
SAP Package SCSC

R/3 Customizing Tools

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The package SCSC (R/3 Customizing Tools) is a standard package in SAP ERP. It belongs to the parent package BASIS.

Technical Information

Package SCSC
Short Text R/3 Customizing Tools
Parent Package BASIS

Function Groups

SAP Package SCSC contains 12 function groups.

0CUS IMG Attributes: Table Maintenance
0OBJ Objects
SCHL Provide Objects For Maint. From Help
SIMG Attributes Of A Customizing Object
SIMH F4 Function modules in customizing
SIPA IMG connection to ASAP
SIPR IMG Projects: Initial screen
SST0 ===> Object STATUS , Generated By
SST1 Status
SST2 Project analysis IMG
SST3 Save screen values
SVGM R/3 Procedure Model


SAP Package SCSC contains 7 transactions.

0000 Dialog Box for Customizing
O984 Customizing doc converter program
SPRM Current Customizing
SST0 Project Analysis in Customizing
SST7 Complex Analysis
SVGM SAP R/3 Procedure Model
SVGS View for activity in Procedure Model

Database Tables

SAP Package SCSC contains 56 database tables.

CUSAB IMG attribute table: Industry sector settings
CUSAC IMG attribute table: Customer data
CUSAC1 Customer attribute 1
CUSAC1T Check table for customer attribute 1
CUSAC2 Customer attribute 2
CUSAC2T Check table for customer attribute 2
CUSAC3 Customer attribute 3
CUSAC3T Check table for customer attribute 3
CUSADP Default project and other standard settings in Customizing
CUSAH IMG attribute table: SAP data
CUSAL IMG attribute table: Country settings
CUSAMEN Assignment of activity to menu
CUSAMENT Texts: Assignment of activity to menu
TCUS_XREF Cross reference for objects in IMG projects
TCUSGLOBAL Global Switches for Customizing
TCUSINF Customizing hot news list
TCUSINFT Customizing hot news title
TCUSINFU List of hot news already read by user
TCUSNOTES Old activity -> new activity assignment
TCUSPT Customizing: Implementation project profile
TCUSPXREF Relevant projects for where-used list
TCUSQ Customizing: Assignment of note type to project
TCUSR Assignment of view to project
TCUSU User-specific customizing name
TIMG1 Status Fields for Customizing Transaction
TIMG2 Resource Allocation for IMG Transaction
TIMG3 Status Definition for Status Administration
TIMG4 Status Field Descriptions
TNODEIMG Node table for the new IMG
TNODEIMGR References for the new IMG
TNODEIMGT General Structure Storage Node Names
TREEROAD Roadmap definition table
TROADMAP Entity table for Roadmap nodes
TROADMAPIR Assignment of Info Repository objects to the R/3 Roadmap
TROADMAPT Text table for Roadmap nodes
TROADMAPVM Assignment of R/3 Roadmap nodes to R/3 ProcModel packages
TSTATACT IMG status activities
TSTATC Selection specifications for a project
TSTATCE Selection specifications
TSTATCP Assignment of selection to project and activity
TSTATCT Selection field text
TSTATH Status fields for an activity in a project
TSTATHT Texts for an activity in a project
TSTATPP Problem numbers for project and activity
TSTATR Project Resources
TSTATRE Resource specifications
TSTATRP Resource assignment to project and activity
TSTATRT Resources text
TSTATS Status specifications for a project
TSTATSE Status specifications
TSTATST Status specification text
TVARH Header entries for screen variants
TVARIND Save screen variants
VORINDX Procedure model data buffer
VORMT Texts for Assignment to the Procedure Model
VORMZ Assignment to the Procedure Model


SAP Package SCSC contains 3 views.

H_DSYBA List of non-global note types
V_DSYBA List of global note types
V_TROADMVM Link between R/3 Roadmap and R/3 ProcModel work package


SAP Package SCSC contains 35 structures.

