This bundle contains Amazon Fire TV Stick Lite and Mission USB Power Cable. The USB power cable eliminates the need to find an AC outlet near your TV by powering Amazon Fire TV directly from your TV's USB port. Includes special power management circuitry that enhances the peak power capability of the USB port by storing excess energy and then releasing it as needed.
Check it out on →The package APPL (Structure Package: Logistics/Accounting) is a structure package in SAP ERP.
Package | APPL |
Short Text | Structure Package: Logistics/Accounting |
Parent Package | - |
SAP Package APPL contains 1435 embedded packages.
AA | Assets: Master Data |
AA_BAS_CUS | Asset Accounting: General Tables and Customizing |
AA_BAS_DEP | Asset Accounting: Calculation of Depreciation |
AA_BAS_SRV | Asset Accounting: Central Service Routines |
AA_MASTER | Asset Accounting: Master Data |
AA_PERIOD | Asset Accounting: Periodic Processing |
AA_POST | Asset Accounting: Posting |
AA_REP | Asset Accounting: Reporting |
AA_TOOLS | Asset Accounting: Other Tools |
AA2 | Assets master data 2.0 |
AAAP | Process Model Objects Asset Accounting |
AACM | Application components AC |
AALSM | Asset Accounting Legacy Data Transfer |
AARQ | Asset accounting queries |
AB | Asset Accounting |
ABAS | Asset accounting kernel |
AC | Asset Accounting: Customizing |
ACAP | CA Process Model Objects |
ACC_INTEREST | Interest and Penalty Charges |
ACC_INTERNET_SERVICES | Internet Services in Accounting |
ACID | External data transfer via IDocs and BAPIs to acctg |
ACOM | Application Components CO |
ACOP | Process Model Objects CO |
ACSM | CS Application Components |
ACSP | CS Process Model Objects |
AD_UPOS | Sub-Items in Purchasing (MPN) |
AD01 | DI Processor (Resource-Related Billing/Sales Pricing) |
ADDR | BAS Objects (Bus. Address Services/ BC-SRV-ADR) in SAP_APPL |
ADFP | Process Model Objects PP, Discrete Manufacturing |
AECM | Application components EC |
AECP | Process model objects EC |
AEHP | EH&S Process Model Objects |
AEU0 | EMU development class: FI-AA |
AFIM | Application components FI |
AFIP | Process model objects FI |
AFMP | Funds Management Process Model Objects |
AIA | Settl. of assets under construction (indep. AuCs) |
AIC | IM information system summarization |
AIM | IM capital investment measures (settlement, AuC alloc.) |
AIMB | Application development R/3 cap.investment measures posting |
AIMC | Customizing capital investment management |
AIMM | Application components IM |
AIMP | Process model objects IM |
AIMS | Application development R/3 CI measures master data |
AIP | IM capital investment prog.(master data, budget, info syst.) |
AIPLOC | Cross-System Flow of Goods (Plants) |
AIR | IM appropr.reqs.(master data, planning, preinvestment anal.) |
AIS | IM Deprec. Simulation Data - Inv.Prog., App.Reqs., Measures |
AISB | Audit Info System BC |
AISB_EN | Audit Info System BC ( Master Language English) |
AISR | Link from Asset Accounting to Internal Service Request |
AKAP | Process Model Objects PP, KANBAN |
ALEM | Application Component LE |
ALEX | Controlled ALE Distribution Hierarchical-Dependent Objects |
ALOM | Application components LO |
ALOP | Process model objects LO |
AM1P | Process Model Objects and ASAP MM-PUR (Purchasing) |
AM2P | Process Model Objects and ASAP MMIM (Inventory Management) |
AM3P | Process Model Objects and ASAP MM-IV (Invoice Verification) |
AMFI | Assets AM interface to FI |
AMMM | Application components MM |
AMMP | Process Model Objects MM |
AMPP | Process model objects MP, MPS, MRP |
APFP | Process Model Objects PP, Process Manufacturing |
APMM | Application Components PM |
APMP | Process model objects PM |
APPM | Application components PP |
APPP | Process model objects PP |
APSM | Application components PS |
APSP | Process model objects PS |
AQMM | Application components QM |
AQMP | Process model objects QM |
AR | Asset Accounting reporting |
AR0P | Process Model Objects Retail (Article) |
AR1P | Process Model Objects Retail (Site) |
AR2P | Process Model Objects Retail (Material Group) |
AR3P | Process Model Objects for Retail (Assortment) |
AR4P | Process Model Objects Retail (Pricing) |
AR5P | Process Model Objects Retail (Promotion) |
AR6P | Process Model Objects for Retail (Sales Orders) |
AR7P | Process Model Objects Retail (Shipping) |
AR8P | Process Model Objects for Retail (POS Interface) |
AR9P | Process Model Objects for Retail (Purchasing) |
ARCH | Archive the asset accounting |
ARCH_DB_TOOLS | Tools for Database Archiving |
ARCH_IMG | Data Archiving Guide and Corresponding Tools |
ARCH_RESIDENZZEIT_PFLEGE_TOOL | Archiving: Residence Time Maintenance Tool |
AREF-AS | Reference Structure Elements: Automotive Supplier |
AREF-CH | Reference Structure Elements: Chemicals |
AREF-CP | SAP Reference Structure for Consumer Products |
AREF-HT | Referenzstrukturelemente High Tech |
AREF-HT1 | Referenzstruktur IBU SAP High Tech (Test) |
AREF-MP | Mill Products Elements of the SAP Reference Structure |
AREF-OG | Reference Structure Elements for Oil and Gas |
AREF-PH | Pharmaceuticals Reference Structure Element |
AREM | RE Application Components |
AREP | RE Process Model Objects |
ARTP | Process Model Objects for Retail (Allocation Table) |
ARZP | Process Model Objects for Retail (Warehouse and Inv. Mngmnt) |
ASAP_KC | ASAP Knowledge Corner |
ASAPTERM_AC | Terminology and Glossary: Translation in AC |
ASAPTERM_CO | Terminology and Glossary: Translation in CO |
ASAPTERM_CS | Terminology and Glossary: Translation in CS |
ASAPTERM_EC | Terminology and Glossary: Translation in EC |
ASAPTERM_EHS | Terminology and Glossary: Translation in EHS |
ASAPTERM_FI | Terminology and Glossary: Translation in FI |
ASAPTERM_IM | Terminology and Glossary: Translation in IM |
ASAPTERM_IS_RE | Terminology and Glossary: Translation in RE |
ASAPTERM_LE | Terminology and Glossary: Translation in LE |
ASAPTERM_LO | Terminology and Glossary: Translation in LO |
ASAPTERM_LO_MD | Terminology and Glossary: Translation in LO-MD |
ASAPTERM_MM | Terminology and Glossary: Translation in MM |
ASAPTERM_MM_IM | Terminology and Glossary: Translation in MM-IM |
ASAPTERM_MM_IV | Terminology and Glossary: Translation in MM-IV |
ASAPTERM_MM_PUR | Terminology and Glossary: Translation in MM-PUR |
ASAPTERM_PA | Terminology and Glossary: Translation in PA |
ASAPTERM_PE | Terminology and Glossary: Translation in PE |
ASAPTERM_PM | Terminology and Glossary: Translation in PM |
ASAPTERM_PP | Terminology and Glossary: Translation in PP |
ASAPTERM_PS | Terminology and Glossary: Translation in BC |
ASAPTERM_PT | Terminology and Glossary: PT Translation |
ASAPTERM_PY | Terminology and Glossary: PY Translation |
ASAPTERM_QM | Terminology and Glossary: Translation in QM |
ASAPTERM_SD | Terminology and Glossary: Translation in SD |
ASAPTERM_TR_CM | Terminology and Glossary: Translation in TR-CM |
ASDM | Application components SD |
ASDP | Process model objects SD |
ASELTOOL | Selection Tool (Selection with Dropdown Boxes) |
ASFP | PP Process Model Objects, Repetitive Manufacturing |
ASMAP_AD | Solution Map: Aerospace & Defense |
ASMAP_AUTO_AM | Solution Map: SAP Automotive Aftermarket |
ASMAP_AUTO_OEM | Solution Map: Automotive OEM |
ASMAP_AUTO_SUP | Solution Map: Automotive Supplier |
ASMAP_BA | Solution Map: Banking |
ASMAP_BT | Solution Map: Business Technology |
ASMAP_CF | Solution Map: Corporate Functions |
ASMAP_CH | Solution Map: Chemicals |
ASMAP_CP | Solution Map: Consumer Products |
ASMAP_EC | Solution Map: Engineering & Construction |
ASMAP_GENER | Solution Map: generische Elemente |
ASMAP_HC | Solution Map: Healthcare |
ASMAP_HER | Solution Map: Higher Education & Research |
ASMAP_HT | Solution Map: High Tech |
ASMAP_IN | Solution Map: Insurance |
ASMAP_KM | Solution Map: Knowledge Management |
ASMAP_ME | Solution Map: Media |
ASMAP_MI | Solution Map: Mining |
ASMAP_MP | Solution Map: Mill Products |
ASMAP_OIL | Solution Map: Oil & Gas |
ASMAP_PH | Solution Map: Pharmaceuticals |
ASMAP_PS | Solution Map: Public Sector |
ASMAP_RT | Solution Map: Retail |
ASMAP_SP | Solution Map: Service Providers |
ASMAP_SV | Solution Map: Services |
ASMAP_TE | Solution Map: Telecommunications |
