This bundle includes Echo Dot (3rd Gen) Charcoal and Philips Hue White A19 Medium Lumen Smart Bulb, 1100 Lumens. Built in Smart Home hub. Ask Alexa to control Zigbee-compatible devices. No additional Philips Hue hub required. Two choices for easy smart lighting - Start setting the mood with Hue Smart bulbs and your Echo device, supporting up to 5 Hue Bluetooth & Zigbee smart bulbs. Add the Hue Hub for whole-home smart lighting (up to 50 light points) and bonus features.
Check it out on →The package KE1C (Customizing for Profit Center Accounting) is a standard package in SAP ERP. It belongs to the parent package APPL.
Package | KE1C |
Short Text | Customizing for Profit Center Accounting |
Parent Package | APPL |
SAP Package KE1C contains 33 function groups.
0KE0 | Extended Table Maintenance (Generated) |
0KE5 | Extended Table Maintenance (Generated) |
0KEJ | EC-PCA: Control param. for act. postings |
0KEO | Extended Table Maintenance (Generated) |
PC07 | EC-PCA: Check active component |
PC18 | EC-PCA: Application Log - Customizing |
PC20 | Currency and Valuation Profiles |
PC28 | Table T8A30 (Additional Accounts) |
PC34 | Acct det. for chrg off valuation diff. |
PC35 | Customizing for representative materials |
PC39 | Acct assignment for production variances |
PC43 | Summarization EC-PCA Doc.: Maintain |
PCA_ALE | Maintenance Views: ALE for PCA |
PCA_BILA | Extended Table Maintenance (Generated) |
PCA_COND | Conversion Controls for TP Conditions |
PCA_FIND | Pricing: Auxiliary Modules |
PCA_PLAN_VERSIONS | Modules for PCA Plan Versions |
PCA_SD | PCA <-> SD Interface Modules |
PCA_TP | TP Pricing |
PCA_TPVAR | PCA: Transfer Price Variants |
PCGEN | PCA: Regenerate Table Entries |
PCGEN2 | PCA: Update Customizing Settings |
PCIMP | EC-PCA: After Import Methods |
PCIMP2 | PCA AFter Import Methods |
PCLEDG | PCA: Register Versions for Ledger |
PCPP_C | EC-PCA Planning: Customizing Functions |
PCPP_C_ACCT | EC-PCA: Table Maintenance for Rev. Accts |
PCPP_C_ACCT_G | Customizing Accts for Qty Based Planning |
PCPP_C_ACCT_ST | Table Maintenance,Change in StockAccts |
PCPP_C_KALK | EC-PCA: Define Costing Keys |
SAP Package KE1C contains 211 transactions.
0KE3 | EC-PCA:Delete Transaction Data(Bkgd) |
0KE4 | EC-PCA: Update settings |
0KE5_WIZARD | Activate Profit Center Accounting |
0KE6 | EC-PCA: Average Balance Ledger |
0KE8 | EC-PCA:Maintain Summarization Fields |
0KEA | EC-PCA: Maintain report tree |
0KEH | EC-PCA: Report List |
0KEK | EC-PCA: Account Determination |
0KEL | EC-PCA: Substitutions |
0KEMD_46C_UPGRADE | EC-PCA: Upgrade PrCtr MstData <= 46B |
0KEN | Special handling, PrCtr goods mvmt |
0KEO | Activities in Profit Center Accountg |
0KEP | EC-PCA:Transport Environ/Master Data |
0KEQ | EC-PCA: Transport Master Data |
