This bundle includes Echo Dot (3rd Gen) Charcoal and Philips Hue White A19 Medium Lumen Smart Bulb, 1100 Lumens. Built in Smart Home hub. Ask Alexa to control Zigbee-compatible devices. No additional Philips Hue hub required. Two choices for easy smart lighting - Start setting the mood with Hue Smart bulbs and your Echo device, supporting up to 5 Hue Bluetooth & Zigbee smart bulbs. Add the Hue Hub for whole-home smart lighting (up to 50 light points) and bonus features.
Check it out on →The package BUPA (SAP Business Partner) is a standard package in SAP ERP. It belongs to the parent package ABA.
Package | BUPA |
Short Text | SAP Business Partner |
Parent Package | ABA |
SAP Package BUPA contains 132 function groups.
BDT_ADDITIONS | BDT: Other BDT Function Modules |
BDT_CHECK | BDT: Consistency Checks |
BDT_CHECK_MESSAGES | Elements of Message Handler: Cons. Check |
BDT_CHECK_SINGLE | BDT: Consistency Checks |
BDT_MEM_ADMIN | BDT Memory Administration/Tools |
BDT_MEM_APPLICATION | BDT Memory Management (Application) |
BDT_MEM_CONTROL | BDT Memory Management (Control) |
BDT_MEM_OBJECT_PARTS | BDT Memory Management (Object Parts) |
BDT_MEM_SCREENSEQUENCE_1 | BDT Memory Management (Scrn Sequ.Part 1) |
BDT_MEM_SCREENSEQUENCE_2 | BDT Memory Management (Scrn Sequ.Part 2) |
BDT_SELECT | BDT: Select Control Tables (RFC) |
BUA_BCS | SAPBP: BCS Service Functions Connection |
BUA_CHECK | BP Addresses: Elementary Checks |
BUA0 | BP Addresses: Online |
BUA1 | BP Addresses: Read accesses |
BUAB | CHDO BUPA_ADR => Gen. by RSSCD000 |
BUAD | BP Addresses: Offline Maintenance |
BUAG | BP Addresses: Geo-Location |
BUAV | CBP: Update Addresses |
BUBA | Obsolete: BAPIs for BOR Object BUS1006 |
BUBA_1 | Obsolete: Service FM BAPI/ALE Environ. |
BUBA_2 | Determine Local Addresses |
BUBA_3 | SAP BP: External BAPI Function Modules |
BUBA_4 | SAP BP: APIs without Buffer |
BUBA_ALE | SAP BP: ALE FM - Internal Usage Only |
BUBA_SERV | Diverse Services in BAPI Environment |
BUC_IMPORT | SAP BP: Customizing: Data Import |
BUC0 | SAP BP: Customizing Maintenance Views |
BUC2 | SAP BP: Customizing BP Roles |
BUC3 | BDT: Customizing, TBZ0, TBZ1 |
BUCO | Extended Table Maintenance (Generated) |
BUCR | CBP Customizing: Maintenance Views |
BUCW | SAP BP, Customizing: AFTER-IMP-Methods |
BUD_CHECK | BP: Elementary Checks at Field Level |
BUD_GEN | BDT DC: Generation Template for BP Tab. |
BUD_GEN_CI | EEW: CI Generation Template |
BUD_GEN_TC | BDT-DC: Generation Template for TCntrl. |
BUD_MEM | Overall Memory Business Partner |
BUD_MEM_TMP | Temporary Function Group (Internal Only) |
BUD_STATUS | Business Partner: Status |
BUD0 | BP Data: Online |
BUD0_ARCH | CBP: Archiving and Deletion |
BUD0_CP | BP Data: Employee |
BUD0_DISPLAY | CBP: Data Overview |
BUD0_MISC | Dialog Extension |
BUD0_SEARCH | CBP: Business Partner Search |
BUD0_USED | BP: Funct. Module f. BP Where-Used List |
BUD1 | BP Data: Read Accesses |
BUD2 | CBP Data: Administration Table (AT) |
BUD3 | CBP Data: Attribute Table (AT) (Refer.) |
BUD3_INTERCOMPANY_RELSHP | BPR Data: Participating Interest |
BUD4 | BP Data: Partner Relationships |
BUD5 | BP Data: Read Access |
BUDA | BP Data: Customizing table accesses |
BUDC | CHDO BUPA_BUP => Gen. by RSSCD000 |
BUDD | BP Data: Offline Maintenance |
BUDN | CBP Data: Block Number Assignment |
BUDV | CBP: Update Data |
BUH1 | Search Help |
BUHC | Search Help - Configuration |
BUPA_BADI_CALL | Call Business Partner BADI |
BUPA_EXITS | Various Service Modules for Exits |
BUPA_FOREIGN | BP Roles: External Interface |
BUPA_INIT_SELECT | BP: Initialize Buffer for Read Access |
BUPA_MASSDATA | Extended Table Maintenance (Generated) |
BUPA_MASSDATA_SELECT | Mass Selection of BP Data |
BUPA_PASSWORD_BAPI | SAP Business Partner: Password, BAPIs |
BUPA_READ | SAP BP: Buffering Read Accesses |
BUPA_SELECT | BP Internal: Direct Read Access to DB |
BUPA_TD_SWITCH | Conversion of Planned Change Documents |
BUPC_STATUS | Extended Table Maintenance (Generated) |
BUPR_SELECT | BP: Buffered API's for Relationships |
BUQ0 | BDT: Evaln: Table Maintenance Dialogs |
BUQ1 | BP Evaluation: Generation |
BUQ2 | BP Evaluation: Customizing Tab Access |
BUR_CHECK | BP Relationships: Elementary Checks |
BUR_DFTYP_SERVICE | Converts Data Elem.Value to Diff Type Va |
BUR_DISP_DATA | BP Relationships: Graphic Displ./Maint. |
BUR_GEN | BDT DC: Generation Template Rel. Table |
BUR_GEN_TC | BDT-DC: Generation Template for TCntrl. |
BUR_MEM | Memory Business Hours Contact Persn Des. |
BURA | BPR Data: Customizing Tables Access |
BURB | CHDO BUPA_BUB => Gen. by RSSCD000 |
BURR | CHDO BUPA_BUR => Gen. by RSSCD000 |
BURS | BPR Control: Dialog and Direct Input |
BUS0 | BP Control: Maintenance Views |
BUS1 | BP Control: Maintenance Views |
BUS10 | BP Control: Maintenance Views |
BUS11 | Extended Table Maintenance (Generated) |
BUS2 | BDT: Maintenance Views |
BUS3 | BP Control: Maintenance Views |
BUS4 | BP Control: Maintenance Views |
BUS5 | BP Control: Field Grouping |
BUS6 | Extended Table Maintenance (Generated) |
BUS7 | Extended Table Maintenance (Generated) |
BUS8 | Maintenance Views for BDT Search |
BUS9 | Extended Table Maintenance (Generated) |
BUSA | BDT: Additional Functions (Change Docs) |
BUSC | BDT: User Interface |
BUSM | BDT: Message Handler |
BUSO | BDT: Include Notes in BDT |
BUSQ | BDT: Read Cntrl Tbl: Relatnshp Categ.s |
BUSR | BPR Control: Maintenance Views |
BUSS | BP Control: Dialog |
BUSS_ARCH | BDT: Read Archive Control |
BUSS_AUTH | BDT: Checks for Authorization Fields |
BUSS_DYN | Memory Function Group for Screens |
BUSS_SCGEN | BDT: Generate Subscreen Containers |
BUSS_USED | BDT: Where-Used List Control |
BUSS_VCT | BDT: Visual Configuration Tool |
BUST | BDT: Read Control Table |
BUST_ACTVT | BDT, Read Control Table: Activities |
BUST_DFTYP | BDT, Read Control Table: Differentiation |
BUST_FLDMD | BDT, Read Control Table: Field Grouping |
BUST_FNCTN | BDT, Read Control Table: GUI Functions |
BUST_OBJCT | BDT, Read Contro Tables: Applic. Objects |
BUST_OTHER | BDT, Read Control Table: Miscellaneous |
BUST_ROLES | BDT, Read Control Table: Divisibility |
BUST_SCREE | BDT, Read Control Table: Screen Layout |
BUST_SEQUE | BDT, Read Control Table: Screen Sequence |
BUSU | BP: Access Link Tables |
BUSV | BDT: Validity/Time Dependency |
BUSW | BDT: Additional Functions |
ESME | Extended Table Maintenance (Generated) |
ESME_SERVICES | Service Modules Units of Measur./Systems |
SAP Package BUPA contains 190 transactions.
BDT_COMPARE | Compare Control Table Entries |
BUA1 | Create contact person |
BUA2 | Change contact person |
BUA3 | Display contact person |
BUB1 | BuPR: Create BP relationship |
BUB2 | BuPR: Change BP relationship |
BUB3 | BuPR: Display BP relationship |
BUB4 | BuPR: Create BP role definition |
BUB5 | BuPR: Change BP role definition |
BUB6 | BuPR: Display BP role definition |
BUB9 | BPR: No. Range Maintenance: BP Rel. |
BUBA | BuPR: Relationship Cat. |
BUBB | BuPR: Role definition category |
BUBD | BuPR: Applications |
BUBE | BuPR: Views |
BUBF | BuPR: Sections |
BUBG | BuPR: Screens |
BUBH | BuPR: Screen Seq. Variants |
BUBI | BuPR: Events |
BUBJ | BuPR: GUI Standard Functions |
BUBK | BuPR: GUI Addl Functions |
BUBL | BuPR:Assgn Scr.Field->Database Field |
BUBL_DI | BP: Allocate DI Field -> DB Field |
BUBM | BuPR: Tables |
BUBN | BuPR: Field Groups |
BUBO | BuPR: Field Grouping (Criteria) |
BUBP | BuPR: Field Grping Using Rel. Cat. |
BUBQ | BuPR: Field Grp. Using Role Def.Cat. |
BUBR | BP: Field Grpg Via Activity (Cust) |
BUBS_FRG | BP: Field Grpg for Ext.Applications |
BUBT | BP: Role Definition Types |
BUBU | BP: Relationship Types |
BUBV | BP: Maintenance Without Dialog |
BUBW | BP: Generate Test File (DI) |
BUBX | BP: Activities |
BUBY | BP: Field Grpg via Activity (Ctrl) |
BUBZ | BP: External Applications |
BUC_IDCATEGORY | BP Cust: ID Categories |
BUC_IDTYPE | BP Cust: ID Types |
BUC0 | BP Cust: Forms of Address |
BUC1 | BP Cust: Addr Type |
BUC2 | BP Cust: Groupings |
BUC3 | BP Cust: Data Origin |
BUC4 | BP Cust: BP Role->Address Type |
BUC5 | BP Cust: Academic Titles |
BUC6 | BP Cust: Arist Title |
BUC7 | BP Cust: Name Affixes |
BUC8 | BP Cust: Legal Form of Organization |
BUC9 | BP Cust: Legal Entity of Org. |
BUCA | BP Cust: Industry |
BUCC | BP Cust: Group Types |
BUCD | BP Cust: Bus. Partner Type |
BUCF | BP Cust: Number Ranges |
BUCG | BP Cust: BP Role Field Grouping |
BUCH | BP Cust: Field Grouping Activity |
BUCI | BP-Cust.: Field Grpng.: Partner Type |
BUCJ | BP Cust: Authorization Types |
BUCK | BP Cust: Marital Status |
BUCL | BP Cust: Occupation/Group |
BUCM | BP Cust: Legitimation Type |
BUCN | BP Cust: Field Grps f. Authorization |
BUCO | BP-Cust: Screen Configuration |
BUCP | BP-Cust: Fld.modif.exter.application |
BUCQ | BP-Cust: Evaluation Tables |
BUCS | BP-Cust: Notes on Roles |
BUCT | BP-Cust: Define Note Views |
BUCU | BP Cust: Where-Used List |
BUCV | BP Cust. Field Grouping Appl.Object |
BUCW | BP Cust: Trans. f. Address Determin. |
BUCX | BP Cust: Assign Trans.->Address Type |
BUG1 | Create Business Partner, General |
BUG2 | Change Business Partner, General |
BUG3 | Display Business Partner, General |
BUG4 | Bus. partner general deletion flag |
BUI1 | Create Inter. Party |
BUI2 | Change Prospect |
BUI3 | Display Prospect |
BUM1 | Create Employee (BP) |
BUM2 | Change Employee (BP) |
BUM3 | Display Employee (BP) |
BUMR | BP Relationships: Config. Menu |
BUNA | Number Range Maintenance: BP_PADRNR |
BUP0 | BDT, Multiple Call (Funct. Grp BUSS) |
BUP1 | Create Business Partner |
BUP2 | Change Business Partner |
BUP3 | Display Business Partner |
BUPA_DEL | Deletion without Archiving |
