SAP Package PB01

HR Master Data: Germany

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The package PB01 (HR Master Data: Germany) is a standard package in SAP ERP. It belongs to the parent package HRCDE.

Technical Information

Package PB01
Short Text HR Master Data: Germany
Parent Package HRCDE

Function Groups

SAP Package PB01 contains 16 function groups.

0PD2 Enhanced Table Maintenance (Generated)
0PD3 Enhanced Table Maintenance (Generated)
0PD6 Enhanced Table Maint. Garnishment D
0PD7 Master data for RWH (D)
0PD8 Extended Table Maintenance (Generated)
0PDB Enhanced Table Maintenance (Generated)
0PDD Enhanced Table Maintenance (Generated)
0PDJ Extended Table Maintenance (Generated)
0PDN German absence checks
0PDZ HR DSR: Maintain Expanded Table SR
0PXZ Extended Table Maintenance (Generated)
EHD5 ESS - Personal Data - DE, AT, CH
HR_DE_EH Erhebungen und Statistiken DE
HRDS Social insurance for Germany
PACF_DE Business Object Cap. Form. Sav. DE
PADR_DE Business Object AddressEmp (DE)


SAP Package PB01 contains 13 transactions.

OHX5 Number range for tax reporting
PC00_M01_CD3VD1 DEÜV-Meldungen erstellen
PC00_M01_CSVWD0 Störfall-SV-Luft berechnen
PC00_M01_DSV1D0 Documentation from HI Companies
PC00_M01_DSV2D0 Documentation on SI Calculation
PC00_M01_DSV3D0 Documentation on SI Calculation
PC00_M01_IPITD0 BI Session Creation for Garnish. DE
PC00_M01_LSVWD0 Anzeige Wertguthaben und SV-Luft
PC00_M01_LURA00 Vested Company Pension Entitlement
PC00_M01_UD3MD0 Verteiltes Reporting für DEÜV
PC00_M01_USVAD0 Set Retro Acctg Date for HI Changes
PZ41 Capital Formation Germany
S_L6D_84001831 IMG-Aktivität: OHADKU230

Database Tables

SAP Package PB01 contains 136 database tables.