ASMAP_UT | Solution Map: Utilities |
ASMAP01 | Solution Map: Komponenten und Produkte |
ASMAP02 | Solution Map: Partnerprodukte |
ASMM | Service Management Structures |
ASOP | Process Model Objects SOP |
ATAB | Tabs pages in master data |
ATCP | Cash Management Process Model Objects |
ATPG | Application development ATP server |
ATPI | Availability Check Connection with APO |
ATRM_CORE | TR Component Hierarchy (Part Remaining in Core) |
AV | Assets: financial asset management |
AW | Asset Accounting in the Web |
AWMP | Process Model and ASAP LE-WM |
AXXP | Process model objects cross-application |
BAM | Technical Application Analysis |
BAP1 | Add-On Objects for BAPIs |
BAPI | BAPI Basis Functions: Cross-Application |
BCUC | Customizing R/3 General Table Settings |
BEHM | EH&S Application Components (Cross-Application) |
BFV | Cross-application Objects in Asset Management |
BILLING_OUTPUT | Issue of Billing Messages |
BSEC | Audit Info System (Other Objects) |
BUPA_MASS | SAP Business Partner: Mass Changes |
C_PDM_ALE | PDM-Specific ALE Developments |
C_PDM_BROWSER | Product Structure Browser |
CA | CAD Integration |
CA0C | R/3 Customizing PPS: CAD integration |
CACSALR | Provision: Drilldown objects in ALR |
CAJO | Cash Journal Development |
CAJO_LEDGER | Cash Journal Subledger |
CATF | Cross-Application Time Sheet: Accounting Functions |
CATL | Cross-Application Time Sheet: Logistics Functions |
CATX_FUP | CATS Enhancements: Document Tracing |
CBAS | R/3 Application development: PPS |
CBEHS | EH&S: Interface Objects |
CBIF | EH&S: Interface Development R/3 Release / EH&S Release |
CBP | PP-CBP: Constraint-based Planning |
CBPC | PP-CBP: Constraint-based Planning (Customizing) |
CBZID | Variable Object Identifiers |
CC01 | Engineering change management enhanced core |
CC0C01 | Customizing R/3 PPS Engineering Change Mgmt: Extended Core |
CCF4 | F4 help for effectivity search help generation |
CCMA | Customer Interaction Center Components |
CCMB | Customer Interaction Center Components |
CDMU | Digital Mock Up |
CE | B2B Engineering |
CE_CL | Development Class for Saudea Aramco CEP Project |
CEG | R/3 Application development: PPS CAPP routing generation |
CEV | R/3 Applic. development: PPS CAPP standard times calculation |
CEVC | R/3 App. development: Customizing standard times calculation |
CF | R/3 Appl. development: PPS production resources/tools |
CF0C | R/3 Application dev.: Customizing production resources/tools |
CFG_TOOLS | Analysis and Modeling Tool for Configuration Models |
CFO | R/3 Appl. dev.: PPS production resources maintenance order |
CGV | R/3 Appl.development: Distribution vendor master records ALE |
CH | Specification system |
CIBD | Work Order Time Recording |
CICA | Customer Interaction Center |
CICB | Customer Interaction Center |
CIHR | CIM integration: HR link (PDC) |
CIIC | CIM integration: Customizing |
CIKO | Application development processing feedback |
CINBADI | Cin development class for BADI development |
CINBAPI | Development class for CIN BAPIs |
CINDOCU | CIN documentation |
CIR2 | CIM integration: Capisce Link to Business |
CISF | CIM integration: SFC level interface optimization |
CISG | CIM integration: Global interface optimization |
CISO | CIM integration: SOP level interface optimization |
CIWM | CIM integration: WM link (PDC) |
CIXX | CIM integration: Capisce XXL link |
CJ | Application development R/3 PP-PI electronic signature |
CJBADI | BADIs Work Breakdown Structure, Project Definition |
CK | R/3 Application Development: PP Product Costing |
CK_ECP | Easy Cost Planning |
CKAL | Costing ALE Functions |
CKAPP | MiniApps for the Calculator |
CKAZ | R/3 Application Development: PP Costing Display Cost Comps |
CKBA | Procurement Alternatives and Mixing Ratios for Mixed Costing |
CKBK | R/3 Application Development: PP Costing Valuation |
CKBP | Preparation: Distribution of Cost Estimates |
CKCO | R/3 Application Development: PP Transfer to CO Object |
CKCY | Cycle Handling in Costing |
CKDS | R/3 Application Development: PP Product Costing Dialog Ctrl. |
CKEK | Multilevel Unit/Simulation Costing |
CKEXECUTION | E@sy Execution |
CKJ1 | Customizing for Product Costing |
CKJ2 | Layer Between Application and Customizing (Costing) |
CKJ3 | Archiving and Reorganization in Product Costing |
CKJ4 | Price Update (Product Costing) |
CKJ5 | Customizing: User-Defined Error Management |
CKJ6 | USER Exits in Product Costing |
CKJ8 | BAPIs in Product Costing |
CKJ9 | List Display with ALV Tool |
CKJA | Cust. |
CKJB | Cust. |
CKKA | Sales Order Costing |
CKKT | R/3 Application Development: PP Costing Driver Program |
CKMC | Customizing for Material Ledger |
CKML | Material Ledger |
CKML_VNB | Revaluation of Consumption |
CKMLCCS | Actual Cost Component Split |
CKMLCUMREV | no longer used, is now CO_ML_AVR |
CKMLDUV | no longer used, now CO_ML_DUV |
CKMLGRIR | Account Maintenance of the GR/IR Account |
CKMLLA | Update of Activity Consumption in Quantity Structure |
CKMLMV | Quantity Structure Tool |
CKMLRUN | Costing Run in Material Ledger |
CKMLSIM | No longer used |
CKMLWIP | WIP at Actual Costs |
CKMP | R/3 Application Development: PP Costing Manual Maintenance |
CKMPC | Material Price Changes (ML) |
CKR1 | R/3 Application Development: PP Costing Reporting 1 |
CKSA | R/3 Application Development COPC-PCP Quantity Structure Tool |
CKST | Integration of Product Costing and Unit Costing |
CKWB | Product Cost by Production Lot(Pre-planned SEIBAN) |
CKWBREPORT | Cost Reports Production Lots |
CKXX | R/3 Application Development: PP Costing Basic Product |
CLAIM | Claim Management |
CLASSIFICATION | Main Package for Classification |
CLEX | Special Classification System Functions -Classes- |
CLIB | Classification Interface - IBase |
CLOC | Customizing for LOI interface |
CLOI | for logistics optimization interface |
CLOLD | Discontinued Functions in Classification System |
CLVC_API_GENCODE | Source Code Generation for Using Master Data APIs |
CLVL | Classification System -Variable Lists- |
CM | R/3 Application development: PP Message Management |
CM_OBJ_MINIAPP | Special Reports etc. for MiniApps |
CM0C | R/3 Customizing: PPS Message Management |
CMFE | R/3 Application Development Error Management and Analysis |
CMT | Configuration Management - Core Development |
CMT_CUS | Customizing for Configuration Management |
CMX_CORE | Manufacturing Execution: Core Objects |
CN | R/3 Application development: PS Basic data |
CN_CONFIRM | PS Confirmation |
CN_EDIT | Editing and Conversion of WBS |
CN_MAT | Material for the project |
CN_MPX_IF | MPX Interface |
CN_NET_OPR | Operative Network |
CN_NET_STD | Standard network |
CN_PPT | Project planning board |
CN_PPT_GRAFIK | Project Planning Board |
CN_PS_TEXTE | PS Texts |
CN_PSP_OPR | Operative Work Breakdown Structure |
CN_PSP_STD | Standard Work Breakdown Structure |
CN_PSP_TRM | Project Structure Plan Dates |
CN_WORKFLOW | PS Workflow |
CNAR | Archiving |
CNCT | CNCT Function modules for CATTs in CN |
CNEV | R/3 Application Development PS Progress Analysis |
CNFP | Billing Plan and Invoicing Plan (Project System) |
CNIF | External 'Interface for Project Management System (PS)' |
CNIF_CONF | BAPIs for Network Confirmation |
CNIF_MAT | BAPIs for Material Components in Network |
CNIF_PERS | BAPIs for Persons in the Project (Project Team) |
CNIS | Application development R/3 PS information system |
CNMASS | Mass processing in the Project System |
CNOP | Open R/3 PS |
CNPB | Project Builder |
CNPC | R/3 Customizing PP Project Management |
CNROL | Roles in the Project System |
CNSH | Delivery from Project System |
CNTS | PS: Project System test catalog |
CNVL | R/3 Application development: Variable lists |
CNVR | R/3 PS: Accounting functions in project versions |
CNVS | R/3 Application development: Version Management |
CNWW | Internet applications PS |
CO | R/3 Application development: PP Production orders |
CO0C | R/3 Application development: Customizing orders |
COAS | CO: Attribute Assignment Service |
COBADI | Development Class: Business Add-Ins |
COBAPI | BAPIs for Production and Process Orders |
COCB | R/3 Application Development: PP Orders Batch Management |
