
SAP Message Class G5

IS-Oil /Joint Venture/ Material transfer pricing

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The Message Class G5 (IS-Oil /Joint Venture/ Material transfer pricing) is a standard Message Class in SAP ERP and is part of the package GJV2.

Technical Information

Message Class G5
Short Text IS-Oil /Joint Venture/ Material transfer pricing
Package GJV2


ID Language Text
001 E Company code & does not exist in table T8JCR
002 E Plant & does not exist in table T001W
003 E Valuation area & does not exist in table T001K
004 E Valuation area & valuation type & does not exist in table T8JD
005 E Recovery indicator not found
006 E Programm error in MM07M350 (JV_PRICING_CRP)
007 E Pricing procedure & does not exist in table T683
008 E Cost center & / & does not exist in CSKS
009 E Joint Venture & / & does not exist in table T8JV
010 E Controlling area for & & does not exist in TKA02
011 E Project & does not exist in table PRPS
012 E Order & does not exist
013 E Mrule & does not exist in controlling area &
014 E No original confirmation for reversal confirmation & exists
015 E
016 E Direct posting to partner & is not allowed.
050 E ***** Messages 050 - 099 reserved for customizing ********
051 E Billing format & does not exist.
052 E Billing format & is assigned to a different billing structure.
053 E No text
054 E No text
100 E ***** Message 100 - 149 reserved for Cutback *******
101 E Local currency & not maintained in JV ledger for company &
150 E Messages 150 - 199 are reserved by Non-operated Billing
151 E The operator & specified is not a partner of company &
152 E The operator & doesn't have a customer account in customer master
153 E The operator & doesn't have a vendor account link to its customer account
154 E This is a Balance Sheet account. Only P&L account is allowed to enter.
155 E Please enter the total billing amount for venture &, equity group &
156 E User currency amt and funding currency amt can't have different signs
157 E The exchange rate can not be calculated for & & and & &
158 E The user currency amount can not be calculated for & & with rate &
159 E The user currency amount in FC can not be calculated for & & with rate &
160 E The currency value exceeds universal max amount (99 billion)
161 E The asset &-& is not acquired in the current year derived &
162 E Please enter either of the cost objects the line links to
163 E Only one cost object is needed to be entered
164 E The line selected is not a user-defined additional line
165 E This line is not original configured line, nor is it an user-added line
166 E There is no budgeting object linked to this asset & &.
167 E Net amount & in summary sheet is different from & in detail sheet
168 E Gross amount & in summary sheet is different from & in detail sheet
169 E Screen fields & are not open for posting entry
170 E Order & is invalid for Venture & and Equity Group &
171 E Asset can only be posted to cost center.
172 E Account information is needed for furthur processing.
173 E Bank type & is invalid for operator & (vendor &).
174 E & is mandatory for listing operator's bank type.
175 E Substitute cost object for venture & equity group & should be entered.
176 E Asset value date should be entered in retirement or negative adjustment
177 E Additional input line can not be added above title, underscore, or space
178 E Only positive amount is allowed for asset acquisition transaction.
179 E Only negative amount is allowed for asset retirement transaction.
180 E Some asset details are not completed, please correct them.
181 E Local net amount & in summary sheet is different from & in detail sheet
182 E Local gross amount & in summary sheet is different from & in detail sheet
183 E Asset value date & doesn't have the same fiscal year as posting date &
184 E Error-> There is overflow in &
185 E There is no cost object linked to the input line id &. See ? for detail.
186 E Summary id is mandatory to be blank if the line id is '*'.
187 E Cost object flag has to be checked if the cost object field is filled
188 E Only one cost object can be assigned to this line
189 E Account should not be entered for asset line. See '?' for more detail.
190 E Asset can not be posted in year &.
191 E
200 E message 200 - 210 is reserved for partner netting
201 E No alternative reconciliation account is defined for SEI &
202 E Error calculating baseline date for pay term &. See payment terms config.
203 E Payment term required when account has Special G/L indicator
211 E ---- Messages 211 - 230 are reserved for JADE ----
212 E There are too many fields being configured in one row. & & &
213 E No line is printed out into JADE file for company & venture &