PA0010 HR Master Record: Infotype 0010 (Capital Formation)
PA0012 HR Master Record: Infotype 0012 (Fiscal Data - Germany)
PA0013 Infotype Social Insurance - Germany
PA0020 HR Master Record: Infotype 0020 (DUEVO)
PA0026 HR Master Record: Infotype 0026 (Company Insurance)
PA0029 HR Master Record: Infotype 0029 (Workers' Compensation)
PA0033 International Infotype 0033: Statistics Exceptions
PA0049 HR Master Record: Infotype 0049 (Red.Hrs./Bad Weather)
PA0053 HR Master Record: Infotype 0053 (Company Pension)
PA0079 Infotype SI Additional Insurance - D
PA0093 HR Master Record: Infotype 0093 (Previous Employers - D)
PA0111 HR Master Record: Infotype 0111 (Garnishment/Cession - D)
PA0112 HR Master Record: Infotype 0112 (Garnishment Claim - D)
PA0113 HR Master Record: Infotype 0113 (Garnish. Interest - D)
PA0114 HR Master Record: Infotype 0114 (Garnishment Amount D)
PA0115 HR Master Record: Infotype 0115 (Garnishment Wages D )
PA0116 HR Master Record: Infotype 0116 (Garn. Transfer D)
PA0117 HR Master Record: Infotype 0117 (Garn. Compensation D)
PA0123 Infotyp 0123 (Vorgabe Störfall-SV-Luft)
PA0124 Infotyp 0124 (Störfälle D)
PA0126 Infotype: Supplementary Pension Germany
PA0130 HR Master Record: Infotpye 0130 (Checking Procedures)
PA0232 Personal-master record infotype 0232 (Child Allowance) (D)
PA0341 HR - master record infotype 341 (DUEVO start)
PA0405 HR Master Record: Infotype 0405 (Absence Event)
PA0512 Personnel Master Record Infotype 0512
PA0521 HR Master Record: Infotype 0521 (Semiretirement D)
PA0904 Personal-Stammsatz Infotyp 0904
PA0908 Personal-Stammsatz Infotyp 0908
T507A RWH Delimitation of Employees Affected
T513P Pension Reserve Groups
T535R PI Area Numbers
T535T Occupational status (DEUEV)
T536T Education and Training (DUEVO)
T5D03 Employee Group/Subgroup
T5D0P Personnel Area / Personnel Subarea (D)
T5D0U Assignment to pay scale area groups
T5D0V Wage type (national qualities)
T5D11 Cal. Procedures and Indicators for Health Insurance Funds
T5D13 Jobs (D)
T5D14 Features of Earnings Survey for Statistical Purposes (D)
T5D1A SI contributions
T5D1B Special SI Rules
T5D1C Texts for Special SI Rules
T5D1D Help View for SI Attribute Combinations (Germany)
T5D1E Social Insurance Attributes and their Various Combinations
T5D1F Reasons for Exemption from SI Contributions
T5D1G Contribution Classes for Supplementary Insurance
T5D1H Supplementary Insurances
T5D1I Compulsory Health Insurance Contributions (D)
T5D1K Branch Offices
T5D1L SI Withholding Deductions (D)
T5D1M HI Contributions, Voluntarily Reduced
T5D1N Calculation of HI Amt. (D)
T5D1O Health Insurance Funds, Voluntary Contributions
T5D1P Social Insurance Keys
T5D1Q Special Rules (Suppl. Insurance, D)
T5D1R Special Rules Supplementary Insurance Texts
T5D1W Supplementary pensions
T5D1X Supplementary pension (D) percentage rates
T5D1Z Voluntary Nursing Insurance Contributions
T5D2A Tax Offices (Germany)
T5D2B Municipality Code (D)
T5D2C Tax Validation I (D)
