
SAP Package APPL

Structure Package: Logistics/Accounting

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The package APPL (Structure Package: Logistics/Accounting) is a structure package in SAP ERP.

Technical Information

Package APPL
Short Text Structure Package: Logistics/Accounting
Parent Package -

Embedded Packages

SAP Package APPL contains 1435 embedded packages.

AA Assets: Master Data
AA_BAS_CUS Asset Accounting: General Tables and Customizing
AA_BAS_DEP Asset Accounting: Calculation of Depreciation
AA_BAS_SRV Asset Accounting: Central Service Routines
AA_MASTER Asset Accounting: Master Data
AA_PERIOD Asset Accounting: Periodic Processing
AA_POST Asset Accounting: Posting
AA_REP Asset Accounting: Reporting
AA_TOOLS Asset Accounting: Other Tools
AA2 Assets master data 2.0
AAAP Process Model Objects Asset Accounting
AACM Application components AC
AALSM Asset Accounting Legacy Data Transfer
AARQ Asset accounting queries
AB Asset Accounting
ABAS Asset accounting kernel
AC Asset Accounting: Customizing
ACAP CA Process Model Objects
ACC_INTEREST Interest and Penalty Charges
ACC_INTERNET_SERVICES Internet Services in Accounting
ACID External data transfer via IDocs and BAPIs to acctg
ACOM Application Components CO
ACOP Process Model Objects CO
ACSM CS Application Components
ACSP CS Process Model Objects
AD_UPOS Sub-Items in Purchasing (MPN)
AD01 DI Processor (Resource-Related Billing/Sales Pricing)
ADDR BAS Objects (Bus. Address Services/ BC-SRV-ADR) in SAP_APPL
ADFP Process Model Objects PP, Discrete Manufacturing
AECM Application components EC
AECP Process model objects EC
AEHP EH&S Process Model Objects
AEU0 EMU development class: FI-AA
AFIM Application components FI
AFIP Process model objects FI
AFMP Funds Management Process Model Objects
AIA Settl. of assets under construction (indep. AuCs)
AIC IM information system summarization
AIM IM capital investment measures (settlement, AuC alloc.)
AIMB Application development R/3 cap.investment measures posting
AIMC Customizing capital investment management
AIMM Application components IM
AIMP Process model objects IM
AIMS Application development R/3 CI measures master data
AIP IM capital investment prog.(master data, budget, info syst.)
AIPLOC Cross-System Flow of Goods (Plants)
AIR IM appropr.reqs.(master data, planning, preinvestment anal.)
AIS IM Deprec. Simulation Data - Inv.Prog., App.Reqs., Measures
AISB Audit Info System BC
AISB_EN Audit Info System BC ( Master Language English)
AISR Link from Asset Accounting to Internal Service Request
AKAP Process Model Objects PP, KANBAN
ALEM Application Component LE
ALEX Controlled ALE Distribution Hierarchical-Dependent Objects
ALOM Application components LO
ALOP Process model objects LO
AM1P Process Model Objects and ASAP MM-PUR (Purchasing)
AM2P Process Model Objects and ASAP MMIM (Inventory Management)
AM3P Process Model Objects and ASAP MM-IV (Invoice Verification)
AMFI Assets AM interface to FI
AMMM Application components MM
AMMP Process Model Objects MM
AMPP Process model objects MP, MPS, MRP
APFP Process Model Objects PP, Process Manufacturing
APMM Application Components PM
APMP Process model objects PM
APPM Application components PP
APPP Process model objects PP
APSM Application components PS
APSP Process model objects PS
AQMM Application components QM
AQMP Process model objects QM
AR Asset Accounting reporting
AR0P Process Model Objects Retail (Article)
AR1P Process Model Objects Retail (Site)
AR2P Process Model Objects Retail (Material Group)
AR3P Process Model Objects for Retail (Assortment)
AR4P Process Model Objects Retail (Pricing)
AR5P Process Model Objects Retail (Promotion)
AR6P Process Model Objects for Retail (Sales Orders)
AR7P Process Model Objects Retail (Shipping)
AR8P Process Model Objects for Retail (POS Interface)
AR9P Process Model Objects for Retail (Purchasing)
ARCH Archive the asset accounting
ARCH_DB_TOOLS Tools for Database Archiving
ARCH_IMG Data Archiving Guide and Corresponding Tools
ARCH_RESIDENZZEIT_PFLEGE_TOOL Archiving: Residence Time Maintenance Tool
AREF-AS Reference Structure Elements: Automotive Supplier
AREF-CH Reference Structure Elements: Chemicals
AREF-CP SAP Reference Structure for Consumer Products
AREF-HT Referenzstrukturelemente High Tech
AREF-HT1 Referenzstruktur IBU SAP High Tech (Test)
AREF-MP Mill Products Elements of the SAP Reference Structure
AREF-OG Reference Structure Elements for Oil and Gas
AREF-PH Pharmaceuticals Reference Structure Element
AREM RE Application Components
AREP RE Process Model Objects
ARTP Process Model Objects for Retail (Allocation Table)
ARZP Process Model Objects for Retail (Warehouse and Inv. Mngmnt)
ASAP_KC ASAP Knowledge Corner
ASAPTERM_AC Terminology and Glossary: Translation in AC
ASAPTERM_CO Terminology and Glossary: Translation in CO
ASAPTERM_CS Terminology and Glossary: Translation in CS
ASAPTERM_EC Terminology and Glossary: Translation in EC
ASAPTERM_EHS Terminology and Glossary: Translation in EHS
ASAPTERM_FI Terminology and Glossary: Translation in FI
ASAPTERM_IM Terminology and Glossary: Translation in IM
ASAPTERM_IS_RE Terminology and Glossary: Translation in RE
ASAPTERM_LE Terminology and Glossary: Translation in LE
ASAPTERM_LO Terminology and Glossary: Translation in LO
ASAPTERM_LO_MD Terminology and Glossary: Translation in LO-MD
ASAPTERM_MM Terminology and Glossary: Translation in MM
ASAPTERM_MM_IM Terminology and Glossary: Translation in MM-IM
ASAPTERM_MM_IV Terminology and Glossary: Translation in MM-IV
ASAPTERM_MM_PUR Terminology and Glossary: Translation in MM-PUR
ASAPTERM_PA Terminology and Glossary: Translation in PA
ASAPTERM_PE Terminology and Glossary: Translation in PE
ASAPTERM_PM Terminology and Glossary: Translation in PM
ASAPTERM_PP Terminology and Glossary: Translation in PP
ASAPTERM_PS Terminology and Glossary: Translation in BC
ASAPTERM_PT Terminology and Glossary: PT Translation
ASAPTERM_PY Terminology and Glossary: PY Translation
ASAPTERM_QM Terminology and Glossary: Translation in QM
ASAPTERM_SD Terminology and Glossary: Translation in SD
ASAPTERM_TR_CM Terminology and Glossary: Translation in TR-CM
ASDM Application components SD
ASDP Process model objects SD
ASELTOOL Selection Tool (Selection with Dropdown Boxes)
ASFP PP Process Model Objects, Repetitive Manufacturing
ASMAP_AD Solution Map: Aerospace & Defense
ASMAP_AUTO_AM Solution Map: SAP Automotive Aftermarket
ASMAP_AUTO_OEM Solution Map: Automotive OEM
ASMAP_AUTO_SUP Solution Map: Automotive Supplier
ASMAP_BA Solution Map: Banking
ASMAP_BT Solution Map: Business Technology
ASMAP_CF Solution Map: Corporate Functions
ASMAP_CH Solution Map: Chemicals
ASMAP_CP Solution Map: Consumer Products
ASMAP_EC Solution Map: Engineering & Construction
ASMAP_GENER Solution Map: generische Elemente
ASMAP_HC Solution Map: Healthcare
ASMAP_HER Solution Map: Higher Education & Research
ASMAP_HT Solution Map: High Tech
ASMAP_IN Solution Map: Insurance
ASMAP_KM Solution Map: Knowledge Management
ASMAP_ME Solution Map: Media
ASMAP_MI Solution Map: Mining
ASMAP_MP Solution Map: Mill Products
ASMAP_OIL Solution Map: Oil & Gas
ASMAP_PH Solution Map: Pharmaceuticals
ASMAP_PS Solution Map: Public Sector
ASMAP_RT Solution Map: Retail
ASMAP_SP Solution Map: Service Providers
ASMAP_SV Solution Map: Services
ASMAP_TE Solution Map: Telecommunications
ASMAP_UT Solution Map: Utilities
ASMAP01 Solution Map: Komponenten und Produkte
ASMAP02 Solution Map: Partnerprodukte
ASMM Service Management Structures
ASOP Process Model Objects SOP
ATAB Tabs pages in master data
ATCP Cash Management Process Model Objects
ATPG Application development ATP server
ATPI Availability Check Connection with APO
ATRM_CORE TR Component Hierarchy (Part Remaining in Core)
