

Quantity Structure Tool

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The package CKMLMV (Quantity Structure Tool) is a standard package in SAP ERP. It belongs to the parent package APPL.

Technical Information

Package CKMLMV
Short Text Quantity Structure Tool
Parent Package APPL

Function Groups

SAP Package CKMLMV contains 19 function groups.

CKML_MGV_CORRECT Generates Quantity Structure from Docs
CKMLMVALPROC Procurement Alternative and Process
CKMLMVBALI Costing Run: Basic List
CKMLMVBOM BOMs (Quantity Structure Tool)
CKMLMVBUFFER Buffer Module for QST Master Data
CKMLMVCAM Controlling Level for Material
CKMLMVCHECK QST/Update Actuals: Inspection Modules
CKMLMVCONNECT Relationship Order - Process/Proc. Alt.
CKMLMVCONVERT Conversion Routines for DDIC Domains
CKMLMVLIST QST: Generation of a List of BOM Data
CKMLMVQSIMP Quantity Structure Import from Logistics
CKMLMVQUANT Functions for Quantity Update
CKMLMVRUN Run Along the Time Structure
CKMLMVSCR Interface: QST and Mixed Costing
CKMLMVTEXTS Texts - Proc./Procure.Alt. and Cons.Alt.
CKMLMVTOOL Tools for Master Data Display
CKMLMVUTIL Utilities for the MGV
CKMLMVVVERS Consumption Version of QST


SAP Package CKMLMV contains 9 transactions.

CK91N Edit Procurement Alternatives
CKMB_RUN Create Basic List for Costing Run
CKMC_RUN Set Costing Sequence
CKML_FPR1N Edit Production Process
CKML_SURF Edit Prcrmnt / Cnsmptn Alternatives
CKMLMV_CA Edit Controlling Level
CKMLMVCHECK Quantity Structure Consistency
CKMM_RUN Multilevel Pr. Deter. for Cstg Run
MGV_CORRECT Checks + Corrects Quantity Structure

Database Tables

SAP Package CKMLMV contains 16 database tables.

CKMLMV_AUX_KALNR Cost Estimate Numbers for Valuated Objects in QST
CKMLMV001 Procurement alternatives
CKMLMV001T Texts for procurement alternatives
CKMLMV002 Assignments material / procurement alternatives
CKMLMV003 Process model: Receipts / mixing strategies
CKMLMV004 Process model: Withdrawals
CKMLMV005 Consumption alternatives
CKMLMV005T Texts for consumption alternatives
CKMLMV011 Costing run: Object list
CKMLMV011F Costing Run: Filter Table for Object List
CKMLMV012 Costing run: Predecessor/successor model
CKMLMV013 Assignment table: Process for production order
CKMLMV014 Assignment table: Procurement alternative for order
CKMLMV015 Naming rule assignment for materials (header)
CKMLMV015Z Naming rule assignment for materials for each procure. cat.
CKMLMVADMIN General Control Parameters for Actual Costing


SAP Package CKMLMV contains 1 views.

H_MGTYP_CROSS Help view: Quantity structure types for mixed costing


SAP Package CKMLMV contains 56 structures.