T5D2D Taxation Features (D)
T5D2E Tax Validation II (D)
T5D2F Gross Taxable Amount (D)
T5D2G Tax Procedure (D)
T5D2H Church Tax Rates (D)
T5D2K Family funds (D)
T5D2L Church Tax Areas (D)
T5D2M Month of issue: Employment tax statement (Tax Ger.)
T5D2N Tax-paying Denominations (D)
T5D2T Texts Taxation Characteristics (D)
T5D3A Workers' Compensation Associations
T5D3B Workers' Compensation Associations - Hazard Pay Areas
T5D3C Workers' Compensation Associations
T5D3D Hazard Pay Areas of Workers' Compensation Associations
T5D3E Reduced Hours/Winter Compensation: Approval Periods
T5D3E_SVERST KuG: Zeitraum für pauschalierte SV-Erstattung 100%
T5D3F Pension Institutions (D)
T5D3G Capital Formation (D)
T5D3H Types of Investments for Capital Formation
T5D3I Variants for Reduced Hours Compensation (D)
T5D3J RHC Variants Texts
T5D3K Capital Formation Variants
T5D3L Capital Formation Savings Payments-Special Rules Table-Texts
T5D3M Assignment of a Valuation of Pay Scales for Statistics
T5D3N Valuation of Pay Scales for Statistics
T5D3O Capital formation constants
T5D3S_EHVE Zusatzdaten Berichtsbetrieb für Verdiensterhebung
T5D40 Wertguthaben für Arbeitszeitflexibilisierung
T5D41 Bezeichnung der Wertguthaben
T5D42 Attribute von Wertguthaben
T5D43 Bezeichnung der Wertguthabenattribute
T5D44 Zuordung von Attributen zu Wertguthaben
T5D45 Zuordnung von Lohnarten zu Wertguthaben
T5D46 Arbeitszeitflexibilisierung: Verwaltung der Störfall-SV-Luft
T5D48 Arbeitszeitflexibilisierung: Verwaltung der Wertguthaben
T5D4A DEUEV Activity Keys
T5D4B DEUEV Activity Key Texts
T5D4C DEUEV Pensioners/Claimants
T5D4D Texts for Pensioners/Applicants
T5D4E DEUEV Nationality Keys
T5D4F Lohnarten für die Beitragsberechnung §23c
T5D4FL Eigenschaften der Fiktivlaufsteuerungen §23c
T5D4G DEUEV Activity Keys for Miners' and Mine Employees' Ins.
T5D4H DEUEV Activity Key Text for Miners' and Mine EEs' Ins.
T5D4I DEUEV Text on Reason for Change of Miners' & Mine EEs' Ins.
T5D4J Special Key: Miners' and Mine Employees' Insurance
T5D4K Special Key: Miners' and Mine Employees' Insurance
T5D4L Special Key: Miners' and Mine Employees' Insurance
T5D4M Official social insurance key
T5D4N Arten von Sozialleistungen bei unbezahlter Abwesenheit
T5D4NT Texte zur Sozialleistungs-Arten
T5D4UMS Umsetzung nicht DEÜV-zulässiger Zeichen
T5D6A Compensation Types
T5D6B Equalization Reasons
T5D6C Special Garnishment Cases
T5D6D Fields for Special Garnishment Cases
T5D6E Execution rules for special case garnishment
T5D6F Text Table for Garnishments
T5D6G Employer costs - garnishment
T5DA1 Semiretirement Model
T5DA1T SR Model Text
T5DA2 Supplemental Percentage Rates for SR Model
T5DA3 Assessment Bases for SR Model
T5DA4 Semiretirement special rule
T5DA4T Text for Semiretirement Special Rule
T5DA5 SR: Semiretirement Work Phases
T5DA5T SR: Phase Name
T5DL1 Absence Events
T5DL2 Text on absence events
T5DL3 Rules on absence events
T5DL4 Text on rules for absence events
T5DL5 Rule type for absence events