AV Assets: financial asset management
AW Asset Accounting in the Web
AWMP Process Model and ASAP LE-WM
AXXP Process model objects cross-application
BAM Technical Application Analysis
BAP1 Add-On Objects for BAPIs
BAPI BAPI Basis Functions: Cross-Application
BCUC Customizing R/3 General Table Settings
BEHM EH&S Application Components (Cross-Application)
BFV Cross-application Objects in Asset Management
BILLING_OUTPUT Issue of Billing Messages
BSEC Audit Info System (Other Objects)
BUPA_MASS SAP Business Partner: Mass Changes
C_PDM_ALE PDM-Specific ALE Developments
C_PDM_BROWSER Product Structure Browser
CA CAD Integration
CA0C R/3 Customizing PPS: CAD integration
CACSALR Provision: Drilldown objects in ALR
CAJO Cash Journal Development
CAJO_LEDGER Cash Journal Subledger
CATF Cross-Application Time Sheet: Accounting Functions
CATL Cross-Application Time Sheet: Logistics Functions
CATX_FUP CATS Enhancements: Document Tracing
CBAS R/3 Application development: PPS
CBEHS EH&S: Interface Objects
CBIF EH&S: Interface Development R/3 Release / EH&S Release
CBP PP-CBP: Constraint-based Planning
CBPC PP-CBP: Constraint-based Planning (Customizing)
CBZID Variable Object Identifiers
CC01 Engineering change management enhanced core
CC0C01 Customizing R/3 PPS Engineering Change Mgmt: Extended Core
CCF4 F4 help for effectivity search help generation
CCMA Customer Interaction Center Components
CCMB Customer Interaction Center Components
CDMU Digital Mock Up
CE B2B Engineering
CE_CL Development Class for Saudea Aramco CEP Project
CEG R/3 Application development: PPS CAPP routing generation
CEV R/3 Applic. development: PPS CAPP standard times calculation
CEVC R/3 App. development: Customizing standard times calculation
CF R/3 Appl. development: PPS production resources/tools
CF0C R/3 Application dev.: Customizing production resources/tools
CFG_TOOLS Analysis and Modeling Tool for Configuration Models
CFO R/3 Appl. dev.: PPS production resources maintenance order
CGV R/3 Appl.development: Distribution vendor master records ALE
CH Specification system
CIBD Work Order Time Recording
CICA Customer Interaction Center
CICB Customer Interaction Center
CIHR CIM integration: HR link (PDC)
CIIC CIM integration: Customizing
CIKO Application development processing feedback
CINBADI Cin development class for BADI development
CINBAPI Development class for CIN BAPIs
CINDOCU CIN documentation
CIR2 CIM integration: Capisce Link to Business
CISF CIM integration: SFC level interface optimization
CISG CIM integration: Global interface optimization
CISO CIM integration: SOP level interface optimization
CIWM CIM integration: WM link (PDC)
CIXX CIM integration: Capisce XXL link
CJ Application development R/3 PP-PI electronic signature
CJBADI BADIs Work Breakdown Structure, Project Definition
CK R/3 Application Development: PP Product Costing
CK_ECP Easy Cost Planning
CKAL Costing ALE Functions
CKAPP MiniApps for the Calculator
CKAZ R/3 Application Development: PP Costing Display Cost Comps
CKBA Procurement Alternatives and Mixing Ratios for Mixed Costing
CKBK R/3 Application Development: PP Costing Valuation
CKBP Preparation: Distribution of Cost Estimates
CKCO R/3 Application Development: PP Transfer to CO Object
CKCY Cycle Handling in Costing
CKDS R/3 Application Development: PP Product Costing Dialog Ctrl.
CKEK Multilevel Unit/Simulation Costing
CKEXECUTION E@sy Execution
CKJ1 Customizing for Product Costing
CKJ2 Layer Between Application and Customizing (Costing)
CKJ3 Archiving and Reorganization in Product Costing
CKJ4 Price Update (Product Costing)
CKJ5 Customizing: User-Defined Error Management
CKJ6 USER Exits in Product Costing
CKJ8 BAPIs in Product Costing
CKJ9 List Display with ALV Tool
CKJA Cust.
CKJB Cust.
CKKA Sales Order Costing
CKKT R/3 Application Development: PP Costing Driver Program
CKMC Customizing for Material Ledger
CKML Material Ledger
CKML_VNB Revaluation of Consumption
CKMLCCS Actual Cost Component Split
CKMLCUMREV no longer used, is now CO_ML_AVR
CKMLDUV no longer used, now CO_ML_DUV
CKMLGRIR Account Maintenance of the GR/IR Account
CKMLLA Update of Activity Consumption in Quantity Structure
CKMLMV Quantity Structure Tool
CKMLRUN Costing Run in Material Ledger
CKMLSIM No longer used
CKMLWIP WIP at Actual Costs
CKMP R/3 Application Development: PP Costing Manual Maintenance
CKMPC Material Price Changes (ML)
CKR1 R/3 Application Development: PP Costing Reporting 1
CKSA R/3 Application Development COPC-PCP Quantity Structure Tool
CKST Integration of Product Costing and Unit Costing
CKWB Product Cost by Production Lot(Pre-planned SEIBAN)
CKWBREPORT Cost Reports Production Lots
CKXX R/3 Application Development: PP Costing Basic Product
CLAIM Claim Management
CLASSIFICATION Main Package for Classification
CLEX Special Classification System Functions -Classes-
CLIB Classification Interface - IBase
CLOC Customizing for LOI interface
CLOI for logistics optimization interface
CLOLD Discontinued Functions in Classification System
CLVC_API_GENCODE Source Code Generation for Using Master Data APIs
CLVL Classification System -Variable Lists-
CM R/3 Application development: PP Message Management
CM_OBJ_MINIAPP Special Reports etc. for MiniApps
CM0C R/3 Customizing: PPS Message Management
CMFE R/3 Application Development Error Management and Analysis
CMT Configuration Management - Core Development
CMT_CUS Customizing for Configuration Management
CMX_CORE Manufacturing Execution: Core Objects
CN R/3 Application development: PS Basic data
CN_CONFIRM PS Confirmation
CN_EDIT Editing and Conversion of WBS
CN_MAT Material for the project
CN_MPX_IF MPX Interface
CN_NET_OPR Operative Network
CN_NET_STD Standard network
CN_PPT Project planning board
CN_PPT_GRAFIK Project Planning Board
CN_PSP_OPR Operative Work Breakdown Structure
CN_PSP_STD Standard Work Breakdown Structure
CN_PSP_TRM Project Structure Plan Dates
CNAR Archiving
CNCT CNCT Function modules for CATTs in CN
CNEV R/3 Application Development PS Progress Analysis
CNFP Billing Plan and Invoicing Plan (Project System)
CNIF External 'Interface for Project Management System (PS)'
CNIF_CONF BAPIs for Network Confirmation
CNIF_MAT BAPIs for Material Components in Network
CNIF_PERS BAPIs for Persons in the Project (Project Team)
CNIS Application development R/3 PS information system
CNMASS Mass processing in the Project System
CNOP Open R/3 PS
CNPB Project Builder
CNPC R/3 Customizing PP Project Management
CNROL Roles in the Project System
CNSH Delivery from Project System
CNTS PS: Project System test catalog
CNVL R/3 Application development: Variable lists
CNVR R/3 PS: Accounting functions in project versions
CNVS R/3 Application development: Version Management
CNWW Internet applications PS
CO R/3 Application development: PP Production orders
CO0C R/3 Application development: Customizing orders
COAS CO: Attribute Assignment Service
COBADI Development Class: Business Add-Ins
COBAPI BAPIs for Production and Process Orders
COCB R/3 Application Development: PP Orders Batch Management
COCB_DIV R/3 Application Development: PP Orders Batch Management
COCB_MSD Message Destinations
COCB_PIAS Process Instruction Assistant
COCB_PIMC Customizing for Proc. Instruction & Proc. Message Categories
COCB_R Process Data Evaluation
COCB_RELN Release Notes for Process Management
COCM Application development Order Change Management
COCR R/3 Application Development: PP-PI-POR, Process Orders
COCR_BO10 Business Object Process Order Confirmation
COIF Logistics interface for orders
COIP Order information system for process orders
COIS Order Information System
COM_IPC Internet Services for Configuration and Pricing
CONV Conversion of original application files
CONV0C Customizing conversion
COOS Production Order Split
COPC Production campaign
