SAP Package PBEN


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The package PBEN (Benefits) is a standard package in SAP ERP. It belongs to the parent package HRRXX.

Technical Information

Package PBEN
Short Text Benefits
Parent Package HRRXX

Function Groups

SAP Package PBEN contains 50 function groups.

3301 Extended Table Maintenance (Generated)
3302 Extended Table Maintenance (Generated)
3303 Extended Table Maintenance (Generated)
3304 Extended Table Maintenance (Generated)
3305 Extended Table Maintenance (Generated)
3306 Extended Table Maintenance (Generated)
3307 Extended Table Maintenance (Generated)
3308 Extended Table Maintenance (Generated)
3309 Extended Table Maintenance (Generated)
3310 Extended Table Maintenance (Generated)
3311 Extended Table Maintenance (Generated)
3312 Extended Table Maintenance (Generated)
3313 Extended Table Maintenance (Generated)
3314 Extended Table Maintenance (Generated)
3315 Extended Table Maintenance (Generated)
3316 Extended Table Maintenance (Generated)
0PU4 Extended Table Maintenance (Generated)
0PU5 Extended Table Maintenance (Generated)
0PU6 Extended Table Maintenance (Generated)
0PU7 Extended Table Maintenance (Generated)
0PU8 Extended Table Maintenance (Generated)
0PU9 Extended Table Maintenance (Generated)
0PUB Extended Table Maintenance (Generated)
33A1 Extended Table Maintenance (Generated)
HRBEN00CREDIT Function group for credit plans
HRBEN00DEPBENINV Function Group for Dep/Ben/Inv
HRBEN00DOCUMENT Function Group for Document Templates
HRBEN00ENROLLMENT Function Group for Enrollment
HRBEN00ERRORH Function Group for Error Processing
HRBEN00F4HELP Function Group for F4 Help
HRBEN00FEATURE Function Group for Reading Features
HRBEN00FLEXBEN Function Group for Flexben Functionality
HRBEN00FORMS Function Group for Printing Forms
HRBEN00FSA_CLAIMS Function group FSA claims
HRBEN00GENERAL Function Group for General Benefits FMs
HRBEN00HEALTH Function Group for Health Insurance
HRBEN00IDOC Function group for IDOCs
HRBEN00INSURE Function Group for Insurance
HRBEN00MISCEL Function Group for Miscellaneous Plans
HRBEN00SAVING Function Group for Savings Plans
HRBEN00SERVICE Function group for calculation of serv.
HRBEN00SPENDA Function Group for Spending Accounts
HRBEN00STOCKP Function Group for Stock Purchase Plans
HRBEN00SUBSCREENS Function group for subscreens
HRBEN00TREE Function Group for Tree Structures
HRBEN00UTILITY Function Group for General FMs
HRBENUSCOBRA Functions for COBRA Administration
HRBENUSCOBRAFORMS Functions for COBRA Form Printing
HRBENUSCOBRASPENDA Functions for COBRA Flex. Spending Accts


SAP Package PBEN contains 67 transactions.

HRBEN0000 Benefits Application Menu
HRBEN0001 Enrollment
HRBEN0003 Participation Monitor
HRBEN0004 EOI Monitor
HRBEN0005 Enrollment Form
HRBEN0006 Benefits Participation Overview
HRBEN0009 Benefits - Plan Overview
HRBEN0012 Automatic Plan Enrollment
HRBEN0013 Default Plan Enrollment
HRBEN0014 Termination of Participation
HRBEN0015 Confirmation Form
HRBEN0041 Jump from IMG into Maintenance Views
HRBEN0042 Configuration Consistency Check
HRBEN0043 Copy Benefit Area
HRBEN0044 Delete Benefit Area
HRBEN0045 Benefit Area Currency Conversion
HRBEN0046 Cost summary
HRBEN0047 Check Actual Working Hours
HRBEN0049 Currency Conversion Benef. Infotypes
HRBEN0050 Copying templates in BDS
HRBEN0051 Maintenance of templates in BDS
HRBEN0052 IDoc Data Transfer
HRBEN0053 Copy Benefit Plan
HRBEN0054 Delete Benefit Plan
HRBEN0055 Overview Adjustment Permissions
HRBEN0056 Standard Plans Overview
HRBEN0071 Eligible Employees
HRBEN0072 Participation
HRBEN0073 Health Plan Costs
HRBEN0074 Insurance Plan Costs
HRBEN0075 Savings Plan Contributions
HRBEN0076 Vesting Percentage
HRBEN0077 Changes in Benefits Elections
HRBEN0078 FSA Contributions
HRBEN0079 Change of Elibility Status
HRBEN0081 Employee Demographics
HRBEN0083 Change in general benefits
HRBEN0085 Costs/Contributions for Misc. Plans
HRBEN0086 Stock Purchase Plan Contributions
HRBEN0087 Benefit Election Analysis
HRBEN0088 Contribution Limit Check
HRBEN0089 Enrollment Statistics
HRBEN00ADJRSN Create adjustment reasons
HRBEN00ENSTATUS Status of Employee Notice
HRBEN00GENSTATUS Status of General Notice
HRBEN00RETIDOCIN Retirement plan data transfer: in.
HRBEN00RETIDOCOUT Retirement plan data transfer out
HRBEN00RETPAYCUM Payroll cumulations retirement plans
HRBEN00RETSRV Service calculation retirement plans
HRBEN00TERMSTATUS Status of Termination Notice
HRBEN00UNASTATUS Status of Unavailability Notice
HRBENUSCOB03 COBRA Participation
HRBENUSCOB06 COBRA Enrollment Form
HRBENUSCOB07 COBRA Election Period
HRBENUSCOB09 COBRA Confirmation Form
HRBENUSCOB10 COBRA Data Transfer to Provider
HRBENUSCOBERASSIS COBRA Employer Premium Assistance
HRBENUSCOBREGEND COBRA end of max. cov.cont. period
S_PH0_48000525 InfoSet Query: Benefits

Database Tables

SAP Package PBEN contains 170 database tables.