BUPA_PRE_DA | Flag Business Partner for Deletion |
BUPT | Business Partner Configuration Menu |
BUR0 | BuPR: Contact Person Departments |
BUR1 | BuPR: Contact Person Functions |
BUR2 | BuBR: Contact Person Authority |
BUR3 | BuPR: Contact Person VIP Indicator |
BUR4 | BP: Marital property regime |
BUS_CALL | BDT: Call BDT, Complete LUW |
BUS_HDRID | BP Tax: Header IDs |
BUS0 | BDT: Application Objects |
BUS1 | BDT: Applications |
BUS10 | BDT: Search Help |
BUS11 | BDT: Assgn BAPI Field to Field Group |
BUS2 | BDT: Field Groups |
BUS23 | BP Tax: Data Sets |
BUS3 | BDT: Views |
BUS4 | BDT: Sections |
BUS5 | BDT: Screens |
BUS6 | BDT: Screen Sequences |
BUS7 | BDT: Events |
BUS8 | BDT: GUI Standard Functions |
BUS9 | BDT: GUI Additional Functions |
BUSB | BDT: Assign Screen Field->DB Field |
BUSB_DI | BDT: Assign DI Field->DB Field |
BUSC | BDT: Field Grouping Criteria |
BUSD | BDT: BP Views |
BUSE | BDT: BP Role Groupings |
BUSF | BDT: Application Transactions |
BUSG | BDT: Tables |
BUSH | BDT: External applications |
BUSI | BDT: Activities |
BUSJ | BP Control: FuncMod. Activity (Ctrl) |
BUSM | BDT: Differentiation Types |
BUSN | BDT: Activity Categories |
BUSO | BP Cust: BP Cat. Field Grouping |
BUSP | Generate Screen Containers |
BUSRO | BP-CUST: Entry Via Search Screen |
BUSSA | Transaction Entry Via Search Screen |
BUSWU01 | BP Control: Where-Used List,Struct. |
BUSWU02 | BP Control: Where-Used List, Views |
BUSWU03 | BP Control: Where-UL, Trans->View |
BUSWU04 | BP Control: Where-UL, Trans->View |
BUSWU11 | BP Addresses: Where-UsedL, Structure |
BUSWU21 | BP Bank Details: Where-UL,Structure |
BUSWU31 | BP PaytCard: Where-UsedL, Structure |
BUSWU41 | BP Rel.Addr.:Where-UsedL, Structure |
BUSWU61 | BP Roles: Where-Used List, Structure |
BUSWU62 | BP Roles: Where-Used List, Views |
BUSWU63 | BP Roles:Where-Used Lst S.Org ->View |
BUSWU64 | BP Roles:Where-Used Lst S.Org ->View |
BUTI | Update Without Dialog |
BUTJ | Generate Test File (DI) |
KCLJ015 | External Data Transfer Type 15 (BP) |
KCLJ090 | External Data Transfer Type 90 (BPR) |
S_ABA_72000002 | IMG activity: _CABP_TB019 |
S_ABA_72000003 | IMG activity: _CABP_TB032 |
S_ABA_72000004 | IMG activity: _CABP_TB025 |
S_ABA_72000005 | IMG activity: _CABP_KCLL |
S_ABA_72000006 | IMG activity: _CABP_KC7R |
S_ABA_72000007 | IMG activity: _CABP_KCLJ |
S_ABA_72000008 | IMG activity: _CABP_KCLP |
S_ABA_72000009 | IMG activity: _CABP_TB023 |
S_ABA_72000010 | IMG activity: _CABP_TB035 |
S_ABA_72000011 | IMG activity: _CABP_TSAD2 |
S_ABA_72000012 | IMG activity: _CABP_TSAD5 |
S_ABA_72000013 | IMG activity: _CABP_TSAD4 |
S_ABA_72000014 | IMG activity: _CABP_NAMEFORMAT |
S_ABA_72000015 | IMG activity: _CABP_TB027 |
S_ABA_72000016 | IMG activity: _CABP_TB028 |
S_ABA_72000017 | IMG activity: _CABP_GPB_TB914 |
S_ABA_72000018 | IMG activity: _CABP_GPB_TB916 |
S_ABA_72000019 | IMG activity: _CABP_GPB_TB930 |
S_ABA_72000020 | IMG activity: _CABP_GPB_KCLL |
S_ABA_72000021 | IMG activity: _CABP_GPB_KC7R |
S_ABA_72000022 | IMG activity: _CABP_GPB_KCLJ |
S_ABA_72000023 | IMG activity: _CABP_GPB_KCLP |
S_ABA_72000024 | IMG activity: _CABP_GPB_TB912 |
S_ABA_72000025 | IMG activity: _CABP_GPB_BUB9 |
S_ABA_72000026 | IMG Activity: _CABP_GPB_V_TB905 |
S_ABA_72000027 | IMG Activity: _CABP_GPB_V_TB905_RF |
S_ABA_72000028 | IMG Activity: _CABP_GPB_BUBP |
S_ABA_72000029 | IMG Activity: _CABP_GPB_BUBQ |
S_ABA_72000030 | IMG Activity: _CABP_GPB_V_TB105 |
S_ABA_72000031 | IMG Activity: _CABP_GPB_TB910 |
S_ABA_72000032 | IMG Activity: _CABP_BUCN |
S_ABA_72000033 | IMG Activity: _CABP_SU03 |
S_ABA_72000035 | IMG Activity: _CABP_TB009 |
S_ABA_72000037 | IMG Activity: _CABP_V_TSAD3 |
S_ABA_72000038 | IMG Activity: _CABP_V_TB030 |
S_ABA_72000039 | IMG Activity: _CABP_BUCF |
S_ABA_72000040 | IMG Activity: _CABP_V_TB001 |
S_ABA_72000041 | IMG Activity: _CABP_V_TB004 |
S_ABA_72000042 | IMG Activity: _CABP_BUCG |
S_ABA_72000043 | IMG Activity: _CABP_BUCH |
S_ABA_72000044 | IMG Activity: _CABP_V_TB004_01 |
S_ABA_72000045 | IMG Activity: _CABP_TB029 |
S_ABA_72000046 | IMG Activity: _CABP_TB034 |
S_ABA_72000047 | IMG Activity: CABP_V_TB005 |
S_ABA_72000048 | IMG Activity: _CABP_TCC1 |
S_ABA_72000049 | IMG Activity: _CABP_TB033 |
S_AEC_66000279 | BDT: Transport of Control Tables |
SAP Package BUPA contains 254 database tables.
BUP_ADDR3_CD | BP Relationship: Index Table for Change Document Access |
BUPA_DEBUG | SAP BP: Activate Debugging for Function Module |
BUT_DNC | BP: Telephone Numbers of the 'Do Not Call' List |
BUT_DNC_OLD | BP: Telephone Numbers of the 'Do Not Call' List |
BUT000 | BP: General data I |
BUT000_BCS | Persistence of a BAS Address |
BUT001 | BP: General data II |
BUT010 | GP: old, do not use ==> BUT020 |
BUT020 | BP: Addresses |
BUT021 | BP: Address usages |
BUT030 | BP Where-Used List: Usages |
BUT030G | BP Where-Used List: Generic Nodes |
BUT030GT | BP Where-Used List: Generic Nodes, Text |
BUT030T | BP Object Usage: Application Table, Texts |
BUT050 | BP relationships/role definitions: General data |
BUT050_CD | BP Rel./Role Determination:Index Table for Change Doc.Access |
BUT051 | BP Relationship: Contact Person Relationship |
BUT052 | BP Relationship: Addresses |
BUT053 | BP Relationship: Company Interest |
BUT054 | BP Relationship (not used yet) |
BUT0BK | BP: Bank details |
BUT0BK_SHD | Shadow table for BUT0BK (IBAN only) |
BUT0CC | BP: Payment Cards |
BUT0ID | BP: ID Numbers |
BUT0IS | BP: Industries |
BUT0VP | BP: Business Partner Assignment and Links |
BUT100 | BP: Roles |
BUT150 | BP relationship: Attribute table (test different.type TBUKR) |
BUTADRSEARCH | Mass Search Help: Business Partner |
BUXPRA | Business Partner: XPRA Management Table |
T006E | System for Units of Measurement (Components, Mapping) |
T006EE | Systems for Units of Measurement (Entities) |
T006ET | Systems for Units of Measurement (Entities -> Texts) |
TB001 | BP groupings |
TB002 | BP grouping: Texts |
TB003 | BP Roles |
TB003A | BP role categories |
TB003B | BP role categories: Texts |
TB003C | BP Role Exclusion Groups |
TB003D | BP Role Exclusion Groups: Texts |
TB003E | BP Role Exclusion Groups -> BP Roles |
TB003F | BP Role Exclusion Groups: Permitted Transitions |
TB003G | BP Role Groupings |
TB003H | BP Role Groupings: Texts |
TB003I | BP Role Groupings -> BP Roles |
TB003J | BP Role Grouping Categories |
TB003K | BP Role Grouping Categories: Texts |
TB003T | BP Roles: Texts |
TB003V | BP Role Category -> Business Transaction |
TB004 | BP types |
TB004_2 | BP Types Part 2 |
TB004T | BP Types: Texts |
TB005 | BP data sources |
TB006 | BP data sources: Text |
TB008 | Assign BP Role -> BP Address Type |
TB008S | BP Address Determination Transactions |
TB008T | BP Address Determination Transactions: Texts |
TB008U | BP Address Determination Trans.->BP Address Type Assignment |
TB009 | BP address types |
TB010 | BP address types: Texts |
TB018 | BDT Object Usage: Variants |
TB018T | BDT Object Usage: Variants, Texts |
TB018V | BDT Object Usage: Variant Table |
TB019 | BP legal forms |
TB019A | BDT Object Usage: Assign Context-View Variant |
TB019AT | BDT Object Usage: Assign Context-View Variant |
TB020 | BP legal forms: Texts |
TB023 | BP industries (Obsolete ==> TB038A) |
TB024 | BP industries: Texts (Obsolete ==> TB038A) |
TB025 | BP group types |
TB026 | BP group types: Texts |
TB027 | BP marital status |
TB027T | BP marital status: Texts |
TB028 | Occupations |
TB028T | BP occupations/groups: Texts |
TB029 | BP legitimation types |
TB029T | BP legitimation types: Texts |
TB030 | BP authorization types |
TB030T | BP Authorization Types: Texts |
TB031 | BP Field Groups for Authorization |
TB032 | BP Legal Entity |
TB032T | BP Legal Entity: Texts |
TB036 | Authorization Group Objects |
TB036T | Authorization Group Objects: Texts |
TB037 | Authorization Groups |
TB037T | Authorization Groups: Texts |
TB038 | BP Industry Key Systems |
TB038A | BP Industry Key |
TB038B | BP Industry Key: Texts |
TB038T | BP Industry Key Systems: Texts |
TB039 | BP ID Categories |
TB039A | BP ID Types |
TB039B | BP ID Types: Texts |
TB039T | BP ID Categories: Texts |
TB040 | BDT: Database Tables of Evaluation |
TB040B | BDT: Link Tables for Indirect Join Relationships |
TB040F | BDT: Selection and Display Fields of Evaluation |
TB041 | BP: Entry Variants for Evaluation Generator |
TB041T | BP: Texts for Variants of Evaluation Generator |
TB044 | (Obsolete!) Business Partner Roles: Properties |
TB044T | (Obsolete!) Business Partner Roles: Properties, Texts |
TB045 | Business Partner: Filter Values for Variants Deletion Selecn |
TB045T | Business Partner: Texts for Variants Deletion Selection |
TB050 | Screen Config. (Obsolete from Second Edition VCT) |
TB050_S | Screen Configuration (Shadow Table) (Obsolete) |
TB052 | Obsolete |
TB053 | BP Mass Update Classes |
TB060 | BDT: Transaction Entry |
TB060R | BDT: Transaction Entry Via Search Screen for Object Parts |
TB102 | SAP BP Field Grouping, Client-Specific |
TB102_2 | SAP BP Field Grouping, Client-Dep. Field Group 1751 - 3500 |
TB103 | BDT: Field Grouping for each Object Part |
TB103_2 | BDT: Field Grouping per Object Part Part2 |
TB104 | BDT-Field grouping per external application |
TB104_2 | BDT Field Grouping per External Application Part 2 |
TB105 | BDT Field Grouping for each Activity Category |
TB105_2 | BDT Field Grouping per Activity Category Part 2 |
TB108 | Field Grouping BP Role |
TB109 | BDT Application Transactions for Appl. Object BUPA |
TB200 | BP Addresses: Seq. Numbers for Planned Commun. Data |
TB201 | BP: Scheduled Changes for each Role (Time-Dependency) |
TB210 | Business Partner: Assigned Objects (Entities) |
TB210A | Business Partner: Assigned Objects |