0KER | EC-PCA: Transport Planning |
0KES | EC-PCA: Transport Actual Settings |
0KET | EC-PCA: Transport Information System |
0KEU | EC-PCA: Transport Cycles |
0KEW | EC-PCA: Conv. RW reports 2.x -> 3.0 |
0KEX | EC-PCA: Conv. totals recs 2.x ->3.0 |
0KEY | EC-PCA: Conv.act.line items 2.x->3.0 |
0KEZ | EC-PCA:Conv.plan line items 2.x->3.0 |
1KEC | Post MM data to EC-PCA |
1KEF | EC-PCA: Parameter acutal postings |
1KEG | Callup view maintenance with COArea |
2KEM | EC-PCA: Account Valuation Variances |
2KET | EC-PCA: Allow Balance Carryforward |
2KEU | Copy Cost Center Hierarchy |
2KEV | Copy cost centers |
3KEH | EC-PCA:Addit. Bal. Sheet/P+L Accts |
3KEI | Derive Default Profit Center |
3KEJ | Activate representative materials |
3KEK | Choose representative materials |
3KEL | Acct determination for prod.variance |
4KED | EC-PCA: Supplement Allocation Cycles |
7KEZ | Planning:Maintain Variable Attribute |
8AS5 | PCA: Balance Carryforw.Field Transf. |
8KAL | Controlling Areas: ALE for PCA |
8KE1 | PCA: Rollup: Create Field Assignment |
8KE2 | PCA: Rollup: Change Field Assignment |
8KE3 | PCA: Rollup: Display Field Assignmnt |
8KE4 | PCA: Rollup Substitution |
8KE5 | PCA: Rollup Substitution |
8KE6 | PCA: Delete Rollup Field Assignment |
8KEA | Create Cond. Table (Price/Prof. Ctr) |
8KEB | Change Cond. Table (Price/Prof. Ctr) |
8KEC | Display Cond.Table (Price/Prof. Ctr) |
8KED | Access: Pflegen (Profit Center) |
8KEE | Condition:Sheet for Transfer Pricing |
8KEF | Maintain Condition Types |
8KEG | Create Condition List |
8KEG_02 | Change Pricing Report |
8KEG_03 | Display Pricing Report |
8KEG_16 | Execute Pricing Report |
8KEH | Condition Exclusion:Sheet Assgt TP |
8KEI | Maintain Exclusion Group (TP) |
8KEJ | Maintain CElem for Excl. Grou (TP) |
8KEK | Maintain Transfer Price Variants |
8KEL | Trans.Pr.:Allowed Flds for Cond.Tab. |
8KEM | Currency and Valuation Profiles |
8KEN | Acct Det. for Charg. Off Val. Diff. |
8KEO | Assign Representative Material |
8KEP | Activate Cur.+Val. Profile in COArea |
8KEP_WIZARD | Activate Transfer Pricing |
8KEQ | Assign Cur. + Val. Profile to COArea |
8KER | Derive Partner Profit Center: Sales |
8KES | Derive Partner Profit Center: Purch. |
8KET | Derive Costing Key |
8KET1 | Maintain Stock Change Accounts |
8KET2 | Maintain Stock Change Accounts |
8KET3 | Define Costing Key |
8KET4 | Opening Balance for PCA Costing |
8KET5 | Valuation for Calculation Base |
8KET7 | Set up Profit Planning |
8KEU | Deactivate C&V Profile in CO Area |
8KEV | CO-PA Pricing |
8KEW | EC-PCA/CO-PA Pricing |
8KEX | Conversion of condition vals for TP |
8KEY | Company Code Field Transfer Rule |
8KEZ | EC-PCA Transfer Pricing |
CCAC | Reset Set-Get Parameter CAC |