COPOC Appl.Dev. PP-PI-PMA: Process Operator Cockpit
CORE Archiving for application area PP
CORP CO-OM: Reporting
CORU R/3 Application development: PP Confirmations
CORU_BO10 Business object - Confiramtion of production orders
COWB PP Workbench
COWP Workplace & Roles: Production Order
CP R/3 Application Development: PP Task Lists
CP0C R/3 Appl. devt.: Customizing PP Task Lists / PP Work Centers
CPBR Workbench browser
CPC R/3 Application Development: PP Task Lists Master Recipes
CPF2 PFS enhancements for POI interfaces
CPFS Process Flow Scheduler - Embedding
CPFX Production version
CPPM R/3 Application Development: PP Plant Maintenance Task Lists
CPSSV Application Development: R/3 PS Service Modules
CPTX R/3: Application development: PP Word Processing Task Lists
CPV R/3 Application development: Routing Where-Used Lists
CQ99 Question Catalog and Questionnaire
CR R/3 Application development: PP Resources
CRC R/3 Application Development: PP Recipe-Specific Resources
CRDT Downtime of the Resource
CRHR Integration of HR personnel system in Logistics
CRM_COCKPIT Cockpits in CRM/CAS Environment
CS R/3 Application development: PP Bills of Material
CS0C R/3 Customizing: PPS Bills of Material
CSCC Customizing for Semiconductor Planning
CSCP Semiconductor Planning
CSCT Semiconductor Planning - Dynamical objects
CSIA Customer Service Development - Distributed Intelligent Agent
CSKN Customer Service Knowledge Base Development
CTEX Special Classification System -Characteristics-
CU Variant Configuration
CU01 Variant Configuration Enhancements
CUCK CBase Check Programs
CUD Distribution of objects from variant configuration
CUFE Fuzzy Logic: Engine
CUIB CU: IBase Interface - Configuration
CUIB_CORE CU: IBase Interface for Configuration (R/3 Core Specific)
CULL Low-Level Configuration
CULL_R3 BOM Instantiation of Development Class CULL
CUOBOM Configuration: Order BOMs
CURT Runtime Environment for R/3 Configurator (Central, High+Low)
CURTST Configuration: Runtime Object Structure
CUST Customizing - Application
CUW Configurator BAPI
CUX CU: External Communication with Configuration
CUXM External Configuration of Material Variants
CV Document Management
CV0C Document Management System: Customizing
CVDI DMS - Document Distribution
CVOA Document Management: Print Lists and Workflow Template
CVSE Document Management - Search Engine Connection
CX R/3 Application development: R/3 Scheduling
CX0C Customizing scheduling
CY R/3 Application development: Capacity Planning
CY01 R/3 Application Development: Resource Planning
CY02 R/3 Appl. Development: Resource Planning with Strategies
CY03 R/3 Appl. Dev.: Control Station Resource Planning (SFC)
CY0C Customizing Capacity Planning
CY1C Customizing Resource Planning
CY2C Customizing planning table
CYMP Workforce Planning
DALE ALE Application
DCAT Computer Aided Test Tool: Composite Report
DL Controlled ALE Distribution Hierarchical-Dependent Objects
DONR Application Development R/3 - General Object Number
DREO Old archiving Releases 2.1 and 2.2
DRFC Example Programs for RFC Under Windows
DSV Application Development R/3 - Status Management
DTIN Cross-application data input DB/archive/...
DWA Warranty processing
DZIC Central R/3 Customizing: International Customizing
ECLU EMU Cluster Solution + Parallel Document Converter
ECMM Electronic commerce applications
ECOP Entity copy
ENHAT Enhancements to Functionalities for Audit Trail
EWBC Objects for CMP Client Analysis, Transaction: KGBC
EWU All objects for EURO conversion
EWU_40 EMU: LC conversion tool (new objects P40)
EWUG Euro LC Changeover: Generated Programs
EWUP EMU Local Currency Conversion Tool (New Objects in P30)
FAIS Audit Info System FI
FAIS_DE_EN Audit Info System FI (German and English Only)
FAPM Attached Payment Media
FARC Archiving of FI objects
FB_DEFTAX Financial Accounting: Deferred Tax
FB0C Financial Accounting customers
FBAS Financial Accounting 'Basis'
FBAS_FAREA_FROM_COBL Derivation of Functional Area from COBL
FBCC Payment cards
FBD Customers
FBDC R/3 customizing for customers
FBI Banks
FBK Vendors
FBKC R/3 customizing for vendors
FBM Dunning
FBMC R/3 customizing for dunning
FBMW External Statutory Reporting
FBPAR Business Partner (Treasury/Real Estate)
FBS G/L Accounts
FBSC R/3 customizing for G/L accounts
FBZ Payments
FBZ_IDOC EDI/IDoc in Payment Transactions
FBZA User exits payment program - IS - no longer used
FBZC R/3 customizing for payments
FBZI Payments via Internet
FC00_UC Cons: General consolidation (cannot be FC01-FC09)
FC01_UC Cons: Master records items, consolidation units, etc.
FC02_UC EC-CS: Status, Versions
FC03_UC Cons: Entry, validation
FC04_UC EC-CS: Conversion
FC05_UC Cons: Posting, elimination (CU pairs:ICE,IPE,RCL)
FC06_UC SAP Consolidation: Consolidation of Investments
FC07_UC Cons: Reporting
FC08_UC EC-CS: Reserve
FC09_UC EC-CS: Reserve
FC16 SAP Cons.: Cons of Investments: Organizational Changes
FCBW_UC SEM-BCS: Integration to BW
FCEU_UC EC-CS: Changeover to Euro
FCIN_UC Cons: Integration
FCOM_SUBKEY2 CO-OM: Integration of Funct. Area and Segment for New G/L
FCRD Payment Card
FCUC EC-CS: Unicode-Capable Objects
FCXL_UC EC-CS: Interactive Excel
FCXS_UC Cons: Interface to Interactive Excel
FDS FI Dev. Support standard tools
FEU0 Euro Conversion: Financial Accounting
FEUV EMU: Real estate reconciliation programs for LC conversion
FF Cash Management
FFC R/3 customizing for cash management and forecast
FFCBC Cash Budget Management - Customizing
FFCBI Cash Budget Management - Integration
FFCBP Cash Budget Management - Planning
FFCBR Cash Budget Management - Reporting
FFE Fast Data Entry
FFPR Cash mgmt and forec. recording with payment request (EU)
FHBANK House banks
FHDG ASAP: Global Fields, Transaction Variants
FI_AA_BAS_CUS Asset Accounting Leasing: Tables and Customizing
FI_AA_POST Asset Accounting Leasing: Posting
FI_EMPLOYEE FI Part of Employee Role
FI2 Documentation FI closing operations
FIB Bank Menu
FIB0 House banks
FIB1 House bank accounts
FIB2 Payment methods
FIB3 SCB ratios
FIBBS Bank statement
FIBC Customizing financial accounting banks
FIBF Business Framework: Business Transaction Events
FIBI Bank chains
FIBKA Bank statement
FIBL Bank Subledger (Basis)
FIBL_CHECK_D Payment: General Section (FI Objects Only)
FIBL_MPAY Payment Media from Several Payment Runs
FIBL_OPAY Create Payments Online
FIBL_PAYM Payment Transactions (FI Objects in Bank Subledger)
FIBL_RPCODE Repetitive Codes
FIBP Documentation FI customers and vendors
FICR Documentation FI credit management
FIDC Documentation FI posting
FIGL Documentation FI General Ledger
FIGL_QUERY General Ledger Accounting: Query Objects
FIML Link to interface management layer in FI (BTE)
FIN_SEPA Single Euro Payment Area (SEPA) - FI Specifications
FIN1 Official document numbering
FINT New Interest Calculation
FITREK Documentation FI electronic bank statement
FITX Documentation FI general topics taxes, currencies
FIW FI Web applications
FJ1A User Exits for Localization (Argentina)
FJ1B Customer Exits (Brazil)
FKEU_UC Euro Conversion FI-LC: Unicode-enabled Objects
FKUC FI-LC Consolidation: Unicode-Capable Objects
FM_BW_CORE BW: OLTP-Objekte in Core
FMAR_CORE Funds Management Archiving
FMBU_CORE Funds Management - Budgeting (Core Objects)
FMCF_CORE FM: Closing Operations (Core Objects)
FMCO_CORE CO FM Integration (Core Objects)
FMDK_CORE HHM: Budgetierung Deutsche Kommunen (Core-Objekte)
FMDL_CORE HHM: Budgetierung Deutsche Kommunen (Interface zu Standard)
FMEU Earmarked Funds: Additional Developments
FMFG_CORE_E US Fed. Gov. bud. led. account derivation (Core Objects)
FMFI_CORE IS-PS: FI Basics for Funds Management Core Objects
FMFS_CORE Update Funds Management Core Objects
FMFS_CORE_E Upd/Int. Funds Management (master lang. english) Core Obj.