PA0167 HR Master Record: Infotype 0167 (Health Plans)
PA0168 HR Master Record: Infotype 0168 (Insurance Plans)
PA0169 HR Master Record: Infotype 0169 (Savings Plan)
PA0170 HR Master Record: Infotype 0170 (Flexible Spending Accounts)
PA0171 HR Master Record: Infotype 0171 (Gen. Benefits Information)
PA0172 HR Master Record: Infotype 0172 (FSA Claims)
PA0211 HR Master Record: Infotype 0211 (COBRA Beneficiaries)
PA0212 HR Master Record: Infotpye 0212 (COBRA Health Plan)
PA0219 HR Master Record: Infotype 0219 (External Organizations)
PA0236 HR Master Record: Infotype 0236 (Credit Plans)
PA0270 HR Master Data Record: Infotype 0270 (COBRA Payments)
PA0375 HR Master Data Record: Infotype 0375 (Add. Benefits Inform.)
PA0376 HR Master Data Record: Infotype 0376 (Medical Benefits Info)
PA0377 HR Master Record: Infotype 0377 (Miscellaneous Plans)
PA0378 HR Master Data Record: Infotype 0378 (Benefit Adj. Reason)
PA0379 HR Master Record: Infotype 0379 (Stock Purchase Plans)
PA0565 HR Master Record: Infotype 0565 (Retirement Plan Val. Res.)
PA0602 HR Master Record: Infotype 0602 (Retirement Plan Cumulation)
PA0671 HR Master Record - Infotype 0671 (COBRA Flex. Spending Acct)
T5UB1 Benefit plan type
T5UB2 Benefit plan status
T5UB3 Benefit area
T5UB4 Benefit eligibility grouping
T5UB5 Benefit cost grouping
T5UB6 Benefit Standard Health Selection
T5UB7 Benefit standard insurance selection
T5UB9 Benefit second program grouping
T5UBA Benefit plan
T5UBB Benefit health option/dependent coverage assignment
T5UBC To be deleted - no longer used!
T5UBD To be deleted - no longer used!
T5UBE Benefit Health Plan Option
T5UBF Benefit dependent coverage
T5UBG Benefit Flexible Spending Account
T5UBH Benefit cost rule variant
T5UBI Benefit cost rule
T5UBJ Benefit age group for calculating imputed income
T5UBK Benefit Salary Group
T5UBL Benefit age group
T5UBM Benefit seniority group
T5UBN Benefit investment
T5UBO Benefit investment group
T5UBP Benefits investment/investment group assignment
T5UBQ Benefit calculation factor for imputed income
T5UBR Benefit vesting rule
T5UBS Benefit vested portion
T5UBT Benefit first program grouping
T5UBU Benefit program
T5UBV Benefit eligibility rule
T5UBW Benefit provider
T5UBX To be deleted - no longer used!
T5UBY Benefits Parameter Group
T5UBZ To be deleted - no longer used!
T5UC1 Benefit plan type texts
T5UC2 Benefit plan status texts
T5UC3 Benefit area texts
T5UC4 Benefit eligibility grouping texts
T5UC5 Benefits cost grouping texts
T5UC9 Benefit Second Program Grouping Texts
T5UCA Benefit plan texts
T5UCC To be deleted - no longer used!
T5UCE Benefit health plan option texts
T5UCF Benefit dependent coverage texts
T5UCH Benefit cost rule variant texts
T5UCJ Benefit imputed income age group texts
T5UCK Benefit salary group texts
T5UCL Benefit age group texts
T5UCM Benefit seniority group texts
T5UCN Benefit investment texts
T5UCO Benefit investment group texts
T5UCR Benefit vesting rule texts
T5UCT Benefit first program grouping texts
T5UCV Benefit eligibility rules texts
T5UCX To be deleted - no longer used!
T5UCY Benefit parameter group texts
T5UD3 Benefit area currency
T5UDB COBRA beneficiary
T5UDC COBRA maximum coverage period
T5UDD COBRA administrative data
T5UDE COBRA events / personnel action assignment
T5UDF COBRA early termination reason
T5UDL Benefit receipt type
T5UDM To be deleted - no longer used!
T5UDN To be deleted - no longer used!
T5UDO Benefit credit grouping
T5UDP To be deleted - no longer used!
T5UDR To be deleted - no longer used!
T5UDS Benefit termination rule
T5UDT Benefit termination grouping
T5UDU Benefit Termination Rule Variant
T5UDV Benefit Eligibility Rule Variant
T5UEF COBRA early termination reason
T5UEL Benefit payment receipt type texts
T5UEM To be deleted - no longer used!
T5UEO Benefit credit grouping texts
T5UET Benefits Termination Type Texts
T5UEU Benefit termination rule variant texts
T5UZF COBRA Coverage Unavailability reasons
T5UZFT COBRA Coverage Unavailability Reasons
T74AA COBRA-qualified dependent/plan type assignment
T74AB COBRA dependent of qualified beneficiary
T74F1 Benefit adjustment grouping
T74F2 Benefits insurance coverage grouping
T74F3 Benefit employer contribution grouping
T74F4 Benefit employee contribution grouping
T74FA Benefit insurance plan
T74FB Benefits Coverage Rule Variant
T74FC Benefits Insurance Coverage Rule
T74FD Benefit Savings Plan
T74FE Benefit employer contribution rule variant
T74FF Benefit employer contribution rule
T74FG Benefit employee contribution rule variant
T74FH Benefit employee contribution rule
T74FI Benefit credit plan
T74FJ Benefit credit rule variant
T74FK Benefit credit rule
T74FL Benefit miscellaneous plan
T74FM Benefit Standard Savings Selection
T74FN Benefit Standard Spending Account Selection
T74FO Benefit standard credit selection
T74FP Benefit Standard Miscellaneous Selection
T74FQ Benefit standard stock purchase selection
T74FR Benefit evidence of insurability
T74FS Benefit evidence of insurability option assignment
T74FT Benefit evidence of insurability option jump assignment
T74FU Benefit combined coverage limit
T74FV Benefit combined coverage limit expression
T74FW Benefit combined contribution limit
T74FX Benefit combined contribution limit expression
T74FY Benefit prerequisite plan
T74FZ Benefit corequisite plan
T74G1 Benefit adjustment grouping text
T74G2 Benefit insurance coverage grouping texts
T74G3 Benefit employer contribution grouping texts
T74G4 Benefit employee contribution grouping texts
T74GA Benefit insurance plan texts
T74GB Benefit insurance coverage rule variant texts
T74GE Benefit employer contribution rule variant texts
T74GG Benefit employee contribution rule variant texts
T74GJ Benefit credit rule variant texts
T74GL Benefit miscellaneous plan texts
T74GU Benefit combined coverage limit text
T74GW Benefit combined contribution limit text
T74HA Benefit adjustment reason
T74HB Benefit adjustment authorization
T74HC Benefit adjustment reason/workflow event assignment
T74HD Benefit stock purchase plan
T74HE Benefit payment model assignment
T74HF Benefit Date Types for Dynamic Eligibility
T74HG Benefit Family Member Grouping
T74HH To be deleted - no longer used!
T74HI Benefit reasons for off-cycle payroll assignment
T74HJ Benefit zip code group
T74HK Benefit zip code group assignment
T74HL Benefit forms
T74HM Benefit Compensation Model
T74HN Benefits Assignment of Wage Types to Compensation Model
T74HO Benefit Equivalent Length of Service
T74HP Benefits Uniform Resource Locator (URL)
T74HQ Benefit Information on Doctor Search via Internet
T74HR Benefits Number of Dependents per Subtype
T74HS Benefit Dependent/Beneficiary Eligibility Rule Variant
T74HT Benefits Dependent/Beneficiary Eligibility Rule
T74HU COBRA Subtypes of Additional Qualified Beneficiaries
T74IA Benefit adjustment reason text
T74IG Benefits - Family Member Grouping Text
T74IJ Benefit zip code group text
T74IM Benefit Compensation Model Text
T74IP Benefits Uniform Resource Locator (URL) Text
T74IS Benefits Dependent/Beneficiary Rule Variant Text