KEE0 | PCA: Generate Line Item Difference |
PCA_BILA | Customizing: Bal. Sheet Accts in PCs |
PROF | Profit Center Accounting |
S_ALR_87003631 | IMG Activity: SIMG_CFMENUORK13KEI |
S_ALR_87003633 | IMG Activity: SIMG_CFMENUORK13KEH |
S_ALR_87003635 | IMG Activity: SIMG_CFMENUORK1GCO1 |
S_ALR_87003637 | IMG Activity: SIMG_CFMENUORK1OKB9 |
S_ALR_87003639 | IMG Activity: SIMG_CFMENUORK1CMOD |
S_ALR_87003641 | IMG Activity: SIMG_CFMENUORK11KEF |
S_ALR_87003643 | IMG Activity: SIMG_CFMENUORK1GCO2 |
S_ALR_87003645 | IMG Activity: SIMG_CFMENUORK13KE7 |
S_ALR_87003647 | IMG Activity: SIMG_CFMENUORK1OCCL |
S_ALR_87003649 | IMG Activity: SIMG_CFMENUORK10KEU |
S_ALR_87003651 | IMG Activity: SIMG_CFMENUORK18KER |
S_ALR_87003653 | IMG Activity: SIMG_CFMENUORK18KES |
S_ALR_87003655 | IMG Activity: SIMG_CFMENUORK10KET |
S_ALR_87003657 | IMG Activity: SIMG_CFMENUORK1GCS6 |
S_ALR_87003659 | IMG Activity: SIMG_CFMENUORK12KET |
S_ALR_87003661 | IMG Activity: SIMG_CFMENUORK1GCT0 |
S_ALR_87003663 | IMG Activity: SIMG_CFMENUORK18KET |
S_ALR_87003665 | IMG Activity: SIMG_CFMENUORK18KET3 |
S_ALR_87003667 | IMG Activity: SIMG_CFMENUORK10KE2 |
S_ALR_87003669 | IMG Activity: SIMG_CFMENUORK1GP31 |
S_ALR_87003671 | IMG Activity: SIMG_CFMENUORK1KP34 |
S_ALR_87003673 | IMG Activity: SIMG_CFMENUORK17KEK |
S_ALR_87003675 | IMG Activity: SIMG_CFMENUORK17KEF |
S_ALR_87003677 | IMG Activity: SIMG_CFMENUORK17KEA |
S_ALR_87003679 | IMG Activity: SIMG_ORKS_KA06_UMPLA |
S_ALR_87003681 | IMG Activity: SIMG_CFMENUORK14KE7 |
S_ALR_87003684 | IMG Activity: SIMG_CFMENUORK1KEDP |
S_ALR_87003685 | IMG Activity: SIMG_CFMENUORK1KESF |
S_ALR_87003687 | IMG Activity: SIMG_CFMENUORK10KE1 |
S_ALR_87003689 | IMG Activity: SIMG_CFMENUORK18KET4 |
S_ALR_87003691 | IMG Activity: SIMG_CFMENUORK18KET2 |
S_ALR_87003693 | IMG Activity: SIMG_CFMENUORK18KET1 |
S_ALR_87003695 | IMG Activity: SIMG_CFMENUORK1GCBAA |
S_ALR_87003697 | IMG Activity: SIMG_CFMENUORK10KEH |
S_ALR_87003700 | IMG Activity: SIMG_CFMENUORK10KE4 |
S_ALR_87003703 | IMG Activity: SIMG_CFMENUORK1KE8W |
S_ALR_87003706 | IMG Activity: SIMG_CFMENUORK1KE8L |
S_ALR_87003708 | IMG Activity: SIMG_CFMENUORK1KE8U |
S_ALR_87003719 | IMG Activity: SIMG_CFMENUORK10KEQ |
S_ALR_87003726 | IMG Activity: SIMG_CFMENUORK1KE8P |
S_ALR_87003730 | IMG Activity: SIMG_CFMENUORK1KE8O |
S_ALR_87003737 | IMG Activity: SIMG_CFMENUORK10KEZ |
S_ALR_87003744 | IMG Activity: SIMG_CFMENUORK1OBA5 |
S_ALR_87003755 | IMG Activity: SIMG_CFMENUORK1PFCG |
S_ALR_87003763 | IMG Activity: SIMG_CFMENUORK10KEP |
S_ALR_87003774 | IMG Activity: SIMG_CFMENUORK14KED |
S_ALR_87003786 | IMG Activity: SIMG_CFMENUORK1KE87 |
S_ALR_87003797 | IMG Activity: SIMG_CFMENUORK10KEB |
S_ALR_87003808 | IMG Activity: SIMG_CFMENUORK10KEG |
S_ALR_87003817 | IMG Activity: SIMG_CFMENUORK11KED |
