Localization (Brazil)

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The package COM_LOC_BRAZIL (Localization (Brazil)) is a standard package in SAP ERP. It belongs to the parent package ABA.

Technical Information

Short Text Localization (Brazil)
Parent Package ABA

Function Groups

SAP Package COM_LOC_BRAZIL contains 4 function groups.

COM_BRAZIL_MAINT Maintenance views
COM_BRAZIL_NF_UTILITY Nota Fiscal - Utility functions
COM_BRAZIL_TAXJUR Brazil - Jurisdiction Code

Database Tables

SAP Package COM_LOC_BRAZIL contains 25 database tables.

COMC_CFOP_CODE Entity table for CFOP codes
COMC_CFOP_CODET Text table for CFOP codes
COMC_CFOP_REGION Assignment of departure region to CFOP Version
COMC_CFOP_VER Entity table for existing CFOP Versions
COMC_CFOP_VERT Text table for CFOP Versions
COMC_NFITMTYP Entity table for Nota Fiscal Item types
COMC_NFITMTYPT Text table table for Nota Fiscal Item types
COMC_R3_FIELDS Assignment of R/3 material master fields to CFOP tax classif
COMC_TAX_LAW_1 Entity table for ICMS Tax Law Keys
COMC_TAX_LAW_1T Tax Law ICMS - Texts
COMC_TAX_LAW_2 Entity table for IPI Tax Law Keys
COMC_TAX_LAW_2T Text table for IPI Tax Law Keys
COMC_TAXJUR_CITY Tax Jurisdiction codes by City
COMC_TAXJUR_REG Tax Jurisdiction codes by region
COMC_TAXJUR_REGT Tax Jurisdiction codes by region
COMC_TAXJUR_ZPCD Tax Jurisdiction Codes by Range of Postal Codes
COMC_TAXTYP_BR Entity Table for Nota Fiscal Tax Type
COMC_TAXTYP_BRT Nota Fiscal Tax Type: Texts
CRMC_R3_USAGE Entity table for existing R/3 usage indicators
CRMC_R3_USAGE_T Text table for R/3 usage indicators
CRMC_TAX_JUR Tax jurisdiction code values
CRMC_TAX_JUR_TXT Tax jurisdiction code text
CRMC_USAGE_CTY Definition of CRM usages by countries
CRMC_USAGE_CTY_T Definition of CRM usages by countries
CRMC_USAGE_MAP Assignment of R/3 usages to CRM usages


SAP Package COM_LOC_BRAZIL contains 3 views.

COMV_TAXJUR_ZPCD Assign Tax Jurisdictions to Postal Codes
COMV_TXJR_CT_ABA Assign Tax Jurisdictions to Postal Codes
COMV_TXJR_RE_ABA Assign Tax Jurisdictions to Regions


SAP Package COM_LOC_BRAZIL contains 1 structures.

COM_LOC_BR_PROD_ATTR Brazilian product master data Fields

Message Classes

SAP Package COM_LOC_BRAZIL contains 1 message classes.

COM_LOC_BR Invoice Brazil