SAP Package PBEN contains 212 views.

HRBEN00DTTYP Benefit View for Date Types with Actual Work Hours
U_17170 Benefit Plan
U_17175 Benefit Area
U_17176 Benefits plan type
U_17177 Employee grouping - benefits program 1
U_17178 Benefits Program
U_17179 Benefits eligibility provision variant
U_17180 Dependent coverage
U_17181 Benefits plan - health plan option
U_17182 Health plan option - dependent coverage - assignment
U_17184 Employee - benefits - health plan
U_17185 Employee - benefits - insurance
U_17186 Employee - benefits - savings plan
U_17187 Employee - benefits - credit plan
U_17188 Employee - benefits - flexible spending account
U_17189 Benefits plan status
U_17190 Benefits Parameter Group
U_17192 Benefits provision parameters - age group
U_17193 Benefits provision parameters - seniority group
U_17194 Benefits provision parameters - wage group
U_17195 Employee Grouping - Benefits Eligibility Provision
U_17196 Benefits eligibility provision
U_17197 Benefits cost provision variant
U_17198 Benefits cost provision
U_17199 Benefits plan - insurance option
U_27101 EE Grouping - Benefits - Employer Contribution Provision
U_27102 EE Grouping - Benefits - Employee Contribution Provision
U_27103 EE grouping - benefits - insurance option provision
U_27104 Employee grouping - benefits event type
U_27107 Employee - benefits - miscellaneous
U_27108 Benefits Plan Option - Miscellaneous
U_27109 Employer's Benefits Contribution Provision Variant
U_27110 Benefits - employee contribution provision variant
U_27111 Benefits Insurance Option Provision Variant
U_27112 Employee's benefits contribution provision
U_27113 Benefits - insurance option provision
U_27114 Employee - benefits - miscellaneous - beneficiary
U_27115 Employee - benefits - miscellaneous - item
U_27161 Standard benefits selection item - savings
U_27162 Standard Benefits Selection Item - Credit
U_27163 Standard benefits selection item - flexible spending
U_27164 Standard benefits selection item - miscellaneous
U_27169 Employee - benefits - savings plan - beneficiary
U_27170 Employee grouping - benefits cost provision
U_27171 Standard benefits selection item - insurance
U_27172 Standard benefits selection item - health plan
U_27174 Employee Grouping - Benefits Program 2
U_27175 Employee grouping - benefits credit provision
U_27176 Benefits plan - flexible spending
U_27177 Benefits Plan - Credit
U_27178 Investment
U_27179 Investment group
U_27180 Investment group - investment - assignment
U_27182 Benefits credit provision variant
U_27183 Benefits credit provision
U_27184 Employer's Benefits Contribution Provision
U_27185 Employer's Benefits Contribution Scale
U_27187 Employee grouping - benefits termination provision
U_27188 Benefits termination provision variant
U_27189 Benefits termination provision
U_27190 Benefits vesting provision
U_27191 Benefits vesting portion
U_27192 Employee - benefits - savings plan item
U_27196 Prerequired benefits plan
U_27197 Employee - general benefits information
U_27198 Employee - benefits - health plan dependent
U_27199 Employee - benefits - insurance - beneficiary
U_27267 Benefits Program Item
V_17173 Benefits Plan - Savings
V_5UB1_ESS Benefit Employee Self-Service Information on Plan Type
V_5UB3_1 Benefit Area Administrative Parameter
V_5UB3_COB Benefit area COBRA processing parameter
V_5UB3_ESS Benefit Area Parameters for ESS Scenarios
V_5UBA_1 Benefit Credit Plan General Data
V_5UBA_A Benefit Health Plan General Data
V_5UBA_B Benefit Insurance Plan General Data
V_5UBA_C Benefit Savings Plan General Data
V_5UBA_COB To be deleted - no longer used!
V_5UBA_COB_A Benefits COBRA Parameter of Health Plans
V_5UBA_COB_D Benefits COBRA Parameter of Flexible Spending Accounts
V_5UBA_D Benefit Flexible Spending Account General Data
V_5UBA_DB Benefits Assignment of Dep./Ben. Eligibility Variant
V_5UBA_E Benefit Miscellaneous Plan General Data
V_5UBA_ESS Benefit Employee Self-Service Information on Plan
V_5UBA_F Benefit Stock Purchase Plan General Data
V_5UBA_WT Benefit Plan Wage Types
V_5UBH_A Benefit Cost Variant Health Plan
V_5UBH_B Benefit Cost Variant Insurance Plan
V_5UBH_E Benefit Cost Variant Miscellaneous Plan
V_5UBI_A Benefit Cost Rule Health Plan
V_5UBI_B Benefit Cost Rule Insurance Plan
V_5UBI_E Benefit Cost Rule Miscellaneous Plan
V_5UBN_ESS Benefit Employee Self-Service Information on Investment
V_74FB_B Benefit Coverage Variant Insurance Plan
V_74FB_E Benefit Coverage Variant Miscellaneous Plan
V_74FC_B Benefit Coverage Rule Insurance Plan
V_74FC_E Benefit Coverage Rule Miscellaneous Plan
V_74FE_C Benefit Employer Contribution Variant Savings Plan
V_74FE_D Benefit Employer Contribution Variant Flex. Spending Account
V_74FE_E Benefit Employer Contribution Variant Miscellaneous Plans
V_74FE_F Benefit Employer Contribution Variant Stock Purchase Plan
V_74FF_C Benefit Employer Contribution Rule Savings Plan
