SAP Package FIMA

Financial mathematics

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The package FIMA (Financial mathematics) is a standard package in SAP ERP. It belongs to the parent package ABA.

Technical Information

Package FIMA
Short Text Financial mathematics
Parent Package ABA

Function Groups

SAP Package FIMA contains 23 function groups.

0TB2 Internal system settings (FiMa)
FF01 FIMA interface
FF02 FIMA calculation bases
FF03 General Help Functions
FF04 Calendar auxiliary functions
FF05 Financial mathemat. auxiliary functions
FF06 Formulas
FF07 Formulas generated
FF08 Test Iteration Method
FF10 Clear flow records
FF10A Create Flows/ Remove Interest Ref.
FF11 Edit flow records
FF12 Generate Cash Flow
FF13 Calculate interest/redemption schedule
FF14 FIMA calculation routines
FF14A FIMA calculation routines
FF15 Alternative Calculations in Cash Flow
FF16 Alternative calculations (
FF50 Calculate Fin. Transactions (Interface)
FF51 Calculate Fin. Transactions (Adapter)
FF55 Calculate Interest Scale (Interface)
FV02 FIMA auxiliary functions
FV90 Effective interest calculation


SAP Package FIMA contains 2 transactions.

FIMA Financial Calculations
NEWTON Mathematical Tests

Database Tables

SAP Package FIMA contains 4 database tables.

AT30 Formula Table for Investment Mathematics
AT31 Preallocated variables for FIMA formulas
AT40 Calculation Categories of Cash Flow Calculator
AT40T Calculation Category Texts for the Cash Flow Calculator


SAP Package FIMA contains 2 views.

V_AT30 View formulas
V_AT40 FiMa calculation categories


SAP Package FIMA contains 36 structures.

FIMA_FMOD Structure for Field Modification
FIMA_FMSG Structure for Error-Handling for Screen Fields
FIMA_FOBE Transfer Structure Fima: Edit formula
FIMA_INTEREST_METHOD_EXCLUDE Exclude Interest Calculation Methods
FIMA_JWBE Transfer structure Fima: Edit NSTUFE
RLFF01 Screen fields for SAPLFF01
RLFF02 Screen fields for SAPLFF02
RTKAMOUNT Screen Fields for Amounts
RTKDAT Screen Fields for Dates
RTKZAP Screen fields for interest rate adjustment
TFM_CASHFLOWCONSTRUCT_GENERAL Cash Flow Construct: General Financial Data
TFM_CASHFLOWCONSTRUCT_STEPS Cash Flow Construct: Structure for Step Payments
TFM_CURRENCY Dynamic Setting of Decimal Places for Currencies
TFM_DYNPFF50_GENERALDATA Screen Structure for General Financial Transaction Data
TFM_DYNPFF50_STEPS Screen Structure for Entering Step Payments
TFM_DYNPFF50_STEPS_ALV Screen Structure for Entering Step Payments
TFM_ZITI Pmnt sched.
VTBADJUSTMENT FiMa Structure for Interest Adjustment Dates
VTBANPASS FiMa Structure for Interest Adjustment Dates
VTBBBAS Calculation Bases (Cash Flow)
VTBBEWE Transfer Structure: Flow Records in Cash Flow Calculator
VTBBEWE_ERF Flow Records for Calculating Profit
VTBDISP InMa: Calculation Bases and Cash Flow Display Fields
VTBDISP_EFFZ Display Fields for Comparison Account
VTBFIMA General FiMa fields
VTBFORM Structure for Transferring Form Routines for Formulas
VTBFVAR Structure for formulas
VTBKOND Transfer Structure of Cash Flow Calculator for Conditions
VTBKOND_MNT Condition Maintenance
VTBLEISTE Interface Parameters for Cash Flow Calculator
VTBNUMB Internal table for condition groups_
VZZBBAS Calculation Bases (Cash Flow)
VZZCBAS Base Amounts for Calculation Bases
VZZEFFZ Flow Recs Relevant for Eff. Int.Rate


SAP Package FIMA contains 3 programs.


Message Classes

SAP Package FIMA contains 1 message classes.

TM Nachrichten für die FIMA