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Check it out on →The package PB01 (HR Master Data: Germany) is a standard package in SAP ERP. It belongs to the parent package HRCDE.
Package | PB01 |
Short Text | HR Master Data: Germany |
Parent Package | HRCDE |
SAP Package PB01 contains 16 function groups.
0PD2 | Enhanced Table Maintenance (Generated) |
0PD3 | Enhanced Table Maintenance (Generated) |
0PD6 | Enhanced Table Maint. Garnishment D |
0PD7 | Master data for RWH (D) |
0PD8 | Extended Table Maintenance (Generated) |
0PDB | Enhanced Table Maintenance (Generated) |
0PDD | Enhanced Table Maintenance (Generated) |
0PDJ | Extended Table Maintenance (Generated) |
0PDN | German absence checks |
0PDZ | HR DSR: Maintain Expanded Table SR |
0PXZ | Extended Table Maintenance (Generated) |
EHD5 | ESS - Personal Data - DE, AT, CH |
HR_DE_EH | Erhebungen und Statistiken DE |
HRDS | Social insurance for Germany |
PACF_DE | Business Object Cap. Form. Sav. DE |
PADR_DE | Business Object AddressEmp (DE) |
SAP Package PB01 contains 13 transactions.
OHX5 | Number range for tax reporting |
PC00_M01_CD3VD1 | DEÜV-Meldungen erstellen |
PC00_M01_CSVWD0 | Störfall-SV-Luft berechnen |
PC00_M01_DSV1D0 | Documentation from HI Companies |
PC00_M01_DSV2D0 | Documentation on SI Calculation |
PC00_M01_DSV3D0 | Documentation on SI Calculation |
PC00_M01_IPITD0 | BI Session Creation for Garnish. DE |
PC00_M01_LSVWD0 | Anzeige Wertguthaben und SV-Luft |
PC00_M01_LURA00 | Vested Company Pension Entitlement |
PC00_M01_UD3MD0 | Verteiltes Reporting für DEÜV |
PC00_M01_USVAD0 | Set Retro Acctg Date for HI Changes |
PZ41 | Capital Formation Germany |
S_L6D_84001831 | IMG-Aktivität: OHADKU230 |
SAP Package PB01 contains 136 database tables.
PA0010 | HR Master Record: Infotype 0010 (Capital Formation) |
PA0012 | HR Master Record: Infotype 0012 (Fiscal Data - Germany) |
PA0013 | Infotype Social Insurance - Germany |
PA0020 | HR Master Record: Infotype 0020 (DUEVO) |
PA0026 | HR Master Record: Infotype 0026 (Company Insurance) |
PA0029 | HR Master Record: Infotype 0029 (Workers' Compensation) |
PA0033 | International Infotype 0033: Statistics Exceptions |
PA0049 | HR Master Record: Infotype 0049 (Red.Hrs./Bad Weather) |
PA0053 | HR Master Record: Infotype 0053 (Company Pension) |
PA0079 | Infotype SI Additional Insurance - D |
PA0093 | HR Master Record: Infotype 0093 (Previous Employers - D) |
PA0111 | HR Master Record: Infotype 0111 (Garnishment/Cession - D) |
PA0112 | HR Master Record: Infotype 0112 (Garnishment Claim - D) |
PA0113 | HR Master Record: Infotype 0113 (Garnish. Interest - D) |
PA0114 | HR Master Record: Infotype 0114 (Garnishment Amount D) |
PA0115 | HR Master Record: Infotype 0115 (Garnishment Wages D ) |
PA0116 | HR Master Record: Infotype 0116 (Garn. Transfer D) |
PA0117 | HR Master Record: Infotype 0117 (Garn. Compensation D) |
PA0123 | Infotyp 0123 (Vorgabe Störfall-SV-Luft) |
PA0124 | Infotyp 0124 (Störfälle D) |
PA0126 | Infotype: Supplementary Pension Germany |
PA0130 | HR Master Record: Infotpye 0130 (Checking Procedures) |
PA0232 | Personal-master record infotype 0232 (Child Allowance) (D) |
PA0341 | HR - master record infotype 341 (DUEVO start) |
PA0405 | HR Master Record: Infotype 0405 (Absence Event) |
PA0512 | Personnel Master Record Infotype 0512 |
PA0521 | HR Master Record: Infotype 0521 (Semiretirement D) |
PA0904 | Personal-Stammsatz Infotyp 0904 |
PA0908 | Personal-Stammsatz Infotyp 0908 |
T507A | RWH Delimitation of Employees Affected |
T513P | Pension Reserve Groups |
T535R | PI Area Numbers |
T535T | Occupational status (DEUEV) |
T536T | Education and Training (DUEVO) |
T5D03 | Employee Group/Subgroup |
T5D0P | Personnel Area / Personnel Subarea (D) |
T5D0U | Assignment to pay scale area groups |
T5D0V | Wage type (national qualities) |
T5D11 | Cal. Procedures and Indicators for Health Insurance Funds |
T5D13 | Jobs (D) |
T5D14 | Features of Earnings Survey for Statistical Purposes (D) |
T5D1A | SI contributions |
T5D1B | Special SI Rules |
T5D1C | Texts for Special SI Rules |
T5D1D | Help View for SI Attribute Combinations (Germany) |