TB210T | Business Partner: Names of Assigned Objects |
TB300 | BP: Control for Reading Addresses via butadrsearch |
TB900 | Field grouping using BP relationship category |
TB901 | Business Partner Relationship Categories: Properties |
TB901T | Business Partner Roles: Properties, Texts |
TB905 | BP Relationship Types |
TB905T | BP Relationship Types: Texts |
TB910 | Contact person in standard departments |
TB911 | Contact person in standard departments: Texts |
TB912 | Positions of contact persons |
TB913 | Positions of contact person: Texts |
TB914 | Contact person authority |
TB915 | Contact person authority: Texts |
TB916 | Contact person VIP indicator |
TB917 | Contact person VIP indicator: Texts |
TB920 | BP Relationship Categories: Assign BP Role Cat. -> BP Roles |
TB930 | Business Partner: Marital Property Regime |
TB930T | Business Partner: Marital Property Regime: Texts |
TB990 | Differentiation Type Element Like Company Code |
TB990T | Differentiation Type Element Like Company Code: Texts |
TB991 | Differentiation Type Element Like Sales Organization |
TB991T | Differentiation Type Element Like Sales Organization: Texts |
TB992 | Diff. Type Element Like Distribution Channel |
TB992T | Diff. Type Element Like Distribution Channel: Texts |
TB993 | Differentiation Type Element Like Division |
TB993T | Diff. Type Element Like Division: Texts |
TB994 | Differentiation Type Like Sales Area |
TBCALLBY | Value table for Call By |
TBZ0 | BDT Object Parts |
TBZ0A | BDT Applications |
TBZ0B | BDT Applications: Texts |
TBZ0C | Assign BDT Object Part -> BDT Applications |
TBZ0D | BDT Differentiation Types |
TBZ0E | BDT Differentiation Types: Texts |
TBZ0F | Assign BDT Object Part -> BDT Views |
TBZ0G | BDT Object Part Grouping |
TBZ0H | BDT Object Part Grouping: Texts |
TBZ0I | Assign BDT Object Part Grouping-> BDT Object Parts |
TBZ0J | Assign BDT Object Part Grouping -> BDT Screen Sequences |
TBZ0K | BDT Activity Categories |
TBZ0L | BDT Activity Categories: Texts |
TBZ0M | BDT Activities |
TBZ0N | BDT Activities: Texts |
TBZ0O | BDT Field Grouping for Each Activity (Control) |
TBZ0O_2 | BDT Field Grouping per Activity (Control) Part 2 |
TBZ0Q | BDT Data Sets |
TBZ0R | BDT Data Sets: Texts |
TBZ0S | BDT Object Part -> BDT Data Sets Assignment |
TBZ0T | BDT Object Parts: Texts |
TBZ0U | Assign BDT Object Part -> BDT Screen Sequences |
TBZ1 | BDT Application Objects |
TBZ1A | BDT Events |
TBZ1B | BDT Events: Texts |
TBZ1C | Assign BDT Screen Fields -> BDT Database Fields |
TBZ1D | BDT Setting Transactions |
TBZ1E | BDT Application Transactions |
TBZ1F | Assign BDT Events -> Function Modules |
TBZ1G | Assign BDT Application Object-> BDT Differentiation Type |
TBZ1H | BDT Tables |
TBZ1I | BDT-External applications |
TBZ1J | BDT-External applications: Texts |
TBZ1K | Assign BDT Direct Input Fields -> BDT Database Fields |
TBZ1T | BDT Application Objects: Texts |
TBZ3 | BDT Screen Sequences |
TBZ3A | BDT Screens |
TBZ3A_GEN | BDT Screens to be Regenerated |
TBZ3A_TD | BDT Screens Subscreen Containers |
TBZ3B | BDT Screens: Texts |
TBZ3C | BDT Sections |
TBZ3D | BDT Sections: Texts |
TBZ3E | BDT Views |
TBZ3F | BDT Views: Texts |
TBZ3G | BDT-Views: Further checks |
TBZ3H | Assign BDT Section -> BDT View |
TBZ3I | Assign BDT Screen -> BDT Sections |
TBZ3J | BDT: Field Groups Additional FMOD2 Modules |
TBZ3K | Assign BDT Screen Sequence -> BDT Screen |
TBZ3L | BDT-Screen Sequence Categories |
TBZ3M | BDT-Screen Sequence Categories: Texts |
TBZ3N | BDT-Screen Sequence Category -> BDT-Screen Seq. Assignment |
TBZ3O | BDT Field Grouping Criteria: Texts |
TBZ3P | BP field grouping: BP cat. |
TBZ3P_2 | BP Field Grouping: BP Category Part 2 |
TBZ3Q | BDT Field Grouping Criteria |
TBZ3R | Assign BDT Field Group -> BDT Field |
TBZ3R_BD | Assign BDT Field Group -> BAPI Fields |
TBZ3R_C | Assign BDT Field Group -> BDT Field |
TBZ3S | Assign BDT View -> BDT Field Groups |
TBZ3T | BDT Screen Sequence Variants: Texts |
TBZ3U | BDT Screen Containers |
TBZ3V | BDT Screen Containers: Texts |
TBZ3W | BDT Field Groups |
TBZ3X | BDT Field Groups: Texts |
TBZ3Y | BDT Field Grouping: Link Rules for Same Objects |
TBZ3Y_01 | BDT Field Grouping: Link rules for Different Objects |
TBZ3Z | BDT Field Grouping: Link Rules with Activity |
TBZ4 | BDT GUI Functions |
TBZ4A | BDT GUI Functions: Active for Each View |
TBZ4B | BDT GUI Functions: Active per View/Screen Seq.Variant (Obs) |
TBZ4C | BDT-GUI Functions: Active per View/Screen Sequence Cat. |
TBZ4T | BDT GUI Functions: Texts |
TBZ5 | BDT: Where-Used List - Structure Table |
TBZ5A | BDT Object Usage: Assign Context-View Variant |
TBZ5AT | BDT Object Usage: Assign Context-View Variant |
TBZ5B | BDT Where-Used List: Application Objects |
TBZ5BT | BDT Where-Used List: Application Object Texts |
TBZ5D | BDT Setting Transactions |
TBZ5E | BDT Object Usage: Variants |
TBZ5ET | BDT Object Usage: Variants, Texts |
TBZ5F | BDT Object Usage: Variant Table |
TBZ5S | BDT: Where-Used List - Transport Shadow Table |
TBZ5T | BDT: Where-Used List - Structure Texts |
TBZ6 | BDT: VCT Usages |
TBZ6S | BDT: VCT Usages (Shadow Table) |
TBZ9 | BP relationship categories |
TBZ9_CD | BPR: Control for Reading Change Documents for Relationships |
TBZ9A | BP Relationship Categories: Texts |
TBZ9B | BP relationship cat. -> resp. BP application allocation |
TBZ9C | BDT Differentiation Type Elements |
TBZ9D | BDT Differentiation Type Elements: Texts |
TBZ9E | Assign BDT Differentiation Type -> BDT Diff.Type Element |
TBZ9F | BPR: Generic diff.type element per relationship category |
TBZ9G | BP Relationship Category->Dyn. Text f. Relationship Overview |
TBZ9H | BP Relationships: Assign Rel. Category to Database Tables |
TBZ9I | BP relationship cat -> calling application allocation |
TBZ9J | BP relationship cat. -> BP view allocation |
TBZS1 | BDT Search Help: Tables with Alias Names |
TBZS2 | BDT Search Help: Join Conditions |
TBZS3 | BDT Search Help: Views |
TBZS4 | BDT Search Help: Search Fields |
TBZS5 | BDT Search Help: Tree of Tables Containing Search Fields |
SAP Package BUPA contains 184 views.
BDT_VARNR_VARTP | BDT: Screen Sequences for a Screen Sequence Category |
BDT_VARTP_XRLTP | BDT: Screen Sequence Categories Supporting Divisibility |
BUPA_IDTYPE_GRP | SAP BP: ID Types for Groups |
BUPA_IDTYPE_ORG | SAP BP: ID Types for Organizations |
BUPA_IDTYPE_PRS | SAP BP: ID Types for Persons |
H_BUPA_ROLE | View for Searching for Business Partners via Role |
H_BUPAI | Help View for Search Help BUPA-I(BP According to ID Numbers) |
H_TB001 | Help View for Tabelle TB0001 (Groupings) |
H_TB003 | Help View for Search Help BUPAR (Partner by BP Role) |
H_TB003E | Help View for Tabel TB003E (BP Role Exclusion Gr.->BP Roles) |
H_TB005 | Data Origin |
H_TB019 | Help View for Table TB019 (BP Legal Forms) |
H_TB023 | Help View for Table TB023 (BP Industries) |
H_TB025 | Help View for Table TB025 (BP Group Types) |
H_TB030 | Authorization Types |
H_TB031 | Authorization-Relevant Field Groups |
H_TJ21_BUS | Help View 'Status for Object Type' |
M_BUPA_EXIT | Read BP Number in Search BAPI with Authorization Group |
M_BUPAA | Generated view for matchcode ID BUPA -A |
M_BUPAA_DUMMY | Generated View for Matchcode ID BUPA -A |
M_BUPAA_VERS | Generated View for Matchcode ID BUPA -A |
M_BUPAA_VERSC | Generated View for Address Search, Organizations -A |
M_BUPAA_VERSP | Generated View for Matchcode ID BUPA -A |
M_BUPAB | Generated view for matchcode ID BUPA -B |
M_BUPAG | Dummy Selection Method for Search Help BUPAG |
M_BUPAI | View for Search Help BUPA-I (BP by Identification Number) |
M_BUPAP | Generated View for Matchcode ID BUPA -P |
M_BUPAR | Generated View for Matchcode ID BUPA -R |
TBZ3R_S_E | BDT Search Help: Search Fields |
V_ADRC_WRITE | Projection View for Writing Address Transfer to Addr.Cat.2 |
V_ADRC_WRITE_PER | Proj.View for Writing Address Transfer to Addr.Cat.2 Person |
V_BUPA_ROLE | SAP BP: Search Help View for Roles |
V_BUPAEXST | View of but000 for PD-Org-Link |
V_BUT000_GUID | BP: View for Reading PARTNER_GUID |
V_BUT000_READ | Projection View for Reading Address Transfer to Addr.Cat.2 |
V_BUT000_WRITE | Projection View for Writing Address Transfer to Addr.Cat.2 |
V_T006E | System for Units of Measurement |
V_T006EE | Systems for Units of Measurement (Entities) |
V_TB001 | BP groupings |
V_TB003 | BP Roles |
V_TB003A | BP Role Categories |
V_TB003C | BP Role Exclusion Groups |
V_TB003E | BP Role Exclusion Groups -> BP Roles |
V_TB003F | BP Role Exclusion Groups: Permitted Transitions |
V_TB003G | BP Role Groupings |
V_TB003I | BP Role Groupings -> BP Roles |
V_TB003J | BP Role Grouping Categories |
V_TB003V | BP Role Category -> Business Transaction |
V_TB004 | Business Partner Types |
V_TB004_01 | Field Grpng: Partner Type |
V_TB004_2 | Field Grpng: Partner Type |
V_TB005 | Business Partner Data Origin |
V_TB008 | Assign BP Role -> Address Type |
V_TB008S | Transactions for BP Address Determination |
V_TB008U | Transn for BP Address Determin -> BP Address Type Assignment |
V_TB018 | BDT Where-Used List: View of Variants |
V_TB019A | Customizing Where-Used List: Assign Transaction -> View |
V_TB030 | Authorization Types |
V_TB031 | Field Groups for Authoriztn |
V_TB036 | Authorization Group Objects |
V_TB037 | Authorization Groups |
V_TB038 | Industry System |
V_TB038A | Industry |
V_TB039 | Identification Categories |
V_TB039A | Identification Types |
V_TB040 | BP: Evaluation Tables |
V_TB040F | BP: Evaluation Fields |
V_TB044 | (Obsolete!) Properties of Business Partner Roles |
V_TB053 | Class Maintenance for BP Mass Changes |
V_TB060R | Note View for Role Category |
V_TB102 | Field Grouping Client-Wide |