FMMD_CORE Funds Management: Master Data Core Objects
FMOV_CORE Cover Eligibility and Collective Expenditure Core Objects
FMRE Earmarked funds
FMRP_CORE Funds Management: Information System Core Objects
FMZA Payment program for payment requests
FOAP_CD_ASSIGNMENT Assignment of Open Credits and Payments
FOAP_UKM_CREDIT_MANAGEMENT Integration of FI-AR with SAP Credit Management
FQST Infrastructure for withholding tax
FREP RF reporting
FSID Documentation R/3 Finance Information Systgem
FT Treasury: Central control data bank
FTA_CORE TR-CORE: Former Objects from FTA (Applic. Dev. TR General)
FTAB Settings -TableControls
FTAC_CORE TR CORE: Former Objects from FTAC (Cust. R/3 TR MM/FX/DE)
FTB_CNEW Former Objects from FTB Required in AL0
FTB_CORE Former FTB Objects
FTC Distributed TR/CM
FTCM Treasury: Cash Management (SWIFT, BAI, Fed Wire)
FTDF Treasury: Datafeed TR-TM-TM-TO-DF
FTDF_CORE Treasury: Datafeed TR-TM-TM-TO-DF
FTE Bank accounting: External payment information
FTEC Bank accounting: Bank master - activities
FTH_CORE Former FTH Objects Required in AL0
FTI_CORE Former FTI Objects Required in AL0
FTI_RE_ALV Application Development: Drilldown Reporting-->ALV Transfer
FTLC_CORE TR-CORE: Former Objects from FTLC (Customizing TR Loans)
FTLM_CORE Former FTLM Objects Required in AL0
FTPC_CORE TR-CORE: Former Objects from FTPC (Customizing TR Portfolio)
FTRA Travel Management Application Development
FTRA_ADDON Application Development Travel Management Add-On
FTT_CORE Former FTT Objects Required in AL0
FTVV_CORE TR-CORE: Former Objects from FTVV (TR - Cr.-App.Obj. LO/SEC)
FTW1 Data Retention Tool
FVAL Validation, Substitution and Rules - RW-Specific
FVV R/3 application development for Financial Assets Management
FVVD_CORE TR-CORE: Former Objects from FVVD (TR Loans)
FVVI R/3 for Financial Assets Management: Real estate
FVVICN R/3 Real Estate Application Development - General Contract
FVVICNZ Applic.Dev. R/3 Real Estate - Gen.Contract - Enhancements
FVVIDE IS-RE: Immobilien deutschspezifika (nicht zu übersetzen)
FVVIIT RE: Real Estate Italy (to translate Italian/English only)
FVVM R/3 for Financial Assets Management: Migration
FVVR IS-IS Financial Assets Management - standard modules
FVVW_CORE TR-CORE: Former Objects from FVVW (TR-TM: Securities)
FWTI Analysis Tools for Extended Withholding Tax Processing
FWTM Withholding Tax Migration (Classic -> Extended)
FYTX Interface to external systems for tax calculation
FYTX/ADD Jurisdiction code handling for central address management
FYTX/B Basic functions, structs and data elemts for tax interface.
FYTX/B/JUR jurisdiction handling for in/external tax systems
FYTX/B/TAX Tax interface shell handling an entire document
FYTX/CATT CATT procedures for customizing to handle external tax syst.
FYTX/ETXDC External Tax document
FYTX/TAXD Tools for handling tax per document inside SAP
FYTX/TAXD/MTX Max Tax. (SAP Internal solution)
FYTX/TAXM Tax Manager external tax interface
FZNC R/3 customizing for interest scale
FZNS Financial Accounting interest scale
GALC FI-SL allocation
GBAS FI-SL Customizing / integration / Basis
GBIW FI-SL: Interface to Business Information Warehouse
GBRU FI-SL rollup
GJVA_BADI Joint Venture Objects: BAdIs
GJVC Joint venture objects with original in ALR
GKNT Cross-Application: Coding Block
GLPL Planning Processor FI-SL, FI-GL (new)
GLT0 Basis functions G/L accounting
GMCORE_E Grants management (core objects)
GPLN FI-SL planning
GRPG Grouping/Pegging for Individual Project Planning
GRWOI Report Writer: Office Integration
GRWR Report texts
GRWT Report Painter / Report Writer
GUSL FI-SL: Table accesses
HAIS dfdsf
HANDLING_UNITS Handling Units - General Packing
HU_ANALYSIS_TOOLS Handling Unit Analysis Tools
HU_BADI Business Add-Ins for Handling Units
HU_BOR Business Object Handling-Unit
I_MSM_AFRU Development Class for Business Object MSMAFRU
I_MSM_GRAFIK SM/PM Graphics Module
IB_R3_CLASS IBase: Class
IB_R3_DOCUMENT IBase: Document
IB_R3_ECN_LIST IBase: Object for Change Number List
IB_R3_EQUIPMENT IBase: Equipment
IB_R3_FUNCLOC IBase: Functional Location
IB_R3_MATERIAL IBase: Material
IB_R3_MODSERVSPEC IBase: Model Service Specification
IB_R3_PM_MASTER_DATA IBase: PM Master Data
IB_R3_PS IBASE: PS Objects
IB_R3_SERIALNO IBase: Serial Numbers
IB_R3_TASKLIST IBase: Task List
IB00 Application Development CS: Installed Base
IB00_CORE Application Development CS: Installed Base
IB00_CORE_WASTE Application Development CS: Installed Base
IB00X IB: Collect/Transfer Changes (For Example, BTE)
IB00X_CORE Transformation from IBases (External/Internal) R/3 Standard
IB00X_INITIAL Initial Data Supply from IBases
IB02 Installed Base Environment
IB03 IBase: User Interface
IB04 IBase: Interface for the administration segment IBIB
IB05 IBase: Search Helps
IB06 IBase: Archiving
IB07 IBase: Object-Specific Screen Components
IBCO Internet Outbound BAPI for Business-to-Business
IBCULL Interface: IBase - Low-Level Configuration
IBIP Application Development R/3 Batch Input for PM
IBOM Application Development R/3 PM Bills of Material
IBRT IB: Runtime
ICON Application Development R/3 Condition-Based Maintenance
ICRM CRM Development
ICRP Application Development R/3 Capacity Requirements Planning
ICRP01 Integration of External Scheduling Products
ICRP02 Partner Search Help Extensions in the PM/QM/CS Notification
ICRP03 Reserved
ICSV R/3 Customer Service
ID-CC-AR Customizing Argentinien
ID-CC-AT Customizing For Austria
ID-CC-AU Customizing Australien
ID-CC-BCSET_INDIA BC Sets Country Version India
ID-CC-BE Customizing Belgium
ID-CC-BELUX Customizing for Belgium/Luxembourg
ID-CC-BR Customizing Brasilien
ID-CC-CA Customizing Kanada
ID-CC-CH Customizing For Switzerland
ID-CC-CL Customizing for Chile
ID-CC-CN Customizing China
ID-CC-CO Customizing for Colombia
ID-CC-CO-E Customizing: Czech republic
ID-CC-CZ Customizing For Czech Republic
ID-CC-CZ-E Customizing: Columbia
ID-CC-DE Customizing For Germany
ID-CC-DK Customizing for Denmark
ID-CC-ENG Customizing: English as masterlanguage
ID-CC-ES Customizing for Spain
ID-CC-ES-E Customizing: Spain
ID-CC-FI Customizing for Finland
ID-CC-FR Customizing For France
ID-CC-GB Customizing Großbritannien / Irland
ID-CC-HK Customizing Hongkong
ID-CC-HU Customizing For Hungary
ID-CC-HU-E Customizing Hungary
ID-CC-IN Customizing for India
ID-CC-INT Customizing for INT
ID-CC-IT Customizing for Italy
ID-CC-IT-E Customizing: Italy
ID-CC-JP Customizing Japan
ID-CC-KR Customizing Südkorea
ID-CC-KZ Customizing Kasachstan
ID-CC-LU Customizing For Luxembourg
ID-CC-MX Customizing for Mexico
ID-CC-MY Customizing Malaysia
ID-CC-NA Customizing: North America
ID-CC-NL Customizing Niederlande
ID-CC-NO Customizing for Norway
ID-CC-NZ Customizing Neuseeland
ID-CC-PE Customizing for Peru
ID-CC-PH Customizing Philippinen
ID-CC-PL Customizing For Poland
ID-CC-PT Customizing For Portugal
ID-CC-PT-E Customizing: Portugal
ID-CC-RU Customizing Russia
ID-CC-SE Customizing for Sweden
ID-CC-SG Customizing Singapore
ID-CC-SK Cutomizing For Slovakia
ID-CC-SK-E Customizing: Slowaki republic
ID-CC-TH Customizing for Thailand
ID-CC-TR Customizing for Turkey
ID-CC-TW Customizing Taiwan
ID-CC-UA Customizing Ukraine
ID-CC-US Customizing USA
ID-CC-VE Customizing for Venezuela
ID-CC-ZA Customizing for South Africa
ID-FI International Development: FI-GL/AP/AR