T5D1E | Social Insurance Attributes and their Various Combinations |
T5D1F | Reasons for Exemption from SI Contributions |
T5D1G | Contribution Classes for Supplementary Insurance |
T5D1H | Supplementary Insurances |
T5D1I | Compulsory Health Insurance Contributions (D) |
T5D1K | Branch Offices |
T5D1L | SI Withholding Deductions (D) |
T5D1M | HI Contributions, Voluntarily Reduced |
T5D1N | Calculation of HI Amt. (D) |
T5D1O | Health Insurance Funds, Voluntary Contributions |
T5D1P | Social Insurance Keys |
T5D1Q | Special Rules (Suppl. Insurance, D) |
T5D1R | Special Rules Supplementary Insurance Texts |
T5D1W | Supplementary pensions |
T5D1X | Supplementary pension (D) percentage rates |
T5D1Z | Voluntary Nursing Insurance Contributions |
T5D2A | Tax Offices (Germany) |
T5D2B | Municipality Code (D) |
T5D2C | Tax Validation I (D) |
T5D2D | Taxation Features (D) |
T5D2E | Tax Validation II (D) |
T5D2F | Gross Taxable Amount (D) |
T5D2G | Tax Procedure (D) |
T5D2H | Church Tax Rates (D) |
T5D2K | Family funds (D) |
T5D2L | Church Tax Areas (D) |
T5D2M | Month of issue: Employment tax statement (Tax Ger.) |
T5D2N | Tax-paying Denominations (D) |
T5D2T | Texts Taxation Characteristics (D) |
T5D3A | Workers' Compensation Associations |
T5D3B | Workers' Compensation Associations - Hazard Pay Areas |
T5D3C | Workers' Compensation Associations |
T5D3D | Hazard Pay Areas of Workers' Compensation Associations |
T5D3E | Reduced Hours/Winter Compensation: Approval Periods |
T5D3E_SVERST | KuG: Zeitraum für pauschalierte SV-Erstattung 100% |
T5D3F | Pension Institutions (D) |
T5D3G | Capital Formation (D) |
T5D3H | Types of Investments for Capital Formation |
T5D3I | Variants for Reduced Hours Compensation (D) |
T5D3J | RHC Variants Texts |
T5D3K | Capital Formation Variants |
T5D3L | Capital Formation Savings Payments-Special Rules Table-Texts |
T5D3M | Assignment of a Valuation of Pay Scales for Statistics |
T5D3N | Valuation of Pay Scales for Statistics |
T5D3O | Capital formation constants |
T5D3S_EHVE | Zusatzdaten Berichtsbetrieb für Verdiensterhebung |
T5D40 | Wertguthaben für Arbeitszeitflexibilisierung |
T5D41 | Bezeichnung der Wertguthaben |
T5D42 | Attribute von Wertguthaben |
T5D43 | Bezeichnung der Wertguthabenattribute |
T5D44 | Zuordung von Attributen zu Wertguthaben |
T5D45 | Zuordnung von Lohnarten zu Wertguthaben |
T5D46 | Arbeitszeitflexibilisierung: Verwaltung der Störfall-SV-Luft |
T5D48 | Arbeitszeitflexibilisierung: Verwaltung der Wertguthaben |
T5D4A | DEUEV Activity Keys |
T5D4B | DEUEV Activity Key Texts |
T5D4C | DEUEV Pensioners/Claimants |
T5D4D | Texts for Pensioners/Applicants |
T5D4E | DEUEV Nationality Keys |
T5D4F | Lohnarten für die Beitragsberechnung §23c |
T5D4FL | Eigenschaften der Fiktivlaufsteuerungen §23c |
T5D4G | DEUEV Activity Keys for Miners' and Mine Employees' Ins. |
T5D4H | DEUEV Activity Key Text for Miners' and Mine EEs' Ins. |
T5D4I | DEUEV Text on Reason for Change of Miners' & Mine EEs' Ins. |
T5D4J | Special Key: Miners' and Mine Employees' Insurance |
T5D4K | Special Key: Miners' and Mine Employees' Insurance |
T5D4L | Special Key: Miners' and Mine Employees' Insurance |
T5D4M | Official social insurance key |
T5D4N | Arten von Sozialleistungen bei unbezahlter Abwesenheit |
T5D4NT | Texte zur Sozialleistungs-Arten |
T5D4UMS | Umsetzung nicht DEÜV-zulässiger Zeichen |
T5D6A | Compensation Types |
T5D6B | Equalization Reasons |
T5D6C | Special Garnishment Cases |
T5D6D | Fields for Special Garnishment Cases |
T5D6E | Execution rules for special case garnishment |
T5D6F | Text Table for Garnishments |
T5D6G | Employer costs - garnishment |
T5DA1 | Semiretirement Model |
T5DA1T | SR Model Text |
T5DA2 | Supplemental Percentage Rates for SR Model |
T5DA3 | Assessment Bases for SR Model |
T5DA4 | Semiretirement special rule |
T5DA4T | Text for Semiretirement Special Rule |
T5DA5 | SR: Semiretirement Work Phases |
T5DA5T | SR: Phase Name |
T5DL1 | Absence Events |
T5DL2 | Text on absence events |
T5DL3 | Rules on absence events |
T5DL4 | Text on rules for absence events |
T5DL5 | Rule type for absence events |
SAP Package PB01 contains 122 views.