V_TB102_2 | Field Grouping Client-Wide |
V_TB103 | Field Grouping Object Part |
V_TB103_2 | Field Grouping Object Part |
V_TB104 | Field grouping external application |
V_TB104_2 | Field grouping external application |
V_TB105 | Field Grouping Activity |
V_TB105_2 | Field Grouping Activity |
V_TB105_BUPR | Field Grouping for BP Relationships via Activity |
V_TB108 | Field Grouping BP Role |
V_TB109 | SAP BP: Application Transactions |
V_TB210 | Business Partner: Assigned Objects |
V_TB900 | Field grouping: BP relationship cat. |
V_TB900_RF | Field grouping: BP role definition category |
V_TB901 | Properties of Business Partner Relationship Categories |
V_TB901_1 | Creation of Change Documents for BP Relationship Cat.s(ARCH) |
V_TB901_RF | Properties of Business Partner Role Determination Categories |
V_TB905 | BP Relationship Types |
V_TB905_RF | BP Role Definition Types |
V_TBZ0 | Object parts |
V_TBZ0_01 | Screen Layout |
V_TBZ0A | Applications |
V_TBZ0C | Assign Object Part -> Calling Application |
V_TBZ0D | Differentiation Types |
V_TBZ0F | Assign Object Part -> Views |
V_TBZ0G | Object Part Grouping |
V_TBZ0I | Assign Object Part -> Object Part Grouping |
V_TBZ0J | Assign Object Part Grouping --> Screen Sequences |
V_TBZ0M | Activities |
V_TBZ0O | Field Grouping Activities |
V_TBZ0O_2 | Field Grouping Activities |
V_TBZ0Q | Data Sets |
V_TBZ0S | Assign Object Part -> Data Sets |
V_TBZ0U | Assign Object Part --> Screen Sequences |
V_TBZ1 | Application Obj. |
V_TBZ1_SEARCH | BDT Search Help: Configuration |
V_TBZ1A | Events |
V_TBZ1A_RO | Events (read only) |
V_TBZ1C | Assign Screen Fields -> Database Fields |
V_TBZ1D | Assign Application Object -> Setting Transactions |
V_TBZ1E | Application transactions |
V_TBZ1F | Assign Event -> Function Module |
V_TBZ1G | Assign Appl.Object to Diff. Types |
V_TBZ1H | Tables |
V_TBZ1I | External applications |
V_TBZ1K | Assign Direct Input Fields -> Database Fields |
V_TBZ3 | Screen sequences |
V_TBZ3A | Screens |
V_TBZ3A_01 | Assign Screen->Screen Container |
V_TBZ3A_GEN | Screens to be Regenerated |
V_TBZ3A_TD1 | Assign Screens to Subscreen Containers |
V_TBZ3C | Sections |
V_TBZ3E | Views |
V_TBZ3G | Views: Further checks |
V_TBZ3H | Assign Section -> Views |
V_TBZ3I | Assign Screen -> Sections |
V_TBZ3J | BDT: Additional Function Modules for Field Modification |
V_TBZ3K | Assign Screen Sequence -> Screen |
V_TBZ3L | Screen Sequence Categories |
V_TBZ3N | Assign Screen Sequence Category -> Screen Sequences |
V_TBZ3P | Field grouping using BP cat. |
V_TBZ3P_2 | Field grouping using BP cat. |
V_TBZ3Q | Field Grouping Criteria |
V_TBZ3R | Assign Fields -> Field Groups |
V_TBZ3R_BD | SAP BP: Assign BAPI Fields --> Field Groups |
V_TBZ3R_C | BDT Search Help: Search Fields |
V_TBZ3R_SEARCH | BDT Search Help: Search Fields |
V_TBZ3R_SEARCH_C | BDT Search Help: Search Fields-Maint.Selectivity and TrLPos |
V_TBZ3S | Assign View -> Field Groups |
V_TBZ3W | Field Groups |
V_TBZ4 | GUI Standard Functions |
V_TBZ4_01 | GUI Additional Functions |
V_TBZ4A | GUI Standard Functions: Active per View |
V_TBZ4A_01 | GUI Additional Functions: Active per View |
V_TBZ4B | GUI Standard Functions: Active per View/Scr.Seq.Var. (Obs.) |
V_TBZ4B_01 | GUI Add. Functions: Active per View/ScrnSeqVar. (Obsolete) |
V_TBZ4C | GUI Standard Functions: Active per View/Scrn Seq Cat |
V_TBZ4C_01 | GUI Additional Functions: Active per View/Scrn Seq Cat |
V_TBZ5 | BDT Object Usage: View of Structure Table |
V_TBZ5A | Where-Used List: Assign Transaction --> View |
V_TBZ5B | BDT Where-Used List: Application Objects |
V_TBZ5D | Assgnmnt Appl.Obj. Where-Used List -> Setting Transactions |
V_TBZ5E | Where-Used List: Views |
V_TBZ5S | BDT: Shadow Table for Transport Link Where-Used List |
V_TBZ6S | VCT: Where-Used List (Shadow Table) |
V_TBZ9 | Relationship Categories |
V_TBZ9_RF | Role definition categories |
V_TBZ9B | Allocate relationship cat. -> responsible application |
V_TBZ9B_RF | Allocate role definition category -> responsible application |
V_TBZ9E | Assign Differentiation Type -> Diff.Type Element |
V_TBZ9F | Generic diff.type element per relationship cat. |
V_TBZ9F_RF | Generic diff.type element per role definition category |
V_TBZ9G | Assign Relationship Category -> Text Function Module |
V_TBZ9G_RF | Assign Role Definition Category -> Text Function Module |
V_TBZ9H_API | Relationships: Assignment of Rel. Category, Tables and APIs |
V_TBZ9I | Allocate relationship cat. -> calling application |
V_TBZ9I_RF | Allocate role definition category -> calling application |
V_TBZ9J | Allocate relationship cat. -> views |
V_TBZ9J_RF | Allocate role definition category -> Views |
V_TBZ9K | BP Relationship Categories: Assign BP Role Cat. -> BP Roles |
V_TBZS1 | BDT Search Help: Table Alias Names (Internal Usage) |
V_TBZS2 | BDT Search Help: Join Connections |
V_TBZS3 | BDT Search Help: View Alias Names (Internal Usage) |
V_TBZS5 | BDT Search Help: Tree of Tables Containing Search Fields |
VTB044_BP | Properties of Business Partner Roles |
VV_TB030_BP | Authorization Types |
VV_TB031_BP | Field Groups for Authorization |
VV_TB031_BZ | Field Groups for Authorization |
VV_TB037_BUPA | Authorization Groups |
VV_TB044_BP | Properties of Business Partner Roles |
VV_TB060R_BP | Note View for Role Category |
VV_TB103_2_BP | Field Grouping Object Part |
VV_TB105_2_BP | Field Grouping Activity |
VV_TBZ5E_BP | Where-Used List: Views |
SAP Package BUPA contains 561 structures.
BAPI_BNK_ATRBT | BP: BAPI Transfer Structure BP Bank Details |
BAPI_BNK_ATRBT_DI | CBP: BAPI Transfer Structure BP Bank Details |
BAPI_BNK_ATRBT_DI_X | CBP: BAPI Transfer Structure BP Bank Details Update Bar |
BAPI_BP_ADDR | BP: BAPI Transfer Structure BP Addresses |
BAPI_BP_ADDR_DATA | BAPI Structure ADRC Attributes Without Name Fields |
BAPI_BP_ADDR_DI | BAPI Structure Address Data for Business Partner/Obsolete |
BAPI_BP_ADDR_DI_X | BAPI Structure Address Data for Business Partner Update Bar |
BAPI_BP_ADDR_USE | BP: BAPI Transfer Structure BP Address Usage |
BAPI_BP_ADDR_USE_DI | CBP: BAPI Structure Address Usage |
BAPI_BP_ADDR_USE_DI_X | CBP: BAPI Structure Address Usage Update Bar |
BAPI_BP_ATRBUT_1 | BP: BAPI Transfer Structure BP Attribute Part 1 |
BAPI_BP_ATRBUT_1_X | BP: BAPI Transfer Structure BP Attribute Part 1 Update Bar |
BAPI_BP_ATRBUT_2 | BP: BAPI Transfer Structure BP Attribute Part 2 |
BAPI_BP_ATRBUT_2_X | BP: BAPI Transfer Structure BP Attribute Part 2 Update Bar |
BAPI_BP_ROLE | BP: BAPI Transfer Structure BP Roles |
BAPI_BP_SYST_REFERENCE | BAPI Transfer Structure System Reference |
BAPI_BUPA_EMPLOYEES | HR Employee Number |
BAPI_CCA_ATRBT | BP: BAPI Transfer Structure BP Payment Cards |
BAPI_CCA_ATRBT_DI | BP: BAPI Transfer Structure BP Payment Cards |
BAPI_CCA_ATRBT_DI_X | BP: BAPI Transfer Structure BP Payment Cards Update Bar |
BAPIBUS1006_AD_REM | BP: Address Data - Remarks |
BAPIBUS1006_AD1VD | BP: Address Data, National Version - Organization/Group |
BAPIBUS1006_AD2VD | BP: Address Data National Version for Persons |
BAPIBUS1006_ADDR_KEY | BAPI Structure with Address Number and GUID |
BAPIBUS1006_ADDR_SEARCH | BAPI Structure for Searching for Address Attributes |
BAPIBUS1006_ADDR_USAGE_W_KEY | BP: Address Use |
BAPIBUS1006_ADDRESS | SAP BP: BAPI Structure for Address Data |
BAPIBUS1006_ADDRESS_DUPLICATES | SAP BP: Return Structure for Address Duplicates in the BAPI |
BAPIBUS1006_ADDRESS_VALIDITY | Address Validity Intervals |
BAPIBUS1006_ADDRESS_VALIDITY_X | Address Validity Intervals Update Bar |
BAPIBUS1006_ADDRESS_W_KEY | SAP BP: BAPI Structure for Address Data |
BAPIBUS1006_ADDRESS_W_KEY_X | SAP BP: BAPI Structure for Address Data |
BAPIBUS1006_ADDRESS_X | SAP BP: BAPI Structure for Address Data, Update Bar |
BAPIBUS1006_ADDRESSES | SAP BP: BAPI Structure for Addresses |
BAPIBUS1006_ADDRESSES_INT | SAP BP: Internal BAPI Structure for Addresses |
BAPIBUS1006_ADDRESSUSAGE | SAP BP: BAPI Structure for Address Usages |
BAPIBUS1006_ADDRESSUSAGE_X | SAP BP: BAPI Structure for Address Usages, Update Bar |
BAPIBUS1006_ADFAX | BP: Address Data - Fax |
BAPIBUS1006_ADFAXX | Change BAPI Reference Business Partner: Address Data - Fax |
BAPIBUS1006_ADPAG | BP: Address Data - Pager |
BAPIBUS1006_ADPRT | Business Partner: Adress Data PRT |
BAPIBUS1006_ADPRTX | Change BAPI Reference Business Partner: Address Data PRT |
BAPIBUS1006_ADRFC | Business Partner: Address Data RFC |
BAPIBUS1006_ADRFCX | Change BAPI Reference Business Partner: Address Data RFC |
BAPIBUS1006_ADRML | Business Partner: Address Data RML |
BAPIBUS1006_ADRMLX | Change BAPI Reference Business Partner: Address Data RML |
BAPIBUS1006_ADSMTP | BP: Address Data - E-Mail |
BAPIBUS1006_ADSMTX | Change BAPI Reference Business Partner: Address Data - Email |
BAPIBUS1006_ADSSF | Business Partner: Address Data SSF |
BAPIBUS1006_ADSSFX | Change BAPI Reference Business Partner: Address Data SSF |
BAPIBUS1006_ADTEL | BP: Address Data - Telephone |
BAPIBUS1006_ADTELX | Change BAPI Reference Bus. Partner: Address Data - Telephone |
BAPIBUS1006_ADTLX | BP: Address Data - Telex |
BAPIBUS1006_ADTLXX | Change BAPI Reference Business Partner: Address Data - Telex |
BAPIBUS1006_ADTTX | BP: Address Data - Teletex |
BAPIBUS1006_ADTTXX | Change BAPI Reference Bus. Partner: Address Data - Teletex |
BAPIBUS1006_ADURI | Business Partner: Address Data URI |
BAPIBUS1006_ADURIX | Change BAPI Reference Business Partner: Address Data URI |
BAPIBUS1006_ADUSECOM | Business Partner: Address Use for Communication Data |
BAPIBUS1006_ADX400 | Business Partner: Address Data X.400 |
BAPIBUS1006_ADX40X | Change BAPI Reference Business Partner: Address Data X.400 |