V_74FF_D Benefit Employer Contribution Rule Flex. Spending Account
V_74FF_E Benefit Employer Contribution Rule Miscellaneous Plan
V_74FF_F Benefit Employer Contribution Rule Stock Purchase Plan
V_74FG_C Benefit Employee Contribution Variant Savings Plan
V_74FG_E Benefit Employee Contribution Variant Miscellaneous Plan
V_74FG_F Benefit Employee Contribution Variant Stock Purchase Plan
V_74FH_C Benefit Employee Contribution Rule Savings Plan
V_74FH_E Benefit Employee Contribution Rule Miscellaneous Plan
V_74FH_F Benefit Employee Contribution Rule Stock Purchase Plan
V_74FJ_1 Benefit Credit Variant for Credit Plan
V_74FJ_E Benefit Credit Variant for Miscellaneous Plan
V_74FK_1 Benefit Credit Rule for Credit Plan
V_74FK_E Benefit Credit Rule for Miscellaneous Plan
V_74FR_A Benefit Evidence of Insurability Health Plan
V_74FR_B Benefit Evidence of Insurability Insurance plan
V_74HB_1 Benefit Adjustment Permissions Credit Plan
V_74HB_A Benefit Adjustment Permissions Health Plan
V_74HB_B Benefit Adjustment Permissions Insurance Plan
V_74HB_C Benefit Adjustment Permissions Savings Plan
V_74HB_D Benefit Adjustment Permissions Flexible Spending Account
V_74HB_E Benefit Adjustment Permissions Miscellaneous Plan
V_74HB_F Benefit Adjustment Permissions Stock Purchase Plan
V_74HL_1 Benefit Forms for Benefit Administration
V_74HL_COB Benefit Forms for COBRA Administration
V_74HS_B Benefits Beneficiary Eligibility Rule Variant
V_74HS_D Benefits Dependent Eligibility Rule Variant
V_74HT_B Benefits Beneficiary Eligibility Rule
V_74HT_D Benefits Dependent Eligibility Rule
V_T5UB1 Benefit Plan Type
V_T5UB2 Benefit Plan Status
V_T5UB3 Benefit Area
V_T5UB4 Benefits Eligibility Grouping
V_T5UB5 Benefit Cost Grouping
V_T5UB6 Benefit Standard Health Selection
V_T5UB7 Benefit Standard Insurance Selection
V_T5UB9 Benefit Second Program Grouping
V_T5UBB Benefit Health Plan
V_T5UBE Benefit Health Plan Option
V_T5UBF Benefit Dependent Coverage
V_T5UBG Benefit Flexible Spending Account
V_T5UBJ Benefit Age Group for Calculating Imputed Income
V_T5UBK Benefit Salary Group
V_T5UBL Benefit Age Group
V_T5UBM Benefit Seniority Group
V_T5UBN Benefit Investment
V_T5UBO Benefit Investment Group
V_T5UBP Benefit Investment/Investment Group Assignment
V_T5UBQ Benefit Calculation Factor for Imputed Income
V_T5UBR Benefit Vesting Rule
V_T5UBS Benefit Vested Portion
V_T5UBT Benefit First Program Grouping
V_T5UBU Benefit Program
V_T5UBV Benefit Eligibility Rule
V_T5UBW Benefit Provider
V_T5UBY Benefits Parameter Group
V_T5UD3 Benefit Currency
V_T5UDB COBRA Beneficiary
V_T5UDC COBRA Maximum Coverage Period
V_T5UDD COBRA Administrative Data
V_T5UDE COBRA Events / Personnel Action Assignment
V_T5UDF COBRA Early Termination Reason
V_T5UDL Benefit Payment Receipt Type
V_T5UDO Benefit Credit Grouping
V_T5UDR To be deleted - no longer used!
V_T5UDS Benefit Termination Rule
V_T5UDT Benefit termination grouping
V_T5UDU Benefit Termination Rule Variant
V_T5UDV Benefit Eligibility Rule Variant
V_T5UZF COBRA Coverage Unavailability reasons
V_T74AA COBRA-Qualified Dependent/Plan Type Assignment
V_T74AB COBRA Dependent of Qualified Beneficiary
V_T74F1 Benefit Adjustment Grouping
V_T74F2 Benefit Insurance Coverage Grouping
V_T74F3 Benefit Employer Contribution Grouping
V_T74F4 Benefit Employee Contribution Grouping
V_T74FA Benefit Insurance Plan
V_T74FD Benefit Savings Plan
V_T74FI Benefit Credit Plan
V_T74FL Benefit Miscellaneous Plan
V_T74FM Benefit Standard Savings Selection
V_T74FN Benefit Standard Spending Account Selection
V_T74FO Benefit Standard Credit Selection
V_T74FP Benefit Standard Miscellaneous Selection
V_T74FQ Benefit Standard Stock Purchase Selection
V_T74FS Benefit Evidence of Insurability Option Assignment
V_T74FT Benefit Evidence of Insurability: Option Jump Assignment
V_T74FU Benefit Combined Coverage Limit
V_T74FV Benefit Combined Coverage Limit Expression
V_T74FW Benefit Combined Contribution Limit
V_T74FX Benefit Combined Contribution Limit Expression
V_T74FY Benefit Prerequisite Plan
V_T74FZ Benefit Corequisite Plan
V_T74HA Benefit Adjustment Reason
V_T74HC Benefit Adjustment Reason/Workflow Event Assignment
V_T74HD Benefit Stock Purchase Plan
V_T74HE Benefit Payment Model Assignment
V_T74HF Benefit Date Types for Dynamic Eligibility
V_T74HG Benefit Dependent/Beneficiary Group
V_T74HH To be deleted - no longer used!
V_T74HI Benefit Reasons for Off-Cycle Payroll Assignment
V_T74HJ Benefit Zip Code Group
V_T74HK Benefit Zip Code Group Assignment
V_T74HL Benefit Forms
V_T74HM Benefit Compensation Model
V_T74HN Benefits Assignment of Wage Types to Compensation Model
V_T74HO Benefit Equivalent Length of Service
V_T74HP Benefits Uniform Resource Locator (URL)
V_T74HQ Benefit Information on Doctor Search via Internet
V_T74HR Benefits Number of Dependents per Subtype
V_T74HU COBRA Subtypes of Additional Qualified Beneficiaries


