

Central objects for the hedge and hedge relationship admin.

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The package FTHM_HEDGE (Central objects for the hedge and hedge relationship admin.) is a standard package in SAP ERP. It belongs to the parent package EA-FINSERV.

Technical Information

Short Text Central objects for the hedge and hedge relationship admin.
Parent Package EA-FINSERV

Function Groups

SAP Package FTHM_HEDGE contains 3 function groups.

THMHR_ADMIN Hedging relationship administration
THMHR_EVENTS Hedge Relationship event handling

Database Tables

SAP Package FTHM_HEDGE contains 4 database tables.

THMC_HEDGE_SETUP Configuration Parameters for Hedge
THMC_TRANS_SETUP Configuration parameters for hedge managment transaction
THMHRT_HR_VAL Valuation details for the hedging relationship
THMTS_ASS_D_CALC Deri. category, calc. category & hedge cat. assignm.


SAP Package FTHM_HEDGE contains 1 views.

THMTV_ASS_D_CALC Deri. category, calc. category & hedge cat. assignm.


SAP Package FTHM_HEDGE contains 3 structures.

THMHC_HEDGE_CHANGE Analysis of the consequences of changing hedge
THMHRS_HR Hedge Management: hr-structure for screen output
THMS_HEDGE_ITEM Screen field structure for hedge item

Message Classes

SAP Package FTHM_HEDGE contains 2 message classes.

THMHR_ADMIN Messages for the administration of the hedging relationship
THMHR_EVENT Meldungen zu Ereignissen während der Bewertung