This bundle includes Echo Dot (3rd Gen) Charcoal and Philips Hue White A19 Medium Lumen Smart Bulb, 1100 Lumens. Built in Smart Home hub. Ask Alexa to control Zigbee-compatible devices. No additional Philips Hue hub required. Two choices for easy smart lighting - Start setting the mood with Hue Smart bulbs and your Echo device, supporting up to 5 Hue Bluetooth & Zigbee smart bulbs. Add the Hue Hub for whole-home smart lighting (up to 50 light points) and bonus features.
Check it out on →The package CAAP (APIs, variant configuration and message log) is a standard package in SAP ERP. It belongs to the parent package ABA.
Package | CAAP |
Short Text | APIs, variant configuration and message log |
Parent Package | ABA |
SAP Package CAAP contains 3 function groups.
CALO | CA APIs for Logging |
MOCA | Local Function Modules for CAMA |
STAP | Logging/Control Data for APIs |
SAP Package CAAP contains 62 structures.
AVAIL_FUNCT | Available Functions for Characteristic Asgmt Screen API |
BAPICUCH01 | Characteristics List |
BAPICUCH02 | Char. List (as Output) |
BAPICUCH03 | Char. List: Selected Basic Data (Output) |
BAPICUCH04 | Char. List: Display Options Information (Output) |
BAPICUCH05 | Char. List: Document Information (Output) |
BAPICUISUM | Information on Grouping of Instances |
BAPICUIVB | Convert Temp. CUOBJ to DB CUOBJ Incl. Object Instance |
BAPICUVL01 | Char. Values (Output) |
BAPICUVL02 | Value Assignment (Input) |
BAPICUVL03 | Delete Assigned Characteristic Values |
BAPICUXPL2 | Status of a Configurable Instance |
BAPIDOC01 | Identification of Document |
CAPIFLAG | API Flags for Classes and Variants |
CAPIPARMS | Interface Parameters for APIs: BOM, ECM, Class, Variant |
CATCHWORD | Keywords (Language-Dependent) |
CCHV_GLDEP | Class-Specific Global Dependencies for Characteristic Value |
CHA_GLDEP | Global Dependencies for Characteristic |
CHA_VALDSC | Values of a Characteristic |
CHARACTS | Characteristics |
CHARDATA | Global Characteristics Data (from Maintenance Environment) |
CHARS | Characteristics |
CHSTAT_DES | Characteristic Status Description |
CHSTAT_FLS | Function Indicators for Characteristic Status |
CHVAL_GDEP | Global Dependencies for Characteristic Value |
CLAS_GLDEP | Global Dependencies for Class |
CLASS_ID | Class Name |
CLCH_GLDEP | Class-Specific Global Dependencies for Characteristic |
CLSTAT_DES | Characteristic Status Description |
CLSTAT_FLS | Function Indicator for Class Status |
DEP_ALL_LG | Assigned Dependencies |
DEP_ALLOCT | Assigned Dependencies |
DEP_DATA | Basic Data and Identifiers of Dependency |
DEP_DESCR | Dependency Descriptions and Identifiers |
DEP_DOC | Documentation and Identifiers for Dependencies |
DEP_IDENT | Structure for Basic Data of Dependency |
DEP_ORDER | Sort Sequence for Object Dependencies |
DEP_SOURCE | Source Code and Identifiers of Object Dependencies |
DEPDAT | Basic Data of Dependency |
DEPDATA | Basic Data of Dependency |
DEPDESCR | Dependency Descriptions |
DEPSOURCE | Source Code of Object Dependencies |
DESCRIPT | Descriptions (Language-Dependent) |
GDEP_ALL_D | Delete Assignment of Global Dependencies to Object |
GLDEP_ALL | Identifier and Sequence of Global Dependencies |
GLDEP_DEL | Delete Global Dependencies for Object |
GLDEP_LST | List of Global Dependencies Without Sequence or Type |
GLOBL_ALL | Identifier and Sequence of Global Dependencies |
VTBASDAT | Basic Data of a Variant Table |
VTCH_VAL | API: Maintain Char. Values with Reference to Variant Table |
VTCH_VAL_DESCR | API: Maint. Char. Value Descs with Reference to Var. Table |
VTCHARACT | Characteristics of Several Variant Tables |
VTDEP_DAT | Basic Data of Dependency in Variant Table Line |
VTDEP_DESC | Descriptions of Object Dependencies in Variant Table Lines |
VTDEP_DOC | Documentation on Object Dependencies in Variant Table |
VTDEP_ORD | Sequence of Object Dependencies in Variant Table Line |
VTDEP_SORC | Sources of Object Dependencies in Table Lines |
VTENTR | Variant Table Contents |
VTENTRIES | Variant Table Contents |
VTLINEID | Identification of Line in Variant Table |
VTVALALT | Output Structure for Value Assignment Alternatives (VarTab) |
VTVALASSIG | Value Assignment Alternatives |