SAP Package PB01 contains 122 views.

H_T5D0P Help view for T5D0P
H_T5D11 Health Insurance Funds
H_T5D12 Social Insurance: Reasons for Exemption
H_T5D2A Help view for Tax Office Key
H_T5D2B Municipality Key
H_T5D2D Help view for Tax Features D
H_T5D2L Help view church tax areas
H_T5D2N Help view T5D2N
H_T5D3C Help view for Workers' Compensation Associations
H_T5D3D Help view for Increased Risk Areas
H_T5D3N Entry Possibilities for the Valuation of Pay Scales
H_T5D3O Special Rules: Capital Formation
H_T5D4E DUEVO: Nationality
H_T5D6A Help View for Table T5D6A
H_T5D6B Help View for Table T5D6B
H_T5D6C Help View for Table T5D6C
H_T5D6F Help View for Table T5D6F
T5D11_SH5 Suchhilfe Annahmestelle DEÜV und DFÜ-Kasse
V_001P_O Assignment of Personnel Subarea to a Statistics Group
V_503_H ESG for Activity/Employment/Education & Training/Statistics
V_507A_B RHC: Delimitation of special rules
V_507A_C RHC: Delimitation of allowance variants
V_521B_B Payee key for capital formation
V_521B_E HR-DE: Einzugsermächtigung für Empfängerschlüssel
V_521C_B Permitted Payees for Infotypes (W/out Subtype Specification)
V_530_B DUEVO: Reason for Measures
V_530_C Reason for Abandonment for Miners' & Mine Emps Ins. DUEVO
V_530_D Action indicator 'Casual Payments'
V_5D0P_B Assignment of Company Features that are Relevant for Tax
V_5D0P_C Flat-Rate Church Tax
V_5D0P_D DÜVO Check
V_5D0P_E Supplementary Benefit in the Civil Service
V_5D0P_F Company Number: Miners' and mine employees' insurance
V_5D13_B Default Values for DUEVO Activity Key
V_5D13_C Default Vals for DUEVO Act. Key: Miners' & Miners' Emps Ins.
V_5D1I_B Percentage Rates for Calculating HI Contributions
V_5D1M_C HI and NI Contributions, Voluntarily Reduced
V_5D3B_B Hazard pay for workers' compensation association
V_5D6B_B Wage Types for Equalization Reasons
V_5D6F_B Interest Calculation Types
V_5D6F_C Interest Periods
V_5D6F_D Dependencies
V_5D6F_E Item Types
V_5D6F_F Types of Garnishments Allowed
V_5DL5_B Rule type for absence event
V_T507A RWH/WC: Delimit employees affected
V_T535R PI Area Numbers
V_T535T Professional Status (DUEVO)
V_T536T Education and Training (DUEVO)
V_T5D03 Employee Groups/Employee Subgroups
V_T5D0P Assignment of Company Features
V_T5D0T Pay scale area grouping
V_T5D0U Determine Pay Scale Group
V_T5D13 Jobs
V_T5D1A Contribution Rates for Transfer
V_T5D1G Contribution Classes for Supplementary Insurance
V_T5D1I Percentages for Health Insurance Contributions
V_T5D1K Health Insurance Funds
V_T5D1L Data for deduction of contribution amount to HI funds
V_T5D1M HI Contributions, Voluntarily Reduced
V_T5D1N Procedure for calculating employer's contribution
V_T5D1O Fixed Contributions for Health Insurance
V_T5D1Q Special Rules for Supplementary Benefit
V_T5D1U Processing Assessment Wage Types
V_T5D1W Contribution Classes for Supplementary Benefits
V_T5D1X Percentages for Supplementary Benefits
V_T5D1Z Voluntary Nursing Insurance Contributions
V_T5D2C Examination of Revenue Law Data Depend. on Tax Liability
V_T5D2D Tax Characteristics
V_T5D2E Check of Taxed-Based Data Depending on Tax Class
V_T5D2F Gross Tax Amounts
V_T5D2G Tax Procedure
V_T5D2H Church Tax Rate
V_T5D2M Month of issue: Employment tax statement (Tax Ger.)
V_T5D2N Tax-Relevant Denominations
V_T5D2W StADUEV: Key figures
V_T5D3E_SVERST KuG: Zeitraum für pauschalierte SV-Erstattung 100%
V_T5D3E_TRKUG KuG-Referenznummer für Transfer-KuG kennzeichnen
V_T5D3K Capital Formation Variants
V_T5D3M Analysis of Pay Scales for Statistics
V_T5D3N Analysis of Pay Scales for Statistics
V_T5D3R HR-DEH: Externe Daten in Statistiken übernehmen
V_T5D3S_EHVE Zusatzdaten Berichtsbetrieb für die Verdiensterhebung
V_T5D40 Wertguthaben für Arbeitszeitflexibilisierung
V_T5D42 Attribute von Wertguthaben
V_T5D44 Zuordung von Attributen zu Wertguthaben
V_T5D45 Zuordnung von Lohnarten zu Wertguthaben
V_T5D4A Activity Keys (DUEVO)
V_T5D4C Pensioner/Applicant (DUEVO)
V_T5D4E DUEVO Nationality Key
V_T5D4FL Eigenschaften der Fiktivlaufsteuerungen §23c
V_T5D4G DUEVO Activity Keys: Miners' and Mine EE Insurance
V_T5D4I Reason for Change - Miners' and Mine EE Insurance (DUEVO)
V_T5D4J DUEVO Special Key: Miners' and Mine Employees' Insurance
V_T5D4N Arten von Sozialleistung bei unbezahlter Abwesenheit
V_T5D4UMS Umsetzung nicht DEÜV-zulässiger Zeichen
V_T5D5B Supplementary Benefits, Civil Service: Employers' Data
V_T5D5E Supplementary Benefits, Civil Service: Reporting Reasons
V_T5D5G View for combination table T5D5G (public sector SPF)
V_T5D5L Local Allowance Classes and Career Assignment
V_T5D6D Fields Allowed for Exceptions
V_T5D6E Rules for Exceptions
V_T5D6F Interest Types
V_T5D6G Employer Costs
V_T5DA1 Semiretirement Model
V_T5DA2 SR Model Supplementary Percantage Rates
V_T5DA3 SR Mdel Assessment Bases
V_T5DA3_A ATZ-Modell Bemessungsgrundlagen Gesamtübersicht
V_T5DA4 Semiretirement Special Rule
V_T5DA5 Block Model Phases
V_T5DL1 Absence Events
V_T5DL3 Rules for absence events
V_T5DL5 Rule type for absence events
VV_596L_ESBA Pflegeviewvariante: Arbeitgeberdaten zur SB-Anzeige
VV_596L_ESBB Pflegeviewvariante: Betriebsdaten zur SB-Anzeige
VV_596M_ESBA Pflegeviewvariante: Details Arbeitgeber - SB-Anzeige
VV_596M_ESBB Pflegeviewvariante: Details Betrieb - SB-Anzeige
VV_596M_ESBC Pflegeviewvariante: Details Ansprechpartner AG - SB-Anzeige
VV_T543B_2___03_AL0 Statistical Exceptions
VV_T543B_2___05_AL0 Statistical Exceptions
VV_T577_KDSVH Relationship to Child
VV_T577_UTBRG Accommodations


SAP Package PB01 contains 169 structures.