CUSASTRUC IMG attributes: Fields for screens
HLP_DOC Structure for displaying proj. doc. in project analysis (F4)
HLP_PRO Structure For Displaying Projects In Project Analysis (F4)
HLP_RES Structure For Displaying Resources In Project Analysis (F4)
HLP_SEL Structure For Displaying Selection In Project Analysis (F4)
HLP_STA Structure For Displaying Status In Project Analysis (F4)
HLP_VIW Project analysis view display structure (F4)
IMGCROSS Structure for IMG Reference
IMGREF Cross ref. of IMG activities with table intersections
ISTAT Status: Fields for screens
ITCUSPT Interface for function module
ITSTATDP Project doc. assignment to project and activity
ITSTATDS Project analysis transfer structure (note types)
ITSTATH FM interface of IMG status information
ITSTATHIER IMG Hierarchy in Project Analysis
ITSTATHT FM interface of IMG status information with text
ITSTATLIST Project Analysis
ITSTATRS Project analysis transfer structure (Ressource)
ITSTATSLS Project analysis transfer structure (Selection field)
ITSTATSS Project analysis transfer structure (Status)
ITSTATVIEW Project analysis: Assignment Project - View
ITSTATVS Project analysis transfer structure (Views)
SCHL_AT Object Maintenance: IMG and Customizing Activities
SCHL_CA Object Maintenance: Customizing Activities
SIMGSCR Fields for Group SIMG screens
SIPRSCR Fields for Group SAPLSIPR screens
T005_HELP F4 help structure for country table T005
TCUS_WF Data transfer: Workflow with multi-use of object
TCUSP_HELP F4 help structure for TCUSP
TSTAT_ACT Function module 'STAT_TRANSMISSION' structure
TSTATR_HLP Resources Help structure
VORMZ_HELP F4 help structure for procedure model
VTSTATCP Change document structure, generated by RSSCD000
VTSTATPP Change document structure, generated by RSSCD000
VTSTATRP Change document structure, generated by RSSCD000


SAP Package SCSC contains 28 programs.

CUSTES10 Check report: Find date fields in Customizing tables
CUSTES11 Clean-up report for programs generated with CUSTES10 /termination only
RSATTRIN Quick attribute capture table CUSAH
RSCHIMG2 Check: Are only SIMGs at the lowest IMG level
RSCHIMG3 Test report: Is there an SIMG at a higher level
RSCHIMG4 Check: are all SIMGs attributed (Table CUSAH)
RSIMG_COLLECT Collection of all the parts of an IMG structure in one object list
RSIMG022 Call Routines for Table Comparison
RSIMG024 Transfer selection fields / notes to local project
RSIMGASAP Generation of Project IMG views for ASAP
RSLOSTNO Reassignment of Release 2.X and 3.0 Notes
RSNOTERS Conversion of notes RTF -> SAPscript
RSNOTESR Conversion of notes SAPscript -> RTF
RSOBJSUB Table OBJSUBT: Comparison for DE<->EN translation
RSSTATDE Status: Deletion of activity data
RSTN0000 Popup for Transaction 0000
RSTSTAT0 Status: Copying Data From Old Tables To New Tables
RSTSTAT2 Structure and View comments
RSTSTAT4 Project analysis
RSTSTAT5 Project analysis
RSTSTAT6 Project analysis
RSTSTAT7 Project analysis
RSTSTAT8 Project analysis
RSTSTAT9 Project analysis
RSVGMOD2 Go From The Procedure Model To The Work Package View
RSVGMODL R/3 Customizing Procedure Model
SAPMSIGP PC Interface for Project Structure Data (MPX Format)
SAPMSST1 Project Analysis for CATT/IMG Projects

Search Helps

SAP Package SCSC contains 1 search helps.

H_DSYBA List of non-global note types

Message Classes

SAP Package SCSC contains 2 message classes.

OZ Customizing Basistools
SI Implementation Guide - Statusverwaltung

Authorization Objects

SAP Package SCSC contains 3 authorization objects.

S_IMG_ACTV IMG: Authorization to perform functions in IMG
S_IMG_GENE IMG: Authorization to Generate the Enterprise IMG
S_PRO_AUTH IMG: New authorizations for projects