SAP Package PBEN contains 235 structures.

E1BEN01 Header data
E1BEN02 Insured Person
E1BEN03 Insured Person - Administrative Data
E1BEN04 Insured Person - Personal Data
E1BEN05 Insured Person - Address Data
E1BEN06 Insured Person - Medical Data
E1BEN07 Health Plans
E1BEN08 Insured - Organizational Data
E1BEN09 Insured Person - Position
E1BEN10 Savings plans
E1BEN11 Savings Plan - Contributions
E1BEN12 Savings Plan - Investments
E1BEN13 Savings Plan - Beneficiaries
E1BEN14 Beneficiary - Person
E1BEN15 Beneficiary - Organization
E1BEN16 Beneficiary - Address
E1BEN17 Insurance plans
E1BEN18 Insurance Plan - Coverage
E1BEN19 Insurance Plan - Beneficiaries
E1BEN20 Beneficiary - Person
E1BEN21 Beneficiary - Organization
E1BEN22 Beneficiary - Address
E1BEN23 Flexible spending accounts
E1BEN24 Flexible Spending Account - Contributions
E1BEN25 Stock purchase plans
E1BEN26 Stock Purchase Plan - Contributions
E1BEN27 Stock Purchase Plan - Beneficiaries
E1BEN28 Beneficiary - Person
E1BEN29 Beneficiary - Organization
E1BEN30 Beneficiary - Address
E1BEN31 Miscellaneous Plans
E1BEN32 Miscellaneous Plan - Coverage
E1BEN33 Miscellaneous Plan - Contributions
E1BEN34 Miscellaneous Plan - Investments
E1BEN35 Miscellaneous Plan - Beneficiaries / Dependents
E1BEN36 Beneficiary / Dependent - Person
E1BEN37 Beneficiary - Organization
E1BEN38 Beneficiary / Dependent - Address
E1BENRET01 Header data
E1BENRET02 Person insured
E1BENRET03 Insured Person - Working Time
E1BENRET04 Insured Person - Absence Data
E1BENRET05 Insured Person - Retirement Plans
E1BENRET06 Retirement Plans - Cumulated Amounts
E1BENRET07 Retirement Plans - Cumulated Hours
E1BENRET08 Retirement Plans - Service
E1BENRET09 Retirement Plans - Estimated Retirement Benefits
FSA_BALANCE Individual balance for flexible spending account
HCM_BEN_ADDRESS_PDF Structure for Address and Header Information
HCM_RPUCOB_ADDRESS_PDF Common Structure for Address data for multiple COBRA forms
HCM_RPUCOB_ER_NOTICE_PDF Structure for COBRA Emplyer Notice Form (PDF)
P0167 HR Master Record: Infotype 0167 (Health Plans)
P0167_AF Addition Fields for Query Infotype 0167 Health Plan
P0168 HR Master Record: Infotype 0168 (Insurance Plans)
P0168_AF Addition Fields for Query Infotype 0168 Insurance Plan
P0169 HR Master Record: Infotype 0169 (Savings Plans)
P0169_AF Additional Fields for Query Infotype 0169 Savings Plan
P0170 HR Master Record: Infotype 0170 (Flexible Spending Accounts)
P0170_AF Additional Fields for Query 0170 Flexible Spending Account
P0171 HR Master Record: Infotype 0171 (Gen. Benefits Information)
P0171_AF Addt'l Fields for Query Infotype 0171 Gen. Benefits Inform.
P0172 HR Master Record: Infotype 0172 (FSA Claims)
P0172_AF Additional Fields for Query IT 0172 FSA Claims
P0211 HR Master Record: Infotype 0211 (COBRA Beneficiaries)
P0211_AF Additional Fields for Query Infotype 0211 COBRA Beneficiary
P0212 HR Master Record: Infotpye 0212 (COBRA Health Plan)
P0212_AF Additional Fields for Query Infotype 0212 COBRA Health Plan
P0219 HR Master Record: Infotype 0219 (External Organizations)
P0219_AF Additional Fields for Query Infotype 0219 Organization
P0236 HR Master Record: Infotype 0236 (Credit Plans)
P0236_AF Additional Fields for Query Infotype 0236 Credit Plan
P0270 HR Master Data Record: Infotype 0270 (COBRA Payments)
P0270_AF Additional Fields for Query Infotype 0270 COBRA Payments
P0375 HR Master Data Record: Infotype 0375 (Add. Benefits Inform.)
P0375_AF Additional Fields for Query for Infotype 0375 Ben. Add. Info
P0376 HR Master Data Record: Infotype 0376 (Medical Benefits Info)
P0376_AF Additional Fields for Query IT 0376 Medical Benefits Info
P0377 HR Master Record: Infotype 0377 (Miscellaneous Plans)
P0377_AF Additional Fields for Query IT 0377 Miscellaneous Plan
P0378 HR Master Data Record: Infotype 0378 (Benefit Adj. Reason)
P0378_AF Additional Fields for Query IT 0378 Benefit Adjustm. Reason
P0379 HR Master Record: Infotype 0379 (Stock Purchase Plans)