214 E There is no jib/afe info for company & venture & in database table t8jix
215 E Lack of jib/afe info for company:& venture:& equity group:& account:&
216 E Hardcopy/EDI billing has not been run yet for year & period '&'.
217 E The company & is not configured to use JADE.
218 E The activity '&', application '&' is not maintained in JADE configuration
231 E ***** Message 231 - 250 reserved for equity adjustment ******
232 E Venture & does not exist in company code &
233 E Posting rules for equity adjustment are not defined
234 E Company code & is not defined as a JV company
235 E Equity group & is not assigned to venture & and company code &
236 E Equity groups & and & are assigned to different equity types.
237 E Old equity group is identical to the new equity group
238 E Recovery indicator & has no corresponding recovery indicator
239 E Equity group & was valid between equity groups & and &
240 E Adjustment period from & to &
241 E Recovery indicator & cannot be traced back uniquely
242 E Posting rule details for prior period equity adjustment missing
243 E Venture & is not an operated venture
244 E Exactly one network must be defined if activities are specified.
251 E ---- Messages 251 - 270 are reserved for Cost Calculation (general) ----
252 E Document type is not maintained in posting rules configuration
253 E Posting rule is not configured for company & and jv function &
254 E Account is not maintained in automatic posting configuration. & & &
255 E Account & is not maintained in (chart of account level) GL account master
256 E Account & is a balance sheet account.
257 E Account & is not maintained in (company code level) GL account master
258 E Field status variant & and field status group & are not found in IMG
259 E Recovery indicator is set as a suppressed field in field status config.
260 E Chart of account is missing in this company &
261 E period should be within the range of 1 to 12
262 E Since the wbs element & is blocked, no posting will be done to it
263 E The wbs element & does not have the internal project number
300 E Messages 300 - 350 reserved for integration manager
301 E Re-post could not be activated
302 E JV document can not be posted
303 E No JV document found for the open item
304 E The original period & is closed. The JVA document is posted in period &.
350 E Messages 350 - 399 are reserved for Bank Switching
351 E Invalid effective date &: it is more than 999 days away from today
352 E Joint Venture Accounting indicator is not turned on for your company &
353 E This company & does not have any venture.
354 E The automatic posting account for & (&) is missing
355 E This company & does not have any funding group defined
356 E This company & does not have any house bank defined
357 E The bank account & is currently not linked to any funding group for co. &
358 E There is no posting lines selected for bank switching from table &
359 E Substitute cost object is needed for venture &, equity group &
360 E JV document & for company & is not balanced. Orig Doc #: &
361 E Cash and Non-cash accounts are needed for company & funding group &.
362 E Funding group assignment information is not completed for & & &
363 E There is no detail information about the bank: bank key &, country code &
364 E You can only choose one of the two options:net calculation, 2-way netting
365 E Funding group & NOT linked to operated, op w/tax, non-op on bill venture
366 E Due to above errors, no posting and update to the database are performed
367 E Cost Object Analysis or posting by venture needed to be on
368 E This company & does not have any valid equity group linked to any venture
369 E This company & does not have the funding group & defined
370 E The posting period entered <> & &.
371 E Cash/non-cash switching accounts for funding group & are not defined
400 E Messages 400 - 410 are reserved for Overhead Detail Cost Calculation
401 E LAST_DATE & and INVERTED_LAST_DATE are not the same
402 E Equity group & not found for venture & in table T8JG of company &
403 E No last day passed to function 'JV_GET_EQUITY_GROUP_DATES'
451 E Messages 451 - 500 are reserved for Master Data
452 E Sub Cost Object must have the same equity type ( & ) as the equity group
453 E Sub Cost Object is assigned to a different joint venture
454 E Please enter an existing WBS element
455 E Venture & will be deleted
456 E JOA & can be deleted
457 E Partner can not be suspended because it is a CI partner in venture &
458 E Partner can not be set to CI because it has been suspended
459 E JOA & deleted
460 E Please enter a valid currency type for equity group &
500 E ********* 500 - 599 Euro Conversion JVA ********************
