JV ledgers to FI documents |
RGJVEUR7 | Euro reconciliation program JV ledgers to FI documents |
RGJVEUR8 | Euro reconciliation program JV ledgers to FI documents |
RGJVEUR9 | Euro reconciliation program JV ledgers to FI documents |
RGJVEVNT | Display event table |
RGJVGJ4A | Periodic updates for company code |
RGJVIMCOR003 | Find unnecessary JVJV documents |
RGJVIMG1 | Test |
RGJVIS00 | JVA: Install standard reports |
RGJVJOBC | JV Job Load Balancer |
RGJVLB00 | Load balancing for JV processes |
RGJVLBOX_DATA_CREATION | Lockbox data creation based on JV ledger |
RGJVMISSINGTABLE | Missing table entries in 4.0b new install |
RGJVOO2 | Correction program for JVOO2 |
RGJVPLRP | Delete and repost JV plandata created by CO |
RGJVPS01 | Modification for SAPLCOKO to add JV data to networks |
RGJVRDFN | Read file from PC for update JVSO1 |
RGJVREC1 | Simulate the posting of an FI document |
RGJVREC3 | Simulate the posting of an existing MM document |
RGJVREC5 | Report to repost FB08 documents which are missing in JV |
RGJVREC7 | Re-post a clearing document |
RGJVREC8 | Detecting and reposting incorrect JV documents |
RGJVREC8B | Reverse and Rebook of MM invoice documents |
RGJVREC9 | Reverse and rebook of MM documents |
RGJVRECS | Missing JV document list |
RGJVROLLUP | Find the correct rollup and start the rollup processing |
RGJVRU00 | Suspense projects and equity groups |
RGJVRXDT | Transfer automatic postings to CO |
RGJVTAX2 | Advance Return for Tax on Sales/Purchases |
RGJVTAXR | Advance Return for Tax on Sales/Purchases |
RGJVTO10 | Drill-down receiver report dispatcher |
RGJVTO1I | Customize drill-down reports for billing reporting |
RGJVVBAT | Create Table Entries for VBA Switching |
RGJVXEDA | EDI Outbound XPRA for Application code conversion in configuration |
RGJVXMODIF | Maintain modifications |
RGJVXPR2 | RGJVXPR1 Umsetzung von JVTO1/JVSO1 |
RGJX20B1 | Conversion program - Table T8JZ |
RGJX20B2 | Conversion program - Table T8JZ |
RGJX20C1 | Conversion program - Table T8JZ |
RGJX20C9 | RGJX20C9 Maintain and check JV specific tables in customer client |
RGJX20D2 | Conversion program - Table T8JZ |
RGPSAX47_PSC_TO_PSA_INSERT | create testdata for xpra |
RGPSAXENT20_INSERT | Programm to create Testdata |
RGPSAXENT20_INSERT2 | create testdata for XPRA |
RGUREC51 | Re-post Plandata by Document Number |
SAPFGJCG | CI/NPI Processing |
SAPFGJVX | Exits for billing extract reporting (Report Writer) |
SAPMGJAM | JV - AM/MM Transactions |
SAPMGJB2 | Non-operated Billing transaction |
SAPMGJCG | Cutback GB01 Posting Transaction |
SAPMGJGO | Driver transaction to call customizing views |
SAPMGJGR | Module Pool for Graphic Displays in FI-JVA |
SAPMGJSX | Call set maintenance (create/change/display) |
SAPMGJTS | Subscreen processing for Tax Screen in SAPMF05A for ISOIL-UPSTREAM |
SAPMGJVL | Proto type view cluster with SUBSCREEN technology (STEP LOOP) |
SAPMGJVMDJOA | JOint Venture Masterdata: Joint Operating Agreement |
SAP Package GJV2 contains 19 search helps.
APP_JVH_VPTNR | JV partner in coding block |
JVA_KOST | Append search helps for JVA cost center |
JVA_ORDE | JVA search help append for orders |
JVA_PRPM | JVA search help append for WBS elements |
JVH_EXP_TYPE | Expense types |
JVH_KOSTG | Joint venture |
JVH_NOP_BNKT | Help for bank types |
JVH_NRIV | Help for JOA number ranges |
JVH_OH_BASE_CONDT | Base amount condition in Overhead Organizer |
JVH_OH_FORMULA | Formula in Overhead Organizer |
JVH_ORDEI | Joint Venture |
JVH_PRPMG | Joint Venture |
JVH_T8J0M | Search help for layout sets by billing structure |
JVH_T8J0R | Search help for billing structures |
JVH_T8JV_1 | Search help for joint ventures based on name |
JVH_T8JV_2 | Search help for joint ventures based on description |
JVH_VPTNR | JV partner in coding block |
JVMA | Joint Venture |
MANIPRULE_JVA | JVA append Maniprule |
SAP Package GJV2 contains 5 message classes.
G2 | Joint venture customizing |
G4 | EC-CS Konsolidierung |
G5 | IS-Oil /Joint Venture/ Material transfer pricing |
G6 | EDI messages in JV |
G9 | Joint-Venture-Archiving |
SAP Package GJV2 contains 3 authorization objects.
J_JVA_CUS | Joint Venture Accounting: Customizing |
J_JVA_PRC | Joint Venture Accounting: Processing |
J_JVA_REP | Joint Venture Accounting: Reporting |