ID-FI-AT Country-specific developments Financials Austria
ID-FI-BE Add-On Development - FI - Belgium
ID-FI-CI FI Localization (Chile)
ID-FI-CN Localization (China)
ID-FI-ES Add-On Development - FI - Spain
ID-FI-FR FI Localization France
ID-FI-GB FI Localization Great Britain
ID-FI-HU Localization Hungary
ID-FI-KR FI Localization (South Korea)
ID-FI-NL Country-specific development Netherlands
ID-FI-NO FI Localization Norway
ID-FI-PE Peru Localization FI
ID-FI-PH Philippines
ID-FI-PL FI Localization (Poland)
ID-FI-PT Add-On Development - FI - Portugal
ID-FI-SA FI Localization (South America, Excluding Argentina, Brazil)
ID-FI-SCAND Localisation FI Scandinavia
ID-FI-SG Singapore
ID-FI-TR Turkey
ID-FI-US Reporting USA: IRS Reporting
ID-FI-WT Withholding Tax reporting
ID-FIAA-BR FI-AA Localization Brazil
ID-FIAA-IT FIAA Localization Italy
ID-FIAA-KR FI-AA Localization (South Korea)
ID-FIAA-PL FI-AA Localization (Poland)
ID-FIAA-PT FI-AA Localization (Portugal)
ID-FIAA-SG Singapore (Asset Accounting)
ID-MM-CL Development Class Add-Ons MM for Chile
ID-MX-DI Localization Mexico - Digital Invoice
ID-SD-CN SD Localization (Chile, China, Peru): Document Printing
IDOC IDoc Interface (Application Objects)
IDOCLOGISTICS IDoc Interface (Logistics Segment Definitions)
IDOCLOGISTICS_ERP50 IDoc Interface (logistics segment definitions)
IDOCTRAINING Training for IDoc Enhancement (do not use!)
IEQM Application Develoment R/3 Equipment Management
IHCL Application development R/3 PM links to classification
IHSA Maintenance List Processing
ILDB Plant Maintenance Logical Databases
ILOM Application Development R/3 Location Management
IMAS PM: Master Data
IMRC Application Development R/3 Measurement Readings & Counters
IMRI Measurement and Counter Readings on the Internet
IMRM Application Development R/3 Maintenance Task List Management
IMSD Configurable routing, PM/SD interface
INET Application Development R/3 Object Networking
INSC Application Development R/3 Plant Maintenance Customizing
IOCF Application Development R/3 Work Order Confirmation
IPRM Application Development R/3 Preventive Maintenance
IPRT Application Development R/3 Plant Maintenance Print
IQSM Application Development R/3 Serial Numbers
IRSM Application Development R/3 Repairable Spares
ISAUTO_VHU_PACKOBJ Packing Instructions and Packing Dialog
ISDP Application Development R/3 Shutdown Planning
ISPP Permits
ITOB PM: Technical Objects
IW_AOIF Add On Interfaces for ALM WOC
IWMI Work Management SM/PM Interface
IWO1 Appl. Development R/3 Plant Maintenance Order Processing
IWO2 Application Development R/3 Plant Maintenance Order History
IWOC Application Development R/3 Work Order Cycle
IWOCE Application Development R/3 Work Order Cycle - BAPIs
IWWO R/3 Application Development MSM Pervasive Devices Connection
IWWP Workplace for Plant Maintenance
IWWW Application development R/3 MSM WWW functions
J1AA Extended Inflation Asset Accounting
J1AF FI Localization (Argentina)
J1AI Extended Inflation (FI)
J1AN Asset Waybills
J1AS Localization Argentina
J1AT Tax Processing (Argentina)
J1BA Localization Brazil
J1HF THRF Localization Thailand: Development Class for FI
J1HL THRF Localization Thailand: Development Class for Logistics
J1I2 India, Phase II
J1I3 India, Phase II
J1ICIN30A Development class for cin30a
J1ICIN40A CIN40A developments
J1IDEFTAX Deferred tax solution RFUMSV50 for Service Tax
J1IN India
J2IN India
JBST Standard objects of application development IS-B EGK
KABC Cost Accounting: Activity-Based Costing
KABP Budgeting Funds Management/Cost Accounting
KABR Appl. Development: R/3 Cost Accounting Order Settlement
KABT Process Template
KABW Cost Accounting: Variance Calculation
KACC Cost Accounting: CO Object
KACC_ERP50 Cost Accounting: CO Object
KACT CO-OM-ACT: Performance Analysis
KADA CO Account Determination / Default Account Assignment
KAFF Overhead Cost Controlling: Integration of Fund and Function
KAFF_ERP50 Overhead Cost Controlling: Integration of Fund and Function
KAFM Cash management project
KAFM_CUST Developments in Customizing
KAFP Project Cash Management: Payment Planning
KAHF Business reporting in Project System
KALC Cost Accounting allocations RK-S
KALE Overhead Cost Controlling: ALE
KAMV CO Mass Processing
KAO Cost Accounting: Commitments Management
KAP0 Project Info Database (Infrastructure and Recording Data)
KAP1 Project Hierarchy Reports
KAP2 Project Summarization
KAP3 Project Summarization with Classification
KAP4 Line item reports for projects
KAP4_IM Line Item Settlement for IM
KAP5 Report Writer for Project Reports
KAP6 Project Information System Data Export into R/3 EIS
KAP7 PS Report Tree
KAPA Project-Related Incoming Orders/Open Orders
KAPG Automatic Generation of Settlement Rules
KAPI Interest calc./mass processing
KAPPSJ Programs for Logical Database PSJ, from Release 4.6
KAPQ Project system: Comm. service routines
KAPS Project period-end closing
KAPZ Project System: Activity-Based Costing Functions
KASA Project consistency checks
KASC Cost Accounting - Overhead
KAUC Customizing R/3 Cost Accounting, Orders
KAUF Cost Accounting, Orders
KBAS Overhead Cost Controlling
KBAS_ARCH Archiving for Cost Accounting
KBAS_ERP50 Overhead Cost Controlling: ERP 50
KBD_OM CO-OM: Interfaces for Business Domain Library
KBE Creation internal RW documents
KC Cost Accounting Controlling EIS
KC0C Customizing R/3 Controlling SAP-EIS
KCBRST Report/Report Interface
KCBW Interface EC-EIS --> SAP-BW
KCD Data Collection
KCDD Drilldown reporting
KCM Cost Accounting: Change Management, Enterprise Hierarchy
KCRP Report Painter
KDEC Application Basis Accounting
KDEL CO: Objects flagged for deletion
KE Profitability Analysis
KE_DB Profitability Analysis, database interface
KE0C Customizing for Profitability Analysis
KE1 Profit Center Accounting
KE1A Profit Center Accounting: ALE
KE1C Customizing for Profit Center Accounting
KE1D Profit Center invoice Catt
KE1T Basic functions transfer prices
KEG0 Profitability Analysis: objects generated by the customer
KEG2 Profitability Analysis: Generated Objects (Transportable)
KEO Enterprise Organization
KEU0 EURO Changeover: Controlling
KEVW CO-PA special project
KFPR Transfer Prices for Individual Projects
KFPS Transfer Prices for Projects (with Collective Agreement)
KIMB Cost Accounting: Manual Actual Postings
KINT CO-OM Internet Applications
KIST Cost Accounting Actual Data RK-S
KIST_ERP50 Cost Accounting Actual Data: RK-S: ERP 50
KK0C Customizing for Cost Object Controlling
KK0E Customizing for CO-PC Results Analysis and WIP Calculation
KKAC Application Action Log for CO Collective Processing
KKAG Cost Object Controlling Make-to-Order
KKAL CO-RCL Reconciliation Ledger
KKAL_ERP50 CO-RCL: Reconciliation Ledger: ERP 50
KKAN CO Analysis Programs
KKB Reporting for Costing
KKB1 Application Development: R/3 Costing Information System
KKBO Multilevel BOMs 00
KKBW_EXTRACTOR_CHECK Testprogramm für Extraktor CO-PC
KKC2 Test Data Storage for CATT
KKEK Cost Accounting: Unit Costing
KKHI Group Maintenance
KKOR Correction Programs with Delivery (RW)
KKP Cost Object Controlling for Repetitive Mfg: General
KKPH Cost Object Controlling for Repetitive Mfg: Hierarchy
KKPK Product Cost Collector: Master Data/Processing
KKPP PCP: Cost Estimate w/o Quantity Structure/Additive Cost Est.