H_T5D0P | Help view for T5D0P |
H_T5D11 | Health Insurance Funds |
H_T5D12 | Social Insurance: Reasons for Exemption |
H_T5D2A | Help view for Tax Office Key |
H_T5D2B | Municipality Key |
H_T5D2D | Help view for Tax Features D |
H_T5D2L | Help view church tax areas |
H_T5D2N | Help view T5D2N |
H_T5D3C | Help view for Workers' Compensation Associations |
H_T5D3D | Help view for Increased Risk Areas |
H_T5D3N | Entry Possibilities for the Valuation of Pay Scales |
H_T5D3O | Special Rules: Capital Formation |
H_T5D4E | DUEVO: Nationality |
H_T5D6A | Help View for Table T5D6A |
H_T5D6B | Help View for Table T5D6B |
H_T5D6C | Help View for Table T5D6C |
H_T5D6F | Help View for Table T5D6F |
T5D11_SH5 | Suchhilfe Annahmestelle DEÜV und DFÜ-Kasse |
V_001P_O | Assignment of Personnel Subarea to a Statistics Group |
V_503_H | ESG for Activity/Employment/Education & Training/Statistics |
V_507A_B | RHC: Delimitation of special rules |
V_507A_C | RHC: Delimitation of allowance variants |
V_521B_B | Payee key for capital formation |
V_521B_E | HR-DE: Einzugsermächtigung für Empfängerschlüssel |
V_521C_B | Permitted Payees for Infotypes (W/out Subtype Specification) |
V_530_B | DUEVO: Reason for Measures |
V_530_C | Reason for Abandonment for Miners' & Mine Emps Ins. DUEVO |
V_530_D | Action indicator 'Casual Payments' |
V_5D0P_B | Assignment of Company Features that are Relevant for Tax |
V_5D0P_C | Flat-Rate Church Tax |
V_5D0P_D | DÜVO Check |
V_5D0P_E | Supplementary Benefit in the Civil Service |
V_5D0P_F | Company Number: Miners' and mine employees' insurance |
V_5D13_B | Default Values for DUEVO Activity Key |
V_5D13_C | Default Vals for DUEVO Act. Key: Miners' & Miners' Emps Ins. |
V_5D1I_B | Percentage Rates for Calculating HI Contributions |
V_5D1M_C | HI and NI Contributions, Voluntarily Reduced |
V_5D3B_B | Hazard pay for workers' compensation association |
V_5D6B_B | Wage Types for Equalization Reasons |
V_5D6F_B | Interest Calculation Types |
V_5D6F_C | Interest Periods |
V_5D6F_D | Dependencies |
V_5D6F_E | Item Types |
V_5D6F_F | Types of Garnishments Allowed |
V_5DL5_B | Rule type for absence event |
V_T507A | RWH/WC: Delimit employees affected |
V_T535R | PI Area Numbers |
V_T535T | Professional Status (DUEVO) |
V_T536T | Education and Training (DUEVO) |
V_T5D03 | Employee Groups/Employee Subgroups |
V_T5D0P | Assignment of Company Features |
V_T5D0T | Pay scale area grouping |
V_T5D0U | Determine Pay Scale Group |
V_T5D13 | Jobs |
V_T5D1A | Contribution Rates for Transfer |
V_T5D1G | Contribution Classes for Supplementary Insurance |
V_T5D1I | Percentages for Health Insurance Contributions |
V_T5D1K | Health Insurance Funds |
V_T5D1L | Data for deduction of contribution amount to HI funds |
V_T5D1M | HI Contributions, Voluntarily Reduced |
V_T5D1N | Procedure for calculating employer's contribution |
V_T5D1O | Fixed Contributions for Health Insurance |
V_T5D1Q | Special Rules for Supplementary Benefit |