S_ALR_87003825 | IMG Activity: SIMG_CFMENUORK13KEG |
S_ALR_87003838 | IMG Activity: SIMG_CFMENUORK17KEJ |
S_ALR_87003848 | IMG Activity: SIMG_CFMENUORK13KE1 |
S_ALR_87003866 | IMG Activity: SIMG_CFMENUORK14KE1 |
S_ALR_87003875 | IMG Activity: SIMG_CFMENUORK10KES |
S_ALR_87003883 | IMG Activity: SIMG_CFMENUORK1GB02 |
S_ALR_87003892 | IMG Activity: SIMG_CFMENUORK1KE8R |
S_ALR_87003899 | IMG Activity: SIMG_CFMENUORK1KE8Q |
S_ALR_87003905 | IMG Activity: SIMG_CFMENUORK10KER |
S_ALR_87003917 | IMG Activity: SIMG_CFMENUORK1KE8C |
S_ALR_87003926 | IMG Activity: SIMG_CFMENUORK1GCT6 |
S_ALR_87003936 | IMG Activity: SIMG_CFMENUORK10KEA |
S_ALR_87003945 | IMG Activity: SIMG_CFMENUORK17KEI |
S_ALR_87003955 | IMG Activity: SIMG_CFMENUORK11KEE |
S_ALR_87003964 | IMG Activity: SIMG_CFMENUORK17KEQ |
S_ALR_87003972 | IMG Activity: SIMG_CFMENUORK11KEB |
S_ALR_87003983 | IMG Activity: SIMG_CFMENUORK1GS01 |
S_ALR_87003992 | IMG Activity: SIMG_CFMENUORK11KE4 |
S_ALR_87004001 | IMG Activity: SIMG_CFMENUORK1GS11 |
S_ALR_87004010 | IMG Activity: SIMG_CFMENUORK18KEO |
S_ALR_87004037 | IMG Activity: SIMG_CFMENUORK1Z051 |
S_ALR_87004046 | IMG Activity: SIMG_CFMENUORK1Z053 |
S_ALR_87004053 | IMG Activity: SIMG_CFMENUORK11KE6 |
S_ALR_87004060 | IMG Activity: SIMG_CFMENUORK1KKP2 |
S_ALR_87004070 | IMG Activity: SIMG_CFMENUORK1KKF2 |
S_ALR_87004078 | IMG Activity: SIMG_CFMENUORK1COR2 |
S_ALR_87004086 | IMG Activity: SIMG_CFMENUORK1CO02 |
S_ALR_87004092 | IMG Activity: SIMG_CFMENUORK1VA02 |
S_ALR_87004101 | IMG Activity: SIMG_CFMENUORK10KEL |
S_ALR_87004108 | IMG Activity: SIMG_CFMENUORK10KEM |
S_ALR_87004117 | IMG Activity: SIMG_CFMENUORK1MM02 |
S_ALR_87004126 | IMG Activity: SIMG_CFMENUORK10KE8 |
S_ALR_87004135 | IMG Activity: SIMG_CFMENUORK10KE6 |
S_ALR_87004144 | IMG Activity: SIMG_CFMENUORK10KEO |
S_ALR_87004151 | IMG Activity: SIMG_CFMENUORK11KE1 |
S_ALR_87004160 | IMG Activity: SIMG_CFMENUORK10KE5 |
S_ALR_87004165 | IMG Activity: SIMG_CFMENUORK1OKKS |
S_ALR_87004212 | IMG Activity: SIMG_CFMENUORK10KEX |
S_ALR_87004224 | IMG Activity: SIMG_CFMENUORK10KEY |
S_ALR_87004232 | IMG Activity: SIMG_CFMENUORK1KCH1 |
S_ALR_87004239 | IMG Activity: SIMG_CFMENUORK1KSKO |
S_ALR_87004246 | IMG Activity: SIMG_CFMENUORK1KE51 |
S_ALR_87004255 | IMG Activity: SIMG_CFMENUORK1KE59 |
S_ALR_87004263 | IMG Activity: SIMG_CFMENUORK10KE7 |
S_ALR_87004270 | IMG Activity: SIMG_CFMENUORK11KEM |
S_ALR_87004279 | IMG Activity: SIMG_CFMENUORK1KCH4 |
S_ALR_87004287 | IMG Activity: SIMG_CFMENUORK10KEW |
S_ALR_87004296 | IMG Activity: SIMG_CFMENUORK1CJ07 |
S_ALR_87004303 | IMG Activity: SIMG_CFMENUORK11KE0 |
S_ALR_87004313 | IMG Activity: SIMG_CFMENUORK10KEN |
S_ALR_87004322 | IMG Activity: SIMG_CFMENUORK1Z042 |
S_ALR_87004332 | IMG Activity: SIMG_CFMENUORK18KEN |
