This bundle contains Amazon Fire TV Stick Lite and Mission USB Power Cable. The USB power cable eliminates the need to find an AC outlet near your TV by powering Amazon Fire TV directly from your TV's USB port. Includes special power management circuitry that enhances the peak power capability of the USB port by storing excess energy and then releasing it as needed.
Check it out on →The package STRQ (R/3 translation memory) is a standard package in SAP ERP. It belongs to the parent package BASIS.
Package | STRQ |
Short Text | R/3 translation memory |
Parent Package | BASIS |
SAP Package STRQ contains 12 function groups.
STQ2 | R/3 Proposal Pool: Elementary Functions |
STQ3 | R/3 Proposal Pool: Complex FMs |
STQ4 | TRM: Similar texts search in TRM |
STQ5 | R/3 Translation Memory: Export & Import |
STQ6 | R/3 Translation Memory: Run Administratn |
STQ7 | TRM: Communication with terminology |
STQ8 | TRM: Proposal pool statistics |
STQ9 | TRM: General Functions |
STQA | R/3 Proposal Pool: Abbreviations |
STQE | R/3 Translation Memory: Editor |
STQP | R/3 Proposal Pool: Maintenance |
STQU | R/3 Proposal Pool: Updates |
SAP Package STRQ contains 19 database tables.
TRM020 | Storage for R/3 Proposal Pool Texts <= 20 Characters |
TRM040 | Storage for R/3 Proposal Pool Texts <= 40 Characters |
TRM060 | Storage for R/3 Proposal Pool Texts <= 60 Characters) |
TRM080 | Storage for R/3 Proposal Pool Texts <= 80 characters |
TRM255 | Storage for R/3 Proposal Pool Texts <= 255 characters |
TRMABB | Abbreviations Table of R/3 Proposal Pool |
TRMAUT | Table for Storing the Parameters for Automatic Distribution |
TRMCOM | Remark Table for the Proposal Pool |
TRMFDIR | TRM Table for Storing the Directory for Reorganization, etc. |
TRMFRFC | Repository for fuzzy search-dependent systems |
TRMIDX | Log Entries for TRM Processing Runs |
TRMINT | Link Table of R/3 Proposal Pool |
TRMMAPP | User values storage table |
TRMOIX | TRM: Object identifier - object assignments |
TRMSTA | TRM: TRM statistics table |
TRMSTMA | Values of Settings for Screens in Transaction STMA |
TRMTRA | Link Table of R/3 Proposal Pool |
TRMWRK | Administration of Worklists for the Proposal Pool |
TRMWUL | TRM: TRM entry where-used list |
SAP Package STRQ contains 11 structures.
LTRAN_AUTO | TRM: Automatic distribution result display structure |
TRMAUT_S | TRM: Automatic distribution parameter display structure |
TRMBIG | TRM: Text search result transfer structure |
TRMDEVCS | Development Classes in Proposal Pool Environment |
TRMFUZ | TRM: Structure for Transferring Fuzzy Search Results Lists |
TRMFUZ_S | TRM: Structure for overview of fuzzy indices |
TRMIDX_S | TRM-IDX: Table TRMIDX display structure |
TRMOBJTS | Object Types in Proposal Pool Environment |
TRMOVIEW | Display structure for overview in STMA |
TRMSTA_S | TRM statistics: Table TRMSTA display structure |
TRMTREEITM | Translation Memory: General Tree Structure |
SAP Package STRQ contains 4 programs.
RSEXPTRM | Proposal Pool: Program to Export the New Proposal Pool to a File |
RSFUZTRM_ACTIVATE | Program to Convert to the New Fuzzy Search (RFC) |
RSIMPTRM | Proposal Pool: Program to Import the New Proposal Pool from File |
SAP Package STRQ contains 1 message classes.
LQ | Translation Memory Management |