CKML_MGV_QUANTITY Entry for Quantity Structure Analysis
CKML_PROC_INMAT Process - Input Material Relationship for Iteration
CKML_S_ADMIN Administrative Structure for QST Tables
CKML_S_ALPROC_TEXTS Lines in the interface table for CKML_MGV_PROCALTN_TEXT_READ
CKML_S_ALV_MGV_MLRUN Fields for lists via ALV (multi-level price determination)
CKML_S_BALI_HEADER_ALV Basic selection: ALV list, header data
CKML_S_BALT_MAT Procurement Alternative Plus Material Belonging to it
CKML_S_ENQ_T001 Locking Structure for CKMLMV001
CKML_S_ENQ_T005 Locking Structure for CKMLMV005
CKML_S_FILTER_ALV Filter fields: Field list for ALV
CKML_S_MGV_KALNR List of Cost Estimate Numbers (Processes/Procurement Alt)
CKML_S_MGV_RUN_PACKAGE Object for locking a package (event structure)
CKML_S_MGV_STRG_INTERN Internal interface for package handler
CKML_S_MGV_SURF_TREE_LINE QST Interface: Lines in ALV Tree
CKML_S_NDEF_SUF Name field with the suffix (ND)
CKML_S_NDEF_VVERS Name-forming fields for consumption alternatives
CKML_S_NDEF_VVERS_SUF Name-forming fields (consumption alternatives) with suffix
CKML_S_NSCHEMA Naming structure
CKML_S_NUMBER_SWITCH Temporary exchange for a permanent order number
CKML_S_ORDER_CONN_REORG Interface for Reorg Order Connection
CKML_S_PROCESS Procurement process
CKML_S_PROCESS_PCP Procurement process (mixed costing view)
CKML_S_RUN_SINGLE_MODE Additional selection for multi-level individual processing
CKML_S_SPEC_STOCK Characteristics of Valuated Sales Order Stock
CKML_S_STEPS_ALV Determine costing sequence: Field list for ALV
CKML_S_STEPS_HEADER_ALV Level determination: Fields for ALV, header data
CKML_S_STULI_TREE Structure for Displaying the Actual BOM as a Tree
CKML_S_T001_EXTENDED Structure CKMLMV001, Expanded to Special Stock Characteristi
CKML_S_T001_HEADER_DATA Header Data for Processes/Procurement Alternatives
CKML_S_T005_EXTENDED Structure CKMLMV005, Expanded to Special Stock Characteristi
CKML_S_T005_HEADER_DATA Header Data for Consumption Alternatives
CKML_S_TEXT_MOD Lines for Interface Table for CKML_MGV_TEXT_MOD
CKML_S_TEXT_READ Lines for Interface Table for CKML_MGV_TEXT_READ
CKML_S_UEXIT_FIELDS Fields for User Exit (User-Defined Name)
CKML_TEXT Texts for All Objects in the Quantity Structure Tool
CKMLI_EXP_STR QtyStruct. Import: Structure for exporting the requirements
CKMLI_FILTERFELDER Costing run: Filter fields
CKMLI_IMP_STR_HEADER QS Import: Import structure, header table
CKMLI_IMP_STR_INPOUTP QS import: Import structure, inputs and outputs
CKMLI_IMP_STR_SEMIPROC QS import: Import structure, partial process
CKMLI_MGV_ALVLIST Fields for list via ALV (field catalog)
CKMLI_MGV_PACKAGE Internal Interface: Package-Quantity
CKMLI_MGV_PROD_ORDER_ID Link to production order-process/procurement alt.: Interface
CKMLI_MGV_STATISTIC Internal Interface: Statistic-Tables (Application)
CKMLI_MGV_STRG Internal Interface: Control Parameter
CKMLI_NDEF_FELDER Fields for naming (process and procurement)
CKMLI_NDEF_FERT Name-forming fields from process categories for production
CKMLI_QSIMP_NDEF Name-forming characteristics relevant to the QS import
CKMLMV_PCP001_PC Database Field for Mxd Cstng Table CKMLMV001 with suffix _PC
CKMLMV_SURF Screen Field for QST Interfaces
CKMLMV011HF Costing run: Hierarchy levels and fields
CKMLMV011Z Condition tables for data base access with filter fields
CKMLMVTOOL_530 Screen Element from Screen 530 in CKMLMVTOOL
CKMLMVTOOL_540 Screen Element from Screen 540 in CKMLMVTOOL
CKMLMVTOOL_560 Screen Element for Screen 560 in CKMLMVTOOL


SAP Package CKMLMV contains 16 programs.

CKMLMV_CHANGE_PROCMOD Conversion of Process Model: Enter Last Day of Period
CKMLMV_ITERATION_TRACE Update Report for Iteration
CKMLMV_MAINTAIN_RULES Maintain Controlling Level
CKMLMV_ORDER_LIST List of Orders Assigned to Prod. Process or Procurement Alternative
CKMLMV_PLAN_QS_IMPORT Import of the Planned Quantity Structure
CKMLMV_STRG_PARAM Control Parameters for QST Programs
CKMLMV_SURFACE Maintenance Interface for Objects in the Quantity Structure Tool
SAPRCKM_BUILD_MGV_FROM_DOC Checks Quantity Structure and Rebuilds It Using Documents (if needed)
SAPRCKM_CORRECT_MGV_DATA Corrects the Quantity Structure Using Corrected Documents (If Any)
SAPRCKMLMV_DBTAB_CHECK Check Report for DB Tables of Quantity Structure Tool
SAPRCKMLMV_KALNR_SHOW Display Field Contents for QST Master Data
SAPRCKMLMV_ORDER_CONN_CHECK Orders: Check Consistency of AUFK with QST
SAPRCKMLMV_QSI00 Initialization of Quantity Structure Import from Logistics
SAPRCKMLMV_RUN_BASIC_LIST Actual Costing: Select Materials
SAPRCKMLMV_RUN_CREATE_STEPS Actual Costing: Determine Costing Sequence
SAPRCKMLMV_RUN_MLEVEL_SETTLE Multilevel Price Determination for Costing Run

Search Helps

SAP Package CKMLMV contains 1 search helps.

S_MGTYP_CROSS Search help: Quantity structure types for mixed costing

Message Classes

SAP Package CKMLMV contains 1 message classes.

CKMLMV Nachrichtenklasse für Mengengerüstverwalter

Authorization Objects

SAP Package CKMLMV contains 1 authorization objects.

K_ML_MGV Material Ledger: Master Data of the Quantity Structure Tool