V_T5D1U | Processing Assessment Wage Types |
V_T5D1W | Contribution Classes for Supplementary Benefits |
V_T5D1X | Percentages for Supplementary Benefits |
V_T5D1Z | Voluntary Nursing Insurance Contributions |
V_T5D2C | Examination of Revenue Law Data Depend. on Tax Liability |
V_T5D2D | Tax Characteristics |
V_T5D2E | Check of Taxed-Based Data Depending on Tax Class |
V_T5D2F | Gross Tax Amounts |
V_T5D2G | Tax Procedure |
V_T5D2H | Church Tax Rate |
V_T5D2M | Month of issue: Employment tax statement (Tax Ger.) |
V_T5D2N | Tax-Relevant Denominations |
V_T5D2W | StADUEV: Key figures |
V_T5D3E_SVERST | KuG: Zeitraum für pauschalierte SV-Erstattung 100% |
V_T5D3E_TRKUG | KuG-Referenznummer für Transfer-KuG kennzeichnen |
V_T5D3K | Capital Formation Variants |
V_T5D3M | Analysis of Pay Scales for Statistics |
V_T5D3N | Analysis of Pay Scales for Statistics |
V_T5D3R | HR-DEH: Externe Daten in Statistiken übernehmen |
V_T5D3S_EHVE | Zusatzdaten Berichtsbetrieb für die Verdiensterhebung |
V_T5D40 | Wertguthaben für Arbeitszeitflexibilisierung |
V_T5D42 | Attribute von Wertguthaben |
V_T5D44 | Zuordung von Attributen zu Wertguthaben |
V_T5D45 | Zuordnung von Lohnarten zu Wertguthaben |
V_T5D4A | Activity Keys (DUEVO) |
V_T5D4C | Pensioner/Applicant (DUEVO) |
V_T5D4E | DUEVO Nationality Key |
V_T5D4FL | Eigenschaften der Fiktivlaufsteuerungen §23c |
V_T5D4G | DUEVO Activity Keys: Miners' and Mine EE Insurance |
V_T5D4I | Reason for Change - Miners' and Mine EE Insurance (DUEVO) |
V_T5D4J | DUEVO Special Key: Miners' and Mine Employees' Insurance |
V_T5D4N | Arten von Sozialleistung bei unbezahlter Abwesenheit |
V_T5D4UMS | Umsetzung nicht DEÜV-zulässiger Zeichen |
V_T5D5B | Supplementary Benefits, Civil Service: Employers' Data |
V_T5D5E | Supplementary Benefits, Civil Service: Reporting Reasons |
V_T5D5G | View for combination table T5D5G (public sector SPF) |
V_T5D5L | Local Allowance Classes and Career Assignment |
V_T5D6D | Fields Allowed for Exceptions |
V_T5D6E | Rules for Exceptions |
V_T5D6F | Interest Types |
V_T5D6G | Employer Costs |
V_T5DA1 | Semiretirement Model |
V_T5DA2 | SR Model Supplementary Percantage Rates |
V_T5DA3 | SR Mdel Assessment Bases |
V_T5DA3_A | ATZ-Modell Bemessungsgrundlagen Gesamtübersicht |
V_T5DA4 | Semiretirement Special Rule |
V_T5DA5 | Block Model Phases |
V_T5DL1 | Absence Events |
V_T5DL3 | Rules for absence events |
V_T5DL5 | Rule type for absence events |
VV_596L_ESBA | Pflegeviewvariante: Arbeitgeberdaten zur SB-Anzeige |
VV_596L_ESBB | Pflegeviewvariante: Betriebsdaten zur SB-Anzeige |
VV_596M_ESBA | Pflegeviewvariante: Details Arbeitgeber - SB-Anzeige |
VV_596M_ESBB | Pflegeviewvariante: Details Betrieb - SB-Anzeige |
VV_596M_ESBC | Pflegeviewvariante: Details Ansprechpartner AG - SB-Anzeige |
VV_T543B_2___03_AL0 | Statistical Exceptions |
VV_T543B_2___05_AL0 | Statistical Exceptions |
VV_T577_KDSVH | Relationship to Child |
VV_T577_UTBRG | Accommodations |
SAP Package PB01 contains 169 structures.