BAPIBUS1006_BANKDETAIL | SAP BP: BAPI Structure for Bank Details Data |
BAPIBUS1006_BANKDETAIL_EXT | Bank Details Data for Partners with Bank Name, and So On |
BAPIBUS1006_BANKDETAIL_X | SAP BP: BAPI Structure for Bank Details Data, Update Bar |
BAPIBUS1006_BANKDETAILS | SAP BP: BAPI Structure for Bank Details |
BAPIBUS1006_BP_ADDR | BAPI Structure with Business Partner/Address Numbers |
BAPIBUS1006_BPR_ADDR | BAPI Structure with Business Partner/Address Numbers |
BAPIBUS1006_BPROLE_VALIDITY | SAP BP: BAPI Structure for Validity of a BP Role Cat. DATS |
BAPIBUS1006_BPROLE_VALIDITY_X | SAP BP: BAPI, Validity of a BP Role Category DATS Update Bar |
BAPIBUS1006_BPROLES | SAP BP: BAPI Structure for BP Roles |
BAPIBUS1006_BUSINESSPARTNER | SAP BP: BAPI Structure with Business Partner Number |
BAPIBUS1006_CENTRAL | General BP Data, Independent of Business Partner Category |
BAPIBUS1006_CENTRAL_GROUP | SAP BP: BAPI Structure for Group Data |
BAPIBUS1006_CENTRAL_GROUP_X | SAP BP: BAPI Structure for Group Data, Update Bar |
BAPIBUS1006_CENTRAL_GRP_X | SAP BP: BAPI Structure for Group Data, Update Bar |
BAPIBUS1006_CENTRAL_INFO | SAP BP: BAPI Structure for Central Data |
BAPIBUS1006_CENTRAL_ORG_X | SAP BP: BAPI Structure for Organization Data, Update Bar |
BAPIBUS1006_CENTRAL_ORGAN | SAP BP: BAPI Structure for Organization Data |
BAPIBUS1006_CENTRAL_ORGAN_X | SAP BP: BAPI Structure for Organization Data, Update Bar |
BAPIBUS1006_CENTRAL_PERS_X | SAP BP: BAPI Structure for Personal Data, Update Bar |
BAPIBUS1006_CENTRAL_PERSON | SAP BP: BAPI Structure for Personal Data |
BAPIBUS1006_CENTRAL_PERSON_X | SAP BP: BAPI Structure for Personal Data, Update Bar |
BAPIBUS1006_CENTRAL_SEARCH | BAPI Structure for Search for Central Data |
BAPIBUS1006_CENTRAL_X | SAP BP: BAPI Structure for Central Data, Update Bar |
BAPIBUS1006_COMM | BAPI Interface Structure for Communication Methods |
BAPIBUS1006_COMPANY_ADDR | Company Address of a Business Partner (Category 1) |
BAPIBUS1006_COMREM | BP: Address Data - Remarks on Communication Types |
BAPIBUS1006_CONTACT | BP: BAPI Structure for GetList BAPI |
BAPIBUS1006_CONTACT_ADDR | Contact Person Address of a Business Partner (Category 3) |
BAPIBUS1006_CONTACTPARTNER | SAP BP: BAPI Structure for Contact Person Relationship Data |
BAPIBUS1006_CRM_JEST_GET | BAPI Transfer Structure: Business Partner Status (Read) |
BAPIBUS1006_CRM_JEST_SET | BAPI Transfer Structure: Business Partner Status (Read) |
BAPIBUS1006_FAX_DATA | BAPI Interface Structure for Fax Numbers |
BAPIBUS1006_HEAD | BP: BAPI transfer structure BP header data |
BAPIBUS1006_ID_DETAILS | SAP BP: BAPI Structure for ID Number Details |
BAPIBUS1006_IDENTIFICATION | SAP BP: BAPI Structure for Identification Numbers |
BAPIBUS1006_IDENTIFICATION_KEY | SAP BP: BAPI Structure for ID Numbers/Keys |
BAPIBUS1006_IDENTIFICATION_X | SAP BP: BAPI Structure for Identification Number: Update Bar |
BAPIBUS1006_INDUSTRYSECTOR | SAP BP: BAPI Structure for Industries |
BAPIBUS1006_INDUSTRYSECTOR_X | SAP BP: BAPI Structure for Industries, Update Bar |
BAPIBUS1006_KEY | BP: BAPI Transfer Structure BP Key Data |
BAPIBUS1006_OTHER_DATA | Other parameters |
BAPIBUS1006_PARTNERGUID | SAP BP: Transfer Structure for Partner GUID |
BAPIBUS1006_PAYMENTCARD | SAP BP: BAPI Structure for Payment Cards Data |
BAPIBUS1006_PAYMENTCARDS | SAP BP: BAPI Structure for Payment Cards |
BAPIBUS1006_PCARD_DATA | SAP BP: BAPI Structure for Payment Card Details |
BAPIBUS1006_PCARD_DATA_X | SAP BP: BAPI Structure for Payment Card Details |
BAPIBUS1006_PCARD_DETAILS | SAP BP: BAPI Structure for Payment Card Details |
BAPIBUS1006_PERSONAL_ADDR | Personal Address of a Business Partner (Category 2) |
BAPIBUS1006_RELATIONS | SAP BP: BAPI Structure for BP Relationships |
BAPIBUS1006_RELATIONSHIP | SAP BP, Gen.Relship: BAPI Structure f.General Relship Data |
BAPIBUS1006_RELHEAD | Business Partner Relationships Header Data (BAPI) |
BAPIBUS1006_ROLES | SAP BP: BAPI Structure for BP Roles |
BAPIBUS1006_VALIDITY | Validity Date for Business Partner Data |
BAPIBUS1006_VALIDITY_X | Fields Time-Dependency of BP Data Update Toolbar |
BAPIBUS1006_X | SAPBP: BAPI Structure for Checkbox |
BAPIBUS1006002_ADDR_DUPLICATES | SAP BP: Return Struc. for Relship Address Duplicates in BAPI |
BAPIBUS1006002_ADDRESS | SAP BP, CP Rel.: BAPI Structure for Address Data |
BAPIBUS1006002_ADDRESS_X | SAP BP, CP Rel.: BAPI Structure for Address Data, Update Bar |
BAPIBUS1006002_ADDRESSES | SAP BP, CP Rel.: BAPI Structure for Addresses |
BAPIBUS1006002_ADDRESSES_I | SAP BP, CP Rel.: BAPI Structure for Addresses |
BAPIBUS1006002_CENTRAL | SAP BP, CP Rel.: BAPI Structure for Central Data |
BAPIBUS1006002_CENTRAL_X | SAP BP, CP Rel.: BAPI Structure for Central Data, Update Bar |
BAPIBUS1006002_HEADER | BP: BAPI Transfer Structure Header Data of BP Relationships |
BAPIBUS1006006_CENTRAL | SAP BP: BAPI Structure for Shareholder Relationship |
BAPIBUS1006006_CENTRAL_X | SAP BP: BAPI Structure for Shareholder Relship, Update Bar |
BBUT020 | Change Document Structure, Generated by RSSCD000 |
BBUT021 | Change Document Structure, Generated by RSSCD000 |
BBUT021_FS | Change Document Structure, Generated by RSSCD000 |
BDT_ADD_FUNCS | BDT: Additional Functions |
BDT_CHECK_MESSAGES | BDT: Message Structure for Check Modules |
BDT_DDSTRUCT | Fields of a Table/Structure |
BDT_EXCLUDE_OBJECT | Structure of Exclusion List with DSAVC |
BDT_FUNCTION_QUEUE | Queue of all FCodes |
BDT_HIGHLIGHTED | Field to be Highlighted (Independent of Message Handler) |
BDT_INSTANCE | Data for BDT Instance |
BDT_OBJAP | Container for Application Objects (BDT Administration) |
BDT_PARAMS | BDT Parameters |
BDT_TBZ3_EXT | TBZ3 Enhanced By Several Fields |
BDT_TBZ3A_EXT | TBZ3A Enhanced By Several Fields |
BDT_TBZ3A_EXT_01 | TBZ3A Enhanced By Several Fields |
BDT_TBZ3K_EXT | TBZ3K Enhanced By Several Fields |
BDT_TEST_BUT000_FIELDS | Collection of Several BUT000 Fields |
BDT_VARI_FUNCS | Variable Function Buttons |
BDT_VCTUSEID | Table BDT Usages Key |
BDT00TSTXT | Texts for Tabs (Template) |
BDT01TSTXT | Texts for Tabs (Instance 1) |
BDT02TSTXT | Texts for Tabs (Instance 2) |
BDT03TSTXT | Texts for Tabs (Instance 3) |
BDT04TSTXT | Texts for Tabs (Template) |
BDT05TSTXT | Texts for Tabs (Template) |
BDTTREEITEM | Structure Item for Tree Control in BDT |
BDTTREEUNODE | Update Structure for |
BUDIFFELEMVALUE | Differentiation Type with its Elements |
BUDTELEM | Row Type for Differentiation Element Value |
BUP_ADDR_KEYNR_ACTION | Structure with Reference Key Fields and Address Type |
BUP_AUGR_RANGE | Range for Authorization Groups |
BUP_BPROLE | SAP BP: BP Role, BP Role Cat., Diff.Type Value and Validity |
BUP_FIELDSMASK | SAP BP: Structure for masking fields. |
BUP_MASK_FIELDS | SAP BP: Structure used for the BAdI BUPA_ MASK_LIST_ITEM |
BUP_PARTNER_RANGE | Range for Partner Number |
BUP_PARTNERROLEGROUPINGS | SAP BP: BP Role Grouping Categories and BP Role Groupings |
BUP_PARTNERROLES | SAP BP: BP Role, BP Role Cat., Diff.Type Value and Validity |
BUP_RELATIONSHIP_SEARCH | SAP BP: Search Help Structure Search for BP by Relationships |
BUP_ROLE_TITL | SAP BP: BP Role and Title |
BUPA_ADDR_SEARCH | Internal Structure for Search for Address Attributes |
BUPA_ADDRNUMGUID | Business Partner |
BUPA_BPEXT | Structure with Category BU_BPEXT |
BUPA_DATA_ALL | Structure with BUT000 Data, ADDR1 + ADDR2 + comm. data |
BUPA_GEOD | Longitude and Latitude for a BP Address |
BUPA_PARTNER | Structure with Category BU_PARTNER |
BUPA_PERSNUMBER | Structure with Category AD_PERSNUM |
BUPA_SEARCH_FIELDS_LONG_ORGAN | Search Fields (Long) for Organizations (Upper/Lowercase) |
BUPA_SEARCH_FIELDS_LONG_PERSON | Search Fields (Long) for Persons (Upper/Lowercase) |
BUPA_STATUS_GET | Business Partner Status (Read) |
BUPR_BUS_LOG_CONTEXT_REL | CBP: Context for Application Log Durinig EURO Conversion |
BUPR_CURRENCY_ALV_SELECT | CBP: Output Structure f. ALV During EURO Convern in Rel.s |
BUPSELALIAS | Transfer structure selection options Changed by (User name) |
BUR_DI | BPR: Transfer Structure (Direct Input) |
BUR_DI_EXT | BPR: Direct Input Transfer Structure (Program-Internal) |
BURHDR_DI | BPR: Header Data (Direct Input) |
BURS_ADDR | BPR: Address for a Relationship |
BURS_BPARTNER_DATA | Business Partner Data for Hierarchy and Net Plan Graphic |
BURS_BUT053_DI | BPR: Company Interest - Direct Input Structure |
BURS_BUT053_FLDS | BPR: Company Interest - Work Fields |
BURS_BUT053_WA | BPR: Company Interest - Work Area with Status Information |
BURS_COMPANY_DAT | Company Interest: Data |
BURS_CONTP_HOURS_DAT | SAP BP: BUT051-Update Structure for Business Hours |
BURS_DEPARTMENT_RANGE | SAP BP: Range Structure for Contact Person Department |
BURS_FUNCTION_RANGE | SAP BP: Range Structure for Contact Person Function |
BURS_PRTNRSHP_DAT | BP Relationship Company/Partnership: Data |
BURS_RELATION_DATA | Business Partner Relationship Data |
BURS_RELATSHP_KEY | Key Structure Relationships for BADI |
BURS_RELTYP_AND_PARTNERS | Relationship Category and Partner of a Relationship |
BURS_VIP_RANGE | SAP BP: Range Structure for VIP Indicator |
BURS_WHEREUSED_ADDRESS | Where-Used List BP Relationship Addresses:Transfer Structure |
BUS_ACTION_RANGE | Action Indicator in Range Format |
BUS_ADDR_ALL | BP: Business Partner Addresses (incl.Relationship Addresses) |
BUS_ADDR_COM | CBP: Work Structure |
BUS_ADDR_FAX | CBP: Work Structure |
BUS_ADDR_SMTP | CBP: Work Structure |
BUS_ADDR_TEL | CBP: Work Structure |
BUS_ADDRCOMM | BP: Transfer Structure f. Addr. No. f. Addr.-Ind. Comm. Data |
BUS_ADDRCP | Address Data for Contact Person |
BUS_ADDRESS | Address Data |