S_ALR_87004339 | IMG Activity: SIMG_CFMENUORK10KEK |
S_ALR_87004348 | IMG Activity: SIMG_CFMENUORK11KE8 |
S_ALR_87004358 | IMG Activity: SIMG_CFMENUORK18KEG |
S_ALR_87004364 | IMG Activity: SIMG_CFMENUORK11KEA |
S_ALR_87004380 | IMG Activity: SIMG_CFMENUORK1GCBA |
S_ALR_87004387 | IMG Activity: SIMG_CFMENUORK1KEE0 |
S_ALR_87004395 | IMG Activity: SIMG_CFMENUORK1OKEQ |
S_ALR_87004404 | IMG Activity: SIMG_CFMENUORK10KE0 |
S_ALR_87004413 | IMG Activity: SIMG_CFMENUORK1OB08 |
S_ALR_87004421 | IMG Activity: SIMG_CFMENUORK1OB07 |
S_ALR_87004437 | IMG Activity: SIMG_CFMENUORK11KEC |
S_ALR_87004439 | IMG Activity: SIMG_CFMENUORK11KE9 |
S_ALR_87004447 | IMG Activity: SIMG_CFMENUORK1FO62 |
S_ALR_87004454 | IMG Activity: SIMG_CFMENUORK1AS02 |
S_ALR_87004460 | IMG Activity: SIMG_CFMENUORK1IW32 |
S_ALR_87004465 | IMG Activity: SIMG_CFMENUORK1CP02 |
S_ALR_87004473 | IMG Activity: SIMG_CFMENUORK1KO02 |
S_ALR_87004478 | IMG Activity: SIMG_CFMENUORK1KS02 |
S_ALR_87004486 | IMG Activity: SIMG_CFMENUORK18KEH |
S_ALR_87004505 | IMG Activity: SIMG_CFMENUORK18KEB |
S_ALR_87004510 | IMG Activity: SIMG_CFMENUORK18KED |
S_ALR_87004514 | IMG Activity: SIMG_CFMENUORK1VERT |
S_ALR_87004517 | IMG Activity: SIMG_CFMENUORK1FGRP |
S_ALR_87004521 | IMG Activity: SIMG_CFMENUORK1FGRW |
S_ALR_87004523 | IMG Activity: SIMG_CFMENUORK1Z009 |
SAP Package KE1C contains 25 database tables.
A141 | Dependent on material and receiver profit center |
A142 | Dependent on material |
A143 | Dependent on material group |
T886PCA | EC-PCA: Activities |
T894TPCA | EC-PCA: Texts for plan versions |
T895PCA | EC-PCA: Fiscal-Year Dependent Version Parameters |
T8A_BILANZ | Control Parameter for Balance Sheet Accounts in Profit Ctrs |
T8A_COMPRESS | EC-PCA: Summarization fields for EC-PCA document |
T8A_NO_COMPRESS | EC-PCA: Fields that cannot be summarized |
T8A30 | EC-PCA: Define Additional Accounts |
T8A40 | EC-PCA: Transfer Statistical Key Figures |
T8A60 | Representative Materials |
T8A62 | Activate Representative Material |
T8APP_ACCT | EC-PCA: Acct Determination in Planning (Derive or Valuate) |
T8APP_HRKFTT | Texts for values of field HRFKT in profit center planning |
T8APP_KALKT | Texts for Costing Keys EC-PCA |
TCVPROF | Currency and Valuation Profiles |
TCVPROFD | Currency and Valuation Profiles - Detail |
TCVPROFT | Currency and Valuation Profiles - Texts |
TKA00PCA | EC-PCA: Control of actual data transfer |
TKE1PP51 | EC-PCA: Application-Specific Extension to TKA51 |
TPCA_ALE | Company Code/Field Transfer PCA (ALE) |
TPVAR1 | Variants for Finding Transfer Prices |
TPVAR1T | Variants for Finding Transfer Prices: Texts |
TPVAR2 | Variants for Transfer Pricing: Assign Pricing Procedure |
SAP Package KE1C contains 34 views.