P0379_AF Additional Fields for Query IT 0379 Stock Purchase Plan
P0565 HR Master Record: Infotype 0565 (Retirement Plan Val. Res.)
P0565_AF Additional Fields: Query Infotype 0565 Ret. Plan Val. Res.
P0602 HR Master Record: Infotyp 0602 (Retirement Plan Cumulation)
P0671 HR Master Record - Infotype 0671 (COBRA Flex. Spending Acct)
P0671_AF Additional Fields - Query - Infotype 0671 (COBRA FSA)
PC27S Benefits payroll results international
PME30 Field string for feature: Benefits
PME39 Field string for feature: Benefits
PME48 Field string for feature: Benefits
PME72 Field string for feature: Benefits
PS0167 HR Master Record: Infotype 0167 (Health Plans)
PS0168 HR Master Record: Infotype 0168 (Insurance Plans)
PS0169 HR Master Record: Infotype 0169 (Savings Plan)
PS0170 HR Master Record: Infotype 0170 (Flexible Spending Accounts)
PS0171 HR Master Record: Infotype 0171 (Gen. Benefits Information)
PS0172 HR Master Record: Infotype 0172 (FSA Claims)
PS0211 HR Master Record: Infotype 0211 (COBRA Beneficiaries)
PS0212 HR Master Record: Infotpye 0212 (COBRA Health Plan)
PS0219 HR Master Record: Infotype 0219 (External Organizations)
PS0236 HR Master Record: Infotype 0236 (Credit Plans)
PS0270 HR Master Data Record: Infotype 0270 (COBRA Payments)
PS0375 HR Master Data Record: Infotype 0375 (Add. Benefits Inform.)
PS0376 HR Master Data Record: Infotype 0376 (Medical Benefits Info)
PS0377 HR Master Record: Infotype 0377 (Miscellaneous Plans)
PS0378 HR Master Data Record: Infotype 0378 (Benefit Adj. Reason)
PS0379 HR Master Record: Infotype 0379 (Stock Purchase Plans)
PS0565 HR Master Record: Infotype 0565 (Retirement Plan Val. Res.)
PS0602 HR Master Record: Infotyp 0602 (Retirement Plan Cumulation)
PS0671 HR Master Record - Infotype 0671 (COBRA Flex. Spending Acct)
Q0167 Screen Fields for Infotype 0167 (Health Plan)
Q0168 Screen Fields for Infotype 0168 (Insurance Plan)
Q0169 Screen Fields for Infotype 0169 (Savings Plan)
Q0170 Screen Fields for Infotype 0167 (Savings Plan)
Q0171 Screen Fields for Infotype 0171 (Gen. Benefits Information)
Q0172 Screen fields for infotype 0172 (FSA claim)
Q0211 Screen Fields for Infotype 0211 (COBRA Beneficiary)
Q0212 Screen Fields for Infotype 0212 (COBRA Health Plan)
Q0219 Screen Fields for Infotype 0219 (External Organization)
Q0236 Screen Fields for Infotype 0236 (Credit Plan)
Q0270 Screen Fields for Infotype 0270 (COBRA Payments)
Q0375 Screen Fields for Infotype 0375 (Add. Benefits Information)
Q0377 Screen Fields for Infotype 0377 (Miscellaneous Plans)
Q0379 Screen Fields for Infotype 0379 (Stock Purchase Plan)
Q0565 Screen Fields: Infotype 0565 (Pension scheme eval. results)
Q0602 Screen fields for infotype 0602 (pension scheme cumulations)
Q0671 Screen Fields for Infotype 0671 (COBRA Flex. Spending Acct)
Q5UB0 Benefit screen rields for view maintenance
RPBEN_CONTRIB_LIMITS Benefit limits for employee contribution
RPBEN_CONTRIBUTIONS Benefit employee contribution
RPBEN_D1 Benefit display of credit plans
RPBEN_DA Benefit display of health plans
RPBEN_DB Benefit display of insurance plans
RPBEN_DC Benefits display of savings plans
RPBEN_DD Benefit display of flexible spending accounts
RPBEN_DE Benefit dispay of miscellaneous plans
RPBEN_DF Benefit display of stock purchase plans
RPBEN_FAMILY_MEMBER_DATA Benefits - Family Member Data
RPBEN_ICON Benefit Structure for FM Interface
RPBEN_O1 Benefit offer for credit plans
RPBEN_OA Benefit offer for health plans
RPBEN_OB Benefit offer for insurance plans
RPBEN_OC Benefit offer for savings plans
RPBEN_OD Benefit offer for flexible spending accounts
RPBEN_OE Benefit offer for miscellaneous plans
RPBEN_OF Benefit offer for stock purchase plans
RPBEN_PAY_CUMUL_RESULTS Cumulated Payroll Results
RPBEN_RPLBEN01 Structure for Report RPLBEN01
RPBEN_RPLBEN02 Structure for Report RPLBEN02
RPBEN_RPLBEN03 Structure for Report RPLBEN03
RPBEN_RPLBEN04 Structure for Report RPLBEN04
RPBEN_RPLBEN05 Structure for Report RPLBEN05