COCB_DIV | R/3 Application Development: PP Orders Batch Management |
COCB_MSD | Message Destinations |
COCB_PIAS | Process Instruction Assistant |
COCB_PIMC | Customizing for Proc. Instruction & Proc. Message Categories |
COCB_PIS | PI Sheet |
COCB_R | Process Data Evaluation |
COCB_RELN | Release Notes for Process Management |
COCM | Application development Order Change Management |
COCR | R/3 Application Development: PP-PI-POR, Process Orders |
COCR_BO10 | Business Object Process Order Confirmation |
COIF | Logistics interface for orders |
COIP | Order information system for process orders |
COIS | Order Information System |
COM_IPC | Internet Services for Configuration and Pricing |
COM_SCE | SCE Basis |
CONV | Conversion of original application files |
CONV0C | Customizing conversion |
COOS | Production Order Split |
COPC | Production campaign |
COPOC | Appl.Dev. PP-PI-PMA: Process Operator Cockpit |
CORE | Archiving for application area PP |
CORP | CO-OM: Reporting |
CORU | R/3 Application development: PP Confirmations |
CORU_ALM_BAPI | BAPIs ALM Confirmation |
CORU_BO10 | Business object - Confiramtion of production orders |
COWB | PP Workbench |
COWP | Workplace & Roles: Production Order |
CP | R/3 Application Development: PP Task Lists |
CP0C | R/3 Appl. devt.: Customizing PP Task Lists / PP Work Centers |
CPBR | Workbench browser |
CPC | R/3 Application Development: PP Task Lists Master Recipes |
CPF2 | PFS enhancements for POI interfaces |
CPFS | Process Flow Scheduler - Embedding |
CPFX | Production version |
CPPM | R/3 Application Development: PP Plant Maintenance Task Lists |
CPSSV | Application Development: R/3 PS Service Modules |
CPTX | R/3: Application development: PP Word Processing Task Lists |
CPV | R/3 Application development: Routing Where-Used Lists |
CQ99 | Question Catalog and Questionnaire |
CR | R/3 Application development: PP Resources |
CRC | R/3 Application Development: PP Recipe-Specific Resources |
CRDT | Downtime of the Resource |
CRHR | Integration of HR personnel system in Logistics |
CRM_COCKPIT | Cockpits in CRM/CAS Environment |
CS | R/3 Application development: PP Bills of Material |
CS0C | R/3 Customizing: PPS Bills of Material |
CSCC | Customizing for Semiconductor Planning |
CSCP | Semiconductor Planning |
CSCT | Semiconductor Planning - Dynamical objects |
CSIA | Customer Service Development - Distributed Intelligent Agent |
CSKN | Customer Service Knowledge Base Development |
CTEX | Special Classification System -Characteristics- |
CU | Variant Configuration |
CU01 | Variant Configuration Enhancements |
CUCK | CBase Check Programs |
CUD | Distribution of objects from variant configuration |
CUFE | Fuzzy Logic: Engine |
CUIB | CU: IBase Interface - Configuration |
CUIB_CORE | CU: IBase Interface for Configuration (R/3 Core Specific) |
CULL | Low-Level Configuration |
CULL_R3 | BOM Instantiation of Development Class CULL |
CUOBOM | Configuration: Order BOMs |
CURT | Runtime Environment for R/3 Configurator (Central, High+Low) |
CURTST | Configuration: Runtime Object Structure |
CUST | Customizing - Application |
CUW | Configurator BAPI |
CUX | CU: External Communication with Configuration |
CUXM | External Configuration of Material Variants |
CV | Document Management |
CV0C | Document Management System: Customizing |
CVDI | DMS - Document Distribution |
CVOA | Document Management: Print Lists and Workflow Template |
CVSE | Document Management - Search Engine Connection |
CX | R/3 Application development: R/3 Scheduling |
CX0C | Customizing scheduling |
CY | R/3 Application development: Capacity Planning |
CY01 | R/3 Application Development: Resource Planning |
CY02 | R/3 Appl. Development: Resource Planning with Strategies |
CY03 | R/3 Appl. Dev.: Control Station Resource Planning (SFC) |
CY0C | Customizing Capacity Planning |
CY1C | Customizing Resource Planning |
CY2C | Customizing planning table |
CYMP | Workforce Planning |
DALE | ALE Application |
DCAT | Computer Aided Test Tool: Composite Report |
DL | Controlled ALE Distribution Hierarchical-Dependent Objects |
DONR | Application Development R/3 - General Object Number |
DREO | Old archiving Releases 2.1 and 2.2 |
DRFC | Example Programs for RFC Under Windows |
DSV | Application Development R/3 - Status Management |
DTIN | Cross-application data input DB/archive/... |
DWA | Warranty processing |
DZIC | Central R/3 Customizing: International Customizing |
ECLU | EMU Cluster Solution + Parallel Document Converter |
ECMM | Electronic commerce applications |
ECOP | Entity copy |
ENHAT | Enhancements to Functionalities for Audit Trail |
ERP_SALES_PORTAL | ERP Sales Portal Roles |
EWBC | Objects for CMP Client Analysis, Transaction: KGBC |
EWU | All objects for EURO conversion |
EWU_40 | EMU: LC conversion tool (new objects P40) |
EWUG | Euro LC Changeover: Generated Programs |
EWUP | EMU Local Currency Conversion Tool (New Objects in P30) |
FAIS | Audit Info System FI |
FAIS_DE_EN | Audit Info System FI (German and English Only) |
FAPM | Attached Payment Media |
FARC | Archiving of FI objects |
FB_DEFTAX | Financial Accounting: Deferred Tax |
FB0C | Financial Accounting customers |
FBAS | Financial Accounting 'Basis' |
FBAS_FAREA_FROM_COBL | Derivation of Functional Area from COBL |
FBCC | Payment cards |
FBD | Customers |
FBDC | R/3 customizing for customers |
FBI | Banks |
FBK | Vendors |
FBKC | R/3 customizing for vendors |
FBM | Dunning |
FBMC | R/3 customizing for dunning |
FBMW | External Statutory Reporting |
FBPAR | Business Partner (Treasury/Real Estate) |
FBS | G/L Accounts |
FBSC | R/3 customizing for G/L accounts |
FBZ | Payments |
FBZ_IDOC | EDI/IDoc in Payment Transactions |
FBZA | User exits payment program - IS - no longer used |
FBZC | R/3 customizing for payments |
FBZI | Payments via Internet |
FC00_UC | Cons: General consolidation (cannot be FC01-FC09) |
FC01_UC | Cons: Master records items, consolidation units, etc. |
FC02_UC | EC-CS: Status, Versions |
FC03_UC | Cons: Entry, validation |
FC04_UC | EC-CS: Conversion |
FC05_UC | Cons: Posting, elimination (CU pairs:ICE,IPE,RCL) |
FC06_UC | SAP Consolidation: Consolidation of Investments |
FC07_UC | Cons: Reporting |
FC08_UC | EC-CS: Reserve |
FC09_UC | EC-CS: Reserve |
FC16 | SAP Cons.: Cons of Investments: Organizational Changes |
FCBW_UC | SEM-BCS: Integration to BW |
FCEU_UC | EC-CS: Changeover to Euro |
FCIN_UC | Cons: Integration |
FCOM_SUBKEY2 | CO-OM: Integration of Funct. Area and Segment for New G/L |
FCRD | Payment Card |
FCUC | EC-CS: Unicode-Capable Objects |
FCXL_UC | EC-CS: Interactive Excel |
FCXS_UC | Cons: Interface to Interactive Excel |
FDS | FI Dev. Support standard tools |
FEU0 | Euro Conversion: Financial Accounting |
FEUV | EMU: Real estate reconciliation programs for LC conversion |
FF | Cash Management |
FFC | R/3 customizing for cash management and forecast |
FFCBC | Cash Budget Management - Customizing |
FFCBI | Cash Budget Management - Integration |
FFCBP | Cash Budget Management - Planning |
FFCBR | Cash Budget Management - Reporting |
FFE | Fast Data Entry |
FFPR | Cash mgmt and forec. recording with payment request (EU) |
FHBANK | House banks |
FHDG | ASAP: Global Fields, Transaction Variants |
FI_AA_BAS_CUS | Asset Accounting Leasing: Tables and Customizing |
FI_AA_POST | Asset Accounting Leasing: Posting |
FI_EMPLOYEE | FI Part of Employee Role |
FI2 | Documentation FI closing operations |
FIB | Bank Menu |
FIB0 | House banks |
FIB1 | House bank accounts |
FIB2 | Payment methods |
FIB3 | SCB ratios |
FIBBS | Bank statement |
FIBC | Customizing financial accounting banks |
FIBCHQ | Checks |
FIBF | Business Framework: Business Transaction Events |
FIBI | Bank chains |
FIBKA | Bank statement |
FIBL | Bank Subledger (Basis) |
FIBL_CHECK_D | Payment: General Section (FI Objects Only) |
FIBL_MPAY | Payment Media from Several Payment Runs |
FIBL_OPAY | Create Payments Online |
FIBL_PAYM | Payment Transactions (FI Objects in Bank Subledger) |
FIBL_RPCODE | Repetitive Codes |
FIBP | Documentation FI customers and vendors |
FIBSCH | Checks |
FICR | Documentation FI credit management |
FIDC | Documentation FI posting |
FIGL | Documentation FI General Ledger |