BUS_ADDRHANDLE_RANGE | BP: Address Handle in Range Format |
BUS_ADDRNUM1 | Address and Communication Data (Output Part 1) |
BUS_ADDRNUM2 | Address and Communication Data (Input Part 2) |
BUS_ADDRNUM3 | Address and Communication Data (Output Part 2) |
BUS_ADDRNUMBER | Business Partner |
BUS_ADDRNUMBER_GUID | Business Partner |
BUS_ADDRNUMBER_RANGE | Address Number in Range Format |
BUS_ADMIN_INFO | BP Management Data for Instances of Sub-Objects |
BUS_ADRML | Remote Mail Data |
BUS_ADRNR | BP: Address no.s |
BUS_ADSMTP | E-Mail Data |
BUS_ADTEL | Telephone Data |
BUS_ADTLX | Telex Data |
BUS_ADTTX | Teletex Data |
BUS_ARCH_PARTNER | CBP: Archiving Indicator |
BUS_AS_ALL_FIELDS | Business Partner: Fields of the Field Catalog (for Search) |
BUS_BAPI | SAP BP: Reference Structure for BAPIs and Internal FMs |
BUS_BUPA_INDUSTRY_SECTORS | Work Structure for Dialog |
BUS_CHANGE_INFO | Management Data for Data Records of a Table |
BUS_CLIENT_RANGE | BDT: Clients (Range) |
BUS_CONTEXT | Transfer Structure for Where-Used List Processes |
BUS_CRM_JEST | Transfer Structure for UI Status |
BUS_DI | BP: Transfer structure (direct input) |
BUS_DI_EXT | CBP: Direct Input Transfer Structure (Intern. Progr.) |
BUS_DIALOG_ISDAT_PARAMETERS | BP Dialog: ISDAT Parameter Structure for BDT Applications |
BUS_DNC_CUST | BP: Structure for Editing the 'Do Not Call' List |
BUS_DNC_KEY | BP: Key Fields for Business Partner Objects |
BUS_DYNID_RANGE | BDT: Screens (Range) |
BUS_FIELD | Structure: View -> Field Group Element |
BUS_GEODATA | Longitude and Latitude for a BP Address |
BUS_GUID | CBP: Partner Number/GUID |
BUS_INDSECTOR_IMPORT | SAP BP: Import Industries for a System, Industry Codes |
BUS_INDSECTOR_TEXT_IMPORT | SAP BP: Import Industries for a System, Industry Texts |
BUS_ISTAT | CBP: Status information (only CBP data) |
BUS_ITEM_DATA | BP Where-Used List: Tree Items for Transfer |
BUS_MASS_BP1012 | FS BP, Mass Update: Ratings |
BUS_MASS_BUT000 | SAP BP, Mass Update: General Data I |
BUS_MASS_BUT0BK | SAP BP, Mass Update: Bank Details |
BUS_MASS_BUT0ID | SAP BP, Mass Update: Identification Numbers |
BUS_MASS_BUT0IS | SAP BP, Mass Update: Industries |
BUS_MASS_BUT100 | SAP BP, Mass Update: BP Roles |
BUS_MASS_CENTRAL | General BP Data |
BUS_MASS_GROUP | Group Data |
BUS_MASS_ORGAN | Organizational Data |
BUS_MASS_PERS | Personal Data |
BUS_MTREEITM_INDUSTRY_SECTOR | Tree Control: Structure TREEV_ITEM + TEXT Field of Length 72 |
BUS_NAME | Structure for name conversion with screen seq. configuration |
BUS_OBJAP_RANGE | BDT: Application Objects (Range) |
BUS_PARTNER | Reference Structure for Categories in Bus. Partner |
BUS_PARTNER_GUID | SAP BP: Partner Number plus Partner GUID |
BUS_PARTNER_GUID_RANGE | BP: Range Structure for Business Partner GUID |
BUS_PARTNER_NUM | Partner and Contact Person Number |
BUS_PARTNER_RANGE | BP: Range Structure for Business Partner Number |
BUS_PARTNR | CBP: Partner numbers |
BUS_PERSON | CBP: Pers. Number |
BUS_RELTYP_DATA | Relationship Categories: All Data |
BUS_RETURN | Business Partner: Complex Return Structure for Messages |
BUS_ROLE | Role Category with Differentiation Type Value |
BUS_SICHT | Structure: Views |
BUS_STAT | BP: Status information for LM (applications) |
BUS_STATUS_UI | Business Partner: Structure for Status Subscreens |
BUS_SUBSC | BDT: View -> Subscreen |
BUS_TABLE | BDT: Transfer Structure for Tables |
BUS_TABLE_API | API for Processing Table Entries for Extensions |
BUS_TB003_T | SAP BP: BP Roles with Texts |
BUS_TBZ0_T | CBP: BP Roles With Texts |
BUS_TBZ3H | Extended structure for TBZ3H |
BUS_TBZ9CD | CBP: Diff. Type Elements With Texts |
BUS_VCT_ABSNR | List of Sections for Joint Configuration |
BUS_VCT_RLTYP | Structure of Data Element BU_RLTYP for VCT |
BUS_WHEREUSED_ADDRESS | Where-Used List BP Addresses: Transfer Structure |
BUS_WHEREUSED_BKDETAIL | Where-Used List BP Addresses: Transfer Structure |
BUS_WHEREUSED_CCARD | Where-Used List BP Addresses: Transfer Structure |
BUS000 | BP: General Data I (Read) |
BUS000___I | CBP: General data plus status information |
BUS000_ADR | BP: Address Data (Read) |
BUS000_DAT | BP: General Data I (Data Fields - External) |
BUS000_DI | BP: General data (direct input) |
BUS000_DIX | CBP: General Data Update Bar |
BUS000_EEW | SAP BP: Transfer Structure for CI Include Extension of BP |
BUS000_EEW_S | SAP BP: Search-Relevant Fields of CI Include in BUT000 |
BUS000_EEW_X | SAP BP: X Flag Bar for BP CI Include of the BUT000 |
BUS000_EXT | CBP: Read general data plus standard address |
BUS000_GLB | BP: All General Data (Read) |
BUS000_GP | BP Structure Business Partner: Range |
BUS000_GP_GUID | BP Structure Business Partner GUID: Range |
BUS000_INT | BP: General Data I (Data Fields - Internal) |
BUS000_NAM | CBP: Name fields combined (lower case) |
BUS000A | CBP: General data (independent of partner cat.) |
BUS000ADAT | CBP: General Data (not dep. on Part. Cat.), Data Screens |
BUS000AINI | CBP: General Data (not dep. on Part. Cat.), Initial Screen |
BUS000AINT | CBP: Internal general data (not dependent on partner cat.) |
BUS000CUAF | CBP: GUI additional functions |
BUS000CUAP | BP: Variable GUI Function Texts |
BUS000CUAS | CBP: GUI standard functions |
BUS000EMPL | Business Partner: Work and Screen Fields Employee |
BUS000FLDS | CBP: Work fields and screen fields |
BUS000G | CBP: General data (group of people) |
BUS000ICOMM | CBP: Address-Independent Communication Types |
BUS000MC | CBP: Structure for transferring from matchcode fields |
BUS000MSG | CBP: Structure for message handler |
BUS000N | CBP: General Data, Person |
BUS000N_CHAR | CBP: General Data, Person (CHAR Fields) |
BUS000N_DI | CBP: General Data, Person (Direct Input) |
BUS000N_NCHR | CBP: General Data, Person (Non CHAR Fields) |
BUS000N_NCHR_DI | CBP: General Data, Person (Non CHAR Fields, DI) |
BUS000NR | CBP: Partner number (hierarchy levels) |
BUS000O | CBP: General data (Organization) |
BUS000O_CHAR | CBP: General Data, Organization (CHAR Fields) |
BUS000O_DI | CBP: General Data, Organization (Direct Input) |
BUS000O_NCHR | CBP: General Data, Organization (Non CHAR Fields) |
BUS000O_NCHR_DI | CBP: General Data, Organization (Non CHAR Fields, DI) |
BUS000REQ | CBP: Structure for required field checks |
BUS000SEARCH | Structure for New Search Help 'Partner Acc. to Address' |
BUS000TBFL | CBP: Table field (table name - field name) |
BUS001 | BP: General Data II (Read) |
BUS001_DAT | BP: General Data II |
BUS001_DAT_CHAR | BP: General Data II (CHAR Fields) |
BUS001_DAT_DI | BP: General Data II |
BUS001_DAT_NCHR | BP: General Data II (Non CHAR Fields) |
BUS001_DAT_NCHR_DI | BP: General Data II (Non CHAR Fields, DI) |
BUS001_DI | BP: General data II (direct input) |
BUS001_DIX | BP: General Data II Update Bar |
BUS001STAT | BP: Status information on BUT001 |
BUS001UPDT | BP: General data II (update) |
BUS010 | BP: old, do not use ==> BUS020_EXT |
BUS010F4BK | CBP: Auxiliary structure for F4-Help (bank data) |
BUS010F4CC | CBP: Help Structure for F4 Help (Payment Cards) |
BUS010F4ID | CBP: Help Structure for F4 Help (ID Numbers) |
BUS010F4IS | CBP: Help Structure for F4 Help (ID Numbers) |
BUS020 | BP: Addresses (Read) |
BUS020___I | BP Addresses: Transport Structure for BUT020 |
BUS020_ADDR_VERS | BP: Transfer Structure Address Versions (Direct Input) |
BUS020_ADDR1_VERS | Structure Address Type 1 Name |
BUS020_ADDR2_VERS | Structure Address Type 2 Name |
BUS020_ADR | SAP BP: Structure Address GUID (RANGE) |
BUS020_ADRCOM | SAP BP: Structure BP Communication Data (Range) |
BUS020_DAT | BP: Addresses (Data Fields Ext.) |
BUS020_DI | BP: Address data transfer structure (direct input) |
BUS020_DIX | BP: Transfer Structure Address Data Update Bar |
BUS020_EXT | BP: Addresses with Addr. Data (Read) |
BUS020_SEARCH_RESULT | Return Structure for Business Partner Search Modules |
BUS021 | BP: Address Usages (Read) |
BUS021___I | BP Addresses: Transport Structure for BUT021 |
BUS021_DAT | BP: Address Usages (Data Fields - External) |
BUS021_DI | BP: Address usage transfer structure (direct input) |
BUS021_DIX | CBP: Transfer Structure Address Usage Update Structure |
BUS021_FS_I | BP Addresses: Transport Structure for BUT021 |
BUS050___I | BPR: BP relationship general data and status information |
BUS050_BT | BPR: Relationship cat. structure |
BUS050_BTR | CBP: Relationship cat. structure (RANGE) |
BUS050_CD___I | BPR: Index Table for BUT050 for Reading Change Documents |
BUS050_DAR | CBP: Date structure (RANGE) |
BUS050_DAT | SAB BP: General Management Data for BP Relationship |
BUS050_DI | BPR: General Data (Direct Input) |
BUS050_DTV | CBP: Structure of diff.type characteristic (range) |
BUS050_EXT | BPR: General data + attribute maintenance indic. (BP rel.) |
BUS050_GP | BPR: Business partner structure (RANGE) |
BUS050_REL | BPR: BP Relationship Structure for Hierarchy Formatting |
BUS050_RNR | BPR: Relationship number structure (RANGE) |
BUS050_RTR | BPR: Structure BP Roles (RANGE) |
BUS050_SEARCH_RESULT | Return Structure for Business Partner Search Modules |
BUS050_TNR | BPR: Allocate temporary number -> relationship number |
BUS050_VTP | BPR: Validity/Time Dependency |
BUS050_XRF | BPR: Role definition indicator (RANGE) |
BUS050DFLD | BPR: BP relationship screen fields |
BUS050FLDS | BPR: BP relationship work fields |
BUS050POPC | BPR: Screen Fields to Confirm IMG Activities |
BUS051___I | BPR: Attribute table (w/o diff.type) with status information |
BUS051_DI | BPR: Attribute Table Without Differentiation (Direct Input) |
BUS051FLDS | BPR: Work Fields for BP Relationship Attributes (w/o DifTyp) |
BUS052___I | BPR: BP Relationship Addresses and Status Info? |