BAPIP0006LDE | Personnel Master Record Infotype 0006 (Addresses) DE |
BAPIP0010 | HR Master Record: Infotype 0010 (Capital Formation) |
BAPIP0010L | HR Master Record: Infotype 0010 (Capital Formation) |
H01_HANDICAP | Selekionsstruktur für H01_HANDICAP |
HRDEEH_A | HR: Angaben zum Arbeitgeber (SB-Gesetz) |
HRDEEH_B | HR: Zusatzangaben zum Arbeitgeber (SB-Gesetz) |
HRDEEH_C | HR: Arbeitsplätze (SB-Gesetz) |
HRDEEH_D | HR: Verzeichnis (SB-Gesetz) |
HRDEEH_F | HR: Angaben zur Betriebstätigkeit (SB-Gesetz) |
HRDEEH_G | HR: Angaben zur IBAN und BIC (SB-Gesetz) |
HRDEEH_S_AG | HR: Verzeichnis (SB-Gesetz) - Arbeitgeberebene |
HRDEEH_S_ANPTN | Schwerbehindertenanzeige: Ansprechpartner |
HRDEEH_S_ASSIGNMENT | HR-DEEH: Zuordnung organisatorischer Einheiten |
HRDEEH_S_BTR | HR: Verzeichnis (SB-Gesetz) - Betriebsebene |
HRDEEH_S_MON | HR: Anzeige (SB-Gesetz) - Monatstabelle |
HRDEEH_S_PROTOCOL | HR-DE-EH: Struktur für Protokoll |
HRDEEH_S_SBLIST_ALV | HR-DEEH: Anzeige der schwerbehinderten MA im GRID-ALV |
HRDEEH_S_SBVERZ | HR: Verzeichnis (SB-Gesetz) |
HRDEEH_S_UMSETZUNG | Umsetzung T536A --> T536C für SB-Anzeige |
HRPADDEPFS_MAPPING | Mapping for Conversion of Repeat Structure/Tables |
HRPADDEPFS_PFBETRAG | Infotypdaten pfändbarer Betrag |
HRPADDEPFS_PFID | Pfändungsid |
HRPADDEPFS_RNNNN_LIN_A | Subscreen Infotyp 0114 oder 0904 - pfandfreie VWL-Verträge |
HRPADDEPFS_SCREEN_DATA | Daten Felder einer Infotyp Version |
HRPADDEPFS_SCREEN_HEADER | Header Fields of an Infotype Version |
HRPADDEPFS_SCREEN_RNNNN | Einzelbild Infotyp NNNN - pfb. Betrag |
HRPADDEPFS_VBV_TYPE | Pfändung Vermögensbildungsverträge |
HRPAYDE_ESBA_DATA | Struktur für Schwerbehindertenanzeige: Arbeitgeberdaten |
HRPAYDE_ESBA_DATA2 | Struktur für Schwerbehindertenanzeige: AG-Daten 2. Teil. |
HRPAYDE_ESBB_DATA | Struktur für Schwerbehindertenanzeige: Betriebsdaten |
HRPAYDE_ESBC_DATA | Struktur für Schwerbehindertenanzeige: Ansprechpartner |
HRPAYDE_ESBC_KEY | Key-Struktur für ESBC (Ansprechpartner) |
P0010 | HR Master Record: Infotype 0010 (Capital Formation) |
P0010_AF | Additional Query Fields |
P0012 | HR Master Record: Infotype 0012 (Fiscal Data - Germany) |
P0012_AF | Additional Query Fields |
P0013 | HR Master Record: Infotype 0013 (Social Insurance D) |
P0013_AF | Additional Query Fields |
P0020 | HR Master Record: Infotype 0020 (DUEVO) |
P0020_AF | Additional Query Fields |
P0026 | HR Master Record: Infotype 0026 (Company Insurance) |
P0026_AF | Additional Query Fields |
P0029 | HR Master Record: Infotype 0029 (Workers' Compensation) |
P0029_AF | Additional Query Fields |
P0033 | Infotype 0033: Statistics Exceptions |
P0033_AF | Additional Query Fields |
P0049 | HR Master Record: Infotype 0049 (Red.Hrs./Bad Weather) |
P0049_AF | Additional Query Fields |
P0053 | HR Master Record: Infotype 0053 (Company Pension) |
P0053_AF | Additional Query Fields |
P0079 | Infotype SI Additional Insurance - D |
P0079_AF | Additional Query Fields |
P0093 | HR Master Record: Infotype 0093 (Previous Employers - D) |
P0093_AF | Additional Query Fields |
P01_T5D46 | Struktur für Tabelle T5D46 |