501 E Fixed Acc. Ass. & in Chart of Acc. & not maintained &
502 E Company Code & not found in table T001 - Internal error!
503 E Company Code & not defined in JVA company data (T8JZ)
504 E G/L Account & in Company & for fixed Acc. Ass. & missing
505 E Fixed Acc. Ass. & in Chart of Acc. & not maintained &
506 E I/O Error reading table & - please contact SAP !
507 E Error: &, document &/&/&
508 E Currency allocation for ledger 4A/C and 4B/D is different in Company &
509 E This function is not implemented yet Please contact SAP !
510 E Document & & & does not balance
511 E Company code & has unposted documents
512 E There are open non-operated bills in company &
513 E Too many lines inserted in document. Please contact SAP !
514 E Difference Account not maintained in table EWUCUSAK
515 E Fatal Error: Company code & not found in Company code table T001
516 E Company Code & not in JV company code table
517 E JV Balance account not maintained for company &
518 E Program is running in test mode.
519 E
550 E **** Integration manager (550 - 599) ****
551 E JV data determination not possible - Entry in table ACCTIT not found
552 E JV data determination not possible - Entry in table JVSO1 not found
600 E Messages for Exchange rate programs 600 - 650
601 E Please enter currency type
602 E Please enter valuation method
603 E & Please contact the application developer.
604 E The caption of the Overhead Tool Kit docking container can not be set.
605 E Column & of object & can not be created.
606 E Events can not be registered for object &
607 E There is no such JOA (&) for company &
608 E There is no such venture (&) for company &
609 E The & ( & ) has already been created. Please choose another & &
610 E Field '&' is required to be filled.
611 E Please specify the &.
612 E Please specify whether the & should be included or excluded.
613 E
700 E Recovery indicator cannot be determined for String & item &.
701 E Company code &1 not found in table T8JZ
702 E Entry &1 &2 &3 &4 not found in table T8J156S
704 E Entry &1 &2 not found in table IT8JD
705 E Entry &1 &2 &3 &4 not found in table T8J156X
706 E Company code &1 not found in table T8JCR
707 E Entry &1 &2 not found in table T8JV
750 E Error in CRP handling of JV items: &1
751 E ****** 751 - 799 Messages for Farm In/Out and Re-determination *****
752 E For company code & the process & is not defined
753 E For company code & the process & is already completed
754 E For company code & the process & has no steps assigned
755 E For company code & the process & has no step open for processing
756 E For company code & the process & has no equity groups assigned
757 E Please select one processing function
758 E A prerequisite step was not yet processed
759 E Cutback correction is only possible for a process with one old EG
760 E The intercompany partner from the old EG is no longer in the new EG
761 E The original EG or the new EG does not have an intercompany partner
762 E The inter-company partner from the new EG does not exist in the old EG
763 E There are no differences for the intercompany partner shares
764 E Posting rule details for Farm in/out adjustment missing
765 E Asset postings are not supported from this step of the farm in process
766 E No intercompany shares found for company & venture & EG &
767 E The recovery indicator or posting rule is empty for posting rule & &
768 E The account information is missing for company & old EG& new EG&
769 E Posting rule for company & method & function & is not defined
770 E Farm process cannot post to account & (reconciliation account).
771 E Account & is not open for direct posting
772 E Farm process cannot post to account & (tax -account)
773 E Fram process Can not Post to Account & (Wrong Tax Codes Required)
774 E Posting date is missing for the farm process
775 E The posting date & does not fit with the period & and year &
776 E In farm step & there is no posting date but a period/year defined
777 E The period & does not exist in the fiscal year variant
778 E The date range is not valid: from & / & to & / &
779 E Posting rule for farm in method & function & not defined
780 E The status of step & & & could not be updated
781 E No corresponding offset entry found for correction posting
782 E Selected company codes not suitable for datasource
783 E For company code & no settlement account found
784 E Step was executed without error. Please see print spool & for details
785 E Step was executed with errors. Please see print spool & for details
786 E Equity group '&' is blocked for farmin process '&'
787 E Farmin process conflict of ITD and period settings
788 E Farmin configuration error - process cancelled
799 E & & & &