FIGL_QUERY | General Ledger Accounting: Query Objects |
FIML | Link to interface management layer in FI (BTE) |
FIN_SEPA | Single Euro Payment Area (SEPA) - FI Specifications |
FIN1 | Official document numbering |
FINT | New Interest Calculation |
FIORBIAN | ORBIAN-R/3-Integration |
FITREK | Documentation FI electronic bank statement |
FITX | Documentation FI general topics taxes, currencies |
FIW | FI Web applications |
FJ1A | User Exits for Localization (Argentina) |
FJ1B | Customer Exits (Brazil) |
FKEU_UC | Euro Conversion FI-LC: Unicode-enabled Objects |
FKKFMUPD_CORE | Update from FI-CA |
FKUC | FI-LC Consolidation: Unicode-Capable Objects |
FM_BW_CORE | BW: OLTP-Objekte in Core |
FMAR_CORE | Funds Management Archiving |
FMBS | FIFM: Basis |
FMBU_CORE | Funds Management - Budgeting (Core Objects) |
FMCF_CORE | FM: Closing Operations (Core Objects) |
FMCO_CORE | CO FM Integration (Core Objects) |
FMDK_CORE | HHM: Budgetierung Deutsche Kommunen (Core-Objekte) |
FMDL_CORE | HHM: Budgetierung Deutsche Kommunen (Interface zu Standard) |
FMEU | Earmarked Funds: Additional Developments |
FMFG_CORE_E | US Fed. Gov. bud. led. account derivation (Core Objects) |
FMFI_CORE | IS-PS: FI Basics for Funds Management Core Objects |
FMFS_CORE | Update Funds Management Core Objects |
FMFS_CORE_E | Upd/Int. Funds Management (master lang. english) Core Obj. |
FMMD_CORE | Funds Management: Master Data Core Objects |
FMOV_CORE | Cover Eligibility and Collective Expenditure Core Objects |
FMRE | Earmarked funds |
FMRP_CORE | Funds Management: Information System Core Objects |
FMZA | Payment program for payment requests |
FOAP_CD_ASSIGNMENT | Assignment of Open Credits and Payments |
FOAP_UKM_CREDIT_MANAGEMENT | Integration of FI-AR with SAP Credit Management |
FQST | Infrastructure for withholding tax |
FREP | RF reporting |
FSID | Documentation R/3 Finance Information Systgem |
FT | Treasury: Central control data bank |
FTA_CORE | TR-CORE: Former Objects from FTA (Applic. Dev. TR General) |
FTAB | Settings -TableControls |
FTAC_CORE | TR CORE: Former Objects from FTAC (Cust. R/3 TR MM/FX/DE) |
FTB_CNEW | Former Objects from FTB Required in AL0 |
FTB_CORE | Former FTB Objects |
FTC | Distributed TR/CM |
FTCM | Treasury: Cash Management (SWIFT, BAI, Fed Wire) |
FTDF | Treasury: Datafeed TR-TM-TM-TO-DF |
FTDF_CORE | Treasury: Datafeed TR-TM-TM-TO-DF |
FTE | Bank accounting: External payment information |
FTEC | Bank accounting: Bank master - activities |
FTH_CORE | Former FTH Objects Required in AL0 |
FTI_CORE | Former FTI Objects Required in AL0 |
FTI_RE_ALV | Application Development: Drilldown Reporting-->ALV Transfer |
FTLC_CORE | TR-CORE: Former Objects from FTLC (Customizing TR Loans) |
FTLM_CORE | Former FTLM Objects Required in AL0 |
FTPC_CORE | TR-CORE: Former Objects from FTPC (Customizing TR Portfolio) |
FTRA | Travel Management Application Development |
FTRA_ADDON | Application Development Travel Management Add-On |
FTT_CORE | Former FTT Objects Required in AL0 |
FTVV_CORE | TR-CORE: Former Objects from FTVV (TR - Cr.-App.Obj. LO/SEC) |
FTW1 | Data Retention Tool |
FVAL | Validation, Substitution and Rules - RW-Specific |
FVV | R/3 application development for Financial Assets Management |
FVVD_CORE | TR-CORE: Former Objects from FVVD (TR Loans) |
FVVI | R/3 for Financial Assets Management: Real estate |
FVVICN | R/3 Real Estate Application Development - General Contract |
FVVICNZ | Applic.Dev. R/3 Real Estate - Gen.Contract - Enhancements |
FVVIDE | IS-RE: Immobilien deutschspezifika (nicht zu übersetzen) |
FVVIIT | RE: Real Estate Italy (to translate Italian/English only) |
FVVM | R/3 for Financial Assets Management: Migration |
FVVR | IS-IS Financial Assets Management - standard modules |
FVVW_CORE | TR-CORE: Former Objects from FVVW (TR-TM: Securities) |
FWTI | Analysis Tools for Extended Withholding Tax Processing |
FWTM | Withholding Tax Migration (Classic -> Extended) |
FYTX | Interface to external systems for tax calculation |
FYTX/ADD | Jurisdiction code handling for central address management |
FYTX/B | Basic functions, structs and data elemts for tax interface. |
FYTX/B/JUR | jurisdiction handling for in/external tax systems |
FYTX/B/TAX | Tax interface shell handling an entire document |
FYTX/CATT | CATT procedures for customizing to handle external tax syst. |
FYTX/ETXDC | External Tax document |
FYTX/TAXD | Tools for handling tax per document inside SAP |
FYTX/TAXD/MTX | Max Tax. (SAP Internal solution) |
FYTX/TAXM | Tax Manager external tax interface |
FZNC | R/3 customizing for interest scale |
FZNS | Financial Accounting interest scale |
GALC | FI-SL allocation |
GBAS | FI-SL Customizing / integration / Basis |
GBIW | FI-SL: Interface to Business Information Warehouse |
GBRU | FI-SL rollup |
GBSE | FI-SL sets |
GJVA_BADI | Joint Venture Objects: BAdIs |
GJVC | Joint venture objects with original in ALR |
GKNT | Cross-Application: Coding Block |
GLPL | Planning Processor FI-SL, FI-GL (new) |
GLT0 | Basis functions G/L accounting |
GMCORE_E | Grants management (core objects) |
GPLN | FI-SL planning |
GRPG | Grouping/Pegging for Individual Project Planning |
GRWOI | Report Writer: Office Integration |
GRWR | Report texts |
GRWT | Report Painter / Report Writer |
GUSL | FI-SL: Table accesses |
HAIS | dfdsf |
HANDLING_UNITS | Handling Units - General Packing |
HANDLING_UNITS_ARCHIVING | Archiving Handling Units |
HU_ANALYSIS_TOOLS | Handling Unit Analysis Tools |
HU_BADI | Business Add-Ins for Handling Units |
HU_BOR | Business Object Handling-Unit |
I_MSM_AFRU | Development Class for Business Object MSMAFRU |
I_MSM_GRAFIK | SM/PM Graphics Module |
IB_R3_CLASS | IBase: Class |
IB_R3_DOCUMENT | IBase: Document |
IB_R3_ECN_LIST | IBase: Object for Change Number List |
IB_R3_EQUIPMENT | IBase: Equipment |
IB_R3_FUNCLOC | IBase: Functional Location |
IB_R3_MATERIAL | IBase: Material |
IB_R3_MODSERVSPEC | IBase: Model Service Specification |
IB_R3_PM_MASTER_DATA | IBase: PM Master Data |
IB_R3_PS | IBASE: PS Objects |
IB_R3_SERIALNO | IBase: Serial Numbers |
IB_R3_TASKLIST | IBase: Task List |
IB00 | Application Development CS: Installed Base |
IB00_CORE | Application Development CS: Installed Base |
IB00_CORE_WASTE | Application Development CS: Installed Base |
IB00X | IB: Collect/Transfer Changes (For Example, BTE) |
IB00X_CORE | Transformation from IBases (External/Internal) R/3 Standard |
IB00X_INITIAL | Initial Data Supply from IBases |
IB02 | Installed Base Environment |
IB03 | IBase: User Interface |
IB04 | IBase: Interface for the administration segment IBIB |
IB05 | IBase: Search Helps |
IB06 | IBase: Archiving |
IB07 | IBase: Object-Specific Screen Components |
IBCO | Internet Outbound BAPI for Business-to-Business |
IBCULL | Interface: IBase - Low-Level Configuration |
IBIP | Application Development R/3 Batch Input for PM |
IBOM | Application Development R/3 PM Bills of Material |
IBRT | IB: Runtime |
ICON | Application Development R/3 Condition-Based Maintenance |
ICRM | CRM Development |
ICRP | Application Development R/3 Capacity Requirements Planning |
ICRP01 | Integration of External Scheduling Products |
ICRP02 | Partner Search Help Extensions in the PM/QM/CS Notification |
ICRP03 | Reserved |
ICSV | R/3 Customer Service |
ID-CC-AR | Customizing Argentinien |
ID-CC-AT | Customizing For Austria |
ID-CC-AU | Customizing Australien |
ID-CC-BCSET_INDIA | BC Sets Country Version India |
ID-CC-BE | Customizing Belgium |
ID-CC-BELUX | Customizing for Belgium/Luxembourg |
ID-CC-BR | Customizing Brasilien |
ID-CC-CA | Customizing Kanada |
ID-CC-CH | Customizing For Switzerland |
ID-CC-CL | Customizing for Chile |
ID-CC-CN | Customizing China |
ID-CC-CO | Customizing for Colombia |
ID-CC-CO-E | Customizing: Czech republic |
ID-CC-CZ | Customizing For Czech Republic |
ID-CC-CZ-E | Customizing: Columbia |
ID-CC-DE | Customizing For Germany |
ID-CC-DK | Customizing for Denmark |
ID-CC-ENG | Customizing: English as masterlanguage |
ID-CC-ES | Customizing for Spain |
ID-CC-ES-E | Customizing: Spain |
ID-CC-FI | Customizing for Finland |
ID-CC-FR | Customizing For France |
ID-CC-GB | Customizing Großbritannien / Irland |