P0111 | HR Master Record: Infotype 0111 (Garnishment/Cession - D) |
P0111_AF | Additional Query Fields |
P0112 | HR Master Record: Infotype 0112 (Garnishment Claim - D) |
P0112_AF | Additional Query Fields |
P0113 | HR Master Record: Infotype 0113 (Garnish. Interest - D) |
P0113_AF | Additional Query Fields |
P0114 | HR Master Record: Infotype 0114 (Garnishment Amount D) |
P0114_AF | Additional Query Fields |
P0115 | HR Master Record: Infotype 0115 (Garnishment Wages D ) |
P0115_AF | Additional Query Fields |
P0116 | HR Master Record: Infotype 0116 (Garn. Transfer D) |
P0116_AF | Additional Query Fields |
P0117 | HR Master Record: Infotype 0117 (Garn. Compensation D) |
P0117_AF | Additional Query Fields |
P0123 | Personal-Stammsatz für Infotyp 0123 |
P0124 | Personal-Stammsatz Infotyp 0124 (Störfälle D) |
P0126 | Infotype: Supplementary Pension Germany |
P0126_AF | Additional Query Fields |
P0232 | Personal-master record infotype 0232 (Child Allowance) (D) |
P0232_AF | Additional Query Fields |
P0341 | HR - master record infotype 341 (DUEVO start) |
P0341_AF | Additional Query Fields |
P0405 | HR Master Record: Infotype 0405 (Absence Event) |
P0405_AF | Additional Query Fields |
P0512 | HR Master Record: Infotype 0512 |
P0512_AF | Additional Query Fields |
P0521 | HR Master Record: Infotype 0521 (Semiretirement D) |
P0521_AF | Additional Query Fields |
P0904 | Personal-Stammsatz für Infotyp 0904 |
P0904_AF | Additional Query Fields |
P0908 | Personal-Stammsatz für Infotyp 0908 |
P0908_AF | Additional Query Fields |
PME33 | Field String for Feature: Organization |
PME37 | Feild String for Feature: Building Sector Remuneration |
PME59 | Field string for feature: Tax D output month ETxC |
PME88 | Struktur für Merkmal DBVVB (D) |
PS0010 | HR Master Record: Infotype 0010 (Capital Formation) |
PS0012 | HR Master Record: Infotype 0012 (Fiscal Data - Germany) |
PS0013 | HR Master Record: Infotype 0013 (Social Insurance D) |
PS0020 | HR Master Record: Infotype 0020 (DEUEV) |
PS0026 | HR Master Record: Infotype 0026 (Company Insurance) |
PS0029 | HR Master Record: Infotype 0029 (Workers' Compensation) |
PS0033 | Infotype 0033: Statistics Exceptions |
PS0049 | HR Master Record: Infotype 0049 (Red.Hrs./Bad Weather) |
PS0053 | HR Master Record: Infotype 0053 (Company Pension) |
PS0079 | Infotype SI Additional Insurance - D |
PS0093 | HR Master Record: Infotype 0093 (Previous Employers - D) |
PS0111 | HR Master Record: Infotype 0111 (Garnishment/Cession - D) |
PS0112 | HR Master Record: Infotype 0112 (Garnishment Claim - D) |
PS0113 | HR Master Record: Infotype 0113 (Garnish. Interest - D) |
PS0114 | HR Master Record: Infotype 0114 (Garnishment Amount D) |
PS0115 | HR Master Record: Infotype 0115 (Garnishment Wages D ) |
PS0116 | HR Master Record: Infotype 0116 (Garn. Transfer D) |
PS0117 | HR Master Record: Infotype 0117 (Garn. Compensation D) |
PS0123 | Personal-Stammsatz Infotyp 0123 (Vorgabe Störfall-SV-Luft) |
PS0124 | Personal-Stammsatz Infotyp 0124 (Störfälle D) |
PS0126 | Infotype: Supplementary Pension Germany |