KKPV Cost Object Controlling: Product Cost by Responsibility Area
KKR CO Hierarchy Summarization
KKRH CO-PC Reporting: Hierarchy Display
KKS Cost Object Controlling: Repetitive Manufacturing
KNMO Transaction Usage Monitor
KPEP_WORKLISTS_CO Worklist in Schedule Manager: CO-Specific Objects
KPKA Projects: Costing networks
KPLA Cost Accounting, Planning RK-S
KPLC Internal Orders: Costing
KPOR Orders for project (archiving)
KPP Cost Accounting, planning processor
KPP_ERP50 Cost Accounting, planning processor
KPPB PS: Valuated project stock
KPPL Application development R/3 project cost accounting:Planning
KPSD Revenue/payment planning from cust.order and billing plan
KPUZ Tax BAB and Standard Cost Planning
KRET Information Retrieval
KS0C Customizing R/3 Cost Accounting
KSA CO-CCA Calculation of Imputed Costs
KSDI Static Resource-Related Billing (VA90) - Conversion
KSRO Application-Specific Rollup (Cost Centers)
KSUBKEY CO Object: Encryption of Characteristics
KSUR Survey Main Components
KSV Cost Centers ALE
KV Variance Analysis RK-S/RK-K
KWEB Cost Center Accounting: Web Transactions
LALD Logistics Automotive Line Design
LAPA Logistics Automotive JIT call
LASP Application Development R/3 Logistics Automotive Sequencing
LB_BIL_OUTPUT Issue of Billing Messages
LE Logistics Execution
LE_CHKIN Check-in at Checkpoint for Means of Transport and Visitors
LE_IMG Logistics Execution: Implementation Guide
LE_SHP_ATP_CHECK Availability Check in the Logistics Execution System
LE_SHP_ATP_INTERFACE Interface Between Delivery and ATP/Requirements
LE_SHP_BADI Business Add-Ins in Shipping
LE_SHP_BF_BARCODE Basic Functions - Bar Code Processing
LE_SHP_BF_EAN128 Basic functions for EAN128
LE_SHP_CORE Core Function of Delivery Processing
LE_SHP_DB_INTERFACE Database Access for Logistics Execution (Shipping)
LE_SHP_DELIVERY_PREPROC Deliver Preceding Objects of a Delivery
LE_SHP_DIALOG User Interface for the Delivery Object
LE_SHP_OUTPUT Delivery Output
LE_SHP_WEB Web Transactions
LE_TRA_BADI Business Add-Ins in Transportation
LE_TRM TRM Interface
LE_WM_BADI Business Add-Ins in Warehouse Management
LEDSP Subsequent Delivery Split
LEPAD Deterimination Analyses and Logs
LMOB Mobile Computing in warehouse logistics
LO_EMPLOYEE LO Part of Role Employee
LO_IMG Customizing - Logistics, General
LUMER Quantity Optimizing and Allowed Units of Measure
LVS Application development Warehouse Management (WM)
LVSC Warehouse Management (WM) Customizing
LVSD Decentralized WM system
MASB Service master
MASS_BATCHINPUT Mass Maintenance: Batch Input
MASS_BI Mass Maintenance: Batch Input Programs
MASS_OLD Mass Maintenance: Old Components
MASS_SD SD-Specific Mass Maintenance
MATRIX Matrix Display
MB Application development R/3 inventory management
MB0C Customizing R/3 inventory management
MB0D Customizing: R/3 Wizard for Inventory Management
MBW Inventory management in Internet
MC0C Customizing Logistics Information System
MCB R/3 application development: Inventory Controlling
MCB2 R/3 appl.development: Inventory Controlling/MRP parameters
MCE R/3 application development: Purchasing Information System
MCF R/3 application development: Shop Floor Information System
MCI R/3 appl. development: Plant Maintenance Information System
MCL Application development R/3 Logistics Information Library
MCP R/3 application development: R/3 forecast nucleus
MCP1 R/3 application development: info structures planning
MCP2 R/3 application development: Sales & Operations Planning
MCPC Sales & Operations Planning: Customizing
MCPR R/3 application development: enhanced forecast functions
MCR R/3 application development: Logistics Info Sys. (Reporting)
MCS R/3 application development: Logistics Information Warehouse
MCT Application Development R/3 Transportation Inform. System
MCV R/3 application development: Sales Information System
MCW R/3 application development: Retail Information System
MCWB Application Development R/3 Trading Contract
MCWF Workflow-LIS connection
MCWZ R/3 Application Development: LIS settlement
MCX R/3 application development: objects generated for LIS
MCY Application development R/3 Early Warning System LIS
MCZ Application development R/3 SAP Open Information Warehouse
MD Application development R/3 requirements planning
MD01 Appl. Dev. R/3 Consumption-Based Gen. Requirements Planning
MD02 Appl. development R/3 control tables requirements planning
MD03 Appl. development R/3 MPS/determin. requirements planning
MD04 Repetitive Manufacturing
MD05 Development Class KANBAN
MD06 Development Material Requirements Planning
MD07 Production Lot Planning
MD09 Appl.Dev. R/3 Requirements Planning Internal Structures/Objs
MD0C Customizing R/3 Material Requirements Planning
MD4C Customizing Repetitive Manufacturing
MDBC Customizing for Stock Determination
MDBF Stock determination
MDPB Application development R/3 purchasing
MDPC Customizing R/3 independent requirements management
MDRP Distribution Resource Planning
MDW1 ATP information and simulation for Internet
MDW2 Internet Kanban
ME Purchasing
ME_SWP Supplier Workplace
ME0C Customizing R/3 Purchasing
MEALE ALE Objects: MM-PUR Purchasing
MECCP Cross-Company-Code Procurement
MEDCM Purchasing: Change Management
MEL Vendor Evaluation
MENUS_ALR Cross-Application Area Menus
MEREQ Purchasing: Purchase Requisition
MEU0 EURO conversion: Materials management
MEW Internet/Intranet developments in purchasing
MG Application development R/3 material master prior to 3.0
MG_OLD Veraltete / im Standard nicht mehr genutzte MatStammPogramme
MG0C Customizing R/3 material master prior to 3.0
MGA Application development R/3 material master from 3.0
MGAC Customizing R/3 material master from 3.0
MGAD Data Transfer R/3 Material Master as of 3.0
MGDCHR Objects for decoupling HR - LO-MD-MM
MGV Application Development R/3 Material Master Distribution
MGW Application development R/3 material master Retail
MGWC Customizing R/3 material master Retail
MKOR Correction programs with delivery (RL)
ML R/3 External Services Management
ML_TOOLS Analysis and Correction Reports for External Services Proc.