BAPIP0006LDE Personnel Master Record Infotype 0006 (Addresses) DE
BAPIP0010 HR Master Record: Infotype 0010 (Capital Formation)
BAPIP0010L HR Master Record: Infotype 0010 (Capital Formation)
H01_HANDICAP Selekionsstruktur für H01_HANDICAP
HRDEEH_A HR: Angaben zum Arbeitgeber (SB-Gesetz)
HRDEEH_B HR: Zusatzangaben zum Arbeitgeber (SB-Gesetz)
HRDEEH_C HR: Arbeitsplätze (SB-Gesetz)
HRDEEH_D HR: Verzeichnis (SB-Gesetz)
HRDEEH_F HR: Angaben zur Betriebstätigkeit (SB-Gesetz)
HRDEEH_G HR: Angaben zur IBAN und BIC (SB-Gesetz)
HRDEEH_S_AG HR: Verzeichnis (SB-Gesetz) - Arbeitgeberebene
HRDEEH_S_ANPTN Schwerbehindertenanzeige: Ansprechpartner
HRDEEH_S_ASSIGNMENT HR-DEEH: Zuordnung organisatorischer Einheiten
HRDEEH_S_BTR HR: Verzeichnis (SB-Gesetz) - Betriebsebene
HRDEEH_S_MON HR: Anzeige (SB-Gesetz) - Monatstabelle
HRDEEH_S_PROTOCOL HR-DE-EH: Struktur für Protokoll
HRDEEH_S_SBLIST_ALV HR-DEEH: Anzeige der schwerbehinderten MA im GRID-ALV
HRDEEH_S_SBVERZ HR: Verzeichnis (SB-Gesetz)
HRDEEH_S_UMSETZUNG Umsetzung T536A --> T536C für SB-Anzeige
HRPADDEPFS_MAPPING Mapping for Conversion of Repeat Structure/Tables
HRPADDEPFS_PFBETRAG Infotypdaten pfändbarer Betrag
HRPADDEPFS_RNNNN_LIN_A Subscreen Infotyp 0114 oder 0904 - pfandfreie VWL-Verträge
HRPADDEPFS_SCREEN_DATA Daten Felder einer Infotyp Version
HRPADDEPFS_SCREEN_HEADER Header Fields of an Infotype Version
HRPADDEPFS_SCREEN_RNNNN Einzelbild Infotyp NNNN - pfb. Betrag
HRPADDEPFS_VBV_TYPE Pfändung Vermögensbildungsverträge
HRPAYDE_ESBA_DATA Struktur für Schwerbehindertenanzeige: Arbeitgeberdaten
HRPAYDE_ESBA_DATA2 Struktur für Schwerbehindertenanzeige: AG-Daten 2. Teil.
HRPAYDE_ESBB_DATA Struktur für Schwerbehindertenanzeige: Betriebsdaten
HRPAYDE_ESBC_DATA Struktur für Schwerbehindertenanzeige: Ansprechpartner
HRPAYDE_ESBC_KEY Key-Struktur für ESBC (Ansprechpartner)
P0010 HR Master Record: Infotype 0010 (Capital Formation)
P0010_AF Additional Query Fields
P0012 HR Master Record: Infotype 0012 (Fiscal Data - Germany)
P0012_AF Additional Query Fields
P0013 HR Master Record: Infotype 0013 (Social Insurance D)
P0013_AF Additional Query Fields
P0020 HR Master Record: Infotype 0020 (DUEVO)
P0020_AF Additional Query Fields
P0026 HR Master Record: Infotype 0026 (Company Insurance)
P0026_AF Additional Query Fields
P0029 HR Master Record: Infotype 0029 (Workers' Compensation)
P0029_AF Additional Query Fields
P0033 Infotype 0033: Statistics Exceptions
P0033_AF Additional Query Fields
P0049 HR Master Record: Infotype 0049 (Red.Hrs./Bad Weather)
P0049_AF Additional Query Fields
P0053 HR Master Record: Infotype 0053 (Company Pension)
P0053_AF Additional Query Fields
P0079 Infotype SI Additional Insurance - D
P0079_AF Additional Query Fields
P0093 HR Master Record: Infotype 0093 (Previous Employers - D)
P0093_AF Additional Query Fields
P01_T5D46 Struktur für Tabelle T5D46
P0111 HR Master Record: Infotype 0111 (Garnishment/Cession - D)
P0111_AF Additional Query Fields
P0112 HR Master Record: Infotype 0112 (Garnishment Claim - D)
P0112_AF Additional Query Fields
P0113 HR Master Record: Infotype 0113 (Garnish. Interest - D)
P0113_AF Additional Query Fields
P0114 HR Master Record: Infotype 0114 (Garnishment Amount D)
P0114_AF Additional Query Fields
P0115 HR Master Record: Infotype 0115 (Garnishment Wages D )
P0115_AF Additional Query Fields
P0116 HR Master Record: Infotype 0116 (Garn. Transfer D)
P0116_AF Additional Query Fields
P0117 HR Master Record: Infotype 0117 (Garn. Compensation D)
P0117_AF Additional Query Fields
P0123 Personal-Stammsatz für Infotyp 0123
P0124 Personal-Stammsatz Infotyp 0124 (Störfälle D)
P0126 Infotype: Supplementary Pension Germany
P0126_AF Additional Query Fields
P0232 Personal-master record infotype 0232 (Child Allowance) (D)
P0232_AF Additional Query Fields
P0341 HR - master record infotype 341 (DUEVO start)
P0341_AF Additional Query Fields
P0405 HR Master Record: Infotype 0405 (Absence Event)
P0405_AF Additional Query Fields
P0512 HR Master Record: Infotype 0512
P0512_AF Additional Query Fields
P0521 HR Master Record: Infotype 0521 (Semiretirement D)
P0521_AF Additional Query Fields
P0904 Personal-Stammsatz für Infotyp 0904
P0904_AF Additional Query Fields
P0908 Personal-Stammsatz für Infotyp 0908