PS0232 | Personal-master record infotype 0232 (Child Allowance) (D) |
PS0341 | HR - master record infotype 341 (DUEVO start) |
PS0405 | HR Master Record: Infotype 0405 (Absence Event) |
PS0512 | Exemption Certificate for Part-Time Employees |
PS0521 | HR Master Record: Infotype 0521 (Semiretirement D) |
PS0904 | Personal-Stammsatz Infotyp 0904 (Pf. pfändbarer Betrag) |
PS0908 | Personal-Stammsatz Infotyp 0908 (Angaben JAEG-Prüfung) |
PSV04 | Transfer structure of SI data for official SI key |
PSV05 | Return structure for official SI key |
Q0010 | Screen Fields: Infotype P0010 (Capital Formation) |
Q0012 | Screen Fields: Infotype 0012 (Fiscal Data - Germany) |
Q0013 | Screen Fields: Infotype 0013 (Social Insurance) |
Q0020 | HR Master Record: Infotype 0020 (DEUEV) |
Q0026 | Screen Fields: Infotype 0026 |
Q0033 | Screen Fields: Infotype 0033 (Statistics) |
Q0053 | Screen Fields: Infotype P0053 |
Q0079 | Infotype SI Additional Insurance - D |
Q0093 | Screen Fields: Infotype 0093 (Previous Employer - D) |
Q0111 | Screen Fields: Infotype 0111 (Garnishment Admin.) |
Q0112 | Screen Fields: Infotype 0112 (Garn.Repaym) |
Q0113 | Screen Fields: Infotype 0113 (Garn.Int.) |
Q0114 | Screen Fields: Infotype 0114 (Garnishable Amount) |
Q0115 | Screen Fields: Infotype 0115 (Garnishment Wages - D) |
Q0116 | Screen Fields: Infotype 0116 (Garn.Transfers) |
Q0117 | Screen Fields: Infotype 0117 (Garnishment Comp.) |
Q0123 | Dynpro-Felder zu Infotyp 0123 (Vorgabe Störfall-SV-Luft) |
Q0124 | Dynpro-Felder zu Infotyp 0124 (Störfall D) |
Q0126 | Infotype: Supplementary Pension Germany |
Q0232 | Screen field for infotype 0232 (Child Allowance) (D) |
Q0405 | Screen fields for infotype 'absence events' |
Q0521 | Screen Fields for Infotype 0521 (Semiretirement (D)) |
Q0904 | Dynprofelder Pf. Betrag |
Q0908 | Dynpro-Felder zu Infotyp 0908 (Vorgabe Jahresarbeitsentgelt) |
RPCABWD0 | Parameter string for absences Germany |
RPCGEWD1L | SR List Structure for RPCGEWD1 |
RPCKULD0 | Parameter String for the Report RPCKULD0 |
RPCSTGD0 | Table Structuure for Parameter Online Documentation |
RPCVDMD0V | Definition des Aufbaus von VINFO in V0 bei Störfällen |
RPDSV3D0_BMG | Assessment group |
RPDSV3D0_ORI | Input wage types |
RPDSV3D0_OUT | Storage |
RPDSV3D0_TREENODE | Node structure of a simple tree |
RPDSV3D0_VER | Processing |
RPILOID0 | BI-Daten für Initialbelegung pers. Referenzzins IT 0045 |
RPISVMD0 | BI zur Abgrenzung von Geringfügigen |
RPLEHAD0 | HR: Parameter String for Report RPLEHAD0 |
RPLSBED0 | HR: Parameter String for Report RPLEHAD0 |
RPLSTKD0 | Structure for report parameter RPLSTKD0 |
RPLSVDD0 | Table Structures for Parameter Online Documentation |
RPLSVGD0L | SR List Structure for RPLSVGD0 |
RPLSVPD0L | SR List Structure for RPLSVPD0 |
RPLSVUD0L | SR List Structure for RPLSVUD0 |
RPTLEAD0 | Parameters of report PRTLEA40-Leave reserves |
RPTLEAD0_DETAIL_ALV | Protokoll Abrechnung RPTLEAD0 |
RPTLEAD0_DETAIL_OVERVIEW_ALV | Übersicht des Protokolls Abrechnung RPTLEAD0 |
SI_T005HR | HR specific Fields in Table T005 |
SAP Package PB01 contains 54 programs.