MM_IMG Customizing: Materials Management
MMPUR_PORTAL Linkage of Portal to Purchasing
MMPUR_PRINT Output of Purchasing Documents with Adobe
MO Subcontracting Index Table
MPRO Material Forecast
MR Incoming Invoices
MR0C Customizing R/3 Invoice Verification
MRM Appl. Development: R/3 Decentralized Invoice Verification
MRM_BADI Business Add-Ins in Invoice Verification
MRY Balance Sheet Valuation
MSCI IMG: Supply-chain planning interfaces
MUSW Quantity conversion steel and active ingredient mgmt
NDBS New Dimension Plug-In: Basis Objects
NDBT New Dimension Plug-In: Business Transaction Events
NDBU New Dimension PlugIn: BTEs - Not Dependent on Release
OBJ Cost Object Controlling - General
OBJ0_LOG Basic List/Processing Log
OBJ1 Variance Calculation
OBJ1_46A Variance Calculation, Release 4.6A
OIL IS OIL: Standard objects
OILF IS-Oil Marketing Retail Network MRN (standard objects)
OMIS Development Class: InfoSources CO-OM
OP00 Non-HR components of Organizational Management
OPA_PLANNING Manual Cost Planning for Orders/Projects
PL_PACKINST_BADI Business Add-In in the Packing Instruction
PPAR PP Archiving
PPPIWP MiniApps for Process Manufacturing
PSIS_SINGLE PS Logistic Overview: Single Overview'
QA QM master data
QAALE Distribution of QM Inspection Setup
QADIST Objects for Distributing Inspection Setup
QALK Costing Notification
QB QM in procurement
QC QM quality certificate
QCE QM Quality Certificate Data Exchange
QCI QM quality certificate in World Wide Web
QCPR QM quality certificates in procurement
QD QM dynamic modification
QDSE QM sample determination
QE QM results recording
QEHH QM Handheld Devices
QEIF QM interfaces inspection processing
QESI QM statistical interface inspection processing
QETB Toolbox: Results recording
QEWW Results Recording on Web
QF QM defects recording
QG01 QM quality inspection analysis
QG02 QM quality information system
QG03 QM quality information system (Q messages and errors)
QHU QM handling unit processing
QI QM IMG and area menu
QISR Internal Service Requests
QISR_EXAMPLES Internal Service Requests: Example Scenarios
QL QM inspection lots
QLPP QM inspection points
QM QM inspection specifications
QM00 QM central QM functions
QM01 QM graphics and SPC
QMCF QM configuration/batch determination and QM
QMPMCS_WP Services for CS/QM/PM Workplaces
QMWP QM Workplace
QNWEB Web Application for Notifications (ISR)
QP QM inspection plan characteristics
QPMK Master Inspection Characteristic (Master Data in QM)
QPR QM sample management
QQM QM quality notification
QR01 QM reorganization of master data
QR02 QM reorganization of transaction data
QS QM in Sales and Distribution
QSCA QM Catalogs
QSKT QM basic data: Catalog data
QSLS_LOCK Non-Relevant Table Entries
QSMT Inspection Methods (Master Data in QM)
QSSE QM Basic Data: Selected Sets
QV QM usage decision
READ RE: Rent Adjustment
REAO RE: Offers and Applications
REBD RE: Master Data
REBF RE: Basis Functions (Orig. in Application Develop.System)
RECNAD Real Estate: General Contract Accruals/Deferrals
RECO RE: Controlling
RECONST Reconciliation for Structure Leveling
RECP RE: Correspondence
REDB RE: Database Accesses
REIS RE: Information System
REIT RE: Input Tax Treatment
RELDB RE: Logical Databases
RERA RE: Rental Accounting
RERC RE: Lease-Out
RESC RE: Service charge settlement
RESR RE: Sales-Based Rental Agreements And Settlements
RETP RE: Third party management
RHIE Switching the Hierarchy Interface Between BW and R/3
RSQL SQL Trace Interpreter for Applications
RTTREE Report Trees
SCAP CA Process Model Objects
SITU Informix to STUN Porting
U010 Cross-Application Components
U100 Financial Accounting
U101 General Ledger Accounting
U102 Consolidation
U103 Accounts Payable
U104 Accounts Receivable
U105 Asset Accounting
U106 Special Purpose Ledger
U110 Treasury
U111 Cash Management
U112 Funds Management
U120 Controlling
U121 Overhead Cost Controlling
U122 Product Cost Controlling
U123 Profitability and Sales Accounting
U124 Activity-Based Costing
U130 Investment Management
U131 Capital Investments
U134 Data model RE real estate
U140 Enterprise Controlling
U200 Logistics general
U201 Classification
U202 Document Management
U204 Logistics information
U300 Sales and Distribution
U301 Basic Functions
U302 Sales
U303 Shipping
U304 Billing
U305 Sales Support
U400 Materials Management
U401 Base data Materials Management
U402 Inventory Management
U403 Purchasing
U404 Invoice Verification
U405 Warehouse Management
U600 Quality Management
U650 Plant Maintenance
U651 Equipment and Technical Objects
U652 Preventive Maintenance
U653 Maintenance Order Management
U700 Production Planning and Control
U701 Production Basic Data
U710 Production planning
U711 Sales and production rough-cut planning
U712 Capacity Requirements Planning
U713 Material Requirements Planning
U714 Production Planning for Process Industries
U721 Production Orders
U722 Kanban planning / just in time
U723 Repetitive Manufacturing
U724 Assembly Orders
U800 Project System
U801 Project base data
UDDM EDM Maintenance Transaction
UH01 Base data hospital
UH02 Rules regulations hospital
UUDM EDM: Data Modeler (General)
V50R Lists in shipping
VA Application development R/3 Sales
VA0C Customizing R/3 sales
VACO Sales-Controlling Interface
VACR Add-On BAPIs Sales and Distribution
VAD Application development R/3 printing, SAPscript sales
VALE ALE development in sales and distribution
VAR Application development R/3 reporting sales
VARC Customizing R/3 reporting sales
VAW Internet/Intranet - development in sales
VB Application Development R/3 Batches
VB0C Customizing R/3 batch determination
VBAS Application development R/3 sales master data
VBDOCUBATCH Documentary Batch
VBDRV Batch Derivation
VBEX Customer Exits for Batch Management
VBIC Batch Information Cockpit
VBIH SD Extractors from R/3 SD Information System for SAP BW
VBOB Batch Processing - Original Batch
VBP Batch record
VBW BAPI Processing in Batch Management
VBWS Batch Management Proportion/Product Units
VBWU Where-Used List (Batches)
VBX External Communication Batch Determination
VCA CAS - activities
VCK CAS - contacts
VCOM CAS - Opportunity Management
VCOW SD Account Determination Wizard
VCR CAS - reporting
VD Application development R/3 printing, SAPscript
VDEL SD: for future deletion of marked objects !