P0908_AF Additional Query Fields
PME33 Field String for Feature: Organization
PME37 Feild String for Feature: Building Sector Remuneration
PME59 Field string for feature: Tax D output month ETxC
PME88 Struktur für Merkmal DBVVB (D)
PS0010 HR Master Record: Infotype 0010 (Capital Formation)
PS0012 HR Master Record: Infotype 0012 (Fiscal Data - Germany)
PS0013 HR Master Record: Infotype 0013 (Social Insurance D)
PS0020 HR Master Record: Infotype 0020 (DEUEV)
PS0026 HR Master Record: Infotype 0026 (Company Insurance)
PS0029 HR Master Record: Infotype 0029 (Workers' Compensation)
PS0033 Infotype 0033: Statistics Exceptions
PS0049 HR Master Record: Infotype 0049 (Red.Hrs./Bad Weather)
PS0053 HR Master Record: Infotype 0053 (Company Pension)
PS0079 Infotype SI Additional Insurance - D
PS0093 HR Master Record: Infotype 0093 (Previous Employers - D)
PS0111 HR Master Record: Infotype 0111 (Garnishment/Cession - D)
PS0112 HR Master Record: Infotype 0112 (Garnishment Claim - D)
PS0113 HR Master Record: Infotype 0113 (Garnish. Interest - D)
PS0114 HR Master Record: Infotype 0114 (Garnishment Amount D)
PS0115 HR Master Record: Infotype 0115 (Garnishment Wages D )
PS0116 HR Master Record: Infotype 0116 (Garn. Transfer D)
PS0117 HR Master Record: Infotype 0117 (Garn. Compensation D)
PS0123 Personal-Stammsatz Infotyp 0123 (Vorgabe Störfall-SV-Luft)
PS0124 Personal-Stammsatz Infotyp 0124 (Störfälle D)
PS0126 Infotype: Supplementary Pension Germany
PS0232 Personal-master record infotype 0232 (Child Allowance) (D)
PS0341 HR - master record infotype 341 (DUEVO start)
PS0405 HR Master Record: Infotype 0405 (Absence Event)
PS0512 Exemption Certificate for Part-Time Employees
PS0521 HR Master Record: Infotype 0521 (Semiretirement D)
PS0904 Personal-Stammsatz Infotyp 0904 (Pf. pfändbarer Betrag)
PS0908 Personal-Stammsatz Infotyp 0908 (Angaben JAEG-Prüfung)
PSV04 Transfer structure of SI data for official SI key
PSV05 Return structure for official SI key
Q0010 Screen Fields: Infotype P0010 (Capital Formation)
Q0012 Screen Fields: Infotype 0012 (Fiscal Data - Germany)
Q0013 Screen Fields: Infotype 0013 (Social Insurance)
Q0020 HR Master Record: Infotype 0020 (DEUEV)
Q0026 Screen Fields: Infotype 0026
Q0033 Screen Fields: Infotype 0033 (Statistics)
Q0053 Screen Fields: Infotype P0053
Q0079 Infotype SI Additional Insurance - D
Q0093 Screen Fields: Infotype 0093 (Previous Employer - D)
Q0111 Screen Fields: Infotype 0111 (Garnishment Admin.)
Q0112 Screen Fields: Infotype 0112 (Garn.Repaym)
Q0113 Screen Fields: Infotype 0113 (Garn.Int.)
Q0114 Screen Fields: Infotype 0114 (Garnishable Amount)
Q0115 Screen Fields: Infotype 0115 (Garnishment Wages - D)
Q0116 Screen Fields: Infotype 0116 (Garn.Transfers)
Q0117 Screen Fields: Infotype 0117 (Garnishment Comp.)
Q0123 Dynpro-Felder zu Infotyp 0123 (Vorgabe Störfall-SV-Luft)
Q0124 Dynpro-Felder zu Infotyp 0124 (Störfall D)
Q0126 Infotype: Supplementary Pension Germany
Q0232 Screen field for infotype 0232 (Child Allowance) (D)
Q0405 Screen fields for infotype 'absence events'
Q0521 Screen Fields for Infotype 0521 (Semiretirement (D))
Q0904 Dynprofelder Pf. Betrag
Q0908 Dynpro-Felder zu Infotyp 0908 (Vorgabe Jahresarbeitsentgelt)
RPCABWD0 Parameter string for absences Germany
RPCGEWD1L SR List Structure for RPCGEWD1
RPCKULD0 Parameter String for the Report RPCKULD0
RPCSTGD0 Table Structuure for Parameter Online Documentation
RPCVDMD0V Definition des Aufbaus von VINFO in V0 bei Störfällen
RPDSV3D0_BMG Assessment group
RPDSV3D0_ORI Input wage types
RPDSV3D0_OUT Storage
RPDSV3D0_TREENODE Node structure of a simple tree
RPDSV3D0_VER Processing
RPILOID0 BI-Daten für Initialbelegung pers. Referenzzins IT 0045
RPISVMD0 BI zur Abgrenzung von Geringfügigen
RPLEHAD0 HR: Parameter String for Report RPLEHAD0
RPLSBED0 HR: Parameter String for Report RPLEHAD0
RPLSTKD0 Structure for report parameter RPLSTKD0
RPLSVDD0 Table Structures for Parameter Online Documentation
RPLSVGD0L SR List Structure for RPLSVGD0
RPLSVPD0L SR List Structure for RPLSVPD0
RPLSVUD0L SR List Structure for RPLSVUD0
RPTLEAD0 Parameters of report PRTLEA40-Leave reserves
RPTLEAD0_DETAIL_OVERVIEW_ALV Übersicht des Protokolls Abrechnung RPTLEAD0
SI_T005HR HR specific Fields in Table T005