MP001000 | Module Pool: Infotype 0010 Capital Formation |
MP001200 | Module Pool for Infotype P0012: Fiscal Data (D) |
MP001300 | Module Pool: Infotype 0013 Social Insurance (D) |
MP002000 | Module Pool for Infotype P0020: DUEVO (D) |
MP002600 | Module Pool: Infotype 0026 (Direct Insurance) |
MP002900 | Module Pool: Infotype 0029 Mutual Indemnity Societies |
MP004500_DE | Loans Administration Germany |
MP004900 | Module Pool: Infotype 0049 Reduced Working Hrs./Bad Weather (D) |
MP005200 | Module Pool: Infotype P0052 (Standard Wage Maintenance) |
MP005300 | Module Pool for Infotype P0053: Pension Reserves |
MP007900 | Module Pool for Infotype P0079: SI Supplementary Insurance (D) |
MP009300 | Module Pool for Infotype 0093, Previous Employer (D) |
MP011100 | Module Pool: Garnishment Administration (D) |
MP011200 | Module Pool: Garnishment Repayment (D) |
MP011300 | MODULE POOL: Garnishment Interest Data |
MP011400 | Module Pool: Garnishable Amount |
MP011500 | Module Pool for Infotype 0115, Garnishment Wages (D) |
MP011600 | Module Pool: Garnishment Transfers (D) |
MP011700 | Module Pool: Garnishment Clearing Payments D |
MP012600 | Module Pool for Infotyp 0126 - Supplementary Benefits |
MP023200 | Module Pool for Infotype 0232: 'Child Allowance D' |
MP040500 | Module pool infotype 'absence events' (0405) |
MP052100 | Infotype 0521, MODULE POOL: SEMIRETIREMENT D |
RPDABWD0 | Absences documentation and consistency check (D) |
RPDSV1D0 | Documentation from HI Companies |
RPDSV2D0 | Documentation on SI calculation |
RPDSV3D0 | Documentation on SI calculation |
RPIJSTD0 | Batch Input for Creating New Tax Records at Beginning of Year |
RPIKUGD0 | Batch Input for RHC/BWP |
RPIPITD0 | Create Batch Input Session for Garnishment - Germany |
RPISVGD0 | Batch Input for New Regulations for Part-Time EEs from 01.04.1999 |
RPISVRD0 | Batch Input for Changing Maximum HI Gross Amount (Germany) |
RPLEHAD0 | Severely Challenged Persons - Directory and Declaration |
RPLEHDD0 | Income Statistics for Employers' Association (Chemical Industry) |
RPLEHED0 | Income Statistics for Employers' Association (Metal Industry) |
RPLSTKD0 | Tax cards (not) submitted |
RPLSVCD0 | Notification to HI Fund regarding Changes to Benefits Payments |
RPLSVPD0 | List of Employees with Private HI |
RPLSVPD1 | Social insurance list - Private HI check (old) |
RPLSVUD0 | Check contribution liability |
RPLSVUD1 | Number of employees per personnel area/subarea for SI assessment (old) |
RPLURA00 | **** Vested Company Pension Entitlement **** |
RPLVBAD0 | Capital Formation Overview |
RPUEHBD0 | Table conversion: Valuation of Pay Scales for Statistics |
RPUSTGD0 | Import municipality data |
RPUSTPDS | Personnel Number Selection for Fast Data Entry |
RPUSVAD0 | Set Recalculation Date at Time of Health Insurance Fund Changes |
RPUSVXD0 | Set from processing class 71 and cumulations 70, 71, 73 |
RPUSVXD1 | Set category and payment method for HI funds, expand SI contributions |
RPUTTAD0 | Test Tool: Compare DUEVO Messages |
RPUVBDV0 | XPRA: Set payment method capital formation/direct insurance |
SAP Package PB01 contains 24 search helps.
H_T005U_1 | Suchhilfe für Bundesland T005S |
H_T5D0P | Help view for T5D0P |
H_T5D11 | Health insurance funds |
H_T5D11_BNR | Suchhilfe für Betriebsnummern von Mitarbeiterkrankenkassen |
H_T5D11_IT | Search Help for Employee Health Insurance Companies |
H_T5D12 | Social Insurance: Reasons for Exemption |
H_T5D1K_IT | Search help for branch office |
H_T5D1Y | Social Insurance Indicator |
H_T5D2A | Help view for Tax Office Key |
H_T5D2B | Municipality key |
H_T5D2D | Help view for Tax Features D |
H_T5D2L | Help view church tax areas |
H_T5D2N | Help view T5D2N |
H_T5D3C | Help view for Workers' Compensation Associations |
H_T5D3D | Help view for Increased Risk Areas |
H_T5D3N | Entry Possibilities for the Valuation of Pay Scales |
H_T5D3O | Special Rules: Capital Formation |
H_T5D4E | DUEVO: Nationality |
H_T5D4T_BTRNR | Betriebsnummern |
H_T5D6A | Help View for Table T5D6A |
H_T5D6B | Help View for Table T5D6B |
H_T5D6C | Help View for Table T5D6C |
H_T5D6F | Help View for Table T5D6F |
H_T5DL1 | Absence Events |
SAP Package PB01 contains 3 message classes.
5D | Fehlermeldungen fuer deutsche Infotyp-Modulpools |
HRPAYDEST | Nachrichtenklasse Steuer Deutschland |
HRPAYDESV | Fehlermeldungen Abrechnung Deutschland, Sozialversicherung |
SAP Package PB01 contains 2 authorization objects.
P_ORGXX | HR: Master Data - Extended Check |
P_PERNR | HR: Master Data - Personnel Number Check |