ID-CC-HK | Customizing Hongkong |
ID-CC-HU | Customizing For Hungary |
ID-CC-HU-E | Customizing Hungary |
ID-CC-IN | Customizing for India |
ID-CC-INT | Customizing for INT |
ID-CC-IT | Customizing for Italy |
ID-CC-IT-E | Customizing: Italy |
ID-CC-JP | Customizing Japan |
ID-CC-KR | Customizing Südkorea |
ID-CC-KZ | Customizing Kasachstan |
ID-CC-LU | Customizing For Luxembourg |
ID-CC-MX | Customizing for Mexico |
ID-CC-MY | Customizing Malaysia |
ID-CC-NA | Customizing: North America |
ID-CC-NL | Customizing Niederlande |
ID-CC-NO | Customizing for Norway |
ID-CC-NZ | Customizing Neuseeland |
ID-CC-PE | Customizing for Peru |
ID-CC-PH | Customizing Philippinen |
ID-CC-PL | Customizing For Poland |
ID-CC-PT | Customizing For Portugal |
ID-CC-PT-E | Customizing: Portugal |
ID-CC-RU | Customizing Russia |
ID-CC-SE | Customizing for Sweden |
ID-CC-SG | Customizing Singapore |
ID-CC-SK | Cutomizing For Slovakia |
ID-CC-SK-E | Customizing: Slowaki republic |
ID-CC-TH | Customizing for Thailand |
ID-CC-TR | Customizing for Turkey |
ID-CC-TW | Customizing Taiwan |
ID-CC-UA | Customizing Ukraine |
ID-CC-US | Customizing USA |
ID-CC-VE | Customizing for Venezuela |
ID-CC-ZA | Customizing for South Africa |
ID-FI | International Development: FI-GL/AP/AR |
ID-FI-AT | Country-specific developments Financials Austria |
ID-FI-BE | Add-On Development - FI - Belgium |
ID-FI-CI | FI Localization (Chile) |
ID-FI-CN | Localization (China) |
ID-FI-ES | Add-On Development - FI - Spain |
ID-FI-FR | FI Localization France |
ID-FI-GB | FI Localization Great Britain |
ID-FI-HU | Localization Hungary |
ID-FI-KR | FI Localization (South Korea) |
ID-FI-NL | Country-specific development Netherlands |
ID-FI-NO | FI Localization Norway |
ID-FI-PE | Peru Localization FI |
ID-FI-PH | Philippines |
ID-FI-PL | FI Localization (Poland) |
ID-FI-PT | Add-On Development - FI - Portugal |
ID-FI-SA | FI Localization (South America, Excluding Argentina, Brazil) |
ID-FI-SCAND | Localisation FI Scandinavia |
ID-FI-SG | Singapore |
ID-FI-TR | Turkey |
ID-FI-US | Reporting USA: IRS Reporting |
ID-FI-WT | Withholding Tax reporting |
ID-FIAA-BR | FI-AA Localization Brazil |
ID-FIAA-IT | FIAA Localization Italy |
ID-FIAA-KR | FI-AA Localization (South Korea) |
ID-FIAA-PL | FI-AA Localization (Poland) |
ID-FIAA-PT | FI-AA Localization (Portugal) |
ID-FIAA-SG | Singapore (Asset Accounting) |
ID-MM-CL | Development Class Add-Ons MM for Chile |
ID-MX-DI | Localization Mexico - Digital Invoice |
ID-SD-CN | SD Localization (Chile, China, Peru): Document Printing |
IDOC | IDoc Interface (Application Objects) |
IDOCLOGISTICS | IDoc Interface (Logistics Segment Definitions) |
IDOCLOGISTICS_ERP50 | IDoc Interface (logistics segment definitions) |
IDOCTRAINING | Training for IDoc Enhancement (do not use!) |
IEQM | Application Develoment R/3 Equipment Management |
IHCL | Application development R/3 PM links to classification |
IHSA | Maintenance List Processing |
ILDB | Plant Maintenance Logical Databases |
ILOM | Application Development R/3 Location Management |
IMAS | PM: Master Data |
IMRC | Application Development R/3 Measurement Readings & Counters |
IMRI | Measurement and Counter Readings on the Internet |
IMRM | Application Development R/3 Maintenance Task List Management |
IMSD | Configurable routing, PM/SD interface |
INET | Application Development R/3 Object Networking |
INSC | Application Development R/3 Plant Maintenance Customizing |
IOCF | Application Development R/3 Work Order Confirmation |
IPRM | Application Development R/3 Preventive Maintenance |
IPRT | Application Development R/3 Plant Maintenance Print |
IQSM | Application Development R/3 Serial Numbers |
IRSM | Application Development R/3 Repairable Spares |
ISAUTO_VHU_PACKOBJ | Packing Instructions and Packing Dialog |
ISDP | Application Development R/3 Shutdown Planning |
ISPP | Permits |
ITOB | PM: Technical Objects |
IW_AOIF | Add On Interfaces for ALM WOC |
IWMI | Work Management SM/PM Interface |
IWO1 | Appl. Development R/3 Plant Maintenance Order Processing |
IWO2 | Application Development R/3 Plant Maintenance Order History |
IWOC | Application Development R/3 Work Order Cycle |
IWOCE | Application Development R/3 Work Order Cycle - BAPIs |
IWWO | R/3 Application Development MSM Pervasive Devices Connection |
IWWP | Workplace for Plant Maintenance |
IWWW | Application development R/3 MSM WWW functions |
J1AA | Extended Inflation Asset Accounting |
J1AF | FI Localization (Argentina) |
J1AI | Extended Inflation (FI) |
J1AN | Asset Waybills |
J1AS | Localization Argentina |
J1AT | Tax Processing (Argentina) |
J1BA | Localization Brazil |
J1HF | THRF Localization Thailand: Development Class for FI |
J1HL | THRF Localization Thailand: Development Class for Logistics |
J1I2 | India, Phase II |
J1I3 | India, Phase II |
J1ICIN30A | Development class for cin30a |
J1ICIN40A | CIN40A developments |
J1IDEFTAX | Deferred tax solution RFUMSV50 for Service Tax |
J1IN | India |
J2IN | India |
JBST | Standard objects of application development IS-B EGK |
KABC | Cost Accounting: Activity-Based Costing |
KABP | Budgeting Funds Management/Cost Accounting |
KABR | Appl. Development: R/3 Cost Accounting Order Settlement |
KABT | Process Template |
KABW | Cost Accounting: Variance Calculation |
KACC | Cost Accounting: CO Object |
KACC_ERP50 | Cost Accounting: CO Object |
KACT | CO-OM-ACT: Performance Analysis |
KADA | CO Account Determination / Default Account Assignment |
KAFF | Overhead Cost Controlling: Integration of Fund and Function |
KAFF_ERP50 | Overhead Cost Controlling: Integration of Fund and Function |
KAFM | Cash management project |
KAFM_CUST | Developments in Customizing |
KAFP | Project Cash Management: Payment Planning |
KAHF | Business reporting in Project System |
KALC | Cost Accounting allocations RK-S |
KALE | Overhead Cost Controlling: ALE |
KAMV | CO Mass Processing |
KAO | Cost Accounting: Commitments Management |
KAP0 | Project Info Database (Infrastructure and Recording Data) |
KAP1 | Project Hierarchy Reports |
KAP2 | Project Summarization |
KAP3 | Project Summarization with Classification |
KAP4 | Line item reports for projects |
KAP4_IM | Line Item Settlement for IM |
KAP5 | Report Writer for Project Reports |
KAP6 | Project Information System Data Export into R/3 EIS |
KAP7 | PS Report Tree |
KAPA | Project-Related Incoming Orders/Open Orders |
KAPG | Automatic Generation of Settlement Rules |
KAPI | Interest calc./mass processing |
KAPPSJ | Programs for Logical Database PSJ, from Release 4.6 |
KAPQ | Project system: Comm. service routines |
KAPS | Project period-end closing |
KAPZ | Project System: Activity-Based Costing Functions |
KASA | Project consistency checks |
KASC | Cost Accounting - Overhead |
KAUC | Customizing R/3 Cost Accounting, Orders |
KAUF | Cost Accounting, Orders |
KBAS | Overhead Cost Controlling |
KBAS_ARCH | Archiving for Cost Accounting |
KBAS_ERP50 | Overhead Cost Controlling: ERP 50 |
KBD_OM | CO-OM: Interfaces for Business Domain Library |
KBE | Creation internal RW documents |
KC | Cost Accounting Controlling EIS |
KC0C | Customizing R/3 Controlling SAP-EIS |
KCBRST | Report/Report Interface |
KCBW | Interface EC-EIS --> SAP-BW |
KCD | Data Collection |
KCDD | Drilldown reporting |
KCM | Cost Accounting: Change Management, Enterprise Hierarchy |
KCRP | Report Painter |
KDEC | Application Basis Accounting |
KDEL | CO: Objects flagged for deletion |
KE | Profitability Analysis |
KE_DB | Profitability Analysis, database interface |
KE0C | Customizing for Profitability Analysis |
KE1 | Profit Center Accounting |
KE1A | Profit Center Accounting: ALE |
KE1C | Customizing for Profit Center Accounting |
KE1D | Profit Center invoice Catt |
KE1T | Basic functions transfer prices |
KEG0 | Profitability Analysis: objects generated by the customer |
KEG2 | Profitability Analysis: Generated Objects (Transportable) |
KEO | Enterprise Organization |
KEU0 | EURO Changeover: Controlling |
KEVW | CO-PA special project |
KFPR | Transfer Prices for Individual Projects |
KFPS | Transfer Prices for Projects (with Collective Agreement) |
KIMB | Cost Accounting: Manual Actual Postings |
KINT | CO-OM Internet Applications |
