SAP Package BZF

R/3 Central Basis Development: Field Selection

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The package BZF (R/3 Central Basis Development: Field Selection) is a standard package in SAP ERP. It belongs to the parent package ABA.

Technical Information

Package BZF
Short Text R/3 Central Basis Development: Field Selection
Parent Package ABA

Function Groups

SAP Package BZF contains 2 function groups.

BZFC Customizing field selection
MFAW Field selection


SAP Package BZF contains 3 transactions.

OPFA Field selection: Work center
SFAC Field selection maintenance
SFAW Field Selection Maintenance

Database Tables

SAP Package BZF contains 8 database tables.

TFAW Field selection: Influencing fields
TFAWA Tables assigned to program and screen group
TFAWC Field Selection: Field Attribute Changes (User Definition)
TFAWF Field selection: Modifiable fields
TFAWG Field selection: Group texts
TFAWL Field selection: Definitions of field attribute changes
TFAWX Field selection: Influencing/influenced field pairs
TFAWY Feld selection: pairs influencing/changed fields (End user)


SAP Package BZF contains 2 structures.

RMFAW Screen fields: Maintain field selection
RSFAC Customizing field selection input fields


SAP Package BZF contains 5 programs.

RMM00C01 Screen Group Selection
RMM00C02 Overview of Field Modifications
RMM00C03 Contains 'DYNPROMODIF' Routine
SAPMM00C Dynamic Sreen Modification
SAPSFAC1 List of All Influences for Screen Group

Message Classes

SAP Package BZF contains 2 message classes.

MJ Feldauswahl
MT Feldauswahl

Authorization Objects

SAP Package BZF contains 1 authorization objects.

S_FIELDSEL Central Field Selection