SAP Package FMZE

ISPS: Payment program for payment requests - EU-specifics

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The package FMZE (ISPS: Payment program for payment requests - EU-specifics) is a standard package in SAP ERP. It belongs to the parent package FUNDS_MANAGEMENT.

Technical Information

Package FMZE
Short Text ISPS: Payment program for payment requests - EU-specifics

Function Groups

SAP Package FMZE contains 9 function groups.

F0PO Manage Collective Payment Requests
FEU1 EU: Bank Determination
FEU2 EU: Payment Method Determination
FIB1 FMs for Enhanced Payment Functions
FIBK EU: Customizing
FIEU Extras for EU Payment Program
FMBK Extended Table Maintenance (Generated)
FPO1 Payment Order
TRCD EU Treasury: Cash Deconcentration


SAP Package FMZE contains 27 transactions.

F809 Post exchange rate differences
F810 Number Ranges Payment Request
F811 Create Collective Payment Request
F812 Change Collective Payment Request
F813 Delete Collective Payment Request
F814 Reverse Collective Payment Request
F815 Display Collective Payment Request
F820 Coll. Payment Request Number Ranges
F8B1 C FI Maintain Table TBKBC
F8B2 C FI Maintain Table TBKCB
F8B3 C FI Maintain Table TBKCR
F8B5 C FI Maintain Table TBKLA
F8B6 C FI Maintain Table TBKPD
F8B7 C FI Maintain Table TBKSP
F8B8 C FI Maintain Table TBKSR
F8B9 C FI Maintain Tables TBKRL, TBKRLT
F8BA C FI Maintain Append to Table BNKA
F8BB C FI Maintain Include to Table T012K
F8BD C FI Maintain Table TBKZW
F8BE FI Table Maintenance TBKS, TBKST
F8BI C FI Maintain Table T012-VPAST
F8BL C FI Maintain Table TBKWT
FFCD Cash deconcentration
FIBS Input House Bank in Payment Request
FICD Cash deconcentration
RF01 C FI Maintain Table TBKSP
TRCD C FI Maintain Table TBKSP

Database Tables

SAP Package FMZE contains 14 database tables.

TBKBC Bank Chain from Corresponding Banks
TBKCB House Bank per Currency
TBKCR House Bank per Super Region and Currency
TBKLA Maximum Payment Amount for each House Bank (limit amount)
TBKPD Day difference betw. payment run and house bank valuation
TBKRL Bank Role in PRQ Payment Program
TBKRLT Texts for Bank Role in PRQ Payment Program
TBKS Super region
TBKSP Special Payments According to SWIFT Format MT199
TBKST Name of Super Region
TBKSZ Special Payments According to SWIFT Format MT199
TBKWT Processing Time per Country
TBKZW Payment Method Group Dependency
TTRCD Intermediate accts and min. balances for cash concentration


SAP Package FMZE contains 15 views.

V_BNKA_APP SWIFT and Routing Parameters
V_T012_INC Maintain: Value Date in the Past
V_T012K_IN Purpose of Bank Account
V_TBKBC Chain of Corresponding Banks
V_TBKCB House Bank per Currency
V_TBKCR House Bank per Super Region and Currency
V_TBKLA Maximum Payment Amount per House Bank
V_TBKPD Day difference betw. payment run and house bank value date
V_TBKRL Bank Role
V_TBKS Super Regions
V_TBKSP Special Payments According to SWIFT Format MT199
V_TBKSR Super Region of Countries
V_TBKWT Maintain Processing Time Per Country
V_TBKZW Payment Method Group Dependency
V_TTRCD Minimum and Maximum Amounts per Bank Account


SAP Package FMZE contains 8 structures.

BNKAAPP Appendix to Table BNKA
FCD1 Screen Fields for Transaction FFCD
REGTXT_EX Text for Super Region
T005APP Appendix to T005
T012_EU Append for Table T012: Value Date in Past
T012_INC Include: Value Date in the Past
T012K_APP Appendix to Table t012k
T012K_EU Append for Table T012K


SAP Package FMZE contains 8 programs.

RFBKPAYD Payment Regulation List for Download to EXCEL
RFFOM199 Payment Medium Special Payments - SWIFT Format MT199
RFKDF000 EU: Periodic Exchange Rate Differences Postings for Payment Requests
RFPAYOR1 Select collective payment requests
RFPAYOR2 Select Collective Payment Request
SAPMFBSM Maintain House Banks for Payment Requests Manually
SAPMFCD1 *** Cash Deconcentration ***
SAPMFDEC *** Cash Deconcentration ***

Message Classes

SAP Package FMZE contains 2 message classes.

P9 EU-spezifische Nachrichten: Zahlprogramm, Banken, Zahlwege
PM Erweiterte Zahlfunktionen (extended payment functions)