HV_T8A60 | Search Help: Choose Representative Material Numbers |
V_H_T8A60 | Select Representative Material Numbers |
V_T685A_TP | Conditions: Condition Types - Control |
V_T881PCA | EC-PCA: Allow Balance Carried Forward |
V_T886PCA | EC-PCA: System Table for Business Activities |
V_T8A_BILANZ | Control Parameter for Balance Sheet Accounts in Profit Ctrs |
V_T8A_COMPRESS | EC-PCA: Maintain Summarization Fields |
V_T8A00 | EC-PCA: Account Determination |
V_T8A00_1 | Account assignment for production variances |
V_T8A10 | EC-PCA: Substitution for Profit Center in SD |
V_T8A30 | EC-PCA: Additional Balance Sheet and Profit + Loss Accounts |
V_T8A60 | Select Representative Material Numbers |
V_T8A62 | Activate Representative Materials |
V_T8APP_ACCT | EC-PCA: Revenue Accounts in Planning |
V_T8APP_ACCT_G | EC-PCA: Revenue and Stock Change Account(s) in Planning |
V_T8APP_ACCT_ST | EC-PCA: Change in Stock Accounts in Planning |
V_T8APP_HRKFT | Values of Field HRKFT in Profit Center Planning |
V_TCVPROF | Currency and Valuation Profiles |
V_TCVPROFD | Currency and Valuation Profile: Valuation Approaches |
V_TKA00PCA | EC-PCA: Control Parameters for Actual Postings |
V_TKA01_PCA_ALE | Controlling Areas: ALE for PCA |
V_TKA51_PC | CO Planner Profiles: Planning Areas for Profit Center Acctg |
V_TKA52_PC | CO Planner Profiles: Layouts for Profit Center Accounting |
V_TKA54_PC | CO Planner Profile: Planning Layout Default Settings |
V_TPCA_ALE | Assignment: Company Code - Field Transfer Rule PCA (ALE) |
V_TPVAR1 | Variants for Transfer Pricing |
V_TPVAR2 | Variants for Transfer Pricing: Assign Pricing Procedures |
V_TTP_COND | Deactivation of Conversion of TP Condition Values |
VV_T681F_TP | Field Catalog (&1 &2) |
VV_T682_TP | Access Sequences (&1 &2) |
VV_T683_TP | Procedures (&1 &2) |
VV_T683A_TP | Procedures (&1 &2) Exclusion Procedure |
VV_T684_TP | Condition Exclusion Groups |
VV_T684G_TP | Condition Exclusion Groups: Condition Types |
SAP Package KE1C contains 17 structures.
DKEC0 | EC-PCA: Dynpro fields for Customizing transport SAPMKEC0 |
KEDRHELPRMAT | Char. Derivation: Help Structre for F1/F4 - Rep. Material |
PCA_CO_OBJECTS | Account Assignment Objects Used in Substitution |
PCA_DEF_PRCTR | Source/target fields, derivation of default profit center |
STRUCT_BUKRS_PCA | Update Company Codes when Updating PCA Settings |
STRUCT_KEYS_PCA | PCA: Update Settings: DB Keys and Comment |
STRUCT_SAVE_PCA | Information for PCA Update in Controlling Area Cluster |
T8A_FIELDNAMES | Field names from line item tables |
T8A50_ADD | Additional text fields: Maintenance screen |
T8APP_KALK_KRIT | Structure of tables for EC-PCA costing keys |
TPARG | Arguments for Finding Transfer Prices |
TYPE_KOKRS_RANGE | Structure: Selection Options for KOKRS |
TYPE_RLDNR_RANGE | Structure: Selection Options for RLDNR |
TYPE_RVERS_RANGE | Structure: Selection Options for RVERS |
TYPE_RYEAR_RANGE | Structure: Selection Options for RYEAR |
SAP Package KE1C contains 36 programs.