KIST | Cost Accounting Actual Data RK-S |
KIST_ERP50 | Cost Accounting Actual Data: RK-S: ERP 50 |
KK0C | Customizing for Cost Object Controlling |
KK0E | Customizing for CO-PC Results Analysis and WIP Calculation |
KKAC | Application Action Log for CO Collective Processing |
KKAG | Cost Object Controlling Make-to-Order |
KKAL | CO-RCL Reconciliation Ledger |
KKAL_ERP50 | CO-RCL: Reconciliation Ledger: ERP 50 |
KKAN | CO Analysis Programs |
KKB | Reporting for Costing |
KKB1 | Application Development: R/3 Costing Information System |
KKBO | Multilevel BOMs 00 |
KKBW_EXTRACTOR_CHECK | Testprogramm für Extraktor CO-PC |
KKC2 | Test Data Storage for CATT |
KKEK | Cost Accounting: Unit Costing |
KKHI | Group Maintenance |
KKOR | Correction Programs with Delivery (RW) |
KKP | Cost Object Controlling for Repetitive Mfg: General |
KKPH | Cost Object Controlling for Repetitive Mfg: Hierarchy |
KKPK | Product Cost Collector: Master Data/Processing |
KKPP | PCP: Cost Estimate w/o Quantity Structure/Additive Cost Est. |
KKPV | Cost Object Controlling: Product Cost by Responsibility Area |
KKR | CO Hierarchy Summarization |
KKRH | CO-PC Reporting: Hierarchy Display |
KKS | Cost Object Controlling: Repetitive Manufacturing |
KNMO | Transaction Usage Monitor |
KPEP_WORKLISTS_CO | Worklist in Schedule Manager: CO-Specific Objects |
KPKA | Projects: Costing networks |
KPLA | Cost Accounting, Planning RK-S |
KPLC | Internal Orders: Costing |
KPOR | Orders for project (archiving) |
KPP | Cost Accounting, planning processor |
KPP_ERP50 | Cost Accounting, planning processor |
KPPB | PS: Valuated project stock |
KPPL | Application development R/3 project cost accounting:Planning |
KPSD | Revenue/payment planning from cust.order and billing plan |
KPUZ | Tax BAB and Standard Cost Planning |
KRET | Information Retrieval |
KS0C | Customizing R/3 Cost Accounting |
KSA | CO-CCA Calculation of Imputed Costs |
KSDI | Static Resource-Related Billing (VA90) - Conversion |
KSRO | Application-Specific Rollup (Cost Centers) |
KSUBKEY | CO Object: Encryption of Characteristics |
KSUR | Survey Main Components |
KSV | Cost Centers ALE |
KV | Variance Analysis RK-S/RK-K |
KWEB | Cost Center Accounting: Web Transactions |
LALD | Logistics Automotive Line Design |
LAPA | Logistics Automotive JIT call |
LASP | Application Development R/3 Logistics Automotive Sequencing |
LB_BIL_OUTPUT | Issue of Billing Messages |
LE | Logistics Execution |
LE_CHKIN | Check-in at Checkpoint for Means of Transport and Visitors |
LE_IMG | Logistics Execution: Implementation Guide |
LE_SHP_ATP_CHECK | Availability Check in the Logistics Execution System |
LE_SHP_ATP_INTERFACE | Interface Between Delivery and ATP/Requirements |
LE_SHP_BADI | Business Add-Ins in Shipping |
LE_SHP_BF_BARCODE | Basic Functions - Bar Code Processing |
LE_SHP_BF_EAN128 | Basic functions for EAN128 |
LE_SHP_CORE | Core Function of Delivery Processing |
LE_SHP_CORE_INTERFACE | Interface Between VL and LE_SHP_CORE |
LE_SHP_DB_INTERFACE | Database Access for Logistics Execution (Shipping) |
LE_SHP_DELIVERY_PREPROC | Deliver Preceding Objects of a Delivery |
LE_SHP_DIALOG | User Interface for the Delivery Object |
LE_SHP_OUTPUT | Delivery Output |
LE_SHP_WEB | Web Transactions |
LE_TRA_BADI | Business Add-Ins in Transportation |
LE_TRM | TRM Interface |
LE_WM_BADI | Business Add-Ins in Warehouse Management |
LEDSP | Subsequent Delivery Split |
LEPAD | Deterimination Analyses and Logs |
LMOB | Mobile Computing in warehouse logistics |
LO_EMPLOYEE | LO Part of Role Employee |
LO_IMG | Customizing - Logistics, General |
LOCATION | Location |
LUMER | Quantity Optimizing and Allowed Units of Measure |
LVS | Application development Warehouse Management (WM) |
LVSC | Warehouse Management (WM) Customizing |
LVSD | Decentralized WM system |
MASB | Service master |
MASS_BATCHINPUT | Mass Maintenance: Batch Input |
MASS_BI | Mass Maintenance: Batch Input Programs |
MASS_OLD | Mass Maintenance: Old Components |
MASS_SD | SD-Specific Mass Maintenance |
MATRIX | Matrix Display |
MB | Application development R/3 inventory management |
MB0C | Customizing R/3 inventory management |
MB0D | Customizing: R/3 Wizard for Inventory Management |
MBMWOFF | Test |
MBW | Inventory management in Internet |
MC0C | Customizing Logistics Information System |
MCB | R/3 application development: Inventory Controlling |
MCB2 | R/3 appl.development: Inventory Controlling/MRP parameters |
MCE | R/3 application development: Purchasing Information System |
MCF | R/3 application development: Shop Floor Information System |
MCI | R/3 appl. development: Plant Maintenance Information System |
MCL | Application development R/3 Logistics Information Library |
MCP | R/3 application development: R/3 forecast nucleus |
MCP1 | R/3 application development: info structures planning |
MCP2 | R/3 application development: Sales & Operations Planning |
MCPC | Sales & Operations Planning: Customizing |
MCPR | R/3 application development: enhanced forecast functions |
MCR | R/3 application development: Logistics Info Sys. (Reporting) |
MCS | R/3 application development: Logistics Information Warehouse |
MCT | Application Development R/3 Transportation Inform. System |
MCV | R/3 application development: Sales Information System |
MCW | R/3 application development: Retail Information System |
MCWB | Application Development R/3 Trading Contract |
MCWF | Workflow-LIS connection |
MCWZ | R/3 Application Development: LIS settlement |
MCX | R/3 application development: objects generated for LIS |
MCY | Application development R/3 Early Warning System LIS |
MCZ | Application development R/3 SAP Open Information Warehouse |
MD | Application development R/3 requirements planning |
MD01 | Appl. Dev. R/3 Consumption-Based Gen. Requirements Planning |
MD02 | Appl. development R/3 control tables requirements planning |
MD03 | Appl. development R/3 MPS/determin. requirements planning |
MD04 | Repetitive Manufacturing |
MD05 | Development Class KANBAN |
MD06 | Development Material Requirements Planning |
MD07 | Production Lot Planning |
MD09 | Appl.Dev. R/3 Requirements Planning Internal Structures/Objs |
MD0C | Customizing R/3 Material Requirements Planning |
MD4C | Customizing Repetitive Manufacturing |
MDBC | Customizing for Stock Determination |
MDBF | Stock determination |
MDPB | Application development R/3 purchasing |
MDPC | Customizing R/3 independent requirements management |
MDRP | Distribution Resource Planning |
MDW1 | ATP information and simulation for Internet |
MDW2 | Internet Kanban |
ME | Purchasing |
ME_SWP | Supplier Workplace |
ME0C | Customizing R/3 Purchasing |
MEALE | ALE Objects: MM-PUR Purchasing |
MECCP | Cross-Company-Code Procurement |
MEDCM | Purchasing: Change Management |
MEL | Vendor Evaluation |
MENUS_ALR | Cross-Application Area Menus |
MEREQ | Purchasing: Purchase Requisition |
MEU0 | EURO conversion: Materials management |
MEW | Internet/Intranet developments in purchasing |
MG | Application development R/3 material master prior to 3.0 |
MG_OLD | Veraltete / im Standard nicht mehr genutzte MatStammPogramme |
MG0C | Customizing R/3 material master prior to 3.0 |
MGA | Application development R/3 material master from 3.0 |
MGAC | Customizing R/3 material master from 3.0 |
MGAD | Data Transfer R/3 Material Master as of 3.0 |
MGDCHR | Objects for decoupling HR - LO-MD-MM |
MGV | Application Development R/3 Material Master Distribution |
MGW | Application development R/3 material master Retail |
MGWC | Customizing R/3 material master Retail |
MKOR | Correction programs with delivery (RL) |
ML | R/3 External Services Management |
ML_TOOLS | Analysis and Correction Reports for External Services Proc. |
MM_IMG | Customizing: Materials Management |
MMPUR_PORTAL | Linkage of Portal to Purchasing |
MMPUR_PRINT | Output of Purchasing Documents with Adobe |
MO | Subcontracting Index Table |
MPRO | Material Forecast |
MR | Incoming Invoices |
MR0C | Customizing R/3 Invoice Verification |
MRM | Appl. Development: R/3 Decentralized Invoice Verification |
MRM_BADI | Business Add-Ins in Invoice Verification |
MRY | Balance Sheet Valuation |
MSCI | IMG: Supply-chain planning interfaces |
