SAP Package BALI

Application Link Enabling: IDOC Handling

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The package BALI (Application Link Enabling: IDOC Handling) is a standard package in SAP ERP. It belongs to the parent package ABA.

Technical Information

Package BALI
Short Text Application Link Enabling: IDOC Handling
Parent Package ABA

Function Groups

SAP Package BALI contains 1 function groups.

TRAR RFC transceiver


SAP Package BALI contains 2 transactions.

BA10 Subsystem Configuration
BA11 Config. Transceiver / Upload Files

Database Tables

SAP Package BALI contains 7 database tables.

T705Z Communication Times
TEDWL Channel definition for transceiver
TEUDES Configuration of upload files
TEUPL Configuration of upload files
TEUPLT Name of configuration IDoc for transceiver
TKANA Entries for channel definitions
TKANAT Descriptions for channel definitions


SAP Package BALI contains 6 views.

H_TEDWL Help view: logical destination
V_RFCDES F4 Help for logical destination entry
V_TEDWL Channel Definition for Transceiver
V_TEUDES Configuration of upload files
V_TEUPL Allocation of channels to upload files
V_TKANA Channel definition for transceiver


SAP Package BALI contains 5 structures.

E1DWLD1 Configuration of communications channels on subsystem
E1DWLD2 Length of segments
E1REQU1 Upload request to the subsystem
E1UPLD1 Configuration of data upload from subsystem
IDOC_SDATA IDoc interchange data


SAP Package BALI contains 8 programs.

CONFQMID Create upload request for TRUCK
RCONFCC1 Create upload request for TRUCK
RCONFCC2 Create upload request for TRUCK
RCONFCC3 Create Upload Request for TRUCK
RCONFCC4 Create Upload Request for TRUCK
RCONFCC5 Create Upload Request for TRUCK
SAPBAL10 Directory Structure Generated in Subsystem
SAPCDUP1 Generate Upload Request in Subsystem

Search Helps

SAP Package BALI contains 1 search helps.

H_TEDWL Help view: logical destination

Message Classes

SAP Package BALI contains 1 message classes.

BA10 Customizing Prozeßindustrie und Logistikkommunikation PP-PI

Authorization Objects

SAP Package BALI contains 1 authorization objects.

C_PDC Communication With External Applications