
SAP Package PMEX

PM: Extraction of Release-independent Objects

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The package PMEX (PM: Extraction of Release-independent Objects) is a standard package in SAP ERP. It belongs to the parent package PI-BIW.

Technical Information

Package PMEX
Short Text PM: Extraction of Release-independent Objects
Parent Package PI-BIW

Function Groups

SAP Package PMEX contains 4 function groups.

0PMEX Extended Table Maintenance (Generated)
PMER Reading Modules for Init. Data BW-PM/CS
PMEX PM/CS: Extraction (any release)
PMRE PM/CS: Retraction (only as of 5.0)

Database Tables

SAP Package PMEX contains 7 database tables.

MC17I30HDRSETUP Store BW reconstruction for MC17I30HDR (Order)
MC17I30OPRSETUP Store BW Reconstruction for MC17I30OPR (Process)
TEQUI_HIER Definition of Hierarchies for Equipment
TFUNCT_LOC_HIER Definition of Hierarchies for Functional Locations
TPM_C05 Extraction Parameters:Task List/Maintenance Plan (as of 5.0)


SAP Package PMEX contains 9 views.

BIW_0PM_MAINTP_T BW Extraction View for Maintenance Item Text
BIW_0PM_TASKL_T BW Extraction View for Task List Text
BW_0CS_ORDER BW: Extraction View of CS Order
BW_0PM_ORDER BW: Extraction View of Maintenance Order
EQUI_HIER Equipment - Without Superior Equipment (HEQUI = SPACE)
IFLOS_HIER Functional Locations - W/O Higher-Level Functional Location
IFLOT_HIER Functional Locations - W/O Higher-Level Functional Location
V_EQUI_HIER Definition of Hierarchies for Equipment
V_FUNCT_LOC_HIER Definition of Hierarchies for Functional Locations


SAP Package PMEX contains 54 structures.

BWE_0PM_MAINTP_T BW Extraction Structure for Maintenance Item Text
BWE_0PM_MAINTPOS BW Extraction Structure for Maintenance Item
BWE_0PM_ORDER PM-BW Master Data: Extraction Structure for the Order
BWE_0PM_ORDER_T PM-BW: Text Extraction View for the PM Order
BWE_0PM_TASKL_T BW Extraction Structure of Task List Text
BWE_0PM_TASKLIST BW Extraction Structure for Task List
BWE_EQKT QM/PM/CS-BW Extraction Structure for the Equipment Text
BWE_EQUI PM-BW Master Data: Extraction Structure for Equipment
BWE_IFLOT QM/PM/CS-BW Extraction Structure for the Technical Location
BWE_IFLOTX QM/PM/CS-BW Extraction Structure Text of Technical Location
BWE_MCB_RETRACT MCB: Table Structure for Retraction
BWE_T024I PM-BW: Maintenance Planner Group Extraction Structure Text
BWE_T353I_T PM-BW: Extract Structure Maintenance Activity Type - Text
BWE_T370C_T PM-BW Master Data: Extract. Structure for ABC Key Fig. Texts
BWE_T370F_T PM-BW: Extraction Structure Type of Technical Location Text
BWE_T370K_T PM-BW Master Data: Extract. Structure for Equip. Type Texts
BWE_T499S QM/PM/CS-BW Location Text Extraction Structure
EQIHIENODE PM-BW: Interface for Nodes of Equipment Hierarchy
EQIHIERSEL PM-BW: Interface for Requested Equipment Hierarchies
MC17I30HDR PM-BW Extraction: Order
MC17I30OPR Extraction PM-BW: Order Process
MC17I31HDR LIS-BW: Plant Maintenance Order
MC17I31OPR LIS-BW: Characteristics from Order Header
MC17I32OPR LIS-BW: Process Data from Plant Maintenance Order
MCAFIH_ADMIN Comm. structure: Order header: Local timestamp
MCAFIH_CHAR CommStructure: Order - characteristics (general)
MCAFIH_CHAR_CUST Comm. structure: Order - chars: Service sales data
MCAFIH_CHAR_PMCS Comm. structure: Order - chars: common chars PM/CS
MCAFIH_CHAR_REG Comm. structure: Order - chars: maintenance acc. to schedule
MCAFIH_KYF Comm. structure: Order - Key Figures
MCAFIH_SYSTEM Comm. structure: Order - tmestamp system
MCAFIHB Order with Reversal Flag
MCILOA_CHAR Comm. structure: Location and account assignment (PM/CS)
MCQMEL_CHAR_PMCS Communication Structure: Notif.- Chars Reference to Service
MCVGIH Order process PM/CS
MCVGIH_CHAR Comm. structure: Order - characteristics (general)
MCVGIH_KEY Comm. structure: Order process - key figures
MCVGIHB Process with cancellation flag
PMCS_BW_ORDERS Ranges for order number
PRMCOLL Structure for All Cost Tables - MCB Extractor
PRMCOLL_ZT Row Data for Data from Task List - MCB Extractor
PRMEXT Structure for External Work - MCB Extractor
PRMEXT_ZT Row Type for External Work - MCB Extractor
PRMGMKZ_ZT Row Type for External Work - MCB Extractor
PRMINT Structure for Internal Work - MCB Extractor
PRMINT_ZT Row Type for Internal Work - MCB Extractor
PRMLSTG Structure for Services - MCB Extractor
PRMLSTG_ZT Row Type for Services - MCB Extractor
PRMMAT Structure for Material - MCB Extractor
PRMMAT_ZT Row Type for Material - MCB Extractor
PRMPLCS BW Extraction Structure for PM Planned Costs
TPLHIENODE Interface: Elements of Hierarchy Technical Location
TPLHIERSEL Interface: Requested Technical Location Hierarchies


SAP Package PMEX contains 3 programs.

RMBWV317 BW V3 Updating, Application 17: Plant Maintenance
RMCINEBW Reconstruct BW Structures in Plant Maintenance
RMCSNEBW Reconstruction of BW Structures in Customer Service

Search Helps

SAP Package PMEX contains 4 search helps.

IFLSTOP Coll. Srch Help Highest Func. Locs - with/w.o Altern. Label
IFLTOP_MAK Highest Functional Locations - WITH Altern. Labeling (MAK)
IFLTOP_OAK Highest Functional Locations - W/O Altern. Labeling (OAK)

Message Classes

SAP Package PMEX contains 1 message classes.

IBW Nachrichten zur PM Extraktion