COPCAX01 | EC-PCA: XPRA for Conversion of Control Tables EC-PCA to Rel. 3.0 |
PCA01CALC | EC-PCA: Maintain Customizing for Product Costing |
PCADELPV | PCA: Delete Plan Versions without Controlling Area |
R_CEPC_AFTER_IMPORT | EC-PCA: Check Table CEPC following Import of Master Data with 0KEQ |
R_CLEAR_CAC | Reset Set-Get Parameter CAC |
R_PCA_SALDO | PCA: Allow Balance Carried Forward |
R_PCA_SEARCHHELP | Search Help for Profit Center |
R_PCA_VAL_DIFF | PCA: Perform Account Control for Valuation Differences |
R_TP_CVPROF_ASSIGN | Currency and Valuation Profile: Check and Activate in Controlling Area |
R_TP_CVPROF_DEACT | Program R_TP_CVPROF_DEACT, Deactivation of Parallel Valuations |
R_WZ_PCA_ACTIVATE | Activate Profit Center Accounting |
R_WZ_PCA_VAL | Set up profit planning |
R_WZ_TP_ACTIVATE | Activate transfer pricing |
RCOPCA15 | EC-PCA: Maintain Standard Hierarchy |
RCOPCA20 | Transfer Prices: Reconciliation with Quantity-Based Planning |
RCOPCA41 | Jump to Derivation Maintenance |
RCOPCA42 | Default Profit Center Determination: EC-PCA Callbacks |
RCOPCA43 | Call derivation maintenance with set controlling area |
RCOPCA47 | EC-PCA Read Product Cost Estimate: Callbacks |
RCOPCA48 | EC-PCA: Controlling Area Added to Allocation Cycles |
RKEPCGL1 | EC-PCA: Regenerate Settings for Profit Center Accounting |
RPCADEL0 | EC-PCA: Delete Transaction Data (Mass Data Version) |
RPCADEL2 | EC-PCA: Auxiliary Program for Deletion of Converted Actual Line Items |
RPCADEL3 | EC-PCA: Auxiliary Program for Deleting Converted Plan Line Items |
RPCADIFF | EC-PCA: Generate Difference Line Items |
RPCAUMS0 | EC-PCA:Call Conversion Prog.for Sets, Programs and Gen.Ledger Settings |
RPCAUMS1 | EC-PCA: Convert Summary Records from Release 2.x to 3.0 |
RPCAUMS2 | EC-PCA: Convert Actual Line Items from Release 2.x to 3.0 |
RPCAUMS3 | EC-PCA: Convert Plan Line Items from Release 2.x to 3.0 |
RPCAUMS5 | EC-PCA: Conversion of sets and customer reports Release 2.x to 3.0 |
RPCAVIEW | Call-Up of View Maintenance with Set Controlling Area |
RT811CAI | EC-PCA: Check Tables T811C/F/K/L/S after Import |
SAPMKEC0 | EC-PCA: Transport Customizing Settings |
SAPMPC20 | Currency and Valuation Profiles |
SAPMPCA3 | EC-PCA: Delete Transaction Data |
SAP Package KE1C contains 10 search helps.
COPA_SHLP_KOZGF | Search Help: Condition Type for an Application |
H_PCA_DEF_BUKRS | Search help for company codes in a controlling area |
H_PCA_DEF_BWKEY | Search help for depreciation areas in a controlling area |
H_PCA_DEF_PRCTR | Search help for profit centers in a controlling area |
H_PCA_DEF_RACCT | Add'l bal. sheet/profit + loss accts in a controlling area |
H_PCA_REPMAT | Search help for representative materials |
PCA_SHLP_KOZGF | Search Help: Condition Type for an Application |
PCA_SHLP_KSCHL | Search Help: Condition Type for an Application |
PCA_SHLP_TP_KOKRS | PCA: Controlling Areas with Curr. & Valuat. Profile Assigned |
TCVPROF_CURTP_HELP | Help for domain CURTP values |
SAP Package KE1C contains 5 authorization objects.
K_PCA | EC-PCA: Responsibility Area, Profit Center |
K_PCAD_UM | EC-PCA: Assessment/Distribution |
K_PCAM_UEB | EC-PCA: MM data transfer |
K_PCAR_REP | EC-PCA: Summary and line item reports |
K_PCAS_UEB | EC-PCA: SD data transfer |