BUS052_DAT | BPR: Addresses (Ext. Data Fields) |
BUS052_DI | BPR: Addresses (Direct Input) |
BUS052_EXT | BPR: Addresses with Address Data (Read) |
BUS052_KEY | BPR: Table Key for Addresses in BP Relationships |
BUS05X_DAT | BPR: General Data in Relationship/Role Definition Tables |
BUS05X_KEY | BPR: Table Key for BP Relationships/Role Definitions |
BUS05X_SCHED | BPR: Rule IDs for Calling Rules |
BUS0ABFLDR | CBP: Table field for change document evaluation (RANGE) |
BUS0ABSNR | CBP: Sections |
BUS0ADFAX | CBP: Fax data (transfer structure) |
BUS0ADTEL | CBP: Telephone data (transfer structure) |
BUS0ADTLX | CBP: Telex number (transfer structure) |
BUS0ADTTX | CBP: Teletex number (transfer structure) |
BUS0AEND | CBP: Change document object and object value for evaluation |
BUS0APPLI | CBP: Transfer from applications |
BUS0BK | BP: Bank details (Read) |
BUS0BK_CHAR | BP: Bank Details (CHAR Data Fields External) |
BUS0BK_DAT | BP: Bank Details (Data Fields - External) |
BUS0BK_DI | BP: Bank details (direct input) |
BUS0BK_DIX | CBP: BP: Bank Details Update Bar |
BUS0BK_IBAN | BP: Bank Details (IBAN) |
BUS0BK_NCHR | BP: Bank Details (Non-CHAR Data Fields External) |
BUS0BNKA | BP: Bank master data (transfer structure) |
BUS0CC | BP: Read Payment Card Details |
BUS0CC_DAT | BP: Payment Cards (External Data) |
BUS0CC_DI | BP: Payment Cards (Direct Input) |
BUS0CC_DIX | CBP: Payment Cards Update Bar |
BUS0CHDOC | CBP: Work structure for change documents, event: CHDOC |
BUS0D021S | CBP: Screen Fields |
BUS0D022S | CBP: Screen Fields |
BUS0D023S | CBP: Screen Matchcode Subkeys |
BUS0DATER | CBP: Date for change document evaluation (RANGE) |
BUS0DFTYP | CBP: Differentiation Cat. |
BUS0DI1 | BP: Direct input, session record (record type 1) |
BUS0DI2 | BP: Direct input, header record (record type 2) |
BUS0DIDAT1 | BP: Direct input, data for a table for applications |
BUS0DIHDR | SAP BP: BP Role, BP Role Category and Validity |
BUS0DIINIT | BP: Initial data (direct input) |
BUS0DTE | CBP: Differentiation type elements |
BUS0DYNID | CBP: Screens |
BUS0DYNP | CBP: Screen Cont. Work Fields |
BUS0FKTXT | Texts for Tab Strips |
BUS0FLDGR | CBP: Field groups |
BUS0FLDLST | CBP: Field status definition(s) for field grouping |
BUS0FLDLST_2 | CBP: Field status definition(s) for field grouping |
BUS0FLDNWS | CBP: Output structure of field statement (Cust.fld.grouping) |
BUS0FLDVAL | CBP: Table field with field value |
BUS0FNAME | CBP: Function Module Name |
BUS0ID___I | SAP BP: ID Numbers (Update) |
BUS0ID_DI | BP: ID Numbers (Direct Input) |
BUS0INTRVL | CBP: Interval of partners |
BUS0IS___I | SAP BP: Industry Data (Update) |
BUS0IS_DI | BP: Industry Numbers (Direct Input) |
BUS0ISSTAT | SAP BP: Status Information for BUT0IS |
BUS0MSG1 | CBP: Message for each object |
BUS0NAMER | CBP: Name for change document evaluation (RANGE) |
BUS0PARTNERR | CBP: Partner Interval (RANGE) |
BUS0RANGE | CBP: Value range for value transfer of change doc. objects |
BUS0RANGED | CBP: Value range for transferring diff.type values(chng.doc) |
BUS0RLTGR | CBP: BP Role Groupings |
BUS0RLTYP | BP: BP Role Structure |
BUS0SCRSEL | CBP: Screen selection |
BUS0SETID | BDT: Data Sets |
BUS0SICHT | CBP: Views |
BUS0SICHTR | CBP: Views for change document evaluation (RANGE) |
BUS0TABBEZ | CBP: Table name (change doc.evaluation) |
BUS0TABKEYR | Change Documents: Table Key (Range) |
BUS0TEXT | CBP: Text fields for text tables |
BUS0TRDYN | CBP: Screen Conts |
BUS0USER | CBP: Entered by/changed by data |
BUS0VARNR | CBP: Screen sequence variants |
BUS0VP_DI | BP: Assignment and Links Business Partners and Systems |
BUS100 | BP: Roles |
BUS100_DI | BP: Transfer Structure Role Categories (Direct Input) |
BUS100UPDT | BP: Role Categories (Update) |
BUS150___I | BPR: Table BUT150 and status information |
BUS150_BKR | BPR: Company code structure (RANGE) |
BUS150_DI | BPR: Attribute Table with Test Differentiation Type (DI) |
BUSADDR | Internal Address Data |
BUSADDRCHECK | Internal Structure for Address Checks |
BUSADDRVB | CBP: Structure for updating addresses |
BUSADRDATA | CBP: Complete address data |
BUSADVWCHECK | Internal Structure for Address Usage Checks |
BUSADVWVB | CBP: Structure for updating address usage |
BUSBANKCHECK | Internal Structure for Bank Detail Checks |
BUSBCSTREENODE | SAP BP: BCS-Enabled Communication Paths |
BUSCHGDOUT1 | Output Structure Change Documents Sorted by Date |
BUSCHGDOUT2 | Output Structure Change Documents Sorted by Changer |
BUSCONTEXT | Transfer Structure for BP Where-Used List: Context Menu |
BUSDATA | BP: Unformatted data transfer |
BUSDEFAULT | CBP: Default Fields |
BUSDIDINP1 | CBP: Direct Input, Interface to DINP1 (initial data) |
BUSDIINIT | CBP: Auxiliary structure for 'BUS_DI_CHECK_INIT' |
BUSDUPL_ADDCUST_FLDS | Customer specified additional fields for Duplicate Check |
BUSDUPL_ADDR_FLDS | Fields for Duplicate Check: Type1 and Type2 Addresses |
BUSDUPL_CPADDR_FLDS | Fields for Duplicate Check: Type3 Addresses |
BUSF4PREFX | BP: F4 for the name prefix field |
BUSF4TITLE | BP: F4 for form of address field |
BUSF4TTLAC | BP: F4 for academic title field |
BUSF4TTLRY | BP: F4 for academic title field |
BUSFCODE | BDT Object Where-Used List |
BUSFIELD | BP: Table field (table and field separate) |
BUSFRGN1 | Maint w/ext. interface: Header record |
BUSFRGN2 | Maint w/ext. interface: Header data record |
BUSFVALUES | Structure for determining field values per time interval |
BUSHDR_DI | BP: Header data (direct input) |
BUSPARTNER | BP: partner number |
BUSPARTNER_AND_IUSER | CBP: Partner Number Plus Internet User |
BUSPARTNER_AND_PERNO | CBP: Partner Number and Personnel Number |
BUSPARTNER_AND_USER | CBP: Partner Number Plus User |
BUSPARTRLCAT_DI | SAP BP: BP Role Categories and Validity |
BUSPARTRLVAL_DI | SAP BP: ROLE/RLTYP (Validity and Change Indicator) |
BUSPARTROLES_DI | SAP BP: BP Role and Validity |
BUSPERNO | CBP: Personnel Number |
BUSRANGEABFLD | Range Structure for ABFLD |
BUSRDIINIT | BPR: Initial Data (Direct Input) |
BUSRELBP | Assign Partner -> Other Partners |
BUSREQFLD | CBP: Req. fields and funct. mod. for ind. req. field check |
BUSROLECHECK | SAP BP: Internal Structure for BP Role Checks |
BUSROLEVALIDITY | SAP BP: Validity of a BP Role (Category DATS) |
BUSSARCYES | BDT Archiving: Data Already Archived - Free for Deletion |
BUSSDELDF | CBP: Transfer Diff. Type Elements Del. Program |
BUSSDELNO | CBP: Transfer Values Del. Program |
BUSSDELYES | CBP: Transfer Deletion Program Values |
BUSSDI | BP: Direct Input, Record (Record Type 1,2 or 3) |
BUSSDI1 | BP: Direct Input, Session Header Record (Record Type 1) |
BUSSDI2 | BP: Direct Input, Header Record (Record Type 2) |
BUSSDI3 | BP: Direct Input, Header Record (Record Type 3) |
BUSSDI3DAT | BDT: Direct Input, Data Record (Without Record Type) |
BUSSDIALLI | BDT: Long Structure With ORG_INDEX (Direct Input) |
BUSSDIHDR | BDT: General Header Data (Direct Input) |
BUSSDIHDR_TYPE | BDT: Header Data Direct Input, Record Type & Indices |
BUSSDYNPRO | BDT: ID for Import and/or Export Screen |
BUSSEARCH | CBP: Search Fields |
BUSSEARCH_01 | CBP: Work Fields |
BUSSKEY | BDT: Assign Temporary Number -> Final Number |
BUSSKEYVAL | BDT: Key Field Values (Direct Input) |
BUSSPROT_X | BP: DI Interface For Error Processing |
BUSSRCH_FIELDS | BDT Search Help: Table Fields |
BUSSRCH_FLDPAR | Search Field Attributes |
BUSSRCH_JOINS | View Join Relationships |
BUSSRCH_SELOPT | BDT Search Help: Select Options |
BUSSRCH_SELPLAN | BDT Search Help: Selection Plan |
BUSSRCH_SRCHFLDS | BDT Search Help: Search Fields |
BUSSRCH_TABALIAS | BDT Search Help: Table Alias Names |
BUSSRCH_TABFLDS | BDT Search Help: Table Fields |
BUSSRCH_TABLETREE | BDT Search Help: Table Tree |
BUSSRCH_VNAMES | BDT Search Help: Variable Names for Coding to be Generated |
BUSTB004 | Field Grouping BP Types Work Structure |
BUSTB102 | Field Grouping Client-Independent, Work Structure |
BUSTB103 | Field Grouping per Object Part Work Structure |
BUSTB104 | Field Grouping per External Application Work Structure |
BUSTB105 | Field Grouping per Activity Category Work Structure |
BUSTB108 | Field Grouping per BP Role Work Structure |
BUSTBFLD | BP: Table Fields (Table Name and Field Name Separate) |
BUSTBZ0O | Field Grouping per Activity Work Structure |
BUSTBZ3P | Field Grouping: BP Category Work Structure |
BUTSEARCH_ADR | Include Structure for ADRC Part of Table BUTADRSEARCH |
BUTSEARCH_BUT | Include Structure for BUT000 Part of Table BUTADRSEARCH |
CCARD_DAT_CHAR | Payment Cards (External Data, CHAR Fields) |
CCARD_DAT_NCHR | BP: Payment Cards (Direct Input, Non CHAR Fields) |
CCARD_DAT_NCHR_DI | BP: Payment Cards (Direct Input, Non CHAR Fields DI) |
INCL_EEW_BUT000 | EEW Extension of BUT000 (Contains CI) |
INCL_EEW_BUT000_X | Checkbox Structure of EEW Extension of BUT000(Contains CI_X) |
SBUQOUT | BP: Output Options |
SI_BU0BKFI | Business partner: Bank details (FI) |
SI_BUADBUR | BP rel.: contact person: address data |
SI_BUCDBUR | BP Relationship: Shareholding Data |
SI_BUCPBUR | BP Relationship: Contact Person: General Data |
STBUPAEXST | Structure for Business Partner Buffer |
VBUT_DNC | Change Document Structure, Generated by RSSCD000 |
VBUT052 | Change Document Structure, Generated by RSSCD000 |
VBUT0BK | Change Document Structure, Generated by RSSCD000 |
VBUT0CC | Change Document Structure, Generated by RSSCD000 |
VBUT0ID | Change document structure, generated by RSSCD000 |
VBUT0IS | Change document structure, generated by RSSCD000 |
VBUT100 | Change Document Structure, Generated by RSSCD000 |
VBUTADRSEARCH | Update Structure for Table BUTADRSEARCH |
SAP Package BUPA contains 102 programs.
