SAP Package WFRM

ISR: Cross-Docking and Floor-Ready Merchandise

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The package WFRM (ISR: Cross-Docking and Floor-Ready Merchandise) is a standard package in SAP ERP. It belongs to the parent package APPL.

Technical Information

Package WFRM
Short Text ISR: Cross-Docking and Floor-Ready Merchandise
Parent Package APPL

Function Groups

SAP Package WFRM contains 27 function groups.

WFR0 Delivery Generation in Distribution
WFR1 Create and process distribution
WFR10 Adjustment at goods receipt
WFR11 Check
WFR12 FRM: Close and Adjust Purchase Orders
WFR13 FRM: Read HU for Manual Adjustment
WFR14 Collective Checks, Special Situation
WFR15 Collective Sort of Issues for SLS
WFR16 Collective Determination Grp Switch SLS
WFR17 Collective Enrichment PO Item
WFR18 Collective Check for Goods Movements
WFR19 Collective Display Packing Rule
WFR2 Perform Distribution
WFR20 Collective Check Packing Rule
WFR21 Adjust Distribution Online
WFR22 SLS Sub-Items at Goods Receipt
WFR23 General Functions/Main FM - SLS
WFR24 SLS: Shipping Functions
WFR26 FM Collection, Fld Descr., Service Data
WFR3 Collective processing
WFR4 Collection of distribution algorithms
WFR5 Collective transfer orders in distrib.
WFR6 General processes
WFR7 Merch. Distribution: Alloc Tbl interface
WFR8 General Functions
WFR9 Display/change distribution


SAP Package WFRM contains 18 transactions.

CWVT Merchandise Distribution
W_FRM_CUST_MAT Display Material Settings
W_FRM_CUST_PLANT Display Plant Settings
W_SLS_PROFILES_MAINT SLS - Maintain Profiles
WF10 Collective Purchase Order
WF10A Collective PO Without Tabstrips
WF20 Change Distribution
WF30 Merchandise Distribution: Monitor
WF40 Delete Distribution
WF50 Adjust Distribution
WF50A Adjust Distribution
WF60 Create Outbound Deliveries
WF70 Create Distribution Orders
WF80 Merchandise Distribution Log
WF80_DEL Display Delivery Generation Logs
WF90 Delete Merch. Distrib. Applic. Log
WF90_DEL Delete Delivery Generation Logs
WWVT Merchandise Distribution

Database Tables

SAP Package WFRM contains 10 database tables.

FRET Assignment of Procurement to Issue Docs in Mdse Distribution
FRETB Reference Table for Multiple Procurement
MDS_TMP Merchandise Distribution: Cluster Table for Temporary Data
TFMA Adjustment Profiles per Processing Method
TFMAT Adjustment Profiles per Processing Method
TMFPF Distribution Profile of Material in DC
TMFPFT Distribution Profile of Material Master - Texts
TWFPF Plant Profiles for Merchandise Distribution
TWFPFG Plant Profiles for Merchandise Distribution - Bus. Processes
TWFPFT Plant Profiles for Merchandise Distribution - Texts


SAP Package WFRM contains 1 views.

FRM_EKPO_UPD Merch. distrib.: UPdate view EKPO (delivery due)


SAP Package WFRM contains 61 structures.