VED Application development R/3 EDI
VEDC Customizing R/3 EDI
VEHS WS-SHP Dangerous Goods/Substances (Env., Health and Safety)
VEI Application development R/3 foreign trade
VEII Application Development R/3 Foreign Trade: MP/WP
VEIU Application development R/3 FT: Data Service / Upload
VF Application development R/3 invoice
VF_BADI BAdIs for Billing
VF_PRC_CORE Central Pricing Routines
VF_PRC_CUSTOMIZING Customizing of Pricing
VF_PRC_GUI Graphical Pricing Interface
VF_PRC_INTERFACE Pricing Interfaces
VF0C Customizing R/3 invoice
VFC Application development R/3 billing docs.: Payment cards
VFD Application development R/3 printing, SAPscript, invoice
VFE R/3 billing document appl. development: Revenue recognition
VFR Application development R/3 reporting invoice
VFRC Customizing R/3 reporting invoice
VFSC Scales
VFSC_1 VOFM Routines for Calculator
VFW Workflow/BOR - billing docs. development
VHUMI Handling unit management: material identification
VIEW Application development views
VIN Introductory guide R/3 messages
VIO Introductory Guide to R/3 Organization and Environment
VIPC SCE Basis, Control IPC Using HTML Control
VIPCSV IPC Basis Service
VIR Introductory guide R/3 reporting
VIS Introductory guide R/3 master data
VIV Introductory guide R/3 procedures
VIZ Introductory guide R/3 central functions
VKM Application development R/3 credit management
VKMC Customizing R/3 credit management
VKO1 Application Development R/3 Conditions: Copy
VKOA Application development R/3 conditions: ALE/IDoc
VKOD R/3 application development for conditions: Download
VKOK Application development R/3 conditions: customers
VKON Application development R/3 conditions
VKOT Rebate: Enhancements for Standard Agreements and Conditions
VKRC Customizing R/3 credit management reporting
VL WS-SHP: General Processing for Shipping
VL0C WS-SHP: Customizing Shipping
VLBO WS-SHP: Business Objects Shipping
VLD WS-SHP: Print, SAPscript
VLR WS-SHP: Delivery Reporting / Delivery Monitor
VLRC WS-SHP: Customizing Delivery Reporting
VLTM Maintenance Functions for Schedules
VLTS Time segment
VLUP WS-SHP: Changes to Deliveries
VMIRC Material identification / reconciliation
VMOD Application development R/3 SD customer modifications
VMSD SD internal
VN Application development output control
VN0C Customizing R/3 output control
VNOW SD Output Determination Wizard
VNSI Development Class for NuSkin Objects
VOW Sales and distribution organizational data
VPD Developments for SD Partner Processing (SD-BF-PD)
VPK Resource-Related Billing / Sales Pricing
VR Application development R/3 outline agreement
VREP Application development RV reporting
VS Application development R/3 sales master data
VS0C Customizing R/3 Sales and Distribution master data
VSC Application development R/3 SD master data: Payment cards
VSCE Sales Configuration Engine
VSH R/3 Customer Hierarchy Application Development
VSHP_BAPI_DEZENTRALES_LAGER WS-SHP: BAPIs for Decentralized Warehouse Processing
VSHP_CHARGEN WS-SHP: Batch Processing
VSHP_LIEFERUNG_DATENBANK WS-SHP: Database Accesses Delivery Processing
VSHP_LIEFERUNG_DIALOG WS-SHP: Dialog Processing Inb.Deliv./Outb.Deliv./Post.Change
VSHP_LIEFERUNG_PREISFINDUNG WS-SHP: Pricing / Conditions in the Delivery
VSHP_MENGENKORRELATION WS-SHP: Quantity Correlation BoMs Delivery Groups
VSHP_PARTNER WS-SHP: Partner Processing in the Delivery
VSHP_TEXTE WS-SHP: Processing Description Text
VSHP_VFP WS-SHP: Availability Check
VSHP_WB WS-SHP: Goods Movements
VSI Application development R/3 customers/material relationships
VSKM R/3 Customer Material Info Application Development
VSSF SAPforms: Example Scenarios in SD
VSV Appl. development R/3 SD master data distribution
VT Application development R/3 texts in Sales and Distribution
VTAXCALC Calculation for VAT and Sales / Use Tax
VTAXREP Reporting for VAT and Sales / Use Tax
VTOL Sales and Distribution Analysis Tools
VTR SD R/3 transport processing
VTRA Shipment costs
VTRBO Transport: Business objects
VTRC SD R/3 customizing transport processing
VTRF Freight Codes and Classes
VTRI Interfaces to external transport systems
VTRK Shipping communication (delivery/transport)
VTRP LE-TRA Transportation Messages
VTRS Statistics update transport: Customizing
VV WS-SHP: Packing / Handling Units
VV_DSP Preliminary HU Functions for Subsequent Dlv. Split in Core
VV0C Customizing Handling Units
VVSRCH_CORE Transport Layer AL0: Statutory Reporting Switzerland
VVSRG_CORE Objects for System AL0 (Stable Detached Objects)
VVTR Express Delivery Company Interface & Tracking
VWFL SD: Workflow components
VX Application development R/3 SD decentralized shipping
VX0C Customizing R/3 SD decentralized shipping
VZ Application development R/3 RV central functions
VZ_SCHEDULE SD Central Function: Connection to APO Scheduling
VZ0C Customizing R/3 SD Central Functions
VZR Application development R/3 reporting RV central
W_ISR_AUDIT Retail: Measurement for License Audit
W_PARA Parallel Processing Variants Retail
W_RUNTIME_ANALYSIS Runtime Analysis/Throughput Statistics Retail (A-Comp temp.)
W4 Application development R/3 Purchasing
W6 Application development R/3 Stock planning
W8 Application development R/3 Sales
WAFS AFS: Apparel Footware Solution
WAKT Application development R/3 Promotions
WAP0 Retail: Gate settings
WART IS-R: Integrated article maintenance
WAUF Application development R/3 Purchasing, Allocation table
WB2B_DDIC Trading Contract: DDIC Objects Retained in AL0
WB2BDOTCOM_DDIC Trading Contract: DDIC Development
WBBC IS-R: Assortment List
WBBY Free-Goods Discount/Bonus Buys
WBBY_DELETE Bonus Buy: Deletion Functions
WBEF IS-R: Inventory Management
WBON Subsequent Settlement
WC00 IS-R: General customizing
WCA1 Customizing R/3 material master Retail
WCA2 IS-R: Promotions (Customizing)
WCA3 IS-R: Allocation table (Customizing)
WCAD IS-R: Additionals (Customizing)
WCB1 IS-R: Volume-based rebate (Customizing)
WCB2 IS-R: Assortment List (Customizing)
WCB3 IS-R: Inventory Management (Customizing)
WCB4 IS-R: Sites (Customizing)
WCBBY Bonus Buys (Customizing)
WCC1 IS-R: Conditions (Customizing)
WCCH Customizing country specifics Switzerland
WCD1 IS-R: Stock planning (Customizing)
WCE1 IS-R: Labeling (Customizing)
WCE2 IS-R: Customizing purchasing
WCF1 IS-R: Store master (Customizing)
WCF2 IS-R: SMMS interface (Customizing)
WCI1 IS-R: Information system (Customizing)
WCK1 IS-R: Customer master (Customizing)
WCK2 IS-R: Credit card management (Customizing)
WCK3 IS-R: Sales order (Customizing)
WCL1 IS-R: Vendor master (Customizing)
WCL2 IS-R: Warehouse management (Customizing)
WCON Retail: New Functions for Contract
WCOS ISR: Online Store (Customizing)
WCP1 IS-R: POS interface (Customizing)
WCP2 IS-R: Planning system (Customizing)
WCS1 IS-R: Assortments (Customizing)
WCST Customizing Store Workbench
WCT2 Customizing gate setting
WCV1 IS-R: Sales pricing (Customizing)
WCV2 IS-R: Master data distribution (Customizing)
WCV3 IS-R: Shipping/Picking (Customizing)
WCV4 ISR: VMI (Customizing)
WCW1 Merchandise categories (Customizing)
WCW2 ISR: Merchandise Distribution (Customizing)
WCWB ISR: Online Store Workbench (Customizing)
WDISPO Retail Functions for Requirements Planning
WEDI IDoc and segment definition
WEFF_INTF Interfaces for Extended Forecast Functions Retail AddOn
WETI Applications Development SAP Retail Labeling
WEWU EMU conversions in retail
WFIL IS-R: Store master
WFRM ISR: Cross-Docking and Floor-Ready Merchandise
WFWW IS-R: SMMS interface
WG Application development R/3 Retail cross application tasks
WIND Document index processing
WIS_PLAN Retail: Planning
WIS_PLAN_O MAP: Functions for Operational R/3
WLAY Layout and Space Management
WLCH Country specifics Switzerland
WLIF IS-R: Vendor master
WMCV IS-R: Vendor Characteric Value, Value and Quota Scale - ALE
WMOD ISR: Fashion Management, Generic Materials
WMSF ISR: Support Fashion Handling
WO+G Retail Development for Perishables
WOD Online Planning
WORG IS-R: Organizational units
WOST_CORE SAP Retail Store Core Objects
WP_PROCESS_MANUFACTURING Workplaces/Roles for Process Manufacturing
WPDTC Calculation of Planned Delivery Time
WPOC IS-R: Changing Purchase Orders
WPOS IS-R: POS interface
WRPL Retail: Replenishment
WSEA Application development R/3 season management
WSOR IS-R: Assortments
WSTO Stock Overviews
WSTR R/3 Material Master (Retail): Structured Materials
WSTRG_SELECTS Holds interfaces for selects replacement with selects functi
WTAD IS-R: Additionals
WUSL General Where-Used List of Table Objects
WVER IS-R: Shipping/picking
WVKP IS-R: Sales pricing
WVLB Retail Load Building
WVMI VMI Functionality from a retailer view
WWGR IS-R merchandise categories
WWMB Advertising medium: BAPI & IAC prod.catalog
WWMC Advertising medium customizing
WWMI Product catalog and layout
WWP Planning Workbench
WZRE Agency Business
WZREDOTCOM Agency Business on the Internet