BDT_CHECK | BDT: Consistency Check of the Control Table Entries |
BDT_COMPARE | BDT: Comparison and Transport of Control Tables |
BDT_CORR_001 | Table TBZ3N: Several Standard Assignments for a Screen Seq.Category |
BDT_CORR_002 | Table TBZ3: Several Screen Sequences with Set Standard Indicator |
BDT_CORR_003 | Table TB001: Several BP Groupings With Set Standard Indicator |
BDT_DELETE_DYNPROS | BDT: Delete subscreen containers |
BDT_NAMES | BDT: Observance of Naming Convention for Control Tables |
BDT_TEST_001 | Program BDT_TEST_001 |
BDT_TEST_002 | Program BDT_TEST_001 |
BDT_TEST_003 | Program BDT_TEST_001 |
BDT_VCT_CORR_002 | Program BDT_VCT_CORR_002 |
BDT_VCT_CORR_003 | Include BDT_VCT_CORR_003 |
BP_TD_SWITCH | Conversion report for time-dependent data for business partners |
BPADRSEARCH_CLIENTSPEC_CONVERT | SAP BP: Conversion Report for Mass Search Help, Client-Dependent |
BPADRSEARCH_DEL | Report for deleting matchcode table BUTADRSEARCH |
BPADRSEARCH_FILL | Report for filling matchcode table BUTADRSEARCH |
BUBFILED | BPR: Generate Test File for Direct Input |
BUBXPR01 | BPR Control: XPRA before conversion of date fields in BUT050/051/150 |
BUBXPR02 | BPR Control: XPRA after conversion of date fields in BUT050/051/150 |
BUBXPR03 | BPR Control: XPRA: Delete relationship/role definition category BUR999 |
BUP_BUSSRCHGF_REPAIR | Reorg. for Generated Selection Modules of BDT BP Search |
BUP_ROLE_CUSTOMER_CONVERT | Conversion of BP Role CRM000 (Customer) |
BUP_STATUSPROFILE_CONVERT | SAP BP: Convert user status into BP role exclusion group |
BUPA_ADDRESS_CHECK_640 | Check address validity for addresses created/changed before SP06 |
BUPA_CORR_MATCH_CODES | Correction Program for Matchcodes |
BUPA_PREPARE_DA | Business Partner: Set Deletion/Archiving Flag |
BUPA_TEST_DELETE | Delete Business Partners |
BUPA_VIEWS_TBZ1A | BDT: Start Setting Activities |
BUPADRDL | Initialize New Address Table |
BUPADRPR | Comparison ADRP/BUT000: Fill ADRP Data from BP Table BUT000 |
BUPADRT2 | Convert pers. addr. to addr. cat. 2, Entries in payt adv name fields |
BUPFILE1 | CBP Direct Input: Generate Test File with Different BPs |
BUPFILED | CBP: generate test file for direct input |
BUPGEOENADDR | Business Partner: Search for Addresses That Were Not Geocoded |
BUPR_CURRENCY_CONVERSION | EURO Conversion of Capital Investment in Relationships |
BUPRADRVPCHANGE | Report for changing APPL_KEY in ADRV |
BUPRELCR | BP relationships: Create |
BUPRELDI | BP Relationships/BP Role Definitions: Maintenance Without Dialog |
BUPRELSU | BP Relationships: Display/Change |
BUPRELVW | BP Relationships: Call Separate Config. Activities (View/View cluster) |
BUPSELG0 | Generation Program for SELECT OPTIONS for Differentiation Types |
BUPSELG5 | Generation Program for SELECT OPTIONS for Change Document Object |
BUPSHELPSERVICE | Service Program for BP Search Help |
BUPTDARK | BP: Test for 'Background Maintenance' |
BUPTDTRANSGEN | Generation of time-dependent BP data that is relevant for distribution |
BUPTDTRANSMIT | Distribution of time-dependent business partner data |
BUPVIEWS | BP: Start Maintenance Views |
BUPXPR01 | Change from address cat.1 to address cat.2 (release change to 4.5A) |
BUPXPR01A | Change from address cat.1 to address cat.2 (release change to 4.5A) |
BUPXPRA11 | BP: Fill Table TB037 with Entries for Authorization Groups |
BUPXPRA12 | BP: Convert Industries Old (BUT000) to New (BUT0IS) |
BUPXPRA13 | BP: Covert Old ID Numbers (BUT001) to New (BUT0ID) |
BUPXPRA14 | Conversion Report for Generic Field Names from '*' to '+' |
BUPXPRA15 | BP: Conversion of Address Language for Persons to Correspondence Lang. |
BUPXPRA16 | BP: Adapt field modification for splitting field groups |
BUPXPRA17 | SAP BP: Conversion of Role and Role Grouping in BP Roles/Categories |
BUPXPRA18 | SAP BP: Conversion of Field Grouping by BP Role for Appl. Obj. BUPA |
BUPXPRA19 | SAP BP: Conversion of Field Grouping by BP Role for Appl. Obj. BUPA |
BUPXPRA4 | CBP: Field Modification: Move Field Status Definition to CHAR250 |
BUPXPRA5 | BP: Field Changes to the Screens (TBZ3A) |
BUPXPRA7 | BP: Role of Contact Person, Change ID from CTNP to BUT001 |
BUPXPRA8 | GP: Contact Person Role, CNTP --> BUP001 |
BUPXPRA9 | Convert address data: BUT010 --> BUT020, BUT021 |
BUQAUSWERT_GEN | Program BP Evaluation Generator |
BUR_ADDR3_CD_FILL_VS1 | Fill Table bup_addr3_cd |
BURBUT050_CD_FILL | Fill Table of BUT050_CD |
BURBUT050_CD_FILL_VS1 | Fill Table of BUT050_CD |
BUSCHDOC | Change Document Display |
BUSCRCNT | BDT: Generate Subscreen Containers for Screens |
BUSDELE0 | Delete Program |
BUSGPXPR | various tests |
BUSOBARCH | BDT: Archiving - Archiving Program |
BUSOBARCH_DELETE | BDT: Archiving - Deletion Program |
BUSOBARCH_RELOAD | BDT: Archiving - Archiving Program |
BUSPCDACT | Activation of Scheduled Change Documents for an Application Object |
BUSSTART | Call SAP Business Partner |
BUSVIEWS | BDT: Start Setting Activities |
BUSVIEWSWHU | BDT: Start Setting Activities |
BUSXPR01 | BDT: XPRA for Preassignment of Fields for BP Role->BP Category |
BUSXPR02 | BDT: Automatically fill main screen and its screen sequences |
BUSXPR03 | BDT: Fill Business Activities Automatically |
BUSXPR04 | BDT: Fill Business Activities Automatically |
BUT052_ADR2_REPAIR | Remove Double ADR2 Entries |
BUT052_ADR3_REPAIR | Remove Double ADR2 Entries |
BUT052_ADR6_REPAIR | Remove Double ADR2 Entries |
KCVSSCLE | Generated Program |
KCZPARTB | External data transfer: Central business partners |
KCZPARTN | External data transfer: Central business partners |
RHBUPA00 | Program RHBUPA00 - Interface PD-Org - Business Partner |
RHBUPAXR | Program RHBUPAXR: Access: External Links for CBP |
SAP Package BUPA contains 44 search helps.
BDT_VARNR_VARTP | BDT: Screen Sequences for a Screen Sequence Category |
BDT_VARTP_XRLTP | BDT: Screen Sequence Categories Supporting Divisibility |
BU_ADR | Partner by Address (Mass Search) |
BU_NSO | Search Help for Unsaved Objects |
BU_RELKIND | BP Relationship Type/BP Role Definition Type |
BU_RELTYP | BP Relationship Category/Role Definition Category |
BU_VAR | BP: Search for Variants of Evaluation Generator |
BUPA | Business Partner |
BUPA_IDTYPE_GRP | SAP BP: ID Types for Groups |
BUPA_IDTYPE_ORG | SAP BP: ID Types for Organizations |
BUPA_IDTYPE_PRS | SAP BP: ID Types for Persons |
BUPA_INDUSTRY_SECTOR_B | BP: Search Help Industries (Tree) |
BUPA_RELTYP | Search Help for Relationship Category |
BUPA_ROLE | SAP BP: Search Help for Data Element BU_PARTNERROLE |
BUPAA | Partners by address |
BUPAA_VERS | Partners by Address Versions |
BUPAB | Partners by bank details |
BUPAG | Business Partner |
BUPAI | Partners by Identification Number |
BUPAP | Partners, General Details |
BUPAR | Partners by BP Role |
BUPARELATION | Elementary Search Help for BP Determination via Relationshps |
BUPARLTYP | Partners by Relationship |
BUPAT | Partners according to Tax Details |
BUPAU | Partner According to User |
BUPAV | Partner According to Internet User |
BUPAY | Partners by Address (Rough Search) |
H_TB001 | Help View for Tabelle TB0001 (Groupings) |
H_TB003 | Help View for Table TB003 (BP Roles) |
H_TB003_TXT | Help View for Table TB003 (BP Roles), Description |
H_TB003A | Help View for Table TB003A (BP Role Categories) |
H_TB003E | Help View for Table TB003E (BP Role Excl. Group -> BP-Roles) |
H_TB003F | Help View f.Table TB003F(BP Role Excl.Grp->Permitted Transns |
H_TB003G | Help View for Table TB003G (BP Role Groupings) |
H_TB003J | Help View for Table TB003J (BP Role Grouping Categories) |
H_TB005 | Data Origin |
H_TB019 | Help View for Table TB019 (BP Legal Forms) |
H_TB023 | Help View for Table TB023 (BP Industries) |
H_TB025 | Help View for Table TB025 (BP Group Types) |
H_TB109 | Help View for Table TB109 (SAP BP Application Transactions) |
H_TBZ1E | Help View for Table TBZ1E (BDT Application Transactions) |
H_TJ21_BUS | Help View for Status Profile for Object Cat. 'Bus. Partner' |
RELATIONDIR | Search Help Using Relationship Category Descriptions |
SAP Package BUPA contains 8 message classes.
BDT_SUBSCREEN | Nachrichten, die dem BDT im Subscreen entstammen |
BUPA_MASS | Massenlesebausteine für Kommunikationsdaten |
BUPA_STATUS | Geschäftspartner: Statuspflege |
BUR | Geschäftspartnerbeziehungen |
R1 | Business Partner 3.0 |
R11 | Business Partner und BDT |
R111 | Business Partner Meldungen (Paket: BUPA) |
SAP Package BUPA contains 6 authorization objects.
B_BUPA_ATT | Business Partner: Authorization Types |
B_BUPA_FDG | Business Partner: Field Groups |
B_BUPA_GRP | Business Partner: Authorization Groups |
B_BUPA_RLT | Business Partner: BP Roles |
B_BUPR_BZT | Business Partner Relationships: Relationship Categories |
B_BUPR_FDG | Business Partner Relationships: Field Groups |