MUSW | Quantity conversion steel and active ingredient mgmt |
MWCH | Change IAC |
NDBS | New Dimension Plug-In: Basis Objects |
NDBT | New Dimension Plug-In: Business Transaction Events |
NDBU | New Dimension PlugIn: BTEs - Not Dependent on Release |
OBJ | Cost Object Controlling - General |
OBJ0_LOG | Basic List/Processing Log |
OBJ1 | Variance Calculation |
OBJ1_46A | Variance Calculation, Release 4.6A |
OIL | IS OIL: Standard objects |
OILF | IS-Oil Marketing Retail Network MRN (standard objects) |
OMIS | Development Class: InfoSources CO-OM |
OP00 | Non-HR components of Organizational Management |
OPA_PLANNING | Manual Cost Planning for Orders/Projects |
PL_PACKINST_BADI | Business Add-In in the Packing Instruction |
PLANT_MANAGER | Plant Manager |
PPAR | PP Archiving |
PPPIWP | MiniApps for Process Manufacturing |
PSIS_SINGLE | PS Logistic Overview: Single Overview' |
QA | QM master data |
QAALE | Distribution of QM Inspection Setup |
QADIST | Objects for Distributing Inspection Setup |
QALK | Costing Notification |
QB | QM in procurement |
QC | QM quality certificate |
QCE | QM Quality Certificate Data Exchange |
QCI | QM quality certificate in World Wide Web |
QCPR | QM quality certificates in procurement |
QD | QM dynamic modification |
QDSE | QM sample determination |
QE | QM results recording |
QEHH | QM Handheld Devices |
QEIF | QM interfaces inspection processing |
QESI | QM statistical interface inspection processing |
QETB | Toolbox: Results recording |
QEWW | Results Recording on Web |
QF | QM defects recording |
QG01 | QM quality inspection analysis |
QG02 | QM quality information system |
QG03 | QM quality information system (Q messages and errors) |
QHU | QM handling unit processing |
QI | QM IMG and area menu |
QISR | Internal Service Requests |
QISR_EXAMPLES | Internal Service Requests: Example Scenarios |
QL | QM inspection lots |
QLPP | QM inspection points |
QM | QM inspection specifications |
QM00 | QM central QM functions |
QM01 | QM graphics and SPC |
QMCF | QM configuration/batch determination and QM |
QMPMCS_WP | Services for CS/QM/PM Workplaces |
QMWP | QM Workplace |
QNWEB | Web Application for Notifications (ISR) |
QP | QM inspection plan characteristics |
QPMK | Master Inspection Characteristic (Master Data in QM) |
QPR | QM sample management |
QQM | QM quality notification |
QR01 | QM reorganization of master data |
QR02 | QM reorganization of transaction data |
QS | QM in Sales and Distribution |
QSCA | QM Catalogs |
QSKT | QM basic data: Catalog data |
QSLS_LOCK | Non-Relevant Table Entries |
QSMT | Inspection Methods (Master Data in QM) |
QSSE | QM Basic Data: Selected Sets |
QV | QM usage decision |
READ | RE: Rent Adjustment |
REAO | RE: Offers and Applications |
REBD | RE: Master Data |
REBF | RE: Basis Functions (Orig. in Application Develop.System) |
RECNAD | Real Estate: General Contract Accruals/Deferrals |
RECO | RE: Controlling |
RECONST | Reconciliation for Structure Leveling |
RECP | RE: Correspondence |
REDB | RE: Database Accesses |
REIS | RE: Information System |
REIT | RE: Input Tax Treatment |
RELDB | RE: Logical Databases |
RERA | RE: Rental Accounting |
RERC | RE: Lease-Out |
RESC | RE: Service charge settlement |
RESR | RE: Sales-Based Rental Agreements And Settlements |
RETP | RE: Third party management |
RHIE | Switching the Hierarchy Interface Between BW and R/3 |
RSQL | SQL Trace Interpreter for Applications |
RTTREE | Report Trees |
SCAP | CA Process Model Objects |
SITU | Informix to STUN Porting |
U010 | Cross-Application Components |
U100 | Financial Accounting |
U101 | General Ledger Accounting |
U102 | Consolidation |
U103 | Accounts Payable |
U104 | Accounts Receivable |
U105 | Asset Accounting |
U106 | Special Purpose Ledger |
U110 | Treasury |
U111 | Cash Management |
U112 | Funds Management |
U120 | Controlling |
U121 | Overhead Cost Controlling |
U122 | Product Cost Controlling |
U123 | Profitability and Sales Accounting |
U124 | Activity-Based Costing |
U130 | Investment Management |
U131 | Capital Investments |
U134 | Data model RE real estate |
U140 | Enterprise Controlling |
U200 | Logistics general |
U201 | Classification |
U202 | Document Management |
U204 | Logistics information |
U300 | Sales and Distribution |
U301 | Basic Functions |
U302 | Sales |
U303 | Shipping |
U304 | Billing |
U305 | Sales Support |
U400 | Materials Management |
U401 | Base data Materials Management |
U402 | Inventory Management |
U403 | Purchasing |
U404 | Invoice Verification |
U405 | Warehouse Management |
U600 | Quality Management |
U650 | Plant Maintenance |
U651 | Equipment and Technical Objects |
U652 | Preventive Maintenance |
U653 | Maintenance Order Management |
U700 | Production Planning and Control |
U701 | Production Basic Data |
U710 | Production planning |
U711 | Sales and production rough-cut planning |
U712 | Capacity Requirements Planning |
U713 | Material Requirements Planning |
U714 | Production Planning for Process Industries |
U721 | Production Orders |
U722 | Kanban planning / just in time |
U723 | Repetitive Manufacturing |
U724 | Assembly Orders |
U800 | Project System |
U801 | Project base data |
UDDM | EDM Maintenance Transaction |
UH01 | Base data hospital |
UH02 | Rules regulations hospital |
UUDM | EDM: Data Modeler (General) |
V50R | Lists in shipping |
VA | Application development R/3 Sales |
VA_BADI | BADIs R/3 Sales |
VA0C | Customizing R/3 sales |
VACO | Sales-Controlling Interface |
VACR | Add-On BAPIs Sales and Distribution |
VAD | Application development R/3 printing, SAPscript sales |
VALE | ALE development in sales and distribution |
VAR | Application development R/3 reporting sales |
VARC | Customizing R/3 reporting sales |
VAW | Internet/Intranet - development in sales |
VB | Application Development R/3 Batches |
VB0C | Customizing R/3 batch determination |
VBAS | Application development R/3 sales master data |
VBDOCUBATCH | Documentary Batch |
VBDRV | Batch Derivation |
VBEX | Customer Exits for Batch Management |
VBIC | Batch Information Cockpit |
VBIH | SD Extractors from R/3 SD Information System for SAP BW |
VBOB | Batch Processing - Original Batch |
VBP | Batch record |
VBW | BAPI Processing in Batch Management |
VBWS | Batch Management Proportion/Product Units |
VBWU | Where-Used List (Batches) |
VBX | External Communication Batch Determination |
VCA | CAS - activities |
VCK | CAS - contacts |
VCOM | CAS - Opportunity Management |
VCOW | SD Account Determination Wizard |
VCR | CAS - reporting |
VD | Application development R/3 printing, SAPscript |
VDEL | SD: for future deletion of marked objects ! |
VED | Application development R/3 EDI |
VEDC | Customizing R/3 EDI |
VEHS | WS-SHP Dangerous Goods/Substances (Env., Health and Safety) |
VEI | Application development R/3 foreign trade |
VEII | Application Development R/3 Foreign Trade: MP/WP |
VEIU | Application development R/3 FT: Data Service / Upload |
VF | Application development R/3 invoice |
VF_BADI | BAdIs for Billing |
VF_PRC_CORE | Central Pricing Routines |
VF_PRC_CUSTOMIZING | Customizing of Pricing |
VF_PRC_GUI | Graphical Pricing Interface |
VF_PRC_INTERFACE | Pricing Interfaces |
VF0C | Customizing R/3 invoice |
VFC | Application development R/3 billing docs.: Payment cards |
VFD | Application development R/3 printing, SAPscript, invoice |
VFE | R/3 billing document appl. development: Revenue recognition |
VFR | Application development R/3 reporting invoice |
VFRC | Customizing R/3 reporting invoice |
VFSC | Scales |
VFSC_1 | VOFM Routines for Calculator |
VFW | Workflow/BOR - billing docs. development |
VHUMI | Handling unit management: material identification |
VIEW | Application development views |
VIN | Introductory guide R/3 messages |
VIO | Introductory Guide to R/3 Organization and Environment |
VIPC | SCE Basis, Control IPC Using HTML Control |
VIPCSV | IPC Basis Service |
VIR | Introductory guide R/3 reporting |
VIS | Introductory guide R/3 master data |
VIV | Introductory guide R/3 procedures |
VIZ | Introductory guide R/3 central functions |
VKM | Application development R/3 credit management |
VKMC | Customizing R/3 credit management |
