This bundle contains Amazon Fire TV Stick Lite and Mission USB Power Cable. The USB power cable eliminates the need to find an AC outlet near your TV by powering Amazon Fire TV directly from your TV's USB port. Includes special power management circuitry that enhances the peak power capability of the USB port by storing excess energy and then releasing it as needed.
Check it out on →The package BFIBL_PAY (Bank Subledger: Interface and Payments) is a standard package in SAP ERP. It belongs to the parent package APPL_TOOLS.
Package | BFIBL_PAY |
Short Text | Bank Subledger: Interface and Payments |
Parent Package | APPL_TOOLS |
SAP Package BFIBL_PAY contains 7 function groups.
B2021 | BAPIs for Payment Request |
BFIBD | Bank Chains |
BFIBL_C | Customizing (Generated) |
BFIBL_PAY | Extended Table Maintenance (Generated) |
BFIBL1 | Offsetting, Origin |
BFIBL2 | Group of House Bank Accounts |
BFIBL3 | Paying Company Code |
SAP Package BFIBL_PAY contains 4 transactions.
FIBL0 | Origin Indicator Definition |
FIBL1 | Control Origin Indicator |
FIBL2 | Assign Origin |
FIBL3 | Group of House Bank Accounts |
SAP Package BFIBL_PAY contains 8 database tables.
T042W | Permitted currency keys for payment method |
TFIBLHBG | Group of House Bank Accounts |
TFIBLHBG1 | Group of House Bank Accounts: Details |
TFIBLHBGT | Name of the House Bank Groups |
TFIBLORIGIN | Origin Indicator |
TFIBLORIGINC | Origin Settings |
TFIBLORIGIND | Assignment of Origin to Overriding Origin |
TFIBLORIGINT | Meaning of an Origin Indicator |
SAP Package BFIBL_PAY contains 7 views.
H_TFIBLORIGIN | Grouping of Origins |
H_TFIBLORIGINC | Grouping of origins |
V_TFIBLHBG | Group of house bank accounts: Definition |
V_TFIBLHBG1 | House bank accounts: Assignment |
V_TFIBLORIGIN | Origin Indicator |
V_TFIBLORIGINC | Origin settings |
V_TFIBLORIGIND | Assignment of origin to overriding origin |
SAP Package BFIBL_PAY contains 38 structures.
BAPI2021_ORIGIN_APP | Foreign Key for Origin in BAPI2010_ORIGIN |
E1BP2021_ACCOUNTS | BAPI Payment Request: Accounts |
E1BP2021_ADDRESS | Payment Request: Address Data |
E1BP2021_AMOUNTS | BAPI Payment Request: Amounts and Currencies |
E1BP2021_BANK | BAPI Payment Request: Bank Data |
E1BP2021_CENTRALBANKREP | BAPI Payment Request: Reporting Data |
E1BP2021_CORRDOC | BAPI Payment Request: Corresponding Accounting Document |
E1BP2021_DATES | BAPI Payment Request: Data |
E1BP2021_INSTRUCTIONS | BAPI Payment Request: Instruction Key |
E1BP2021_ORGANISATIONS | BAPI Payment Request: Organizations |
E1BP2021_ORIGIN | BAPI Payment Request: Origin |
E1BP2021_PAYMENTCTRL | BAPI Payment Request: Payment Control |
E1BP2021_REFERENCES | BAPI Payment Request: Reference Data |
E1BP2021_REFTEXT | BAPI Payment Request: Note to Payee Texts |
E1BP2021_REPORTS | Reports and Variants for Scheduling Payment Program |
E1BP2021_SELREQUESTID | Payment Request Key Numbers as Range |
FPM_BANKCHAIN | Bank in Bank Chain |
PAYRQ_ADDRESS | Business Partner Address Data |
PAYRQ_AMOUNTS | Currencies and Amounts |
PAYRQ_BANK | Bank Data |
PAYRQ_COMPANY | Company Codes |
PAYRQ_ERROR | Payment Request Containing Errors |
PAYRQ_FORMS | Financial Reporting Data |
PAYRQ_ORG | Organizations |
PAYRQ_PAYM | Payment Control |
PAYRQ_REF | References |
PAYRQ_REFTXT | Note to Payee Text |
PAYRQ_STATUS | Status of a Payment Request |
SFIBLORIGIN | Origin Indicator for Payment Program |
SORIGIN | Origin |
SAP Package BFIBL_PAY contains 4 search helps.
F4_DORIGIN | Origin Indicator (with Grouping) |
F4_HBKGR | Groups of House Bank Accounts |
F4_ORIGIN | Origin Indicator (without Grouping) |
F4_ORIGIN_PRQ | Origins for which payment requests exist |
SAP Package BFIBL_PAY contains 1 message classes.
FIBL1 | Schnittstelle Zahlen |
SAP Package BFIBL_PAY contains 1 authorization objects.
F_BL_BANK | Authorization for House Banks and Payment Methods |