SAP Package PB01 contains 54 programs.

MP001000 Module Pool: Infotype 0010 Capital Formation
MP001200 Module Pool for Infotype P0012: Fiscal Data (D)
MP001300 Module Pool: Infotype 0013 Social Insurance (D)
MP002000 Module Pool for Infotype P0020: DUEVO (D)
MP002600 Module Pool: Infotype 0026 (Direct Insurance)
MP002900 Module Pool: Infotype 0029 Mutual Indemnity Societies
MP004500_DE Loans Administration Germany
MP004900 Module Pool: Infotype 0049 Reduced Working Hrs./Bad Weather (D)
MP005200 Module Pool: Infotype P0052 (Standard Wage Maintenance)
MP005300 Module Pool for Infotype P0053: Pension Reserves
MP007900 Module Pool for Infotype P0079: SI Supplementary Insurance (D)
MP009300 Module Pool for Infotype 0093, Previous Employer (D)
MP011100 Module Pool: Garnishment Administration (D)
MP011200 Module Pool: Garnishment Repayment (D)
MP011300 MODULE POOL: Garnishment Interest Data
MP011400 Module Pool: Garnishable Amount
MP011500 Module Pool for Infotype 0115, Garnishment Wages (D)
MP011600 Module Pool: Garnishment Transfers (D)
MP011700 Module Pool: Garnishment Clearing Payments D
MP012600 Module Pool for Infotyp 0126 - Supplementary Benefits
MP023200 Module Pool for Infotype 0232: 'Child Allowance D'
MP040500 Module pool infotype 'absence events' (0405)
RPDABWD0 Absences documentation and consistency check (D)
RPDSV1D0 Documentation from HI Companies
RPDSV2D0 Documentation on SI calculation
RPDSV3D0 Documentation on SI calculation
RPIJSTD0 Batch Input for Creating New Tax Records at Beginning of Year
RPIKUGD0 Batch Input for RHC/BWP
RPIPITD0 Create Batch Input Session for Garnishment - Germany
RPISVGD0 Batch Input for New Regulations for Part-Time EEs from 01.04.1999
RPISVRD0 Batch Input for Changing Maximum HI Gross Amount (Germany)
RPLEHAD0 Severely Challenged Persons - Directory and Declaration
RPLEHDD0 Income Statistics for Employers' Association (Chemical Industry)
RPLEHED0 Income Statistics for Employers' Association (Metal Industry)
RPLSTKD0 Tax cards (not) submitted
RPLSVCD0 Notification to HI Fund regarding Changes to Benefits Payments
RPLSVPD0 List of Employees with Private HI
RPLSVPD1 Social insurance list - Private HI check (old)
RPLSVUD0 Check contribution liability
RPLSVUD1 Number of employees per personnel area/subarea for SI assessment (old)
RPLURA00 **** Vested Company Pension Entitlement ****
RPLVBAD0 Capital Formation Overview
RPUEHBD0 Table conversion: Valuation of Pay Scales for Statistics
RPUSTGD0 Import municipality data
RPUSTPDS Personnel Number Selection for Fast Data Entry
RPUSVAD0 Set Recalculation Date at Time of Health Insurance Fund Changes
RPUSVXD0 Set from processing class 71 and cumulations 70, 71, 73
RPUSVXD1 Set category and payment method for HI funds, expand SI contributions
RPUTTAD0 Test Tool: Compare DUEVO Messages
RPUVBDV0 XPRA: Set payment method capital formation/direct insurance

