This bundle includes Echo Dot (3rd Gen) Charcoal and Philips Hue White A19 Medium Lumen Smart Bulb, 1100 Lumens. Built in Smart Home hub. Ask Alexa to control Zigbee-compatible devices. No additional Philips Hue hub required. Two choices for easy smart lighting - Start setting the mood with Hue Smart bulbs and your Echo device, supporting up to 5 Hue Bluetooth & Zigbee smart bulbs. Add the Hue Hub for whole-home smart lighting (up to 50 light points) and bonus features.
Check it out on →The package ID-DMEE (International Development: Data Medium Exchange Engine) is a standard package in SAP ERP. It belongs to the parent package APPL_TOOLS.
Package | ID-DMEE |
Short Text | International Development: Data Medium Exchange Engine |
Parent Package | APPL_TOOLS |
SAP Package ID-DMEE contains 20 function groups.
DMEE_AT | DMEE: 05 FM for V3 Foreign Payment AT |
DMEE_CA | DMEE exit modules for Canadian format |
DMEE_CGI | Function Group for CGI Tree |
DMEE_CH1 | DMEE Exit Modules: Switzerland |
DMEE_DK | DMEE Exit Modules for Danish Formats |
DMEE_FIN | DMEE Exit Modules: Finland |
DMEE_HK | DMEE exit modules for Hongkong format |
DMEE_HU | DMEE Exit Modules: Hungary |
DMEE_NO | DMEE Exit Modules for Norwegian Formats |
DMEE_PL | Function Group Poland |
DMEE_SE | DMEE Exit Module for Swedish Formats |
DMEE1 | DMEE: Maintenance of DMEE Tree |
DMEE2 | DMEE: DMEE Controllers |
DMEE3 | DMEE: Conversion Subroutine |
DMEE5 | DMEE: Interface Btwn Paymt Program->DMEE |
DMEE6 | Extended Table Maintenance (Generated) |
DMEE7 | DMEE: Help Modules and Templates |
DMEE8 | DMEE Controller - Incoming Files |
DMEE9 | Extended Table Maintenance (Generated) |
FPAYM_FIN1 | Events Finish Formats |
SAP Package ID-DMEE contains 3 transactions.
DMEE | DMEE: Format Tree Maintenance Tool |
DMEE_DEBUG | DMEE: Format Tree Expert Mode |
S_PL0_09000467 | DME Engine: Convert Incoming File |
SAP Package ID-DMEE contains 18 database tables.
DMEE_TREE | DMEE Format Tree: General Data |
DMEE_TREE_AGGR | DMEE: Aggregation of Nodes |
DMEE_TREE_COND | DMEE: Format Object - & Mapping Conditions |
DMEE_TREE_DEBUG | DMEE: Temporary Data for Debugging |
DMEE_TREE_HEAD | DMEE: Format Tree Header Data |
DMEE_TREE_LEVEL | DMEE: Format Level |
DMEE_TREE_NODE | DMEE: Format Tree Nodes |
DMEE_TREE_NODE_T | Text Table DMEE: Format Tree Node |
DMEE_TREE_NXTSG | DMEE: Supplementary Segments (Incoming DME Files) |
DMEE_TREE_RULES | DMEE: Assignment Rules (Incoming DME Files) |
DMEE_TREE_SHEET | DMEE: Key Fields for Subtotals on Accompanying Sheet |
DMEE_TREE_SORT | DMEE: Sort and Key Fields for Format |
DMEE_TREE_T | DMEE: Text Table for Tree Definition |
DMEE_TREE_TECH | DMEE: Technical Fields in the Transfer Structures |
DMEE_TREE_TYPE | DMEE: Supported Tree Types |
DMEE_TREE_TYPE_T | DMEE: Text Table for Tree Types |
SAP Package ID-DMEE contains 3 views.
V_DMEE_TREE_REL | DMEE: Release Indicator for Delivered Format Trees |
V_DMEE_TREE_TECH | DMEE: Technical Fields in the Transfer Structures |
V_DMEE_TREE_TYPE | Maintenance View for DMEE_TREE_TYPE |
SAP Package ID-DMEE contains 32 structures.
DMEE_EXIT_INTERFACE | DMEE: Extended Interface for Exit Module |
DMEE_EXIT_INTERFACE_INCOMING | DMEE: Interface for EXIT Modules for Incoming Files |
DMEE_FPM_FIELDS | DMEE & Pymnt Medium: Fields and Their Values (Accomp. Sheet) |
DMEE_INPUT_FILE | DMEE: Structure for Transferring Line Content |
DMEE_INTERNAL_TRAILER | DMEE: Management of Trailer Update in Controller DMEE8 |
DMEE_NODE_IF | DMEE: Line Type for Interface to Exit Function Module |
DMEE_OUTPUT_FILE | DMEE: Structure for Transferring Line Content |
DMEE_PAR_INCOMING | DMEE: Control Parameter for DMEE Controller |
DMEE_PAYD | DMEE: Structure for Note to Payee Data |
DMEE_PAYM_IF_PARAM | Test DMEE: Parameter Type |
DMEE_PAYM_IF_TAB | DMEE: Note to Payee Data for Tree Type PAYM |
DMEE_PAYM_IF_TYPE | DMEE: Transaction Data for PAYM Application |
DMEE_PAYM_TEST_FPAYH | DMEE: Input Structure FPAYH for Test Environment |
DMEE_PAYM_TEST_FPAYP | DMEE: Input Structure FPAYP for Test Environment |
DMEE_RELATION_NUMBER | DMEE: Include Struct. for Hier. Relation. Btwn Result Tables |
DMEE_SCREEN_FIELDS | DMEE: Additional Screen Fields |
DMEE_TREE_ITEM_STRUC | DMEE: Item Structure for Maintaining Format Tree |
DMEE_XML_CHAR_FILE | DMEE: Structure for Transferring XML Line Content |
FPM_005 | File creation number |
FPM_AUTOPLAN1 | Additional fields for DMEE format tree AUTOPLAN1 (Hongkong) |
FPM_CGI | Payment Medium: Parameters for SEPA Formats |
FPM_CH_DTA | Format Parameters: DME Switzerland |
FPM_CH_LSV | Format Parameters: DMP Switzerland |
FPM_V3 | Format Parameters: V3-PAYMUL Austria |
SDMEE_NODE_AGGR | DMEE: Aggregation of Nodes |
SDMEE_NODE_MAPP | DMEE: Mapping Rules for Tree Nodes |
SDMEE_TREE_COND | DMEE: Format Object - & Mapping Conditions |
SDMEE_TREE_HEAD | DMEE: Format Tree Header |
SDMEE_TREE_NODE | DMEE: Format Tree Nodes |
SDMEE4TREEIT | DMEE: Items for Tree Structure |
SDMEE4TREEITU | SAPscript Smart Forms: Items to be Changed for Tree Struct. |
SDMEESCREEN | DMEE: Screen Fields |
SAP Package ID-DMEE contains 7 programs.
DMEECONVERT | DME Engine: Convert Format of Incoming DME File |
DMEETEST_ASLD | Test program for ASLD Tree Type |
DMEETEST_BOE1 | Test program for BOE1 Tree Type |
DMEETEST_DEBT | Test program for DEBT Tree Type |
DMEETEST_ITSR | Test program for ITSR Tree Type |
DMEETEST_UMS2 | Test program for UMS2 Tree Type |
DMEETEST_UMS3 | Test program for UMS3 Tree Type |
SAP Package ID-DMEE contains 1 message classes.
DMEE | Nachrichten Data Medium Exchange Engine |