

Engineering Client Viewer for 2D/3D objects

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The package SECLVIEWER (Engineering Client Viewer for 2D/3D objects) is a standard package in SAP ERP. It belongs to the parent package BASIS.

Technical Information

Short Text Engineering Client Viewer for 2D/3D objects
Parent Package BASIS

Function Groups

SAP Package SECLVIEWER contains 1 function groups.


Database Tables

SAP Package SECLVIEWER contains 3 database tables.

ECLSTAMPS Table of All Existing Stamps for ECL Viewer
ECLSTCATS Categories of Redlining Stamps for 2D ECL Viewer
ECLUSERS Linking Users and Stamps of the ECL Viewer


SAP Package SECLVIEWER contains 2 structures.

CALIB Calibration of redlinings
METLINE Meta Data of Documents: Attribute - Value Pair


SAP Package SECLVIEWER contains 3 programs.

SAP_ECLVIEWER_2D ECL 2D Viewer demo program
SAP_ECLVIEWER_3D ECL 3D Viewer demo program
SAP_ECLVIEWER_BOX Demo Program for Generating the ECL Viewer in the Dialog Box Container

Message Classes

SAP Package SECLVIEWER contains 1 message classes.

ECLVIEWER Nachrichtenklasse für den ECL Viewer (EAI Verschalung)

Authorization Objects

SAP Package SECLVIEWER contains 3 authorization objects.

S_ECL_CAT ECL Viewer: Authorization Object for Stamp Categories
S_ECL_STP ECL Viewer: Authorization Object for Printing with Meta Data
S_ECL_STP2 ECL Viewer: Authorization Object for Printing with Meta Data