RPBEN_RPLBEN06 Structure for Report RPLBEN06
RPBEN_RPLBEN08 Structure for Report RPLBEN08
RPBEN_RPLBEN09 Structure for Report RPLBEN09
RPBEN_RPLBEN13 Structure for Report RPLBEN09
RPBEN_RPLBEN15 Structure for Report RPLBEN15
RPBEN_RPLBEN16 Structure for Report RPLBEN16
RPBEN_RPLBEN18 Structure for Report RPLBEN18
RPBEN_S1 Benefit choice for credit plans
RPBEN_SA Benefit choice for health plans
RPBEN_SB Benefit choice for insurance plans
RPBEN_SC Benefit choice for saving plans
RPBEN_SD Benefit choice for flexible spending accounts
RPBEN_SE Benefit selection for miscellaneous plans
RPBEN_SF Benefit selection for stock purchase plans
RPBENACTIO Benefit structure for reactions to adjustment reasons
RPBENAHR Benefit Reference Period for Dynamic Eligibility
RPBENBNF Benefit repeat structure for beneficiaries
RPBENBPCAT Benefits Category
RPBENCBF Benefit Repeat Structure for Contingency Beneficiaries
RPBENCRQ Benefit Corequisite Plans
RPBENDBF Benefit beneficiary (for display)
RPBENDCL Benefit Display FSA Claims
RPBENDDP Benefit dependent (for display)
RPBENDEP Benefit repeat structure for dependent
RPBENDIV Benefit investments (for display)
RPBENDOCUMENT Benefit information for document template
RPBENDPR Benefit Display Valuation Results for Retirement Plans
RPBENEEDAT Benefit reference structure for function modules
RPBENENROLL Benefit structure for screen fields for enrollment
RPBENERR Benefit structure for error table
RPBENERR_BPLAN Benefit structure for error table with plan
RPBENEVENT Benefit adjustment reasons
RPBENFIELDS Benefit structur for fields
RPBENFORM_HEADER Benefit header information for form generation
RPBENFORMS_OFFICEINT Benefit Office form assigned to person
RPBENFORMS_SAPSCRIPT Benefit SAPscript form assigned to person
RPBENIDOC_CATEG Benefits - Relevant Categories for IDoc
RPBENIDOC_EVENT obsolete: Benefit IDOC event
RPBENINV Benefits repeat structure for investments
RPBENINV_PCT Benefit repeat Ssructure investments (percentages only)
RPBENMEMORY Saving personnel number lists
RPBENOBF Benefit beneficiaries (for offer)
RPBENODP Benefit dependent (for offer)
RPBENOFFER Benefit structure for lower level of benefits offer
RPBENOFFERTREE Hide structure for offer date
RPBENOIV Benefit investments (for offer)
RPBENPERNR Benefit Structure for Error Log Display
RPBENPERSONFORMS List of Persons (for Form Printout)
RPBENPERSONLIST Person List (for Tree Display)
RPBENPERSONSTATUS Person List (for Tree Display)
RPBENRETCMHRS Benefit Cumulated Working Hours Relevant to Retirement Plan
RPBENRETIDOC_RECEIVED_DATA Benefit Data Received from TPA for Retirement Plans
RPBENRETPLAN Benefit Relevant Retirement Plan
RPBENRPT01 Benefit program-specific fields
RPBENSBF Benefit beneficiary (for choice)
RPBENSCL Benefit Selection for FSA Claims
RPBENSDP Benefit dependent (for choice)
RPBENSIV Benefit investments (for choice)
RPBENSUBSCRIBER Benefit subscriber
RPBENSUBSCRIBER_DATES Benefit subscriber data
RPBENTREEITEM Item structure for tree control
RPBENTREEITEM_U Item Structure for Changes in Tree Control
RPBENTREEITEMUPDATE Item structure for tree control (update)
RPCOBDEPEND COBRA Dependent of a Beneficiary Reference Structure
RPCOBDYNP Benefit screen fields: personal data for COBRA beneficiaries
RPCOBEVENT COBRA reference structure for qualifying events
RPCOBLET01 Benefit text variables for COBRA correspondence
RPCOBPLTYPE COBRA Reference Structure for Relevant Plan Type
RPCOBQBDAT COBRA reference structure for function modules
RPCOBTARGET COBRA Reference Structure for FSA Target Amounts
RPLBEN07_ALV Header Structure for Output of Report RPLBEN07
RPLBEN07_ALV1 Output Structure for Report RPLBEN07
RPLBEN11_ALV Output Structure for Report RPLBEN11
RPLBEN11_ALV1 Output Structure for Report RPLBEN11
RPUBEN46_ALV Structure for RPUBEN46
RPUBEN46_ALV1 2nd Structure for Output of Report RPUBEN46_ALV
RPUCOB01_ALV1 Output Structure for Report RPUCOB01
RPUCOB01_ALV2 Output Structure for Report RPUCOB01


