SAP Table T74FH

Benefit employee contribution rule

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The table T74FH (Benefit employee contribution rule) is a standard table in SAP ERP. It belongs to the package PBEN.

Technical Information

Table T74FH
Short Text Benefit employee contribution rule
Package PBEN
Table Type Transparent Table

Fields for Table T74FH

Field Name Key Description Data Element Type Length Check Table
BAREA Benefit area BEN_AREA CHAR 2 T5UB3
EECON Benefit Employee Contribution Rule Variant BEN_EECON CHAR 4 T74FG
SALGR Benefit salary group BEN_SALGR CHAR 4 T5UBK
AGEGR Benefit age group BEN_AGEGR CHAR 4 T5UBL
LOSGR Benefit seniority group BEN_LOSGR CHAR 4 T5UBM
EECGR Benefit employee contribution grouping BEN_EECGR CHAR 4 T74F4
AMTOK Benefit Indicator: Contribution Type 'Amount' Allowed BEN_AMTOK CHAR 1
PCTOK Benefit Indicator: Contribution Type 'Percentage' Allowed BEN_PCTOK CHAR 1
UNTOK Benefit indicator contribution type allowed for contr. unit BEN_UNTOK CHAR 1
PREOK Benefit indicator pre-tax contributions allowed BEN_PREOK CHAR 1
PSTOK Benefit indicator post-tax contributions allowed BEN_PSTOK CHAR 1
BPROK Benefit pre-tax contributions are allowed for bonus BEN_BPROK CHAR 1
BPTOK Benefit post-tax contributions allowed for bonus BEN_BPTOK CHAR 1
CMINA Benefit minimum amount for pre-tax contribution BEN_CMINA CURR 13
CMAXA Benefit maximum pre-tax contribution amount BEN_CMAXA CURR 13
PMINA Benefit minimum amount for post-tax contribution BEN_PMINA CURR 13
PMAXA Benefit maximum amount for post-tax contribution BEN_PMAXA CURR 13
BCMIA Benefit minimum amount for pre-tax contribution for bonus BEN_BCMIA CURR 13
BCMAA Benefit maximum amount for pre-tax contribution for bonus BEN_BCMAA CURR 13
BPMIA Benefit minimum amount for post-tax contribution for bonus BEN_BPMIA CURR 13
BPMAA Benefit maximum amount for post-tax contribution for bonus BEN_BPMAA CURR 13
CMINP Benefit minimum percentage for pre-tax contribution BEN_CMINP DEC 5
CMAXP Benefit maximum percentage for pre-tax contribution BEN_CMAXP DEC 5
PMINP Benefit minimum percentage for post-tax contribution BEN_PMINP DEC 5
PMAXP Benefit maximum percentage for post-tax contribution BEN_PMAXP DEC 5
BCMIP Benefit minimum percentage for pre-tax contribution bonus BEN_BCMIP DEC 5
BCMAP Benefit maximum percentage for pre-tax contribution bonus BEN_BCMAP DEC 5
BPMIP Benefit minimum percentage post-tax contribution for bonus BEN_BPMIP DEC 5
BPMAP Benefit maximum percentage post-tax contribution for bonus BEN_BPMAP DEC 5
CMINU Benefit minimum number of units for pre-tax contribution BEN_CMINU DEC 9
CMAXU Benefit maximum number of units for pre-tax contribution BEN_CMAXU DEC 9
PMINU Benefit minimum number of units for post-tax contribution BEN_PMINU DEC 9
PMAXU Benefit maximum number of units post-tax contribution BEN_PMAXU DEC 9
BCMIU Benefit minimum number of units for pre-tax contr. for bonus BEN_BCMIU DEC 9
BCMAU Benefit maximum number of units for pre-tax contr. bonus BEN_BCMAU DEC 9
BPMIU Benefit minimum number of units for post-tax contr. bonus BEN_BPMIU DEC 9
BPMAU Benefit maximum number of units post-tax contr. for bonus BEN_BPMAU DEC 9
LIMIT Benefit maximum pre-tax contribution per annum BEN_PRELIM CURR 13
PTLIM Benefit annual maximum post-tax contribution BEN_PTLIM CURR 13
TLLIM Benefit annual maximum contribution total BEN_TLLIM CURR 13
EECRL Benefit rounding rule BEN_ROUNDR CHAR 1
EECRN Benefit rounding divisor BEN_ROUNDD CURR 13