Search Helps

SAP Package PB01 contains 24 search helps.

H_T005U_1 Suchhilfe für Bundesland T005S
H_T5D0P Help view for T5D0P
H_T5D11 Health insurance funds
H_T5D11_BNR Suchhilfe für Betriebsnummern von Mitarbeiterkrankenkassen
H_T5D11_IT Search Help for Employee Health Insurance Companies
H_T5D12 Social Insurance: Reasons for Exemption
H_T5D1K_IT Search help for branch office
H_T5D1Y Social Insurance Indicator
H_T5D2A Help view for Tax Office Key
H_T5D2B Municipality key
H_T5D2D Help view for Tax Features D
H_T5D2L Help view church tax areas
H_T5D2N Help view T5D2N
H_T5D3C Help view for Workers' Compensation Associations
H_T5D3D Help view for Increased Risk Areas
H_T5D3N Entry Possibilities for the Valuation of Pay Scales
H_T5D3O Special Rules: Capital Formation
H_T5D4E DUEVO: Nationality
H_T5D4T_BTRNR Betriebsnummern
H_T5D6A Help View for Table T5D6A
H_T5D6B Help View for Table T5D6B
H_T5D6C Help View for Table T5D6C
H_T5D6F Help View for Table T5D6F
H_T5DL1 Absence Events

Message Classes

SAP Package PB01 contains 3 message classes.

5D Fehlermeldungen fuer deutsche Infotyp-Modulpools
HRPAYDEST Nachrichtenklasse Steuer Deutschland
HRPAYDESV Fehlermeldungen Abrechnung Deutschland, Sozialversicherung

Authorization Objects

SAP Package PB01 contains 2 authorization objects.

P_ORGXX HR: Master Data - Extended Check
P_PERNR HR: Master Data - Personnel Number Check