Assignment of Procurement to Issue Docs in Mdse Distribution

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The table FRET (Assignment of Procurement to Issue Docs in Mdse Distribution) is a standard table in SAP ERP. It belongs to the package WFRM.

Technical Information

Table FRET
Short Text Assignment of Procurement to Issue Docs in Mdse Distribution
Package WFRM
Table Type Transparent Table

Fields for Table FRET

Field Name Key Description Data Element Type Length Check Table
BTYPB Procurement document category BTYPB CHAR 1
BLNRB Document number, procurement BLNRB CHAR 10
BPOSB Document item, procurement BPOSB NUMC 6 *
BTYPA Category of issue document, Merchandise Distribution BTYPA CHAR 1
BLNRA Issue document number BLNRA CHAR 10
BPOSA Document item, issue BPOSA NUMC 6 *
GABLV Business process GABLV CHAR 2
MATNR Material Number MATNR CHAR 18 MARA
PMENB Planned quantity for procurement PMENB QUAN 13
PEINB Unit of measure, planned quantity for procurement PEINB UNIT 3 T006
IMNGB Actual quantity, procurement IMNGB QUAN 13
IEINB Unit of measure, actual quantity, procurement IEINB UNIT 3 T006
PMENA Planned qty for issue PMENA QUAN 13
PEINA Unit of measure for planned quantity, issue PEINA UNIT 3 T006
IMNGA Act. qty issue IMNGA QUAN 13
IEINA Unit of measure for actual quantity issued IEINA UNIT 3 T006
BARTV Processing method for distribution BARTV CHAR 1
MNGCD Quantity for cross-docking MNGCD QUAN 13
EINCD Unit of measure for cross-docking quantity EINCD UNIT 3 T006
MNGFT Quantity for flow-through MNGFT QUAN 13
EINFT Unit of measure for flow-through quantity EINFT UNIT 3 T006
VERVF Distribution method for distribution VERVF CHAR 1
MNGVT Distributed quantity MNGVT QUAN 13
EINVT Unif of measure for distributed quantity EINVT UNIT 3 T006
MNGPA Quantity for putaway MNGPA QUAN 13
EINPA Unit of measure for putaway quantity EINPA UNIT 3 T006
WERKA Issuing plant WERAB CHAR 4 T001W
ABNTP Recipient category ABNTP CHAR 2
ABNNR Number of recipient NRABN CHAR 10
KZFSA Indicates record containing errors KZFSA CHAR 1
KZVST Indicates that distribution is complete KZVST CHAR 1
STSVE General status STSVE CHAR 1
STMAN Indicates processing status STMAN CHAR 1
STBES Procurement status STBES CHAR 1
ERFUSR Name of Person who Created the Object ERNAM CHAR 12
LGORT Storage Location LGORT_D CHAR 4 *
LGNUM Warehouse Number / Warehouse Complex LGNUM CHAR 3 T300
MD_ADJUST_EXEC Sytems of Adjustment and Execution of Merchandise Distributn DE_WMD_ADJUST_EXECUTE CHAR 1
KZVAS Indicates relevant SLS with sub-items FRM_VAS_REL CHAR 1
IND_UC_SPLIT Only one End Customer per Item DE_WMD_UC_SPLIT CHAR 1
UEBPO Higher-Level Item in Purchasing Documents UEBPO NUMC 5 *
MD_PROCESS_METH Process Method for Merchandise Distribution DE_WMD_PROCESS_METHOD CHAR 3
MD_PROCESS_ID Cross-Docking Process Number /SPE/CD_PROCESS CHAR 10 *