CPO_EKET_FIELDS_ATP_TYPE Create Collective PO: Required Fields from EKET for ATP
CPO_EKET_FIELDS_TYPE Create Collective PO: Required Fields from EKET
CPO_EKKO_FIELDS_ATP_TYPE Create Collective PO: Required Fields from EKKO for ATP
CPO_EKKO_FIELDS_TYPE Create Collective PO: Required Fields from EKKO
CPO_EKPO_FIELDS_ATP_TYPE Create Collective PO: Required Fields from EKPO for ATP
CPO_EKPO_FIELDS_TYPE Create Collective PO: Required Fields from EKPO
CPO_ORDER_TYPE_DET_DATA Create Coll. PO: Import Parameter BAdI for Document Type
CPO_PARAMETER_TYPE Create Collective PO: Control and Selection Parameter
CPO_PROCUREMENT_DATA_TYPE Create Collective PO: Procurement Communication Structure
CPO_RUNTIME_DATA_COLLECT_TYPE Create Collective PO: Runtime Data for Aggregation
CPO_RUNTIME_DATA_CRPO_TYPE Create Collective PO: Runtime Data for PO Generation
CPO_RUNTIME_DATA_OVERVIEW Create Collective PO: Overview Data for Runtime Analysis
CPO_RUNTIME_DATA_SEL_TYPE Create Collective PO: Runtime Data for Document Selection
CPO_RUNTIME_DATA_TASK_TYPE Create Collective PO: Runtime Data for Task Level
CPO_RUNTIME_DATA_TYPE Create Collective PO: Runtime Analysis Data
CPO_RUNTIME_DATA_UPDATE_TYPE Create Collective PO: Runtime Data for Document Update
CPO_RUNTIME_DOC_DATA_TYPE Create Collective PO: Runtime Analysis of Data Quantities
CPO_SELLING_DOC_ATP_DATA_TYPE Create Coll. PO: Com.Structure Issue Doc.Check Procur.Succes
CPO_SELLING_DOC_DATA_TYPE Create Collective PO: Communication Structure in Issue Doc.
CPO_SELLING_DOC_DISP_DATA_TYPE Create Coll. PO: CommStruct. for Issue Doc., Display Data
CPO_SELLING_DOC_SUBITEMS_TYPE Create Collective PO: Subitems for Processing
FRET_ENQUEUE Structure for Locking FRET at Material/Recipient Level
FRM_ADD_VBFS_TYPE Data Part for Application Log for SLS
FRM_ADD_VBLS_TYPE Data Part for Application Log for SLS
FRM_ASS_DL_ADD_TYPE Additional Data for Delivery Generation for Distribution
FRM_ASS_DL_TYPE Interface Structure for Delivery Generation for Distribution
FRM_EKETVB_T Order Delivery Schedule: Open Delivery Quantity
FRM_EKPOVB_T Order Items: Open Delivery Quantities
FRM_FRET_FULL_KEY_TYPE Key Structure for Distribution Data
FRM_FRET_SERVICE_TYPE Structure for Distribution Transfer to SLS
FRM_GR_EKPO_EXTENDED_TYPE Extended EKPO Structure for Goods Receipt Checks
FRM_LIPSVB_EXTENDED_T Extended Structure for SLS Use in Shipping
FRM_MESSAGE_TYPE Interface Structure for Message Transfer
FRM_PROCUREMENT_KEY_TYPE Key for Procurement Part for Merchandise Distributions
FRM_VBAPVB_T Sales Order Items with Open Delivery Quantities
FRM_WTADAB_EXTENDED_T Extended Service Structure for Use in FRM
FRM_WTADAB_KEY Structure: Key for Reading WTADAB via Index 002
KMPMG_WA_TYP Component Quantities for Subitems in a Purchase Order
MDS_ABNNR_RANGE_TYPE Range Type for Recipients
MDS_MATKL_RANGE_TYPE Range Type for Material Group
MDS_MATNR_RANGE_TYPE Range Type for Material
MDS_PLANT_RANGE_TYPE Range Type for Plants
MDS_SELLING_KEY_TYPE Merchandise Distribution: Key Structure for Issue Document
PRESET_DATA_WA_TYP GI Structure for Delivery Generation
REPL_TRANS_ENQUEUE_TYPE Replenishment: Structure for Parallel Processing Lock
REPL_TRANSACTION_ENQUEUE_TYPE Replenishment: Structure for Parallel Processing Lock
RFRM_FRET_DISPLAY Merchandise Distribution: Distribution Data for Display
RFRM_IPRO_WA_T Structure for Internal Selection Log
RFRM_PROCUREMENT_PART Merchandise Distribution: Data at Procurement Document Level
RFRMMSEG Extended Document Items for FRM at Goods Receipt
RFRMRDOCQ Procured Quantities for Issue Documents
RFRMSCRFLD Structure with Fields for Screen Display in FRM
SLS_MEPO_ITEM_TYPE SLS in MEPO: Structure for Item Data
SLS_MEPO_SCHEDULE_TYPE SLS in MEPO: Structure for Schedule Line Data
WFR22_HEADER Screen Header
WFR22_ITEM Screen Table Entries
WFR22_MAIN Structure for Transfer to User Exit: Main Item
WFR22_SUB Structure for Transfer to User Exit: Sub-Item
WFRM_PO_WA_TYP Structure of Internal Table for Warehouse Orders
WFRM_SO_WA_TYP Interface Structure for BAdI (Same as WFRM_DL_COMWA_T)


SAP Package WFRM contains 16 programs.

R_CPO_DELETE_TEMPORARY_DATA Create Collective PO: Delete Temporarily Stored Issue Documents
R_FRM_APPL_LOG_DELETE Delete Merchandise Distribution Logs
R_FRM_APPL_LOG_DISPLAY Display Merchandise Distribution Logs
R_FRM_SHOW_CUSTOMIZING_MAT Display Material Settings for Merchandise Distribution
R_FRM_SHOW_CUSTOMIZING_PLANT Display Plant Settings for Merchandise Distribution
R_SLS_CALL_CUSTOMIZING Direct Access to IMG Activity
RADOPTAUF Conversion of Existing Allocation Tables
RCLEANFRET Delete Distribution
SAPMWFRM1 Generation of Collective Purchase Orders
SAPMWFRM2 Edit Distribution
SAPMWFRM3 Delivery Generation for a Distribution (CD, FT, Direct Distribution)
SAPMWFRM4 Display Distribution
SAPMWFRM5 Generation of Transfer Orders (FT, Merchandise-Driven Distribution)
SAPMWFRM6 Change Distribution
SAPMWFRM7 Adjust Distribution Online
SAPMWFRM8 Sub-item Handling in Purchasing (Own Routines and Subscreens)

Message Classes

SAP Package WFRM contains 1 message classes.

W_MD Nachrichtenklasse Warenverteilung neu

Authorization Objects

SAP Package WFRM contains 1 authorization objects.

W_FRM ISR Authorization for Merchandise Distribution