VKO1 | Application Development R/3 Conditions: Copy |
VKOA | Application development R/3 conditions: ALE/IDoc |
VKOD | R/3 application development for conditions: Download |
VKOK | Application development R/3 conditions: customers |
VKON | Application development R/3 conditions |
VKOT | Rebate: Enhancements for Standard Agreements and Conditions |
VKRC | Customizing R/3 credit management reporting |
VL | WS-SHP: General Processing for Shipping |
VL0C | WS-SHP: Customizing Shipping |
VLBO | WS-SHP: Business Objects Shipping |
VLD | WS-SHP: Print, SAPscript |
VLR | WS-SHP: Delivery Reporting / Delivery Monitor |
VLRC | WS-SHP: Customizing Delivery Reporting |
VLTM | Maintenance Functions for Schedules |
VLTS | Time segment |
VLUP | WS-SHP: Changes to Deliveries |
VMIRC | Material identification / reconciliation |
VMOD | Application development R/3 SD customer modifications |
VMSD | SD internal |
VN | Application development output control |
VN0C | Customizing R/3 output control |
VNOW | SD Output Determination Wizard |
VNSI | Development Class for NuSkin Objects |
VOW | Sales and distribution organizational data |
VPD | Developments for SD Partner Processing (SD-BF-PD) |
VPK | Resource-Related Billing / Sales Pricing |
VR | Application development R/3 outline agreement |
VREP | Application development RV reporting |
VS | Application development R/3 sales master data |
VS0C | Customizing R/3 Sales and Distribution master data |
VSC | Application development R/3 SD master data: Payment cards |
VSCE | Sales Configuration Engine |
VSH | R/3 Customer Hierarchy Application Development |
VSHP_BAPI_DEZENTRALES_LAGER | WS-SHP: BAPIs for Decentralized Warehouse Processing |
VSHP_CHARGEN | WS-SHP: Batch Processing |
VSHP_LIEFERUNG_DATENBANK | WS-SHP: Database Accesses Delivery Processing |
VSHP_LIEFERUNG_DIALOG | WS-SHP: Dialog Processing Inb.Deliv./Outb.Deliv./Post.Change |
VSHP_LIEFERUNG_PREISFINDUNG | WS-SHP: Pricing / Conditions in the Delivery |
VSHP_MENGENKORRELATION | WS-SHP: Quantity Correlation BoMs Delivery Groups |
VSHP_PARTNER | WS-SHP: Partner Processing in the Delivery |
VSHP_TEXTE | WS-SHP: Processing Description Text |
VSHP_UNVOLLSTAENDIGKEIT | WS-SHP: Incompletion Log Delivery |
VSHP_VFP | WS-SHP: Availability Check |
VSHP_WB | WS-SHP: Goods Movements |
VSI | Application development R/3 customers/material relationships |
VSKM | R/3 Customer Material Info Application Development |
VSSF | SAPforms: Example Scenarios in SD |
VSV | Appl. development R/3 SD master data distribution |
VT | Application development R/3 texts in Sales and Distribution |
VTAXCALC | Calculation for VAT and Sales / Use Tax |
VTAXREP | Reporting for VAT and Sales / Use Tax |
VTOL | Sales and Distribution Analysis Tools |
VTR | SD R/3 transport processing |
VTRA | Shipment costs |
VTRBO | Transport: Business objects |
VTRC | SD R/3 customizing transport processing |
VTRF | Freight Codes and Classes |
VTRI | Interfaces to external transport systems |
VTRK | Shipping communication (delivery/transport) |
VTRP | LE-TRA Transportation Messages |
VTRS | Statistics update transport: Customizing |
VV | WS-SHP: Packing / Handling Units |
VV_DSP | Preliminary HU Functions for Subsequent Dlv. Split in Core |
VV0C | Customizing Handling Units |
VVSRCH_CORE | Transport Layer AL0: Statutory Reporting Switzerland |
VVSRG_CORE | Objects for System AL0 (Stable Detached Objects) |
VVTR | Express Delivery Company Interface & Tracking |
VWFL | SD: Workflow components |
VX | Application development R/3 SD decentralized shipping |
VX0C | Customizing R/3 SD decentralized shipping |
VZ | Application development R/3 RV central functions |
VZ_SCHEDULE | SD Central Function: Connection to APO Scheduling |
VZ0C | Customizing R/3 SD Central Functions |
VZR | Application development R/3 reporting RV central |
W_ISR_AUDIT | Retail: Measurement for License Audit |
W_PARA | Parallel Processing Variants Retail |
W_RUNTIME_ANALYSIS | Runtime Analysis/Throughput Statistics Retail (A-Comp temp.) |
W4 | Application development R/3 Purchasing |
W6 | Application development R/3 Stock planning |
W8 | Application development R/3 Sales |
WAFS | AFS: Apparel Footware Solution |
WAKT | Application development R/3 Promotions |
WAP0 | Retail: Gate settings |
WART | IS-R: Integrated article maintenance |
WAUF | Application development R/3 Purchasing, Allocation table |
WB2B_DDIC | Trading Contract: DDIC Objects Retained in AL0 |
WB2BDOTCOM_DDIC | Trading Contract: DDIC Development |
WBBC | IS-R: Assortment List |
WBBY | Free-Goods Discount/Bonus Buys |
WBBY_DELETE | Bonus Buy: Deletion Functions |
WBEF | IS-R: Inventory Management |
WBON | Subsequent Settlement |
WC00 | IS-R: General customizing |
WCA1 | Customizing R/3 material master Retail |
WCA2 | IS-R: Promotions (Customizing) |
WCA3 | IS-R: Allocation table (Customizing) |
WCAD | IS-R: Additionals (Customizing) |
WCB1 | IS-R: Volume-based rebate (Customizing) |
WCB2 | IS-R: Assortment List (Customizing) |
WCB3 | IS-R: Inventory Management (Customizing) |
WCB4 | IS-R: Sites (Customizing) |
WCBBY | Bonus Buys (Customizing) |
WCC1 | IS-R: Conditions (Customizing) |
WCCH | Customizing country specifics Switzerland |
WCD1 | IS-R: Stock planning (Customizing) |
WCE1 | IS-R: Labeling (Customizing) |
WCE2 | IS-R: Customizing purchasing |
WCF1 | IS-R: Store master (Customizing) |
WCF2 | IS-R: SMMS interface (Customizing) |
WCI1 | IS-R: Information system (Customizing) |
WCK1 | IS-R: Customer master (Customizing) |
WCK2 | IS-R: Credit card management (Customizing) |
WCK3 | IS-R: Sales order (Customizing) |
WCL1 | IS-R: Vendor master (Customizing) |
WCL2 | IS-R: Warehouse management (Customizing) |
WCON | Retail: New Functions for Contract |
WCOS | ISR: Online Store (Customizing) |
WCP1 | IS-R: POS interface (Customizing) |
WCP2 | IS-R: Planning system (Customizing) |
WCS1 | IS-R: Assortments (Customizing) |
WCST | Customizing Store Workbench |
WCT2 | Customizing gate setting |
WCV1 | IS-R: Sales pricing (Customizing) |
WCV2 | IS-R: Master data distribution (Customizing) |
WCV3 | IS-R: Shipping/Picking (Customizing) |
WCV4 | ISR: VMI (Customizing) |
WCW1 | Merchandise categories (Customizing) |
WCW2 | ISR: Merchandise Distribution (Customizing) |
WCWB | ISR: Online Store Workbench (Customizing) |
WDISPO | Retail Functions for Requirements Planning |
WEDI | IDoc and segment definition |
WEFF_INTF | Interfaces for Extended Forecast Functions Retail AddOn |
WETI | Applications Development SAP Retail Labeling |
WEWU | EMU conversions in retail |
WFIL | IS-R: Store master |
WFRM | ISR: Cross-Docking and Floor-Ready Merchandise |
WFWW | IS-R: SMMS interface |
WG | Application development R/3 Retail cross application tasks |
WIND | Document index processing |
WIS_PLAN | Retail: Planning |
WIS_PLAN_O | MAP: Functions for Operational R/3 |
WLAY | Layout and Space Management |
WLCH | Country specifics Switzerland |
WLIF | IS-R: Vendor master |
WMCV | IS-R: Vendor Characteric Value, Value and Quota Scale - ALE |
WMOD | ISR: Fashion Management, Generic Materials |
WMSF | ISR: Support Fashion Handling |
WO+G | Retail Development for Perishables |
WOD | Online Planning |
WORG | IS-R: Organizational units |
WOST_CORE | SAP Retail Store Core Objects |
WP_PROCESS_MANUFACTURING | Workplaces/Roles for Process Manufacturing |
WPDTC | Calculation of Planned Delivery Time |
WPOC | IS-R: Changing Purchase Orders |
WPOS | IS-R: POS interface |
WRPL | Retail: Replenishment |
WSEA | Application development R/3 season management |
WSOR | IS-R: Assortments |
WSTO | Stock Overviews |
WSTR | R/3 Material Master (Retail): Structured Materials |
WSTRG_SELECTS | Holds interfaces for selects replacement with selects functi |
WTAD | IS-R: Additionals |
WUSL | General Where-Used List of Table Objects |
WVER | IS-R: Shipping/picking |
WVKP | IS-R: Sales pricing |
WVLB | Retail Load Building |
WVMI | VMI Functionality from a retailer view |
WWGR | IS-R merchandise categories |
WWMB | Advertising medium: BAPI & IAC prod.catalog |
WWMC | Advertising medium customizing |
WWMI | Product catalog and layout |
WWP | Planning Workbench |
WZRE | Agency Business |
WZREDOTCOM | Agency Business on the Internet |