SAP Package PBEN contains 91 programs.

MP016700 Module Pool: Infotype 0167 Benefits Health Plans
MP016800 Module Pool: Infotype 0168 Benefits Insurance Plans
MP016900 Module Pool: Infotype 0169 Benefits Savings Plans
MP017000 Module Pool: Infotype 0170 Benefits Flexible Spending Accounts
MP017100 Module Pool: Infotpye 0171 General Benefits Information
MP017200 Module Pool: Infotype 0172 FSA Claims
MP021100 Module Pool: Infotpye 0211 COBRA Beneficiaries
MP021200 Module Pool: Infotype 0212 Benefits COBRA Health Plans
MP021900 Module Pool: Infotype 0219 External Organizations
MP023600 Module Pool: Infotype 0236 Benefits Credit Plans
MP027000 Module Pool: Infotype 0270 COBRA Payments
MP037500 Module Pool: Infotype 0375 HCE Information (US)
MP037600 Module Pool: Infotype 0376 Benefits Medical Information
MP037700 Module Pool Infotype 0377: Benefits Miscellaneous Plans
MP037800 Module Pool: Infotype 0378 Adjustment Reasons
MP037900 Module Pool: Infotype 0379 Stock Purchase Plans
MP056500 Module Pool: Infotype 0565 Retirement Plan Valuation Results
MP060200 Module Pool: Infotype 0602 Retirement Plan Cumulations
MP067100 Module Pool: Infotype 0671 COBRA Flexible Spending Accounts
RPLBEN01 Eligible Employees
RPLBEN02 Participation
RPLBEN03 Health Plan Costs
RPLBEN04 Insurance Plan Costs
RPLBEN05 Savings Plan Contributions
RPLBEN06 Vesting percentage
RPLBEN07 Changes in Benefits Elections
RPLBEN08 FSA Contributions
RPLBEN09 Change of eligibility status
RPLBEN11 Employee Demographics
RPLBEN13 Changes in Default Values for General Benefits Information
RPLBEN15 Costs/Contributions for Miscellaneous Plans
RPLBEN16 Stock Purchase Plan Contributions
RPLBEN17 Benefit Election Analysis
RPLBEN18 Contribution Limit Check
RPLBEN19 Enrollment Statistics
RPLCOBREGEND End of Maximum Coverage Continuation Period for COBRA
RPLFSA01 Flexible Spending Account: List of Account Balances
RPU40A06 XPRA HR Benefits: Fill new currency table and currency fields
RPU40A07 XPRA HR Benefits: Convert insurance plans and coverage variants
RPU40A08 XPRA HR Benefits: Convert credit plans and credit variants
RPU40A09 XPRA HR Benefits: Convert savings plans, ER contribution rule
RPU40A10 XPRA HR Benefits: Convert savings plans, payment frequency
RPU40A11 XPRA HR Benefits: Enter relevancy indicator in T5UBA
RPU40A12 XPRA HR Benefits: Fill new infotypes 0375 and 0376 and 0171
RPU47001 Benefits - XPRA for Customizing of Dependent/Beneficiary Elgibility
RPUBEN05 Print Enrollment Form
RPUBEN09 Overview of Benefit Plans
RPUBEN15 Print Confirmation Form
RPUBEN41 View Maintenance Jump From IMG
RPUBEN42 Benefit Configuration Consistency Check
RPUBEN43 Copy Benefit Area
RPUBEN44 Delete Benefit Area
RPUBEN45 Currency Conversion in a Benefit Area
RPUBEN46 Plan Cost Summary
RPUBEN47 Dynamic Eligibility Check
RPUBEN49 Currency Conversion of Benefits Infotype Records
RPUBEN50 Copying Templates in BDS
RPUBEN51 Maintenance of Templates in BDS
RPUBEN52 IDoc Data Transfer
RPUBEN53 Copy Benefit Plan
RPUBEN54 Delete Benefit Plan
RPUBEN55 Adjustment Permission Overview
RPUBEN56 Standard Plans Overview
RPUBEN62 Group Enrollment
RPUBENADJRSN Mass Generation of Adjustment Reasons
RPUBENEOIM Evidence of Insurability
RPUBENGENSTATUS COBRA General Notice Print Status
RPUBENOVIEW Overview of Employee Benefits
RPUBENPARTM Participation Monitor
RPUBENRETIDOCIN Transfer of Data for Retirement Plans: Inbound
RPUBENRETIDOCOUT Transfer of Retirement Plan Data: Outbound
RPUBENRETSRV Calculation of Length of Service for Retirement Plans
RPUBENSELEE Employee Selection
RPUBENTERM Stop participation
RPUCOB01 Collection of Qualifying COBRA Events
RPUCOB02 Processing of Qualifying COBRA Events and Letters
RPUCOB03 COBRA Participation
RPUCOB05 COBRA Cost Summary
RPUCOB06 COBRA Form Printing
RPUCOB07 COBRA Election Period Monitor
RPUCOB08 COBRA Invoice Printing
RPUCOB09 COBRA Employer Premium Assistance Report
RPUCOB10 IDoc Data Transfer
RPUCOBENSTATUS COBRA Employe Notice Status Report
RPUCOBOVERDUE COBRA Overdue Payments Monitor
RPUFSA01 FSAs: Administration and Balancing
RPUFSA02 FSAs: Individual Account Balance

Search Helps

SAP Package PBEN contains 1 search helps.

HRBEN00DTTYP Benefit search help for date types for actual working hours

Message Classes

SAP Package PBEN contains 14 message classes.

HRBEN00FEATURES Fehlermeldungen für ArbgLeistungen - Merkmale
HRBEN00FMODULES Fehlermeldungen für ArbgLeistungen - Funktionsbausteine
HRBEN00FORMS Fehlermeldungen für ArbgLeistungen - Formulargenerierung
HRBEN00IDOC Fehlermeldungen für ArbgLeistungen - Datenübertragung (IDOC)
HRBEN00INFOTYPES Fehlermeldungen für ArbgLeistungen - Infotypen
HRBEN00LISTREPORTS Fehlermeldungen für ArbgLeistungen - Listreports
HRBEN00SERVICE Fehlermeldungen für ArbgLeistungen - Dienstzeitberechnung
HRBEN00TABLEREADS Fehlermeldungen für ArbgLeistungen - Tabellenleseroutinen
HRBEN00TOOLREPORTS Fehlermeldungen für ArbgLeistungen - Werkzeuge
HRBEN00TREEREPORTS Fehlermeldungen für ArbgLeistungen - Baumdarstellungen
HRBEN00USEREXITS Fehlermeldungen für ArbgLeistungen - User Exits
HRBEN00VIEWS Fehlermeldungen für ArbgLeistungen - Views
HRBENUSCOBRA Fehlermeldungen für ArbgLeistungen - COBRA (US)
HRBENUSUSEREXITS Fehlermeldungen für ArbgLeistungen - User Exits (US)

Authorization Objects

SAP Package PBEN contains 1 authorization objects.

P_BEN HR: Benefit Area